// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include namespace gte { template class IntpAkimaUniform1 : public IntpAkima1 { public: // Construction and destruction. The interpolator is for uniformly // spaced x-values. IntpAkimaUniform1(int quantity, Real xMin, Real xSpacing, Real const* F) : IntpAkima1(quantity, F), mXMin(xMin), mXSpacing(xSpacing) { LogAssert(mXSpacing > (Real)0, "Spacing must be positive."); mXMax = mXMin + mXSpacing * static_cast(quantity - 1); // Compute slopes. Real invDX = (Real)1 / mXSpacing; std::vector slope(quantity + 3); int i, ip1, ip2; for (i = 0, ip1 = 1, ip2 = 2; i < quantity - 1; ++i, ++ip1, ++ip2) { slope[ip2] = (this->mF[ip1] - this->mF[i]) * invDX; } slope[1] = (Real)2 * slope[2] - slope[3]; slope[0] = (Real)2 * slope[1] - slope[2]; slope[quantity + 1] = (Real)2 * slope[quantity] - slope[quantity - 1]; slope[quantity + 2] = (Real)2 * slope[quantity + 1] - slope[quantity]; // Construct derivatives. std::vector FDer(quantity); for (i = 0; i < quantity; ++i) { FDer[i] = this->ComputeDerivative(&slope[i]); } // Construct polynomials. Real invDX2 = (Real)1 / (mXSpacing * mXSpacing); Real invDX3 = invDX2 / mXSpacing; for (i = 0, ip1 = 1; i < quantity - 1; ++i, ++ip1) { auto& poly = this->mPoly[i]; Real F0 = F[i]; Real F1 = F[ip1]; Real df = F1 - F0; Real FDer0 = FDer[i]; Real FDer1 = FDer[ip1]; poly[0] = F0; poly[1] = FDer0; poly[2] = ((Real)3 * df - mXSpacing * (FDer1 + (Real)2 * FDer0)) * invDX2; poly[3] = (mXSpacing * (FDer0 + FDer1) - (Real)2 * df) * invDX3; } } virtual ~IntpAkimaUniform1() = default; // Member access. inline virtual Real GetXMin() const override { return mXMin; } inline virtual Real GetXMax() const override { return mXMax; } inline Real GetXSpacing() const { return mXSpacing; } protected: virtual void Lookup(Real x, int& index, Real& dx) const override { // The caller has ensured that mXMin <= x <= mXMax. for (index = 0; index + 1 < this->mQuantity; ++index) { if (x < mXMin + mXSpacing * (index + 1)) { dx = x - (mXMin + mXSpacing * index); return; } } --index; dx = x - (mXMin + mXSpacing * index); } Real mXMin, mXMax, mXSpacing; }; }