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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
// This is an implementation of Brent's Method for computing a root of a
// function on an interval [t0,t1] for which F(t0)*F(t1) < 0. The method
// uses inverse quadratic interpolation to generate a root estimate but
// falls back to inverse linear interpolation (secant method) if
// necessary. Moreover, based on previous iterates, the method will fall
// back to bisection when it appears the interpolated estimate is not of
// sufficient quality.
// maxIterations:
// The maximum number of iterations used to locate a root. This
// should be positive.
// negFTolerance, posFTolerance:
// The root estimate t is accepted when the function value F(t)
// satisfies negFTolerance <= F(t) <= posFTolerance. The values
// must satisfy: negFTolerance <= 0, posFTolerance >= 0.
// stepTTolerance:
// Brent's Method requires additional tests before an interpolated
// t-value is accepted as the next root estimate. One of these
// tests compares the difference of consecutive iterates and
// requires it to be larger than a user-specified t-tolerance (to
// ensure progress is made). This parameter is that tolerance
// and should be nonnegative.
// convTTolerance:
// The root search is allowed to terminate when the current
// subinterval [tsub0,tsub1] is sufficiently small, say,
// |tsub1 - tsub0| <= tolerance. This parameter is that tolerance
// and should be nonnegative.
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class RootsBrentsMethod
// It is necessary that F(t0)*F(t1) <= 0, in which case the function
// returns 'true' and the 'root' is valid; otherwise, the function
// returns 'false' and 'root' is invalid (do not use it). When
// F(t0)*F(t1) > 0, the interval may very well contain a root but we
// cannot know that. The function also returns 'false' if t0 >= t1.
static bool Find(std::function<Real(Real)> const& F, Real t0, Real t1,
unsigned int maxIterations, Real negFTolerance, Real posFTolerance,
Real stepTTolerance, Real convTTolerance, Real& root)
// Parameter validation.
if (t1 <= t0
|| maxIterations == 0
|| negFTolerance > (Real)0
|| posFTolerance < (Real)0
|| stepTTolerance < (Real)0
|| convTTolerance < (Real)0)
// The input is invalid.
return false;
Real f0 = F(t0);
if (negFTolerance <= f0 && f0 <= posFTolerance)
// This endpoint is an approximate root that satisfies the
// function tolerance.
root = t0;
return true;
Real f1 = F(t1);
if (negFTolerance <= f1 && f1 <= posFTolerance)
// This endpoint is an approximate root that satisfies the
// function tolerance.
root = t1;
return true;
if (f0 * f1 > (Real)0)
// The input interval must bound a root.
return false;
if (std::fabs(f0) < std::fabs(f1))
// Swap t0 and t1 so that |F(t1)| <= |F(t0)|. The number t1
// is considered to be the best estimate of the root.
std::swap(t0, t1);
std::swap(f0, f1);
// Initialize values for the root search.
Real t2 = t0, t3 = t0, f2 = f0;
bool prevBisected = true;
// The root search.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i)
Real fDiff01 = f0 - f1, fDiff02 = f0 - f2, fDiff12 = f1 - f2;
Real invFDiff01 = ((Real)1) / fDiff01;
Real s;
if (fDiff02 != (Real)0 && fDiff12 != (Real)0)
// Use inverse quadratic interpolation.
Real infFDiff02 = ((Real)1) / fDiff02;
Real invFDiff12 = ((Real)1) / fDiff12;
s =
t0 * f1 * f2 * invFDiff01 * infFDiff02 -
t1 * f0 * f2 * invFDiff01 * invFDiff12 +
t2 * f0 * f1 * infFDiff02 * invFDiff12;
// Use inverse linear interpolation (secant method).
s = (t1 * f0 - t0 * f1) * invFDiff01;
// Compute values need in the accept-or-reject tests.
Real tDiffSAvr = s - ((Real)0.75) * t0 - ((Real)0.25) * t1;
Real tDiffS1 = s - t1;
Real absTDiffS1 = std::fabs(tDiffS1);
Real absTDiff12 = std::fabs(t1 - t2);
Real absTDiff23 = std::fabs(t2 - t3);
bool currBisected = false;
if (tDiffSAvr * tDiffS1 > (Real)0)
// The value s is not between 0.75*t0 + 0.25*t1 and t1.
// NOTE: The algorithm sometimes has t0 < t1 but sometimes
// t1 < t0, so the between-ness test does not use simple
// comparisons.
currBisected = true;
else if (prevBisected)
// The first of Brent's tests to determine whether to
// accept the interpolated s-value.
currBisected =
(absTDiffS1 >= ((Real)0.5) * absTDiff12) ||
(absTDiff12 <= stepTTolerance);
// The second of Brent's tests to determine whether to
// accept the interpolated s-value.
currBisected =
(absTDiffS1 >= ((Real)0.5) * absTDiff23) ||
(absTDiff23 <= stepTTolerance);
if (currBisected)
// One of the additional tests failed, so reject the
// interpolated s-value and use bisection instead.
s = ((Real)0.5) * (t0 + t1);
if (s == t0 || s == t1)
// The numbers t0 and t1 are consecutive
// floating-point numbers.
root = s;
return true;
prevBisected = true;
prevBisected = false;
// Evaluate the function at the new estimate and test for
// convergence.
Real fs = F(s);
if (negFTolerance <= fs && fs <= posFTolerance)
root = s;
return true;
// Update the subinterval to include the new estimate as an
// endpoint.
t3 = t2;
t2 = t1;
f2 = f1;
if (f0 * fs < (Real)0)
t1 = s;
f1 = fs;
t0 = s;
f0 = fs;
// Allow the algorithm to terminate when the subinterval is
// sufficiently small.
if (std::fabs(t1 - t0) <= convTTolerance)
root = t1;
return true;
// A loop invariant is that t1 is the root estimate,
// F(t0)*F(t1) < 0 and |F(t1)| <= |F(t0)|.
if (std::fabs(f0) < std::fabs(f1))
std::swap(t0, t1);
std::swap(f0, f1);
// Failed to converge in the specified number of iterations.
return false;