// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.12.05 #pragma once #include #include #include #include // The Find functions return the number of roots, if any, and this number // of elements of the outputs are valid. If the polynomial is identically // zero, Find returns 1. // // Some root-bounding algorithms for real-valued roots are mentioned next for // the polynomial p(t) = c[0] + c[1]*t + ... + c[d-1]*t^{d-1} + c[d]*t^d. // // 1. The roots must be contained by the interval [-M,M] where // M = 1 + max{|c[0]|, ..., |c[d-1]|}/|c[d]| >= 1 // is called the Cauchy bound. // // 2. You may search for roots in the interval [-1,1]. Define // q(t) = t^d*p(1/t) = c[0]*t^d + c[1]*t^{d-1} + ... + c[d-1]*t + c[d] // The roots of p(t) not in [-1,1] are the roots of q(t) in [-1,1]. // // 3. Between two consecutive roots of the derivative p'(t), say, r0 < r1, // the function p(t) is strictly monotonic on the open interval (r0,r1). // If additionally, p(r0) * p(r1) <= 0, then p(x) has a unique root on // the closed interval [r0,r1]. Thus, one can compute the derivatives // through order d for p(t), find roots for the derivative of order k+1, // then use these to bound roots for the derivative of order k. // // 4. Sturm sequences of polynomials may be used to determine bounds on the // roots. This is a more sophisticated approach to root bounding than item 3. // Moreover, a Sturm sequence allows you to compute the number of real-valued // roots on a specified interval. // // 5. For the low-degree Solve* functions, see // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/LowDegreePolynomialRoots.pdf // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY (unit testing). Do not define the symbol // GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_UNIT_TEST in your own code. #if defined(GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_UNIT_TEST) extern void RootsLowDegreeBlock(int); #define GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(block) RootsLowDegreeBlock(block) #else #define GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(block) #endif namespace gte { template class RootsPolynomial { public: // Low-degree root finders. These use exact rational arithmetic for // theoretically correct root classification. The roots themselves // are computed with mixed types (rational and floating-point // arithmetic). The Rational type must support rational arithmetic // (+, -, *, /); for example, BSRational suffices. The // Rational class must have single-input constructors where the input // is type Real. This ensures you can call the Solve* functions with // floating-point inputs; they will be converted to Rational // implicitly. The highest-order coefficients must be nonzero // (p2 != 0 for quadratic, p3 != 0 for cubic, and p4 != 0 for // quartic). template static void SolveQuadratic(Rational const& p0, Rational const& p1, Rational const& p2, std::map& rmMap) { Rational const rat2 = 2; Rational q0 = p0 / p2; Rational q1 = p1 / p2; Rational q1half = q1 / rat2; Rational c0 = q0 - q1half * q1half; std::map rmLocalMap; SolveDepressedQuadratic(c0, rmLocalMap); rmMap.clear(); for (auto& rm : rmLocalMap) { Rational root = rm.first - q1half; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair((Real)root, rm.second)); } } template static void SolveCubic(Rational const& p0, Rational const& p1, Rational const& p2, Rational const& p3, std::map& rmMap) { Rational const rat2 = 2, rat3 = 3; Rational q0 = p0 / p3; Rational q1 = p1 / p3; Rational q2 = p2 / p3; Rational q2third = q2 / rat3; Rational c0 = q0 - q2third * (q1 - rat2 * q2third * q2third); Rational c1 = q1 - q2 * q2third; std::map rmLocalMap; SolveDepressedCubic(c0, c1, rmLocalMap); rmMap.clear(); for (auto& rm : rmLocalMap) { Rational root = rm.first - q2third; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair((Real)root, rm.second)); } } template static void