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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Logger.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class Polynomial1
// Construction and destruction. The first constructor creates a
// polynomial of the specified degree but sets all coefficients to
// zero (to ensure initialization). You are responsible for setting
// the coefficients, presumably with the degree-term set to a nonzero
// number. In the second constructor, the degree is the number of
// initializers plus 1, but then adjusted so that coefficient[degree]
// is not zero (unless all initializer values are zero).
Polynomial1(unsigned int degree = 0)
mCoefficient(degree + 1, (Real)0)
Polynomial1(std::initializer_list<Real> values)
// C++ 11 will call the default constructor for
// Polynomial1<Real> p{}, so it is guaranteed that
// values.size() > 0.
std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), mCoefficient.begin());
// Support for partial construction, where the default constructor is
// used when the degree is not yet known. The coefficients are
// uninitialized.
void SetDegree(unsigned int degree)
mCoefficient.resize(degree + 1);
// Set all coefficients to the specified value.
void SetCoefficients(Real value)
std::fill(mCoefficient.begin(), mCoefficient.end(), value);
// Member access.
inline unsigned int GetDegree() const
// By design, mCoefficient.size() > 0.
return static_cast<unsigned int>(mCoefficient.size() - 1);
inline Real const& operator[](unsigned int i) const
return mCoefficient[i];
inline Real& operator[](unsigned int i)
return mCoefficient[i];
// Comparisons.
inline bool operator==(Polynomial1<Real> const& p) const
return mCoefficient == p.mCoefficient;
inline bool operator!=(Polynomial1<Real> const& p) const
return mCoefficient != p.mCoefficient;
inline bool operator< (Polynomial1<Real> const& p) const
return mCoefficient < p.mCoefficient;
inline bool operator<=(Polynomial1<Real> const& p) const
return mCoefficient <= p.mCoefficient;
inline bool operator> (Polynomial1<Real> const& p) const
return mCoefficient > p.mCoefficient;
inline bool operator>=(Polynomial1<Real> const& p) const
return mCoefficient >= p.mCoefficient;
// Evaluate the polynomial. If the polynomial is invalid, the
// function returns zero.
Real operator()(Real t) const
int i = static_cast<int>(mCoefficient.size());
Real result = mCoefficient[--i];
for (--i; i >= 0; --i)
result *= t;
result += mCoefficient[i];
return result;
// Compute the derivative of the polynomial.
Polynomial1 GetDerivative() const
unsigned int const degree = GetDegree();
if (degree > 0)
Polynomial1 result(degree - 1);
for (unsigned int i0 = 0, i1 = 1; i0 < degree; ++i0, ++i1)
result.mCoefficient[i0] = mCoefficient[i1] * (Real)i1;
return result;
Polynomial1 result(0);
result[0] = (Real)0;
return result;
// Inversion (invpoly[i] = poly[degree-i] for 0 <= i <= degree).
Polynomial1 GetInversion() const
unsigned int const degree = GetDegree();
Polynomial1 result(degree);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
result.mCoefficient[i] = mCoefficient[degree - i];
return result;
// Tranlation. If 'this' is p(t}, return p(t-t0).
Polynomial1 GetTranslation(Real t0) const
Polynomial1<Real> factor{ -t0, (Real)1 }; // f(t) = t - t0
unsigned int const degree = GetDegree();
Polynomial1 result{ mCoefficient[degree] };
for (unsigned int i = 1, j = degree - 1; i <= degree; ++i, --j)
result = mCoefficient[j] + factor * result;
return result;
// Eliminate any leading zeros in the polynomial, except in the case
// the degree is 0 and the coefficient is 0. The elimination is
// necessary when arithmetic operations cause a decrease in the degree
// of the result. For example, (1 + x + x^2) + (1 + 2*x - x^2) =
// (2 + 3*x). The inputs both have degree 2, so the result is created
// with degree 2. After the addition we find that the degree is in
// fact 1 and resize the array of coefficients. This function is
// called internally by the arithmetic operators, but it is exposed in
// the public interface in case you need it for your own purposes.
void EliminateLeadingZeros()
size_t size = mCoefficient.size();
if (size > 1)
Real const zero = (Real)0;
int leading;
for (leading = static_cast<int>(size) - 1; leading > 0; --leading)
if (mCoefficient[leading] != zero)
// If 'this' is P(t) and the divisor is D(t) with
// degree(P) >= degree(D), then P(t) = Q(t)*D(t)+R(t) where Q(t) is
// the quotient with degree(Q) = degree(P) - degree(D) and R(t) is the
// remainder with degree(R) < degree(D). If this routine is called
// with degree(P) < degree(D), then Q = 0 and R = P are returned.
void Divide(Polynomial1 const& divisor, Polynomial1& quotient, Polynomial1& remainder) const
Real const zero = (Real)0;
int divisorDegree = static_cast<int>(divisor.GetDegree());
int quotientDegree = static_cast<int>(GetDegree()) - divisorDegree;
if (quotientDegree >= 0)
// Temporary storage for the remainder.
Polynomial1 tmp = *this;
// Do the division using the Euclidean algorithm.
