// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include namespace gte { template class GVector { public: // The tuple is length zero (uninitialized). GVector() = default; // The tuple is length 'size' and the elements are uninitialized. GVector(int size) { SetSize(size); } // For 0 <= d <= size, element d is 1 and all others are zero. If d // is invalid, the zero vector is created. This is a convenience for // creating the standard Euclidean basis vectors; see also // MakeUnit(int,int) and Unit(int,int). GVector(int size, int d) { SetSize(size); MakeUnit(d); } // The copy constructor, destructor, and assignment operator are // generated by the compiler. // Member access. SetSize(int) does not initialize the tuple. The // first operator[] returns a const reference rather than a Real // value. This supports writing via standard file operations that // require a const pointer to data. void SetSize(int size) { LogAssert(size >= 0, "Invalid size."); mTuple.resize(size); } inline int GetSize() const { return static_cast(mTuple.size()); } inline Real const& operator[](int i) const { return mTuple[i]; } inline Real& operator[](int i) { return mTuple[i]; } // Comparison (for use by STL containers). inline bool operator==(GVector const& vec) const { return mTuple == vec.mTuple; } inline bool operator!=(GVector const& vec) const { return mTuple != vec.mTuple; } inline bool operator< (GVector const& vec) const { return mTuple < vec.mTuple; } inline bool operator<=(GVector const& vec) const { return mTuple <= vec.mTuple; } inline bool operator> (GVector const& vec) const { return mTuple > vec.mTuple; } inline bool operator>=(GVector const& vec) const { return mTuple >= vec.mTuple; } // Special vectors. // All components are 0. void MakeZero() { std::fill(mTuple.begin(), mTuple.end(), (Real)0); } // Component d is 1, all others are zero. void MakeUnit(int d) { std::fill(mTuple.begin(), mTuple.end(), (Real)0); if (0 <= d && d < (int)mTuple.size()) { mTuple[d] = (Real)1; } } static GVector Zero(int size) { GVector v(size); v.MakeZero(); return v; } static GVector Unit(int size, int d) { GVector v(size); v.MakeUnit(d); return v; } protected: // This data structure takes advantage of the built-in operator[], // range checking and visualizers in MSVS. std::vector mTuple; }; // Unary operations. template GVector operator+(GVector const& v) { return v; } template GVector operator-(GVector const& v) { GVector result(v.GetSize()); for (int i = 0; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { result[i] = -v[i]; } return result; } // Linear-algebraic operations. template GVector operator+(GVector const& v0, GVector const& v1) { GVector result = v0; return result += v1; } template GVector operator-(GVector const& v0, GVector const& v1) { GVector result = v0; return result -= v1; } template GVector operator*(GVector const& v, Real scalar) { GVector result = v; return result *= scalar; } template GVector operator*(Real scalar, GVector const& v) { GVector result = v; return result *= scalar; } template GVector operator/(GVector const& v, Real scalar) { GVector result = v; return result /= scalar; } template GVector& operator+=(GVector& v0, GVector const& v1) { if (v0.GetSize() == v1.GetSize()) { for (int i = 0; i < v0.GetSize(); ++i) { v0[i] += v1[i]; } return v0; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } template GVector& operator-=(GVector& v0, GVector const& v1) { if (v0.GetSize() == v1.GetSize()) { for (int i = 0; i < v0.GetSize(); ++i) { v0[i] -= v1[i]; } return v0; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } template GVector& operator*=(GVector& v, Real scalar) { for (int i = 0; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { v[i] *= scalar; } return v; } template GVector& operator/=(GVector& v, Real scalar) { if (scalar != (Real)0) { Real invScalar = (Real)1 / scalar; for (int i = 0; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { v[i] *= invScalar; } return v; } LogError("Division by zero."); } // Geometric operations. The functions with 'robust' set to 'false' use // the standard algorithm for normalizing a vector by computing the length // as a square root of the squared length and dividing by it. The results // can be infinite (or NaN) if the length is zero. When 'robust' is set // to 'true', the algorithm is designed to avoid floating-point overflow // and sets the normalized vector to zero when the length is zero. template Real Dot(GVector const& v0, GVector const& v1) { if (v0.GetSize() == v1.GetSize()) { Real dot(0); for (int i = 0; i < v0.GetSize(); ++i) { dot += v0[i] * v1[i]; } return