SolveQuartic(Rational const& p0, Rational const& p1, Rational const& p2, Rational const& p3, Rational const& p4, std::map& rmMap) { Rational const rat2 = 2, rat3 = 3, rat4 = 4, rat6 = 6; Rational q0 = p0 / p4; Rational q1 = p1 / p4; Rational q2 = p2 / p4; Rational q3 = p3 / p4; Rational q3fourth = q3 / rat4; Rational q3fourthSqr = q3fourth * q3fourth; Rational c0 = q0 - q3fourth * (q1 - q3fourth * (q2 - q3fourthSqr * rat3)); Rational c1 = q1 - rat2 * q3fourth * (q2 - rat4 * q3fourthSqr); Rational c2 = q2 - rat6 * q3fourthSqr; std::map rmLocalMap; SolveDepressedQuartic(c0, c1, c2, rmLocalMap); rmMap.clear(); for (auto& rm : rmLocalMap) { Rational root = rm.first - q3fourth; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair((Real)root, rm.second)); } } // Return only the number of real-valued roots and their // multiplicities. info.size() is the number of real-valued roots // and info[i] is the multiplicity of root corresponding to index i. template static void GetRootInfoQuadratic(Rational const& p0, Rational const& p1, Rational const& p2, std::vector& info) { Rational const rat2 = 2; Rational q0 = p0 / p2; Rational q1 = p1 / p2; Rational q1half = q1 / rat2; Rational c0 = q0 - q1half * q1half; info.clear(); info.reserve(2); GetRootInfoDepressedQuadratic(c0, info); } template static void GetRootInfoCubic(Rational const& p0, Rational const& p1, Rational const& p2, Rational const& p3, std::vector& info) { Rational const rat2 = 2, rat3 = 3; Rational q0 = p0 / p3; Rational q1 = p1 / p3; Rational q2 = p2 / p3; Rational q2third = q2 / rat3; Rational c0 = q0 - q2third * (q1 - rat2 * q2third * q2third); Rational c1 = q1 - q2 * q2third; info.clear(); info.reserve(3); GetRootInfoDepressedCubic(c0, c1, info); } template static void GetRootInfoQuartic(Rational const& p0, Rational const& p1, Rational const& p2, Rational const& p3, Rational const& p4, std::vector& info) { Rational const rat2 = 2, rat3 = 3, rat4 = 4, rat6 = 6; Rational q0 = p0 / p4; Rational q1 = p1 / p4; Rational q2 = p2 / p4; Rational q3 = p3 / p4; Rational q3fourth = q3 / rat4; Rational q3fourthSqr = q3fourth * q3fourth; Rational c0 = q0 - q3fourth * (q1 - q3fourth * (q2 - q3fourthSqr * rat3)); Rational c1 = q1 - rat2 * q3fourth * (q2 - rat4 * q3fourthSqr); Rational c2 = q2 - rat6 * q3fourthSqr; info.clear(); info.reserve(4); GetRootInfoDepressedQuartic(c0, c1, c2, info); } // General equations: sum_{i=0}^{d} c(i)*t^i = 0. The input array 'c' // must have at least d+1 elements and the output array 'root' must // have at least d elements. // Find the roots on (-infinity,+infinity). static int Find(int degree, Real const* c, unsigned int maxIterations, Real* roots) { if (degree >= 0 && c) { Real const zero = (Real)0; while (degree >= 0 && c[degree] == zero) { --degree; } if (degree > 0) { // Compute the Cauchy bound. Real const one = (Real)1; Real invLeading = one / c[degree]; Real maxValue = zero; for (int i = 0; i < degree; ++i) { Real value = std::fabs(c[i] * invLeading); if (value > maxValue) { maxValue = value; } } Real bound = one + maxValue; return FindRecursive(degree, c, -bound, bound, maxIterations, roots); } else if (degree == 0) { // The polynomial is a nonzero constant. return 0; } else { // The polynomial is identically zero. roots[0] = zero; return 1; } } else { // Invalid degree or c. return 0; } } // If you know that p(tmin) * p(tmax) <= 0, then there must be at // least one root in [tmin, tmax]. Compute it using bisection. static bool Find(int degree, Real const* c, Real tmin, Real tmax, unsigned int maxIterations, Real& root) { Real const zero = (Real)0; Real pmin = Evaluate(degree, c, tmin); if (pmin == zero) { root = tmin; return true; } Real pmax = Evaluate(degree, c, tmax); if (pmax == zero) { root = tmax; return true; } if (pmin * pmax > zero) { // It is not known whether the interval bounds a root. return false; } if (tmin >= tmax) { // Invalid ordering of interval