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1140 lines
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1140 lines
35 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include "cxxopts.hpp"
#include "Mesh3D.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "happly.h"
#include "Tree.h"
using namespace MeshLib;
#define MIN_PATCH_AREA 1e-4
std::string GetFileExtension(const std::string& FileName)
if (FileName.find_last_of(".") != std::string::npos)
return FileName.substr(FileName.find_last_of(".") + 1);
return "";
bool load_feature_file(const char* filename, std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& ungrouped_feature)
std::ifstream ifs(filename);
if (!ifs.is_open())
std::cout << "Cannot Open Input Feature File" << std::endl;
return false;
//fea file: first part
int pair_size = 0;
ifs >> pair_size;
std::pair<int, int> tmp_pair(-1, -1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pair_size; i++)
ifs >> tmp_pair.first >> tmp_pair.second;
return true;
void save_feature_file(const char* filename, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& ungrouped_feature)
std::ofstream ofs(filename);
ofs << ungrouped_feature.size() << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ungrouped_feature.size(); i++)
ofs << ungrouped_feature[i].first << " " << ungrouped_feature[i].second << std::endl;
void save_conf_file(const char* filename, const std::string str, bool flag_convex = true)
std::ofstream ofs(filename);
ofs << "csg{\n list = ";
ofs << str << std::endl;
ofs << " flag_convex = " << int(flag_convex) << "," << std::endl;
ofs << "}";
int check_mesh_edge_convex(Mesh3d* m, HE_edge<double>* he)
//return 0: smooth, 1: convex, 2: concave
int hetri_vertidsum = 0, hepairtri_vertidsum = 0;
if (m->is_on_boundary(he))
return 0;
HE_edge<double>* begin_edge = he;
HE_edge<double>* edge = he;
hetri_vertidsum += edge->vert->id;
edge = edge->next;
} while (edge != begin_edge);
begin_edge = he->pair;
edge = he->pair;
hepairtri_vertidsum += edge->vert->id;
edge = edge->next;
} while (edge != begin_edge);
int hetri_otherid = hetri_vertidsum - he->vert->id - he->pair->vert->id;
int hepairtri_otherid = hepairtri_vertidsum - he->vert->id - he->pair->vert->id;
double product = he->face->normal.Dot(m->get_vertices_list()->at(hetri_otherid)->pos - m->get_vertices_list()->at(hepairtri_otherid)->pos);
double face_cos_value = he->face->normal.Dot(he->pair->face->normal);
int res = 0;
if (product > 0.0)
if (face_cos_value < th_smooth_cos_value)
res = 1;
//return true;
if (face_cos_value < th_smooth_cos_value)
res = 2;
//return false;
return res;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
cxxopts::Options options("FeaturedModelPointSample", "Point Sampling program for featured CAD models (author: Haoxiang Guo, Email:");
.positional_help("[optional args]")
("i,input", "input mesh (obj/off format)", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("f,feature", "input feature file (fea format)", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("p,pointcloud", "input pointcloud", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("pf", "face of input pointcloud", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("o,output", "output mesh/points (obj/off/points/xyz format)", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("k,mask", "output mask file (txt format)", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("fs", "number of samples on feature edges(default: 10000)", cxxopts::value<int>())
("ns", "number of samples on non-feature faces(default: 40000)", cxxopts::value<int>())
("m,mode", "processing mode: 0 for normalization and 1 for feature sample", cxxopts::value<int>())
("c,color", "whether coloring is used, 0: not used, 1: used, default: 0", cxxopts::value<int>())
