// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include // The VETNonmanifoldMesh class represents an edge-triangle nonmanifold mesh // but additionally stores vertex adjacency information. namespace gte { class VETNonmanifoldMesh : public ETNonmanifoldMesh { public: // Vertex data types. class Vertex; typedef std::shared_ptr(*VCreator)(int); typedef std::map> VMap; // Vertex object. class Vertex { public: virtual ~Vertex() = default; Vertex(int vIndex) : V(vIndex) { } // The index into the vertex pool of the mesh. int V; bool operator<(Vertex const& other) const { return V < other.V; } // Adjacent objects. std::set VAdjacent; std::set, SharedPtrLT> EAdjacent; std::set, SharedPtrLT> TAdjacent; }; // Construction and destruction. virtual ~VETNonmanifoldMesh() = default; VETNonmanifoldMesh(VCreator vCreator = nullptr, ECreator eCreator = nullptr, TCreator tCreator = nullptr) : ETNonmanifoldMesh(eCreator, tCreator), mVCreator(vCreator ? vCreator : CreateVertex) { } // Support for a deep copy of the mesh. The mVMap, mEMap, and mTMap // objects have dynamically allocated memory for vertices, edges, and // triangles. A shallow copy of the pointers to this memory is // problematic. Allowing sharing, say, via std::shared_ptr, is an // option but not really the intent of copying the mesh graph. VETNonmanifoldMesh(VETNonmanifoldMesh const& mesh) { *this = mesh; } VETNonmanifoldMesh& operator=(VETNonmanifoldMesh const& mesh) { Clear(); mVCreator = mesh.mVCreator; ETNonmanifoldMesh::operator=(mesh); return *this; } // Member access. inline VMap const& GetVertices() const { return mVMap; } // If is not in the mesh, a Triangle object is created and // returned; otherwise, is in the mesh and nullptr is // returned. virtual std::shared_ptr Insert(int v0, int v1, int v2) override { std::shared_ptr tri = ETNonmanifoldMesh::Insert(v0, v1, v2); if (!tri) { return nullptr; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int vIndex = tri->V[i]; auto vItem = mVMap.find(vIndex); std::shared_ptr vertex; if (vItem == mVMap.end()) { vertex = mVCreator(vIndex); mVMap[vIndex] = vertex; } else { vertex = vItem->second; } vertex->TAdjacent.insert(tri); for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { auto edge = tri->E[j].lock(); LogAssert(edge != nullptr, "Unexpected condition."); if (edge->V[0] == vIndex) { vertex->VAdjacent.insert(edge->V[1]); vertex->EAdjacent.insert(edge); } else if (edge->V[1] == vIndex) { vertex->VAdjacent.insert(edge->V[0]); vertex->EAdjacent.insert(edge); } } } return tri; } // If is in the mesh, it is removed and 'true' is returned; // otherwise, is not in the mesh and 'false' is returned. virtual bool Remove(int v0, int v1, int v2) override { auto tItem = mTMap.find(TriangleKey(v0, v1, v2)); if (tItem == mTMap.end()) { return false; } std::shared_ptr tri = tItem->second; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int vIndex = tri->V[i]; auto vItem = mVMap.find(vIndex); LogAssert(vItem != mVMap.end(), "Unexpected condition."); std::shared_ptr vertex = vItem->second; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { auto edge = tri->E[j].lock(); LogAssert(edge != nullptr, "Unexpected condition."); // If the edge will be removed by // ETNonmanifoldMesh::Remove, remove the vertex // references to it. if (edge->T.size() == 1) { for (auto const& adjw : edge->T) { auto adj = adjw.lock(); LogAssert(adj != nullptr, "Unexpected condition."); if (edge->V[0] == vIndex) { vertex->VAdjacent.erase(edge->V[1]); vertex->EAdjacent.erase(edge); } else if (edge->V[1] == vIndex) { vertex->VAdjacent.erase(edge->V[0]); vertex->EAdjacent.erase(edge); } } } } vertex->TAdjacent.erase(tri); // If the vertex is no longer shared by any triangle, // remove it. if (vertex->TAdjacent.size() == 0) { LogAssert(vertex->VAdjacent.size() != 0 || vertex->EAdjacent.size() != 0, "Malformed mesh."); mVMap.erase(vItem); } } return ETNonmanifoldMesh::Remove(v0, v1, v2); } // Destroy the vertices, edges, and triangles to obtain an empty mesh. virtual void Clear() override { mVMap.clear(); ETNonmanifoldMesh::Clear(); } protected: // The vertex data and default vertex creation. static std::shared_ptr CreateVertex(int vIndex) { return std::make_shared(vIndex); } VCreator mVCreator; VMap mVMap; }; }