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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.10.04
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Logger.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
// A class for solving the Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP)
// w = q + M * z, w^T * z = 0, w >= 0, z >= 0. The vectors q, w, and z are
// n-tuples and the matrix M is n-by-n. The inputs to Solve(...) are q and M.
// The outputs are w and z, which are valid when the returned bool is true but
// are invalid when the returned bool is false.
// The comments at the end of this file explain what the preprocessor symbol
// means regarding the LCP solver implementation. If the algorithm fails to
// converge within the specified maximum number of iterations, consider
// increasing the number and calling Solve(...) again.
// Expose the following preprocessor symbol if you want the code to throw an
// exception the algorithm fails to converge. You can choose to trap the
// exception and handle it as you please. If you do not expose the
// preprocessor symbol, you can pass a Result object and check whether the
// algorithm failed to converge. Again, you can handle this as you please.
namespace gte
// Support templates for number of dimensions known at compile time or
// known only at run time.
template <typename Real, int... Dimensions>
class LCPSolver {};
template <typename Real>
class LCPSolverShared
// Abstract base class construction. A virtual destructor is not
// provided because there are no required side effects when destroying
// objects from the derived classes. The member mMaxIterations is set
// by this call to the default value n*n.
LCPSolverShared(int n)
if (n > 0)
mDimension = n;
mMaxIterations = n * n;
mDimension = 0;
mMaxIterations = 0;
// Use this constructor when you need a specific representation of
// zero and of one to be used when manipulating the polynomials of the
// base class. In particular, this is needed to select the correct
// zero and correct one for QFNumber objects.
LCPSolverShared(int n, Real const& zero, Real const& one)
if (n > 0)
mDimension = n;
mMaxIterations = n * n;
mDimension = 0;
mMaxIterations = 0;
// Theoretically, when there is a solution the algorithm must converge
// in a finite number of iterations. The number of iterations depends
// on the problem at hand, but we need to guard against an infinite
// loop by limiting the number. The implementation uses a maximum
// number of n*n (chosen arbitrarily). You can set the number
// yourself, perhaps when a call to Solve fails--increase the number
// of iterations and call and solve again.
inline void SetMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
mMaxIterations = (maxIterations > 0 ? maxIterations : mDimension * mDimension);
inline int GetMaxIterations() const
return mMaxIterations;
// Access the actual number of iterations used in a call to Solve.
inline int GetNumIterations() const
return mNumIterations;
enum Result
// Bookkeeping of variables during the iterations of the solver. The
// name is either 'w' or 'z' and is used for human-readable debugging
// help. The 'index' is that for the original variables w[index] or
// z[index]. The 'complementary' index is the location of the
// complementary variable in mVarBasic[] or in mVarNonbasic[]. The
// 'tuple' is a pointer to &w[0] or &z[0], the choice based on name of
// 'w' or 'z', and is used to fill in the solution values (the
// variables are permuted during the pivoting algorithm).
struct Variable
char name;
int index;
int complementary;
Real* tuple;
// The augmented problem is w = q + M*z + z[n]*U = 0, where U is an
// n-tuple of 1-values. We manipulate the augmented matrix
// [M | U | p(t)] where p(t) is a column vector of polynomials of at
// most degree n. If p[r](t) is the polynomial for row r, then
// p[r](0) = q[r]. These are perturbations of q[r] designed so that
// the algorithm avoids degeneracies (a q-term becomes zero during the
// iterations). The basic variables are w[0] through w[n-1] and the
// nonbasic variables are z[0] through z[n]. The returned z consists
// only of z[0] through z[n-1].
// The derived classes ensure that the pointers point to the correct
// of elements for each array. The matrix M must be stored in
// row-major order.
bool Solve(Real const* q, Real const* M, Real* w, Real* z, Result* result)
// Perturb the q[r] constants to be polynomials of degree r+1
// represented as an array of n+1 coefficients. The coefficient
// with index r+1 is 1 and the coefficients with indices larger
// than r+1 are 0.
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
mPoly[r] = &Augmented(r, mDimension + 1);
mPoly[r][0] = q[r];
mPoly[r][r + 1] = mOne;
// Determine whether there is the trivial solution w = z = 0.
Copy(mPoly[0], mQMin);
int basic = 0;
for (int r = 1; r < mDimension; ++r)
if (LessThan(mPoly[r], mQMin))
Copy(mPoly[r], mQMin);
basic = r;
if (!LessThanZero(mQMin))
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
w[r] = q[r];
z[r] = mZero;
if (result)
return true;
// Initialize the remainder of the augmented matrix with M and U.