("mp", "maximum number of patches in each colored cluster, only work for csg, default -1(no upper bound)", cxxopts::value<int>())
("cot", "whether cotangent weight is used for sampling, 0: not used, 1: used, default: 0", cxxopts::value<int>())
("s,sigma", "sigma for noisy points position, default 0.0", cxxopts::value<double>())
("sn", "sigma for noisy points normal in degrees, default 0.0", cxxopts::value<double>())
("csg", "whether generating csg tree for model, default: 0", cxxopts::value<int>())
("convex", "whether the first layer is convex, default: 0", cxxopts::value<int>())
("r,repairturn", "whether the turn vertex are repaired, default: 1", cxxopts::value<int>())
("verbose", "verbose setting, default: 0", cxxopts::value<int>())
("strict", "treat all edges as either strictly convex or concave")
("repairtree", "repair tree feature")
("h,help", "print help");
auto result = options.parse(argc, argv);
if (result.count("help"))
std::cout <<{ "", "Group" }) << std::endl;
int n_nonfeature_sample = 50000;
int n_feature_sample = 0;
int min_sample_perpatch = 50;
double sigma = -1.0;
double sigma_n = -1.0;
int processing_mode = result["m"].as<int>();
assert(result.count("i") && result.count("o"));
auto& inputfile = result["i"].as<std::string>();
auto& outputfile = result["o"].as<std::string>();
//output pts by colors
int last_dot = (int)outputfile.find_last_of(".");
auto output_prefix = outputfile.substr(0, last_dot);
int flag_csg = 0;
bool flag_sample_pts = true; //simply generate mask and csg tree of a given point cloud
if (result.count("p"))
flag_sample_pts = false;
std::string inputext = GetFileExtension(inputfile);
Mesh3d mesh;
if (inputext == "obj")
else if (inputext == "off")
std::cout << "verts: " << mesh.get_vertices_list()->size() << " face: " << mesh.get_faces_list()->size() << std::endl;
bool flag_verbose = false;
if (result.count("verbose"))
flag_verbose = (bool)result["verbose"].as<int>();
bool flag_strict = false;
if (result.count("strict"))
flag_strict = true;
if (processing_mode == 0)
//normalization part begin
//[-0.9, 0.9]^3
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> pts_nl(mesh.get_vertices_list()->size());
double max_range = mesh.xmax - mesh.xmin;
max_range = max_range < (mesh.ymax - mesh.ymin) ? (mesh.ymax - mesh.ymin) : max_range;
max_range = max_range < (mesh.zmax - mesh.zmin) ? (mesh.zmax - mesh.zmin) : max_range;
double xcenter = (mesh.xmin + mesh.xmax) / 2;
double ycenter = (mesh.ymin + mesh.ymax) / 2;
double zcenter = (mesh.zmin + mesh.zmax) / 2;
std::cout << "center " << xcenter << " " << ycenter << " " << zcenter << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh.get_vertices_list()->size(); i++)
mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->pos[0] = (mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->pos[0] - xcenter) / max_range * 1.8;
mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->pos[1] = (mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->pos[1] - ycenter) / max_range * 1.8;
mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->pos[2] = (mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->pos[2] - zcenter) / max_range * 1.8;
//output mesh
std::string outputext = GetFileExtension(outputfile);
if (outputext == "obj")
else if (outputext == "off")
return 1;
else if (processing_mode == 1)
//first sample feature parts then non-feature parts
//feature: 0
//non feature: 1,2,3...indicating coloring
assert(result.count("f") && result.count("k"));
auto& inputfeaturefile = result["f"].as<std::string>();
auto& outputmaskfile = result["k"].as<std::string>();
if (result.count("fs"))
n_feature_sample = result["fs"].as<int>();
if (result.count("ns"))
n_nonfeature_sample = result["ns"].as<int>();
if (result.count("s"))
sigma = result["s"].as<double>();
if (result.count("sn"))
sigma_n = result["sn"].as<double>();