endpoitns. return false; } for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= maxIterations; ++i) { root = ((Real)0.5) * (tmin + tmax); // This test is designed for 'float' or 'double' when tmin // and tmax are consecutive floating-point numbers. if (root == tmin || root == tmax) { break; } Real p = Evaluate(degree, c, root); Real product = p * pmin; if (product < zero) { tmax = root; pmax = p; } else if (product > zero) { tmin = root; pmin = p; } else { break; } } return true; } private: // Support for the Solve* functions. template static void SolveDepressedQuadratic(Rational const& c0, std::map& rmMap) { Rational const zero = 0; if (c0 < zero) { // Two simple roots. Rational root1 = (Rational)std::sqrt((double)-c0); Rational root0 = -root1; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(0); } else if (c0 == zero) { // One double root. rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(zero, 2)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(1); } else // c0 > 0 { // A complex-conjugate pair of roots. // Complex z0 = -q1/2 - i*sqrt(c0); // Complex z0conj = -q1/2 + i*sqrt(c0); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(2); } } template static void SolveDepressedCubic(Rational const& c0, Rational const& c1, std::map& rmMap) { // Handle the special case of c0 = 0, in which case the polynomial // reduces to a depressed quadratic. Rational const zero = 0; if (c0 == zero) { SolveDepressedQuadratic(c1, rmMap); auto iter = rmMap.find(zero); if (iter != rmMap.end()) { // The quadratic has a root of zero, so the multiplicity // must be increased. ++iter->second; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(3); } else { // The quadratic does not have a root of zero. Insert the // one for the cubic. rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(zero, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(4); } return; } // Handle the special case of c0 != 0 and c1 = 0. double const oneThird = 1.0 / 3.0; if (c1 == zero) { // One simple real root. Rational root0; if (c0 > zero) { root0 = (Rational)-std::pow((double)c0, oneThird); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(5); } else { root0 = (Rational)std::pow(-(double)c0, oneThird); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(6); } rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); // One complex conjugate pair. // Complex z0 = root0*(-1 - i*sqrt(3))/2; // Complex z0conj = root0*(-1 + i*sqrt(3))/2; return; } // At this time, c0 != 0 and c1 != 0. Rational const rat2 = 2, rat3 = 3, rat4 = 4, rat27 = 27, rat108 = 108; Rational delta = -(rat4 * c1 * c1 * c1 + rat27 * c0 * c0); if (delta > zero) { // Three simple roots. Rational deltaDiv108 = delta / rat108; Rational betaRe = -c0 / rat2; Rational betaIm = std::sqrt(deltaDiv108); Rational theta = std::atan2(betaIm, betaRe); Rational thetaDiv3 = theta / rat3; double angle = (double)thetaDiv3; Rational cs = (Rational)std::cos(angle); Rational sn = (Rational)std::sin(angle); Rational rhoSqr = betaRe * betaRe + betaIm * betaIm; Rational rhoPowThird = (Rational)std::pow((double)rhoSqr, 1.0 / 6.0); Rational temp0 = rhoPowThird * cs; Rational temp1 = rhoPowThird * sn * (Rational)std::sqrt(3.0); Rational root0 = rat2 * temp0; Rational root1 = -temp0 - temp1; Rational root2 = -temp0 + temp1; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root2, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(7); } else if (delta < zero) { // One simple root. Rational deltaDiv108 = delta / rat108; Rational temp0 = -c0 / rat2; Rational temp1 = (Rational)std::sqrt(-(double)deltaDiv108); Rational temp2 = temp0 - temp1; Rational temp3 = temp0 + temp1; if (temp2 >= zero) { temp2 = (Rational)std::pow((double)temp2, oneThird); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(8); } else { temp2 = (Rational)-std::pow(-(double)temp2, oneThird); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(9); } if (temp3 >= zero) { temp3 = (Rational)std::pow((double)temp3, oneThird); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(10); } else { temp3 = (Rational)-std::pow(-(double)temp3, oneThird); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(11); } Rational root0 = temp2 + temp3; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); // One complex conjugate pair. // Complex z0 = (-root0 - i*sqrt(3*root0*root0+4*c1))/2; // Complex z0conj = (-root0 + i*sqrt(3*root0*root0+4*c1))/2; } else // delta = 0 { // One simple root and one double root. Rational root0 = -rat3 * c0 / (rat2 * c1); Rational root1 = -rat2 * root0; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 2)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(12); } } template static void SolveDepressedQuartic(Rational const& c0, Rational const& c1, Rational const& c2, std::map& rmMap) { // Handle the special case of c0 = 0, in which case the polynomial // reduces to a depressed cubic. Rational const zero = 0; if (c0 == zero) { SolveDepressedCubic(c1, c2, rmMap); auto iter = rmMap.find(zero); if (iter != rmMap.end()) { // The cubic has a root of zero, so the multiplicity must // be increased. ++iter->second; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(13); } else { // The cubic does not have a root of zero. Insert the one // for the quartic. rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(zero, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(14); } return; } // Handle the special case of c1 = 0, in which case the quartic is // a biquadratic // x^4 + c1*x^2 + c0 = (x^2 + c2/2)^2 + (c0 - c2^2/4) if (c1 == zero) { SolveBiquadratic(c0, c2, rmMap); return; } // At this time, c0 != 0 and c1 != 0, which is a requirement for // the general solver that must use a root of a special cubic // polynomial. Rational const rat2 = 2, rat4 = 4, rat8 = 8, rat12 = 12, rat16 = 16; Rational const rat27 = 27, rat36 = 36; Rational c0sqr = c0 * c0, c1sqr = c1 * c1, c2sqr = c2 * c2; Rational delta = c1sqr * (-rat27 * c1sqr + rat4 * c2 * (rat36 * c0 - c2sqr)) + rat16 * c0 * (c2sqr * (c2sqr - rat8 * c0) + rat16 * c0sqr); Rational a0 = rat12 * c0 + c2sqr; Rational a1 = rat4 * c0 - c2sqr; if (delta > zero) { if (c2 < zero && a1 < zero) { // Four simple real roots. std::map rmCubicMap; SolveCubic(c1sqr - rat4 * c0 * c2, rat8 * c0, rat4 * c2, -rat8, rmCubicMap); Rational t = (Rational)rmCubicMap.rbegin()->first; Rational alphaSqr = rat2 * t - c2; Rational alpha = (Rational)std::sqrt((double)alphaSqr); double sgnC1; if (c1 > zero) { sgnC1 = 1.0; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(15); } else { sgnC1 = -1.0; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(16); } Rational arg = t * t - c0; Rational beta = (Rational)(sgnC1 * std::sqrt(std::max((double)arg, 0.0))); Rational D0 = alphaSqr - rat4 * (t + beta); Rational sqrtD0 = (Rational)std::sqrt(std::max((double)D0, 0.0)); Rational D1 = alphaSqr - rat4 * (t - beta); Rational sqrtD1 = (Rational)std::sqrt(std::max((double)D1, 0.0)); Rational root0 = (alpha - sqrtD0) / rat2; Rational root1 = (alpha + sqrtD0) / rat2; Rational root2 = (-alpha - sqrtD1) / rat2; Rational root3 = (-alpha + sqrtD1) / rat2; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root2, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root3, 1)); } else // c2 >= 0 or a1 >= 0 { // Two complex-conjugate pairs. The values alpha, D0 // and D1 are those of the if-block. // Complex z0 = (alpha - i*sqrt(-D0))/2; // Complex z0conj = (alpha + i*sqrt(-D0))/2; // Complex z1 = (-alpha - i*sqrt(-D1))/2; // Complex z1conj = (-alpha + i*sqrt(-D1))/2; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(17); } } else if (delta < zero) { // Two simple real roots, one complex-conjugate pair. std::map rmCubicMap; SolveCubic(c1sqr - rat4 * c0 * c2, rat8 * c0, rat4 * c2, -rat8, rmCubicMap); Rational t = (Rational)rmCubicMap.rbegin()->first; Rational alphaSqr = rat2 * t - c2; Rational alpha = (Rational)std::sqrt(std::max((double)alphaSqr, 0.0)); double sgnC1; if (c1 > zero) { sgnC1 = 1.0; // Leads to BLOCK(18) } else { sgnC1 = -1.0; // Leads to BLOCK(19) } Rational arg = t * t - c0; Rational beta = (Rational)(sgnC1 * std::sqrt(std::max((double)arg, 0.0))); Rational root0, root1; if (sgnC1 > 0.0) { Rational D1 = alphaSqr - rat4 * (t - beta); Rational sqrtD1 = (Rational)std::sqrt(std::max((double)D1, 0.0)); root0 = (-alpha - sqrtD1) / rat2; root1 = (-alpha + sqrtD1) / rat2; // One complex conjugate pair. // Complex z0 = (alpha - i*sqrt(-D0))/2; // Complex z0conj = (alpha + i*sqrt(-D0))/2; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(18); } else { Rational D0 = alphaSqr - rat4 * (t + beta); Rational sqrtD0 = (Rational)std::sqrt(std::max((double)D0, 0.0)); root0 = (alpha - sqrtD0) / rat2; root1 = (alpha + sqrtD0) / rat2; // One complex conjugate pair. // Complex z0 = (-alpha - i*sqrt(-D1))/2; // Complex z0conj = (-alpha + i*sqrt(-D1))/2; GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(19); } rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); } else // delta = 0 { if (a1 > zero || (c2 > zero && (a1 != zero || c1 != zero))) { // One double real root, one complex-conjugate pair. Rational const rat9 = 9; Rational root0 = -c1 * a0 / (rat9 * c1sqr - rat2 * c2 * a1); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 2)); // One complex conjugate pair. // Complex z0 = -root0 - i*sqrt(c2 + root0^2); // Complex z0conj = -root0 + i*sqrt(c2 + root0^2); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(20); } else { Rational const rat3 = 3; if (a0 != zero) { // One double real root, two simple real roots. Rational const rat9 = 9; Rational root0 = -c1 * a0 / (rat9 * c1sqr - rat2 * c2 * a1); Rational alpha = rat2 * root0; Rational beta = c2 + rat3 * root0 * root0; Rational discr = alpha * alpha - rat4 * beta; Rational temp1 = (Rational)std::sqrt((double)discr); Rational root1 = (-alpha - temp1) / rat2; Rational root2 = (-alpha + temp1) / rat2; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 2)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root2, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(21); } else { // One triple real root, one simple real root. Rational root0 = -rat3 * c1 / (rat4 * c2); Rational root1 = -rat3 * root0; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 3)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(22); } } } } template static void SolveBiquadratic(Rational const& c0, Rational const& c2, std::map& rmMap) { // Solve 0 = x^4 + c2*x^2 + c0 = (x^2 + c2/2)^2 + a1, where // a1 = c0 - c2^2/2. We know that c0 != 0 at the time of the // function call, so x = 0 is not a root. The condition c1 = 0 // implies the quartic Delta = 256*c0*a1^2. Rational const zero = 0, rat2 = 2, rat256 = 256; Rational c2Half = c2 / rat2; Rational a1 = c0 - c2Half * c2Half; Rational delta = rat256 * c0 * a1 * a1; if (delta > zero) { if (c2 < zero) { if (a1 < zero) { // Four simple roots. Rational temp0 = (Rational)std::sqrt(-(double)a1); Rational temp1 = -c2Half - temp0; Rational temp2 = -c2Half + temp0; Rational root1 = (Rational)std::sqrt((double)temp1); Rational root0 = -root1; Rational root2 = (Rational)std::sqrt((double)temp2); Rational root3 = -root2; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root2, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root3, 1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(23); } else // a1 > 0 { // Two simple complex conjugate pairs. // double thetaDiv2 = atan2(sqrt(a1), -c2/2) / 2.0; // double cs = cos(thetaDiv2), sn = sin(thetaDiv2); // double length = pow(c0, 0.25); // Complex z0 = length*(cs + i*sn); // Complex z0conj = length*(cs - i*sn); // Complex z1 = length*(-cs + i*sn); // Complex z1conj = length*(-cs - i*sn); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(24); } } else // c2 >= 0 { // Two simple complex conjugate