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < mDimension; ++c)
Augmented(r, c) = M[c + mDimension * r];
Augmented(r, mDimension) = mOne;
// Keep track of when the variables enter and exit the dictionary,
// including where complementary variables are relocated.
for (int i = 0; i <= mDimension; ++i)
mVarBasic[i].name = 'w';
mVarBasic[i].index = i;
mVarBasic[i].complementary = i;
mVarBasic[i].tuple = w;
mVarNonbasic[i].name = 'z';
mVarNonbasic[i].index = i;
mVarNonbasic[i].complementary = i;
mVarNonbasic[i].tuple = z;
// The augmented variable z[n] is the initial driving variable for
// pivoting. The equation 'basic' is the one to solve for z[n]
// and pivoting with w[basic]. The last column of M remains all
// 1-values for this initial step, so no algebraic computations
// occur for M[r][n].
int driving = mDimension;
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
if (r != basic)
for (int c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c)
if (c != mDimension)
Augmented(r, c) -= Augmented(basic, c);
for (int c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c)
if (c != mDimension)
Augmented(basic, c) = -Augmented(basic, c);
mNumIterations = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mMaxIterations; ++i, ++mNumIterations)
// The basic variable of equation 'basic' exited the
// dictionary, so/ its complementary (nonbasic) variable must
// become the next driving variable in order for it to enter
// the dictionary.
int nextDriving = mVarBasic[basic].complementary;
mVarNonbasic[nextDriving].complementary = driving;
std::swap(mVarBasic[basic], mVarNonbasic[driving]);
if (mVarNonbasic[driving].index == mDimension)
// The algorithm has converged.
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
mVarBasic[r].tuple[mVarBasic[r].index] = mPoly[r][0];
for (int c = 0; c <= mDimension; ++c)
int index = mVarNonbasic[c].index;
if (index < mDimension)
mVarNonbasic[c].tuple[index] = mZero;
if (result)
return true;
// Determine the 'basic' equation for which the ratio
// -q[r]/M(r,driving) is minimized among all equations r with
// M(r,driving) < 0.
driving = nextDriving;
basic = -1;
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
if (Augmented(r, driving) < mZero)
Real factor = -mOne / Augmented(r, driving);
Multiply(mPoly[r], factor, mRatio);
if (basic == -1 || LessThan(mRatio, mMinRatio))
Copy(mRatio, mMinRatio);
basic = r;
if (basic == -1)
// The coefficients of z[driving] in all the equations are
// nonnegative, so the z[driving] variable cannot leave
// the dictionary. There is no solution to the LCP.
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
w[r] = mZero;
z[r] = mZero;
if (result)
*result = NO_SOLUTION;
return false;
// Solve the basic equation so that z[driving] enters the
// dictionary and w[basic] exits the dictionary.
Real invDenom = mOne / Augmented(basic, driving);
for (int r = 0; r < mDimension; ++r)
if (r != basic && Augmented(r, driving) != mZero)
Real multiplier = Augmented(r, driving) * invDenom;
for (int c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c)
if (c != driving)
Augmented(r, c) -= Augmented(basic, c) * multiplier;
Augmented(r, driving) = multiplier;
for (int c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c)
if (c != driving)
Augmented(basic, c) = -Augmented(basic, c) * invDenom;
Augmented(basic, driving) = invDenom;
// Numerical round-off errors can cause the Lemke algorithm not to
// converge. In particular, the code above has a test
// if (mAugmented[r][driving] < (Real)0) { ... }
// to determine the 'basic' equation with which to pivot. It is
// possible that theoretically mAugmented[r][driving]is zero but
// rounding errors cause it to be slightly negative. If
// theoretically all mAugmented[r][driving] >= 0, there is no
// solution to the LCP. With the rounding errors, if the
// algorithm fails to converge within the specified number of
// iterations, NO_SOLUTION is returned, which is hopefully the
// correct result. It is also possible that the rounding errors
// lead to a NO_SOLUTION (returned from inside the loop) when in
// fact there is a solution. When the LCP solver is used by
// intersection testing algorithms, the hope is that
// misclassifications occur only when the two objects are nearly
// in tangential contact.
// To determine whether the rounding errors are the problem, you
// can execute the query using exact arithmetic with the following
// type used for 'Real' (replacing 'float' or 'double') of
// BSRational<UIntegerAP32> Rational.
// That said, if the algorithm fails to converge and you believe
// that the rounding errors are not causing this, please file a
// bug report and provide the input data to the solver.
LogError("LCPSolverShared::Solve failed to converge.");
if (result)
return false;
// Access mAugmented as a 2-dimensional array.
inline Real const& Augmented(int row, int col) const
return mAugmented[col + mNumCols * row];
inline Real& Augmented(int row, int col)
return mAugmented[col + mNumCols * row];
// Support for polynomials with n+1 coefficients and degree no larger
// than n.