bool flag_repair_turn_features = true;
if (result.count("r"))
flag_repair_turn_features = result["r"].as<int>();
bool flag_repair_tree_features = false;
if (result.count("repairtree"))
flag_repair_tree_features = true;
if (result.count("csg"))
flag_csg = result["csg"].as<int>();
bool flag_skip_hanging_features = false; //not skipping hanging features
std::vector<int> sample_mask;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> ungrouped_features;
load_feature_file(inputfeaturefile.c_str(), ungrouped_features);
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> sample_pts, sample_pt_normals;
std::vector<size_t> sample_pts_tris; //used for assign labels of sample pts
if (!flag_sample_pts)
auto& inputpcfile = result["p"].as<std::string>();
load_xyz_file(inputpcfile.c_str(), sample_pts, sample_pt_normals);
sample_pts_tris.resize(sample_pts.size(), 0);
if (result.count("pf"))
auto& inputpffile = result["pf"].as<std::string>();
std::ifstream ifs(inputpffile);
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < sample_pts.size(); ii++)
ifs >> sample_pts_tris[ii];
//search id by aabb
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> tri_verts;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> tri_faces;
get_mesh_vert_faces(mesh, tri_verts, tri_faces);
Eigen::MatrixXd input_pts(tri_verts.size(), 3);
Eigen::MatrixXi input_faces(tri_faces.size(), 3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tri_verts.size(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
input_pts(i, j) = tri_verts[i][j];
for (size_t i = 0; i < tri_faces.size(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
input_faces(i, j) = tri_faces[i][j];
std::vector<vec3d> closest;
std::vector<double> dist;
compute_shortest_dist_AABB(input_pts, input_faces, sample_pts, closest, dist, sample_pts_tris);
//skip elements with no features
if (flag_csg && ungrouped_features.empty())
std::cout << "empty feature file: " << inputfeaturefile << std::endl;
return 1;
//feature check: no hanging feature
std::vector<std::vector<int>> feature_v2he(mesh.get_num_of_vertices()); //id of hes ematating from each vertex
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> ungrouped_features_new;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ungrouped_features.size(); i++)
int id0 = ungrouped_features[i].first;
int id1 = ungrouped_features[i].second;
HE_edge<double>* begin_edge = mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id0)->edge;
HE_edge<double>* edge = mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id0)->edge;
bool flag_found = false;
if (id1 == edge->vert->id)
flag_found = true;
edge = edge->pair->next;
} while (edge != begin_edge);
//assert(flag_found == true);
if (flag_found == true)
if (ungrouped_features.size() != ungrouped_features_new.size())
ungrouped_features = ungrouped_features_new;
std::vector<size_t> turn_verts, hanging_verts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh.get_num_of_vertices(); i++)
if (feature_v2he[i].size() == 1)
std::cout << "input file: " << inputfile << std::endl;
std::cout << "hanging vertex exists: " << i << std::endl;
std::ofstream ofs(inputfile + "hanging");
else if (feature_v2he[i].size() == 2)
//check edge convex status
int flag_convex_edge0 = check_mesh_edge_convex(&mesh, mesh.get_edges_list()->at(feature_v2he[i][0]));
int flag_convex_edge1 = check_mesh_edge_convex(&mesh, mesh.get_edges_list()->at(feature_v2he[i][1]));
if (flag_convex_edge0 * flag_convex_edge1 != 0 && flag_convex_edge0 != flag_convex_edge1)
std::ofstream ofs(inputfile + "turn");
std::cout << "input file: " << inputfile << std::endl;
std::cout << "turn vertex exists: " << i << std::endl;
//do not handle hanging vertex
if (flag_skip_hanging_features && !hanging_verts.empty())
return 0;
//feature parts first
