142 lines
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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Matrix3x3.h>
namespace gte
// The input triangle mesh must represent a polyhedron. The triangles are
// represented as triples of indices <V0,V1,V2> into the vertex array.
// The index array has numTriangles such triples. The Boolean value
// 'bodyCoords is' 'true' if you want the inertia tensor to be relative to
// body coordinates but 'false' if you want it to be relative to world
// coordinates.
// The code assumes the rigid body has a constant density of 1. If your
// application assigns a constant density of 'd', then you must multiply
// the output 'mass' by 'd' and the output 'inertia' by 'd'.
template <typename Real>
void ComputeMassProperties(Vector3<Real> const* vertices, int numTriangles,
int const* indices, bool bodyCoords, Real& mass, Vector3<Real>& center,
Matrix3x3<Real>& inertia)
Real const oneDiv6 = (Real)1 / (Real)6;
Real const oneDiv24 = (Real)1 / (Real)24;
Real const oneDiv60 = (Real)1 / (Real)60;
Real const oneDiv120 = (Real)1 / (Real)120;
// order: 1, x, y, z, x^2, y^2, z^2, xy, yz, zx
std::array<Real, 10> integral;
int const* index = indices;
for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; ++i)
// Get vertices of triangle i.
Vector3<Real> v0 = vertices[*index++];
Vector3<Real> v1 = vertices[*index++];
Vector3<Real> v2 = vertices[*index++];
// Get cross product of edges and normal vector.
Vector3<Real> V1mV0 = v1 - v0;
Vector3<Real> V2mV0 = v2 - v0;
Vector3<Real> N = Cross(V1mV0, V2mV0);
// Compute integral terms.
Real tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
Real f1x, f2x, f3x, g0x, g1x, g2x;
tmp0 = v0[0] + v1[0];
f1x = tmp0 + v2[0];
tmp1 = v0[0] * v0[0];
tmp2 = tmp1 + v1[0] * tmp0;
f2x = tmp2 + v2[0] * f1x;
f3x = v0[0] * tmp1 + v1[0] * tmp2 + v2[0] * f2x;
g0x = f2x + v0[0] * (f1x + v0[0]);
g1x = f2x + v1[0] * (f1x + v1[0]);
g2x = f2x + v2[0] * (f1x + v2[0]);
Real f1y, f2y, f3y, g0y, g1y, g2y;
tmp0 = v0[1] + v1[1];
f1y = tmp0 + v2[1];
tmp1 = v0[1] * v0[1];
tmp2 = tmp1 + v1[1] * tmp0;
f2y = tmp2 + v2[1] * f1y;
f3y = v0[1] * tmp1 + v1[1] * tmp2 + v2[1] * f2y;
g0y = f2y + v0[1] * (f1y + v0[1]);
g1y = f2y + v1[1] * (f1y + v1[1]);
g2y = f2y + v2[1] * (f1y + v2[1]);
Real f1z, f2z, f3z, g0z, g1z, g2z;
tmp0 = v0[2] + v1[2];
f1z = tmp0 + v2[2];
tmp1 = v0[2] * v0[2];
tmp2 = tmp1 + v1[2] * tmp0;
f2z = tmp2 + v2[2] * f1z;
f3z = v0[2] * tmp1 + v1[2] * tmp2 + v2[2] * f2z;
g0z = f2z + v0[2] * (f1z + v0[2]);
g1z = f2z + v1[2] * (f1z + v1[2]);
g2z = f2z + v2[2] * (f1z + v2[2]);
// Update integrals.
integral[0] += N[0] * f1x;
integral[1] += N[0] * f2x;
integral[2] += N[1] * f2y;
integral[3] += N[2] * f2z;
integral[4] += N[0] * f3x;
integral[5] += N[1] * f3y;
integral[6] += N[2] * f3z;
integral[7] += N[0] * (v0[1] * g0x + v1[1] * g1x + v2[1] * g2x);
integral[8] += N[1] * (v0[2] * g0y + v1[2] * g1y + v2[2] * g2y);
integral[9] += N[2] * (v0[0] * g0z + v1[0] * g1z + v2[0] * g2z);
integral[0] *= oneDiv6;
integral[1] *= oneDiv24;
integral[2] *= oneDiv24;
integral[3] *= oneDiv24;
integral[4] *= oneDiv60;
integral[5] *= oneDiv60;
integral[6] *= oneDiv60;
integral[7] *= oneDiv120;
integral[8] *= oneDiv120;
integral[9] *= oneDiv120;
// mass
mass = integral[0];
// center of mass
center = Vector3<Real>{ integral[1], integral[2], integral[3] } / mass;
// inertia relative to world origin
inertia(0, 0) = integral[5] + integral[6];
inertia(0, 1) = -integral[7];
inertia(0, 2) = -integral[9];
inertia(1, 0) = inertia(0, 1);
inertia(1, 1) = integral[4] + integral[6];
inertia(1, 2) = -integral[8];
inertia(2, 0) = inertia(0, 2);
inertia(2, 1) = inertia(1, 2);
inertia(2, 2) = integral[4] + integral[5];
// inertia relative to center of mass
if (bodyCoords)
inertia(0, 0) -= mass * (center[1] * center[1] + center[2] * center[2]);
inertia(0, 1) += mass * center[0] * center[1];
inertia(0, 2) += mass * center[2] * center[0];
inertia(1, 0) = inertia(0, 1);
inertia(1, 1) -= mass * (center[2] * center[2] + center[0] * center[0]);
inertia(1, 2) += mass * center[1] * center[2];
inertia(2, 0) = inertia(0, 2);
inertia(2, 1) = inertia(1, 2);
inertia(2, 2) -= mass * (center[0] * center[0] + center[1] * center[1]);