// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include // The test-intersection query is based on the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/IntersectionSphereCone.pdf // // The find-intersection returns a single point in the set of intersection // when that intersection is not empty. namespace gte { template class TIQuery, Cone3> { public: struct Result { bool intersect; }; Result operator()(Sphere3 const& sphere, Cone3 const& cone) { Result result; if (cone.GetMinHeight() > (Real)0) { if (cone.IsFinite()) { result.intersect = DoQueryConeFrustum(sphere, cone); } else { result.intersect = DoQueryInfiniteTruncatedCone(sphere, cone); } } else { if (cone.IsFinite()) { result.intersect = DoQueryFiniteCone(sphere, cone); } else { result.intersect = DoQueryInfiniteCone(sphere, cone); } } return result; } private: bool DoQueryInfiniteCone(Sphere3 const& sphere, Cone3 const& cone) { Vector3 U = cone.ray.origin - (sphere.radius * cone.invSinAngle) * cone.ray.direction; Vector3 CmU = sphere.center - U; Real AdCmU = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmU); if (AdCmU > (Real)0) { Real sqrLengthCmU = Dot(CmU, CmU); if (AdCmU * AdCmU >= sqrLengthCmU * cone.cosAngleSqr) { Vector3 CmV = sphere.center - cone.ray.origin; Real AdCmV = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmV); if (AdCmV < -sphere.radius) { return false; } Real rSinAngle = sphere.radius * cone.sinAngle; if (AdCmV >= -rSinAngle) { return true; } Real sqrLengthCmV = Dot(CmV, CmV); return sqrLengthCmV <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius; } } return false; } bool DoQueryInfiniteTruncatedCone(Sphere3 const& sphere, Cone3 const& cone) { Vector3 U = cone.ray.origin - (sphere.radius * cone.invSinAngle) * cone.ray.direction; Vector3 CmU = sphere.center - U; Real AdCmU = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmU); if (AdCmU > (Real)0) { Real sqrLengthCmU = Dot(CmU, CmU); if (AdCmU * AdCmU >= sqrLengthCmU * cone.cosAngleSqr) { Vector3 CmV = sphere.center - cone.ray.origin; Real AdCmV = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmV); Real minHeight = cone.GetMinHeight(); if (AdCmV < minHeight - sphere.radius) { return false; } Real rSinAngle = sphere.radius * cone.sinAngle; if (AdCmV >= -rSinAngle) { return true; } Vector3 D = CmV - minHeight * cone.ray.direction; Real lengthAxD = Length(Cross(cone.ray.direction, D)); Real hminTanAngle = minHeight * cone.tanAngle; if (lengthAxD <= hminTanAngle) { return true; } Real AdD = AdCmV - minHeight; Real diff = lengthAxD - hminTanAngle; Real sqrLengthCmK = AdD * AdD + diff * diff; return sqrLengthCmK <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius; } } return false; } bool DoQueryFiniteCone(Sphere3 const& sphere, Cone3 const& cone) { Vector3 U = cone.ray.origin - (sphere.radius * cone.invSinAngle) * cone.ray.direction; Vector3 CmU = sphere.center - U; Real AdCmU = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmU); if (AdCmU > (Real)0) { Real sqrLengthCmU = Dot(CmU, CmU); if (AdCmU * AdCmU >= sqrLengthCmU * cone.cosAngleSqr) { Vector3 CmV = sphere.center - cone.ray.origin; Real AdCmV = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmV); if (AdCmV < -sphere.radius) { return false; } Real maxHeight = cone.GetMaxHeight(); if (AdCmV > cone.GetMaxHeight() + sphere.radius) { return false; } Real rSinAngle = sphere.radius * cone.sinAngle; if (AdCmV >= -rSinAngle) { if (AdCmV <= maxHeight - rSinAngle) { return true; } else { Vector3 barD = CmV - maxHeight * cone.ray.direction; Real lengthAxBarD = Length(Cross(cone.ray.direction, barD)); Real hmaxTanAngle = maxHeight * cone.tanAngle; if (lengthAxBarD <= hmaxTanAngle) { return true; } Real AdBarD = AdCmV - maxHeight; Real diff = lengthAxBarD - hmaxTanAngle; Real sqrLengthCmBarK = AdBarD * AdBarD + diff * diff; return sqrLengthCmBarK <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius; } } else { Real sqrLengthCmV = Dot(CmV, CmV); return sqrLengthCmV <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius; } } } return false; } bool DoQueryConeFrustum(Sphere3 const& sphere, Cone3 const& cone) { Vector3 U = cone.ray.origin - (sphere.radius * cone.invSinAngle) * cone.ray.direction; Vector3 CmU = sphere.center - U; Real AdCmU = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmU); if (AdCmU > (Real)0) { Real sqrLengthCmU = Dot(CmU, CmU); if (AdCmU * AdCmU >= sqrLengthCmU * cone.cosAngleSqr) { Vector3 CmV = sphere.center - cone.ray.origin; Real AdCmV = Dot(cone.ray.direction, CmV); Real minHeight = cone.GetMinHeight(); if (AdCmV < minHeight - sphere.radius) { return false; } Real maxHeight = cone.GetMaxHeight(); if (AdCmV > maxHeight + sphere.radius) { return false; } Real rSinAngle = sphere.radius * cone.sinAngle; if (AdCmV >= minHeight - rSinAngle) { if (AdCmV <= maxHeight - rSinAngle) { return true; } else { Vector3 barD = CmV - maxHeight * cone.ray.direction; Real lengthAxBarD = Length(Cross(cone.ray.direction, barD)); Real hmaxTanAngle = maxHeight * cone.tanAngle; if (lengthAxBarD <= hmaxTanAngle) { return true; } Real AdBarD = AdCmV - maxHeight; Real diff = lengthAxBarD - hmaxTanAngle; Real sqrLengthCmBarK = AdBarD * AdBarD + diff * diff; return sqrLengthCmBarK <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius; } } else { Vector3 D = CmV - minHeight * cone.ray.direction; Real lengthAxD = Length(Cross(cone.ray.direction, D)); Real hminTanAngle = minHeight * cone.tanAngle; if (lengthAxD <= hminTanAngle) { return true; } Real AdD = AdCmV - minHeight; Real diff = lengthAxD - hminTanAngle; Real sqrLengthCmK = AdD * AdD + diff * diff; return sqrLengthCmK <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius; } } } return false; } }; template class FIQuery, Cone3> { public: struct Result { // If an intersection occurs, it is potentially an infinite set. // If the cone vertex is inside the sphere, 'point' is set to the // cone vertex. If the sphere center is inside the cone, 'point' // is set to the sphere center. Otherwise, 'point' is set to the // cone point that is closest to the cone vertex and inside the // sphere. bool intersect; Vector3 point; }; Result operator()(Sphere3 const& sphere, Cone3 const& cone) { Result result; // Test whether the cone vertex is inside the sphere. Vector3 diff = sphere.center - cone.ray.origin; Real rSqr = sphere.radius * sphere.radius; Real lenSqr = Dot(diff, diff); if (lenSqr <= rSqr) { // The cone vertex is inside the sphere, so the sphere and // cone intersect. result.intersect = true; result.point = cone.ray.origin; return result; } // Test whether the sphere center is inside the cone. Real dot = Dot(diff, cone.ray.direction); Real dotSqr = dot * dot; if (dotSqr >= lenSqr * cone.cosAngleSqr && dot > (Real)0) { // The sphere center is inside cone, so the sphere and cone // intersect. result.intersect = true; result.point = sphere.center; return result; } // The sphere center is outside the cone. The problem now reduces // to computing an intersection between the circle and the ray in // the plane containing the cone vertex and spanned by the cone // axis and vector from the cone vertex to the sphere center. // The ray is parameterized by t * D + V with t >= 0, |D| = 1 and // dot(A,D) = cos(angle). Also, D = e * A + f * (C - V). // Substituting the ray equation into the sphere equation yields // R^2 = |t * D + V - C|^2, so the quadratic for intersections is // t^2 - 2 * dot(D, C - V) * t + |C - V|^2 - R^2 = 0. An // intersection occurs if and only if the discriminant is // nonnegative. This test becomes // dot(D, C - V)^2 >= dot(C - V, C - V) - R^2 // Note that if the right-hand side is nonpositive, then the // inequality is true (the sphere contains V). This is already // ruled out in the first block of code in this function. Real uLen = std::sqrt(std::max(lenSqr - dotSqr, (Real)0)); Real test = cone.cosAngle * dot + cone.sinAngle * uLen; Real discr = test * test - lenSqr + rSqr; if (discr >= (Real)0 && test >= (Real)0) { // Compute the point of intersection closest to the cone // vertex. result.intersect = true; Real t = test - std::sqrt(std::max(discr, (Real)0)); Vector3 B = diff - dot * cone.ray.direction; Real tmp = cone.sinAngle / uLen; result.point = t * (cone.cosAngle * cone.ray.direction + tmp * B); } else { result.intersect = false; } return result; } }; }