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 e2(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> unif_dist(0, 1);
std::vector<double> feature_length(ungrouped_features.size(), 0.0);
double total_feature_length = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ungrouped_features.size(); i++)
int id0 = ungrouped_features[i].first;
int id1 = ungrouped_features[i].second;
feature_length[i] = (mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id0)->pos - mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id1)->pos).Length();
total_feature_length += feature_length[i];
std::vector<double> line_bound(ungrouped_features.size() + 1, 0.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ungrouped_features.size(); i++)
line_bound[i + 1] = line_bound[i] + feature_length[i] / total_feature_length;
if (flag_sample_pts)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_feature_sample; i++)
double u = unif_dist(e2);
auto iter = std::upper_bound(line_bound.begin(), line_bound.end(), u);
int fid = (int)std::distance(line_bound.begin(), iter);
assert(fid != ungrouped_features.size() + 1);
fid = std::max(0, fid - 1);
int id0 = ungrouped_features[fid].first;
int id1 = ungrouped_features[fid].second;
double s = unif_dist(e2);
sample_pts.push_back(s * mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id0)->pos + (1.0 - s) * mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id1)->pos);
sample_pt_normals.push_back(TinyVector<double, 3>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
std::vector<TinyVector<size_t, 3>> tri_verts(mesh.get_faces_list()->size());
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> tri_normals;
//get tri list
for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh.get_faces_list()->size(); i++)
HE_edge<double>* begin_edge = mesh.get_faces_list()->at(i)->edge;
HE_edge<double>* edge = mesh.get_faces_list()->at(i)->edge;
int local_id = 0;
tri_verts[i][local_id++] = edge->pair->vert->id;
edge = edge->next;
} while (edge != begin_edge);
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> vert_pos;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh.get_vertices_list()->size(); i++)
//cluster faces: assuming the features are all close
std::vector<bool> he_feature_flag(mesh.get_edges_list()->size(), false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ungrouped_features.size(); i++)
int id0 = ungrouped_features[i].first;
int id1 = ungrouped_features[i].second;
//iterate over all verts emanating from id0
HE_edge<double>* edge = mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id0)->edge;
if (edge->vert->id == id1)
edge = edge->pair->next;
} while (edge != mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(id0)->edge);
assert(edge->vert->id == id1);
he_feature_flag[edge->id] = true;
he_feature_flag[edge->pair->id] = true;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> grouped_features; //grouped features: only one he of a pair is stored
std::vector<int> he2gid;
get_grouped_edges(mesh, he_feature_flag, feature_v2he, grouped_features, he2gid);
if (flag_repair_turn_features && !turn_verts.empty())
//repair turning-point features
std::vector<bool> flag_feature_points(mesh.get_vertices_list()->size(), false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < he_feature_flag.size(); i++)
if (he_feature_flag[i])
flag_feature_points[mesh.get_edges_list()->at(i)->vert->id] = true;
//repair turn vertex
for (size_t i = 0; i < turn_verts.size(); i++)
size_t cur_vert = turn_verts[i];
std::vector<bool> flag_feature_points_tmp = flag_feature_points;
size_t cur_group = he2gid[feature_v2he[cur_vert][0]];
for (auto heid : grouped_features[cur_group])
flag_feature_points_tmp[mesh.get_edges_list()->at(heid)->vert->id] = false;
flag_feature_points_tmp[mesh.get_edges_list()->at(heid)->pair->vert->id] = false;