Real inv = ((Real)1) / divisor[divisorDegree];
for (int i = quotientDegree; i >= 0; --i)
int j = divisorDegree + i;
quotient[i] = inv * tmp[j];
for (j--; j >= i; j--)
tmp[j] -= quotient[i] * divisor[j - i];
// Calculate the correct degree for the remainder.
if (divisorDegree >= 1)
int remainderDegree = divisorDegree - 1;
while (remainderDegree > 0 && tmp[remainderDegree] == zero)
for (int i = 0; i <= remainderDegree; ++i)
remainder[i] = tmp[i];
remainder[0] = zero;
quotient[0] = zero;
remainder = *this;
// Scale the polynomial so the highest-degree term has coefficient 1.
void MakeMonic()
Real const one(1);
if (mCoefficient.back() != one)
unsigned int degree = GetDegree();
Real invLeading = one / mCoefficient.back();
mCoefficient.back() = one;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; ++i)
mCoefficient[i] *= invLeading;
// The class is designed so that mCoefficient.size() >= 1.
std::vector<Real> mCoefficient;
// Compute the greatest common divisor of two polynomials. The returned
// polynomial has leading coefficient 1 (except when zero-valued
// polynomials are passed to the function.
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> GreatestCommonDivisor(Polynomial1<Real> const& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
// The numerator should be the polynomial of larger degree.
Polynomial1<Real> a, b;
if (p0.GetDegree() >= p1.GetDegree())
a = p0;
b = p1;
a = p1;
b = p0;
Polynomial1<Real> const zero{ (Real)0 };
if (a == zero || b == zero)
return (a != zero ? a : zero);
// Make the polynomials monic to keep the coefficients reasonable size
// when computing with floating-point Real.
Polynomial1<Real> q, r;
for (;;)
a.Divide(b, q, r);
if (r != zero)
// a = q * b + r, so gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, r)
a = b;
b = r;
return b;
// Factor f = factor[0]*factor[1]^2*factor[2]^3*...*factor[n-1]^n
// according to the square-free factorization algorithm
template <typename Real>
void SquareFreeFactorization(Polynomial1<Real> const& f, std::vector<Polynomial1<Real>>& factors)
// In the call to Divide(...), we know that the divisor exactly
// divides the numerator, so r = 0 after all such calls.
Polynomial1<Real> fder = f.GetDerivative();
Polynomial1<Real> a, b, c, d, q, r;
a = GreatestCommonDivisor(f, fder);
f.Divide(a, b, r); // b = f / a
fder.Divide(a, c, r); // c = fder / a
d = c - b.GetDerivative();
a = GreatestCommonDivisor(b, d);
b.Divide(a, q, r); // q = b / a
b = std::move(q);
d.Divide(a, c, r); // c = d / a
d = c - b.GetDerivative();
} while (b.GetDegree() > 0);
// Unary operations.
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator+(Polynomial1<Real> const& p)
return p;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator-(Polynomial1<Real> const& p)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = -p[i];
return result;
// Linear-algebraic operations.
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator+(Polynomial1<Real> const& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
unsigned int const p0Degree = p0.GetDegree(), p1Degree = p1.GetDegree();
unsigned int i;
if (p0Degree >= p1Degree)
Polynomial1<Real> result(p0Degree);
for (i = 0; i <= p1Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p0[i] + p1[i];
for (/**/; i <= p0Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p0[i];
return result;
Polynomial1<Real> result(p1Degree);
for (i = 0; i <= p0Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p0[i] + p1[i];
for (/**/; i <= p1Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p1[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator-(Polynomial1<Real> const& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
unsigned int const p0Degree = p0.GetDegree(), p1Degree = p1.GetDegree();
unsigned int i;
if (p0Degree >= p1Degree)
Polynomial1<Real> result(p0Degree);
for (i = 0; i <= p1Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p0[i] - p1[i];
for (/**/; i <= p0Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p0[i];
return result;
Polynomial1<Real> result(p1Degree);
for (i = 0; i <= p0Degree; ++i)
result[i] = p0[i] - p1[i];
for (/**/; i <= p1Degree; ++i)
result[i] = -p1[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator*(Polynomial1<Real> const& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
unsigned int const p0Degree = p0.GetDegree(), p1Degree = p1.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(p0Degree + p1Degree);
for (unsigned int i0 = 0; i0 <= p0Degree; ++i0)
for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 <= p1Degree; ++i1)
result[i0 + i1] += p0[i0] * p1[i1];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator+(Polynomial1<Real> const& p, Real scalar)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
result[0] = p[0] + scalar;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator+(Real scalar, Polynomial1<Real> const& p)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
result[0] = p[0] + scalar;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator-(Polynomial1<Real> const& p, Real scalar)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
result[0] = p[0] - scalar;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator-(Real scalar, Polynomial1<Real> const& p)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
result[0] = scalar - p[0];
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = -p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator*(Polynomial1<Real> const& p, Real scalar)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = scalar * p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator*(Real scalar, Polynomial1<Real> const& p)
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = scalar * p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> operator/(Polynomial1<Real> const& p, Real scalar)
LogAssert(scalar != (Real)0, "Division by zero.");
unsigned int const degree = p.GetDegree();
Real invScalar = (Real)1 / scalar;
Polynomial1<Real> result(degree);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)
result[i] = invScalar * p[i];
return result;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real>& operator+=(Polynomial1<Real>& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
p0 = p0 + p1;
return p0;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real>& operator-=(Polynomial1<Real>& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
p0 = p0 - p1;
return p0;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real>& operator*=(Polynomial1<Real>& p0, Polynomial1<Real> const& p1)
p0 = p0 * p1;
return p0;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real>& operator+=(Polynomial1<Real>& p, Real scalar)
p[0] += scalar;
return p;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real>& operator-=(Polynomial1<Real>& p, Real scalar)
p[0] -= scalar;
return p;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real>& operator*=(Polynomial1<Real>& p, Real scalar)
p = p * scalar;
return p;
template <typename Real>
Polynomial1<Real> & operator/=(Polynomial1<Real>& p, Real scalar)
p = p / scalar;
return p;