void MakeZero(Real* poly)
for (int i = 0; i <= mDimension; ++i)
poly[i] = mZero;
void Copy(Real const* poly0, Real* poly1)
for (int i = 0; i <= mDimension; ++i)
poly1[i] = poly0[i];
bool LessThan(Real const* poly0, Real const* poly1)
for (int i = 0; i <= mDimension; ++i)
if (poly0[i] < poly1[i])
return true;
if (poly0[i] > poly1[i])
return false;
return false;
bool LessThanZero(Real const* poly)
for (int i = 0; i <= mDimension; ++i)
if (poly[i] < mZero)
return true;
if (poly[i] > mZero)
return false;
return false;
void Multiply(Real const* poly, Real scalar, Real* product)
for (int i = 0; i <= mDimension; ++i)
product[i] = poly[i] * scalar;
int mDimension;
int mMaxIterations;
int mNumIterations;
// These pointers are set by the derived-class constructors to arrays
// that have the correct number of elements. The arrays mVarBasic,
// mVarNonbasic, mQMin, mMinRatio, and mRatio each have n+1 elements.
// The mAugmented array has n rows and 2*(n+1) columns stored in
// row-major order in a 1-dimensional array. The array of pointers
// mPoly has n elements.
Variable* mVarBasic;
Variable* mVarNonbasic;
int mNumCols;
Real* mAugmented;
Real* mQMin;
Real* mMinRatio;
Real* mRatio;
Real** mPoly;
Real mZero, mOne;
template <typename Real, int n>
class LCPSolver<Real, n> : public LCPSolverShared<Real>
// Construction. The member mMaxIterations is set by this call to the
// default value n*n.
this->mVarBasic =;
this->mVarNonbasic =;
this->mNumCols = 2 * (n + 1);
this->mAugmented =;
this->mQMin =;
this->mMinRatio =;
this->mRatio =;
this->mPoly =;
// Use this constructor when you need a specific representation of
// zero and of one to be used when manipulating the polynomials of the
// base class. In particular, this is needed to select the correct
// zero and correct one for QFNumber objects.
LCPSolver(Real const& zero, Real const& one)
LCPSolverShared<Real>(n, zero, one)
this->mVarBasic =;
this->mVarNonbasic =;
this->mNumCols = 2 * (n + 1);
this->mAugmented =;
this->mQMin =;
this->mMinRatio =;
this->mRatio =;
this->mPoly =;
// If you want to know specifically why 'true' or 'false' was
// returned, pass the address of a Result variable as the last
// parameter.
bool Solve(std::array<Real, n> const& q, std::array<std::array<Real, n>, n> const& M,
std::array<Real, n>& w, std::array<Real, n>& z,
typename LCPSolverShared<Real>::Result* result = nullptr)
return LCPSolverShared<Real>::Solve(, M.front().data(),,, result);
std::array<typename LCPSolverShared<Real>::Variable, n + 1> mArrayVarBasic;
std::array<typename LCPSolverShared<Real>::Variable, n + 1> mArrayVarNonbasic;
std::array<Real, 2 * (n + 1)* n> mArrayAugmented;
std::array<Real, n + 1> mArrayQMin;
std::array<Real, n + 1> mArrayMinRatio;
std::array<Real, n + 1> mArrayRatio;
std::array<Real*, n> mArrayPoly;
template <typename Real>
class LCPSolver<Real> : public LCPSolverShared<Real>
// Construction. The member mMaxIterations is set by this call to the
// default value n*n.
LCPSolver(int n)
if (n > 0)
mVectorVarBasic.resize(n + 1);
mVectorVarNonbasic.resize(n + 1);
mVectorAugmented.resize(2 * (n + 1) * n);
mVectorQMin.resize(n + 1);
mVectorMinRatio.resize(n + 1);
mVectorRatio.resize(n + 1);
this->mVarBasic =;
this->mVarNonbasic =;
this->mNumCols = 2 * (n + 1);
this->mAugmented =;
this->mQMin =;
this->mMinRatio =;
this->mRatio =;
this->mPoly =;
// The input q must have n elements and the input M must be an n-by-n
// matrix stored in row-major order. The outputs w and z have n
// elements. If you want to know specifically why 'true' or 'false'
// was returned, pass the address of a Result variable as the last
// parameter.
bool Solve(std::vector<Real> const& q, std::vector<Real> const& M,
std::vector<Real>& w, std::vector<Real>& z,
typename LCPSolverShared<Real>::Result* result = nullptr)
if (this->mDimension > static_cast<int>(q.size())
|| this->mDimension * this->mDimension > static_cast<int>(M.size()))
if (result)
*result = this->INVALID_INPUT;
return false;
if (this->mDimension > static_cast<int>(w.size()))
if (this->mDimension > static_cast<int>(z.size()))
return LCPSolverShared<Real>::Solve(,,,, result);
std::vector<typename LCPSolverShared<Real>::Variable> mVectorVarBasic;
std::vector<typename LCPSolverShared<Real>::Variable> mVectorVarNonbasic;
std::vector<Real> mVectorAugmented;
std::vector<Real> mVectorQMin;
std::vector<Real> mVectorMinRatio;
std::vector<Real> mVectorRatio;
std::vector<Real*> mVectorPoly;