//distance from cur_vert to all other verts
std::vector<size_t> prev_map;
std::vector<double> dist;
dijkstra_mesh(&mesh, cur_vert, prev_map, dist);
std::set<std::pair<double, size_t>> dist_id_set;
for (size_t j = 0; j < flag_feature_points_tmp.size(); j++)
if (flag_feature_points_tmp[j])
dist_id_set.insert(std::pair<double, size_t>(dist[j], j));
for (auto& dist_id : dist_id_set)
size_t nnvid = dist_id.second;
bool flag_usable = true;
std::vector<HE_edge<double>*> tmp_hes;
//add path from nnvid to cur_vert
while (nnvid != cur_vert)
size_t prev_vert = prev_map[nnvid];
HE_edge<double>* begin_edge = mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(nnvid)->edge;
HE_edge<double>* edge = begin_edge;
if (edge->vert->id == prev_vert)
edge = edge->pair->next;
} while (edge != begin_edge);
assert(edge->vert->id == prev_vert);
if (he_feature_flag[edge->id])
flag_usable = false;
nnvid = prev_vert;
if (flag_usable)
for (auto he : tmp_hes)
ungrouped_features.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(he->vert->id, he->pair->vert->id));
he_feature_flag[he->id] = true;
he_feature_flag[he->pair->id] = true;
//save repaired features
save_feature_file((output_prefix + "_repairturn.fea").c_str(), ungrouped_features);
std::vector<int> face_color_init(mesh.get_faces_list()->size(), -1); //starting from 1
std::vector<std::vector<int>> face_clusters;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> feature_twoface_colors;//color of faces on two sides of the feature, *.first < *.second
int start_id = 0;
int cluster_id = 1;
while (start_id != -1)
std::vector<int> onecluster;
std::queue<int> q;
face_color_init[start_id] = cluster_id;
while (!q.empty())
int front = q.front();
HE_edge<double>* edge = mesh.get_faces_list()->at(front)->edge;
if (he_feature_flag[edge->id] == false)
//not feature
int pair_fid = edge->pair->face->id;
if (face_color_init[pair_fid] == -1)
face_color_init[pair_fid] = cluster_id;
edge = edge->next;
} while (edge != mesh.get_faces_list()->at(front)->edge);
start_id = -1;
//find next start_id
for (size_t i = 0; i < face_color_init.size(); i++)
if (face_color_init[i] == -1)
start_id = i;
std::vector<int> face_color = face_color_init; //starting from 1
//check face area
std::vector<double> tri_areas;
get_all_tri_area(mesh, tri_areas);
std::vector<double> patch_areas(cluster_id, 0.0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < face_color.size(); i++)
patch_areas[face_color[i]] += tri_areas[i];
if (*std::min_element(patch_areas.begin() + 1, patch_areas.end()) < MIN_PATCH_AREA)
std::cout << "too small patch area : " << *std::min_element(patch_areas.begin() + 1, patch_areas.end()) << std::endl;
std::ofstream ofs(output_prefix + "smallpatch");
int n_color = cluster_id;
bool flag_coloring = false;
if (result.count("c"))
flag_coloring = result["c"].as<int>();
bool flag_first_convex = false;
if (result.count("convex"))
flag_first_convex = result["convex"].as<int>();
if (flag_coloring && !flag_csg)
std::vector<std::set<size_t>> connectivity(cluster_id - 1);
//color - 1
//here assume faces on both sides of a feature belongs to df patches
for (size_t i = 0; i < he_feature_flag.size(); i++)
if (he_feature_flag[i])
HE_edge<double>* e1 = mesh.get_edges_list()->at(i);
HE_edge<double>* e2 = e1->pair;
if (face_color_init[e1->face->id] == face_color_init[e2->face->id]) continue;
connectivity[face_color_init[e1->face->id] - 1].insert(face_color_init[e2->face->id] - 1);
//print graph
std::cout << "graph:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < connectivity.size(); i++)
std::cout << i + 1 << ": ";
for (auto v : connectivity[i])
std::cout << v + 1 << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> colored_vertices;
greedy_graph_coloring(cluster_id - 1, connectivity, colored_vertices);