dot; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } template Real Length(GVector const& v, bool robust = false) { if (robust) { Real maxAbsComp = std::fabs(v[0]); for (int i = 1; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { Real absComp = std::fabs(v[i]); if (absComp > maxAbsComp) { maxAbsComp = absComp; } } Real length; if (maxAbsComp > (Real)0) { GVector scaled = v / maxAbsComp; length = maxAbsComp * std::sqrt(Dot(scaled, scaled)); } else { length = (Real)0; } return length; } else { return std::sqrt(Dot(v, v)); } } template Real Normalize(GVector& v, bool robust = false) { if (robust) { Real maxAbsComp = std::fabs(v[0]); for (int i = 1; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { Real absComp = std::fabs(v[i]); if (absComp > maxAbsComp) { maxAbsComp = absComp; } } Real length; if (maxAbsComp > (Real)0) { v /= maxAbsComp; length = std::sqrt(Dot(v, v)); v /= length; length *= maxAbsComp; } else { length = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { v[i] = (Real)0; } } return length; } else { Real length = std::sqrt(Dot(v, v)); if (length > (Real)0) { v /= length; } else { for (int i = 0; i < v.GetSize(); ++i) { v[i] = (Real)0; } } return length; } } // Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to generate orthonormal vectors from // the linearly independent inputs. The function returns the smallest // length of the unnormalized vectors computed during the process. If // this value is nearly zero, it is possible that the inputs are linearly // dependent (within numerical round-off errors). On input, // 1 <= numElements <= N and v[0] through v[numElements-1] must be // initialized. On output, the vectors v[0] through v[numElements-1] // form an orthonormal set. template Real Orthonormalize(int numInputs, GVector* v, bool robust = false) { if (v && 1 <= numInputs && numInputs <= v[0].GetSize()) { for (int i = 1; i < numInputs; ++i) { if (v[0].GetSize() != v[i].GetSize()) { LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } } Real minLength = Normalize(v[0], robust); for (int i = 1; i < numInputs; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { Real dot = Dot(v[i], v[j]); v[i] -= v[j] * dot; } Real length = Normalize(v[i], robust); if (length < minLength) { minLength = length; } } return minLength; } LogError("Invalid input."); } // Compute the axis-aligned bounding box of the vectors. The return value is // 'true' iff the inputs are valid, in which case vmin and vmax have valid // values. template bool ComputeExtremes(int numVectors, GVector const* v, GVector& vmin, GVector& vmax) { if (v && numVectors > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < numVectors; ++i) { if (v[0].GetSize() != v[i].GetSize()) { LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } } int const size = v[0].GetSize(); vmin = v[0]; vmax = vmin; for (int j = 1; j < numVectors; ++j) { GVector const& vec = v[j]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (vec[i] < vmin[i]) { vmin[i] = vec[i]; } else if (vec[i] > vmax[i]) { vmax[i] = vec[i]; } } } return true; } LogError("Invalid input."); } // Lift n-tuple v to homogeneous (n+1)-tuple (v,last). template GVector HLift(GVector const& v, Real last) { int const size = v.GetSize(); GVector result(size + 1); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { result[i] = v[i]; } result[size] = last; return result; } // Project homogeneous n-tuple v = (u,v[n-1]) to (n-1)-tuple u. template GVector HProject(GVector const& v) { int const size = v.GetSize(); if (size > 1) { GVector result(size - 1); for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) { result[i] = v[i]; } return result; } else { return GVector(); } } // Lift n-tuple v = (w0,w1) to (n+1)-tuple u = (w0,u[inject],w1). By // inference, w0 is a (inject)-tuple [nonexistent when inject=0] and w1 // is a (n-inject)-tuple [nonexistent when inject=n]. template GVector Lift(GVector const& v, int inject, Real value) { int const size = v.GetSize(); GVector result(size + 1); int i; for (i = 0; i < inject; ++i) { result[i] = v[i]; } result[i] = value; int j = i; for (++j; i < size; ++i, ++j) { result[j] = v[i]; } return result; } // Project n-tuple v = (w0,v[reject],w1) to (n-1)-tuple u = (w0,w1). By // inference, w0 is a (reject)-tuple [nonexistent when reject=0] and w1 // is a (n-1-reject)-tuple [nonexistent when reject=n-1]. template GVector Project(GVector const& v, int reject) { int const size = v.GetSize(); if (size > 1) { GVector result(size - 1); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < size - 1; ++i, ++j) { if (j == reject) { ++j; } result[i] = v[j]; } return result; } else { return GVector(); } } }