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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Matrix2x2.h>
#include <Mathematics/Matrix3x3.h>
#include <Mathematics/Matrix4x4.h>
#include <Mathematics/GaussianElimination.h>
#include <map>
// Solve linear systems of equations where the matrix A is NxN. The return
// value of a function is 'true' when A is invertible. In this case the
// solution X and the solution is valid. If the return value is 'false', A
// is not invertible and X and Y are invalid, so do not use them. When a
// matrix is passed as Real*, the storage order is assumed to be the one
// consistent with your choice of GTE_USE_ROW_MAJOR or GTE_USE_COL_MAJOR.
// The linear solvers that use the conjugate gradient algorithm are based
// on the discussion in "Matrix Computations, 2nd edition" by G. H. Golub
// and Charles F. Van Loan, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore MD, Fourth
// Printing 1993.
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class LinearSystem
// Solve 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 systems by inverting the matrix directly.
// This avoids the overhead of Gaussian elimination in small
// dimensions.
static bool Solve(Matrix2x2<Real> const& A, Vector2<Real> const& B, Vector2<Real>& X)
bool invertible;
Matrix2x2<Real> invA = Inverse(A, &invertible);
if (invertible)
X = invA * B;
X = Vector2<Real>::Zero();
return invertible;
static bool Solve(Matrix3x3<Real> const& A, Vector3<Real> const& B, Vector3<Real>& X)
bool invertible;
Matrix3x3<Real> invA = Inverse(A, &invertible);
if (invertible)
X = invA * B;
X = Vector3<Real>::Zero();
return invertible;
static bool Solve(Matrix4x4<Real> const& A, Vector4<Real> const& B, Vector4<Real>& X)
bool invertible;
Matrix4x4<Real> invA = Inverse(A, &invertible);
if (invertible)
X = invA * B;
X = Vector4<Real>::Zero();
return invertible;
// Solve A*X = B, where B is Nx1 and the solution X is Nx1.
static bool Solve(int N, Real const* A, Real const* B, Real* X)
Real determinant;
return GaussianElimination<Real>()(N, A, nullptr, determinant, B, X,
nullptr, 0, nullptr);
// Solve A*X = B, where B is NxM and the solution X is NxM.
static bool Solve(int N, int M, Real const* A, Real const* B, Real* X)
Real determinant;
return GaussianElimination<Real>()(N, A, nullptr, determinant, nullptr,
nullptr, B, M, X);
// Solve A*X = B, where A is tridiagonal. The function expects the
// subdiagonal, diagonal, and superdiagonal of A. The diagonal input
// must have N elements. The subdiagonal and superdiagonal inputs
// must have N-1 elements.
static bool SolveTridiagonal(int N, Real const* subdiagonal,
Real const* diagonal, Real const* superdiagonal, Real const* B, Real* X)
if (diagonal[0] == (Real)0)
return false;
std::vector<Real> tmp(N - 1);
Real expr = diagonal[0];
Real invExpr = ((Real)1) / expr;
X[0] = B[0] * invExpr;
int i0, i1;
for (i0 = 0, i1 = 1; i1 < N; ++i0, ++i1)
tmp[i0] = superdiagonal[i0] * invExpr;
expr = diagonal[i1] - subdiagonal[i0] * tmp[i0];
if (expr == (Real)0)
return false;
invExpr = ((Real)1) / expr;
X[i1] = (B[i1] - subdiagonal[i0] * X[i0]) * invExpr;
for (i0 = N - 1, i1 = N - 2; i1 >= 0; --i0, --i1)
X[i1] -= tmp[i1] * X[i0];
return true;
// Solve A*X = B, where A is tridiagonal. The function expects the
// subdiagonal, diagonal, and superdiagonal of A. Moreover, the
// subdiagonal elements are a constant, the diagonal elements are a
// constant, and the superdiagonal elements are a constant.
static bool SolveConstantTridiagonal(int N, Real subdiagonal,
Real diagonal, Real superdiagonal, Real const* B, Real* X)
if (diagonal == (Real)0)
return false;
std::vector<Real> tmp(N - 1);
Real expr = diagonal;
Real invExpr = ((Real)1) / expr;
X[0] = B[0] * invExpr;
int i0, i1;
for (i0 = 0, i1 = 1; i1 < N; ++i0, ++i1)
tmp[i0] = superdiagonal * invExpr;
expr = diagonal - subdiagonal * tmp[i0];
if (expr == (Real)0)
return false;
invExpr = ((Real)1) / expr;
X[i1] = (B[i1] - subdiagonal * X[i0]) * invExpr;
for (i0 = N - 1, i1 = N - 2; i1 >= 0; --i0, --i1)
X[i1] -= tmp[i1] * X[i0];
return true;
// Solve A*X = B using the conjugate gradient method, where A is
// symmetric. You must specify the maximum number of iterations and a
// tolerance for terminating the iterations. Reasonable choices for
// tolerance are 1e-06f for 'float' or 1e-08 for 'double'.