std::cout << "number of colors: " << colored_vertices.size() << std::endl;
n_color = colored_vertices.size() + 1;
//update face_color
for (size_t i = 0; i < colored_vertices.size(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < colored_vertices[i].size(); j++)
size_t local_id = colored_vertices[i][j];
for (size_t k = 0; k < face_clusters[local_id].size(); k++)
face_color[face_clusters[local_id][k]] = i + 1;
if (flag_csg)
//coloring is based on vertices
std::vector<std::set<size_t>> connectivity(cluster_id - 1);
std::vector<std::set<size_t>> connectivity_v(cluster_id - 1); //connectivity based on vertices
std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, double> fp2product;
//construct csg tree by voting
std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, int> flag_fpconvex; //0: smooth, 1: convex, 2:concave
//color - 1
//face pair convexity is determined by grouped edges
std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> ge2count(grouped_features.size(), std::array<int, 3>{0, 0, 0});
std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, std::set<int>> fp2ge; //face pair to grouped edges
for (size_t i = 0; i < he_feature_flag.size(); i++)
if (he_feature_flag[i])
HE_edge<double>* e1 = mesh.get_edges_list()->at(i);
HE_edge<double>* e2 = e1->pair;
if (face_color_init[e1->face->id] != face_color_init[e2->face->id])
connectivity[face_color_init[e1->face->id] - 1].insert(face_color_init[e2->face->id] - 1);
size_t fid1 = face_color_init[e1->face->id], fid2 = face_color_init[e2->face->id]; //starting from zero
size_t minfid = std::min(fid1, fid2);
size_t maxfid = std::max(fid1, fid2);
//triangle face
size_t tfid1 = e1->face->id, tfid2 = e2->face->id;
size_t ev1 = e1->vert->id, ev2 = e2->vert->id;
size_t tv1 = tri_verts[tfid1][0] + tri_verts[tfid1][1] + tri_verts[tfid1][2] - ev1 - ev2;
size_t tv2 = tri_verts[tfid2][0] + tri_verts[tfid2][1] + tri_verts[tfid2][2] - ev1 - ev2;
double product = e1->face->normal.Dot(vert_pos[tv2] - vert_pos[tv1]);
std::pair<size_t, size_t> tmp_pair(minfid - 1, maxfid - 1);
auto it = fp2product.find(tmp_pair);
if (it == fp2product.end())
fp2product[tmp_pair] = product;
fp2product[tmp_pair] += product;
double tmp_cos = e1->face->normal.Dot(e2->face->normal);
int gid = he2gid[i];
if (fp2ge.find(tmp_pair) == fp2ge.end())
fp2ge[tmp_pair] = std::set<int>();
if (product < 0.0)
if (tmp_cos < th_smooth_cos_value)
if (tmp_cos < th_smooth_cos_value)
//init connectivity_v
connectivity_v = connectivity;
for (size_t i = 0; i < feature_v2he.size(); i++)
if (feature_v2he[i].size() > 2)
//vertex with degree larger than 3
HE_edge<double>* ve_begin = mesh.get_vertices_list()->at(i)->edge;
assert(ve_begin->pair->vert->id == i);
HE_edge<double>* ve_iter = ve_begin;
std::set<size_t> surounding_cs;
surounding_cs.insert(face_color_init[ve_iter->face->id] -1);
ve_iter = ve_iter->pair->next;
} while (ve_iter != ve_begin);
std::vector<size_t> surounding_cs_vector(surounding_cs.begin(), surounding_cs.end());
for (size_t it = 0; it < surounding_cs_vector.size() - 1; it++)
size_t cur_fid = surounding_cs_vector[it];
for (size_t it1 = it + 1; it1 < surounding_cs_vector.size(); it1++)
size_t n_fid = surounding_cs_vector[it1];
if (flag_strict)
for (auto& p : fp2product)
if (p.second < 0.0)
flag_fpconvex[p.first] = 1;
flag_fpconvex[p.first] = 2;
//get face pair connectivity by grouped edges
bool flag_valid_seg = true;
std::set<size_t> invalid_seg_patches;
std::vector<int> ge2convex(grouped_features.size(), 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < grouped_features.size(); i++)
int maxid = -1, max_num = -1;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
if (ge2count[i][ii] > max_num)
max_num = ge2count[i][ii];
maxid = ii;
ge2convex[i] = maxid;
for (auto& p : fp2ge)
std::set<int> cur_strict_convex_types;
for (auto gid : p.second)
if (ge2convex[gid] != 0)
if (cur_strict_convex_types.size() >= 2)
flag_valid_seg = false;
else if (cur_strict_convex_types.size() == 0)
flag_fpconvex[p.first] = 0; //smooth
//only one left
flag_fpconvex[p.first] = *cur_strict_convex_types.begin();
if (!flag_valid_seg)
std::ofstream ofs(inputfile + "treefail");
std::cout << "invalid segmentation " << output_prefix << std::endl;
repair_tree_features_maxflow(mesh, face_color, std::vector<size_t>(invalid_seg_patches.begin(), invalid_seg_patches.end()), ungrouped_features);
| + "_fixtree.fea");
ofs << ungrouped_features.size() << std::endl;
for (auto& pp : ungrouped_features)
ofs << pp.first << " " << pp.second << std::endl;
mesh.write_obj((output_prefix + "_fixtree.obj").c_str());
return 1;
if (flag_verbose)
std::cout << "dual graph ori:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < connectivity.size(); i++)
std::cout << i << ": ";
for (auto v : connectivity[i])
std::cout << v << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "edge convex flag: " << std::endl;
for (auto& p : flag_fpconvex)
std::cout << "edge: " << p.first.first << "-" << p.first.second << " : " << p.second << std::endl;
//print graph
TreeNode<size_t> *tree = new TreeNode<size_t>;
bool flag_convex = true;
//convex flag is set to true by default, but if the model contains multiple component, then it is set to false
//if all features are concave, then flag_convex set to false
bool flag_with_convex = false;
for (const auto &it : flag_fpconvex)
if (it.second == 1)
flag_with_convex = true;
if (!flag_with_convex)
flag_convex = false;
std::vector<std::set<size_t>> components;
get_graph_component(connectivity, components);
bool flag_construct_tree = true;
std::vector<size_t> invalid_subgraph;
if (components.size() == 1)
flag_construct_tree = get_tree_from_convex_graph(connectivity, flag_fpconvex, flag_convex, tree, 0, invalid_subgraph);
//try with !flag_convex root node, no longer used.
/*if (!flag_construct_tree)
delete tree;
tree = new TreeNode<size_t>;
flag_construct_tree = get_tree_from_convex_graph(connectivity, flag_fpconvex, !flag_convex, tree, 0, invalid_subgraph);
if (!flag_construct_tree)
std::ofstream ofs(inputfile + "treefail");
std::cout << "tree construction failed for model " << inputfile << std::endl;
//failure case
if (flag_repair_tree_features) //to check for all feature
repair_tree_features_maxflow(mesh, face_color, invalid_subgraph, ungrouped_features);
| + "_fixtree.fea");
ofs << ungrouped_features.size() << std::endl;
for (auto& pp : ungrouped_features)
ofs << pp.first << " " << pp.second << std::endl;
mesh.write_obj((output_prefix + "_fixtree.obj").c_str());
return 1;
std::cout << "convex status: " << flag_convex << std::endl;
if (flag_coloring)
int max_patch_per_cluster = -1;
if (result.count("mp"))
max_patch_per_cluster = result["mp"].as<int>();
std::vector<size_t> cluster_color(connectivity_v.size(), -1);
n_color = tree_coloring<size_t>(tree, connectivity_v, cluster_color, 0, max_patch_per_cluster) + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < face_clusters.size(); i++)
size_t cc = cluster_color[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < face_clusters[i].size(); j++)
face_color[face_clusters[i][j]] = cc + 1;
update_tree_color(cluster_color, tree);
std::string tree_str = convert_tree_to_string<size_t>(tree);
save_conf_file((output_prefix + "_csg.conf").c_str(), tree_str, flag_convex);
//sampling on triangles
std::vector<double> tri_mean_curvature_normalize(tri_verts.size(), 0.0);
if (result.count("cot"))
//compute tri_mean_curvature
std::vector<double> vert_curvature;
compute_vert_mean_curvature(vert_pos, tri_verts, vert_curvature);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tri_verts.size(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
tri_mean_curvature_normalize[i] += vert_curvature[tri_verts[i][j]];