static unsigned int SolveSymmetricCG(int N, Real const* A, Real const* B,
Real* X, unsigned int maxIterations, Real tolerance)
// The first iteration.
std::vector<Real> tmpR(N), tmpP(N), tmpW(N);
Real* R = &tmpR[0];
Real* P = &tmpP[0];
Real* W = &tmpW[0];
size_t numBytes = N * sizeof(Real);
std::memset(X, 0, numBytes);
std::memcpy(R, B, numBytes);
Real rho0 = Dot(N, R, R);
std::memcpy(P, R, numBytes);
Mul(N, A, P, W);
Real alpha = rho0 / Dot(N, P, W);
UpdateX(N, X, alpha, P);
UpdateR(N, R, alpha, W);
Real rho1 = Dot(N, R, R);
// The remaining iterations.
unsigned int iteration;
for (iteration = 1; iteration <= maxIterations; ++iteration)
Real root0 = std::sqrt(rho1);
Real norm = Dot(N, B, B);
Real root1 = std::sqrt(norm);
if (root0 <= tolerance * root1)
Real beta = rho1 / rho0;
UpdateP(N, P, beta, R);
Mul(N, A, P, W);
alpha = rho1 / Dot(N, P, W);
UpdateX(N, X, alpha, P);
UpdateR(N, R, alpha, W);
rho0 = rho1;
rho1 = Dot(N, R, R);
return iteration;
// Solve A*X = B using the conjugate gradient method, where A is
// sparse and symmetric. The nonzero entries of the symmetrix matrix
// A are stored in a map whose keys are pairs (i,j) and whose values
// are real numbers. The pair (i,j) is the location of the value in
// the array. Only one of (i,j) and (j,i) should be stored since A is
// symmetric. The column vector B is stored as an array of contiguous
// values. You must specify the maximum number of iterations and a
// tolerance for terminating the iterations. Reasonable choices for
// tolerance are 1e-06f for 'float' or 1e-08 for 'double'.
typedef std::map<std::array<int, 2>, Real> SparseMatrix;
static unsigned int SolveSymmetricCG(int N, SparseMatrix const& A,
Real const* B, Real* X, unsigned int maxIterations, Real tolerance)
// The first iteration.
std::vector<Real> tmpR(N), tmpP(N), tmpW(N);
Real* R = &tmpR[0];
Real* P = &tmpP[0];
Real* W = &tmpW[0];
size_t numBytes = N * sizeof(Real);
std::memset(X, 0, numBytes);
std::memcpy(R, B, numBytes);
Real rho0 = Dot(N, R, R);
std::memcpy(P, R, numBytes);
Mul(N, A, P, W);
Real alpha = rho0 / Dot(N, P, W);
UpdateX(N, X, alpha, P);
UpdateR(N, R, alpha, W);
Real rho1 = Dot(N, R, R);
// The remaining iterations.
unsigned int iteration;
for (iteration = 1; iteration <= maxIterations; ++iteration)
Real root0 = std::sqrt(rho1);
Real norm = Dot(N, B, B);
Real root1 = std::sqrt(norm);
if (root0 <= tolerance * root1)
Real beta = rho1 / rho0;
UpdateP(N, P, beta, R);
Mul(N, A, P, W);
alpha = rho1 / Dot(N, P, W);
UpdateX(N, X, alpha, P);
UpdateR(N, R, alpha, W);
rho0 = rho1;
rho1 = Dot(N, R, R);
return iteration;
// Support for the conjugate gradient method.
static Real Dot(int N, Real const* U, Real const* V)
Real dot = (Real)0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
dot += U[i] * V[i];
return dot;
static void Mul(int N, Real const* A, Real const* X, Real* P)
#if defined(GTE_USE_ROW_MAJOR)
LexicoArray2<true, Real> matA(N, N, const_cast<Real*>(A));
LexicoArray2<false, Real> matA(N, N, const_cast<Real*>(A));
std::memset(P, 0, N * sizeof(Real));
for (int row = 0; row < N; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < N; ++col)
P[row] += matA(row, col) * X[col];
static void Mul(int N, SparseMatrix const& A, Real const* X, Real* P)
std::memset(P, 0, N * sizeof(Real));
for (auto const& element : A)
int i = element.first[0];
int j = element.first[1];
Real value = element.second;
P[i] += value * X[j];
if (i != j)
P[j] += value * X[i];
static void UpdateX(int N, Real* X, Real alpha, Real const* P)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
X[i] += alpha * P[i];
static void UpdateR(int N, Real* R, Real alpha, Real const* W)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
R[i] -= alpha * W[i];
static void UpdateP(int N, Real* P, Real beta, Real const* R)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
P[i] = R[i] + beta * P[i];