auto maxele = std::max_element(begin(tri_mean_curvature_normalize), end(tri_mean_curvature_normalize));
auto minele = std::min_element(begin(tri_mean_curvature_normalize), end(tri_mean_curvature_normalize));
std::cout << "min curvature: " << *minele << " max curvature: " << *maxele << std::endl;
double diff = *maxele - *minele;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tri_verts.size(); i++)
tri_mean_curvature_normalize[i] = (tri_mean_curvature_normalize[i] - *minele) / diff;
//first sample at least min_pts_per_patch pts from each patch
if (flag_sample_pts)
int max_face_color = *std::max_element(face_color.begin(), face_color.end());
std::cout << "num of patches: " << max_face_color << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 1; i < max_face_color + 1; i++)
std::vector<TinyVector<size_t, 3>> cur_faces;
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> cur_normals;
for (size_t j = 0; j < face_color.size(); j++)
if (face_color[j] == i)
std::vector<int> cur_face_mask(cur_faces.size(), i);
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> cur_sample_pts, cur_sample_normals;
std::vector<int> cur_sample_masks;
sample_pts_from_mesh(vert_pos, cur_faces, cur_normals, cur_face_mask, min_sample_perpatch, cur_sample_pts, cur_sample_normals, cur_sample_masks, sigma, sigma_n);
sample_pts.insert(sample_pts.end(), cur_sample_pts.begin(), cur_sample_pts.end());
sample_pt_normals.insert(sample_pt_normals.end(), cur_sample_normals.begin(), cur_sample_normals.end());
sample_mask.insert(sample_mask.end(), cur_sample_masks.begin(), cur_sample_masks.end());
if (sample_mask.size() < n_nonfeature_sample)
//sample the rest
std::vector<TinyVector<double, 3>> cur_sample_pts, cur_sample_normals;
std::vector<int> cur_sample_masks;
sample_pts_from_mesh(vert_pos, tri_verts, tri_normals, face_color, n_nonfeature_sample - sample_mask.size(), cur_sample_pts, cur_sample_normals, cur_sample_masks, sigma, sigma_n);
sample_pts.insert(sample_pts.end(), cur_sample_pts.begin(), cur_sample_pts.end());
sample_pt_normals.insert(sample_pt_normals.end(), cur_sample_normals.begin(), cur_sample_normals.end());
sample_mask.insert(sample_mask.end(), cur_sample_masks.begin(), cur_sample_masks.end());
std::cout << "too many patches for model: " << inputfile << std::endl;
std::ofstream outputsamples(outputfile.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_pts.size(); i++)
outputsamples << sample_pts[i] << " " << sample_pt_normals[i] << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_pts_tris.size(); i++)
//output ply
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> branch_color;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_color; i++)
branch_color.push_back(std::array<double, 3>{ {unif_dist(e2), unif_dist(e2), unif_dist(e2)}});
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> meshVertexPositions;
std::vector<std::array<double, 3>> meshVertexColors;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_pts.size(); i++)
meshVertexPositions.push_back(std::array<double, 3>{ {sample_pts[i][0], sample_pts[i][1], sample_pts[i][2]}});
// Create an empty object
happly::PLYData plyOut;
// Add mesh data (elements are created automatically)
// Write the object to file
plyOut.write(output_prefix + "_patch_"+ std::to_string(n_color - 1) +".ply", happly::DataFormat::ASCII);
std::ofstream outputmask(outputmaskfile.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_mask.size(); i++)
outputmask << sample_mask[i] << std::endl;
//output face seg id: starting from 0
| + "_fid.txt");
for (size_t i = 0; i < face_color.size(); i++)
outputmask << face_color[i] - 1 << std::endl;
return 1;
catch (const cxxopts::OptionException& e)
std::cout << "error parsing options: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;