pairs. // Complex z0 = -i*sqrt(c2/2 - sqrt(-a1)); // Complex z0conj = +i*sqrt(c2/2 - sqrt(-a1)); // Complex z1 = -i*sqrt(c2/2 + sqrt(-a1)); // Complex z1conj = +i*sqrt(c2/2 + sqrt(-a1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(25); } } else if (delta < zero) { // Two simple real roots. Rational temp0 = (Rational)std::sqrt(-(double)a1); Rational temp1 = -c2Half + temp0; Rational root1 = (Rational)std::sqrt((double)temp1); Rational root0 = -root1; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 1)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 1)); // One complex conjugate pair. // Complex z0 = -i*sqrt(c2/2 + sqrt(-a1)); // Complex z0conj = +i*sqrt(c2/2 + sqrt(-a1)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(26); } else // delta = 0 { if (c2 < zero) { // Two double real roots. Rational root1 = (Rational)std::sqrt(-(double)c2Half); Rational root0 = -root1; rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root0, 2)); rmMap.insert(std::make_pair(root1, 2)); GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(27); } else // c2 > 0 { // Two double complex conjugate pairs. // Complex z0 = -i*sqrt(c2/2); // multiplicity 2 // Complex z0conj = +i*sqrt(c2/2); // multiplicity 2 GTE_ROOTS_LOW_DEGREE_BLOCK(28); } } } // Support for the GetNumRoots* functions. template static void GetRootInfoDepressedQuadratic(Rational const& c0, std::vector& info) { Rational const zero = 0; if (c0 < zero) { // Two simple roots. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else if (c0 == zero) { // One double root. info.push_back(2); // root is zero } else // c0 > 0 { // A complex-conjugate pair of roots. } } template static void GetRootInfoDepressedCubic(Rational const& c0, Rational const& c1, std::vector& info) { // Handle the special case of c0 = 0, in which case the polynomial // reduces to a depressed quadratic. Rational const zero = 0; if (c0 == zero) { if (c1 == zero) { info.push_back(3); // triple root of zero } else { info.push_back(1); // simple root of zero GetRootInfoDepressedQuadratic(c1, info); } return; } Rational const rat4 = 4, rat27 = 27; Rational delta = -(rat4 * c1 * c1 * c1 + rat27 * c0 * c0); if (delta > zero) { // Three simple real roots. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else if (delta < zero) { // One simple real root. info.push_back(1); } else // delta = 0 { // One simple real root and one double real root. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(2); } } template static void GetRootInfoDepressedQuartic(Rational const& c0, Rational const& c1, Rational const& c2, std::vector& info) { // Handle the special case of c0 = 0, in which case the polynomial // reduces to a depressed cubic. Rational const zero = 0; if (c0 == zero) { if (c1 == zero) { if (c2 == zero) { info.push_back(4); // quadruple root of zero } else { info.push_back(2); // double root of zero GetRootInfoDepressedQuadratic(c2, info); } } else { info.push_back(1); // simple root of zero GetRootInfoDepressedCubic(c1, c2, info); } return; } // Handle the special case of c1 = 0, in which case the quartic is // a biquadratic // x^4 + c1*x^2 + c0 = (x^2 + c2/2)^2 + (c0 - c2^2/4) if (c1 == zero) { GetRootInfoBiquadratic(c0, c2, info); return; } // At this time, c0 != 0 and c1 != 0, which is a requirement for // the general solver that must use a root of a special cubic // polynomial. Rational const rat4 = 4, rat8 = 8, rat12 = 12, rat16 = 16; Rational const rat27 = 27, rat36 = 36; Rational c0sqr = c0 * c0, c1sqr = c1 * c1, c2sqr = c2 * c2; Rational delta = c1sqr * (-rat27 * c1sqr + rat4 * c2 * (rat36 * c0 - c2sqr)) + rat16 * c0 * (c2sqr * (c2sqr - rat8 * c0) + rat16 * c0sqr); Rational a0 = rat12 * c0 + c2sqr; Rational a1 = rat4 * c0 - c2sqr; if (delta > zero) { if (c2 < zero && a1 < zero) { // Four simple real roots. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else // c2 >= 0 or a1 >= 0 { // Two complex-conjugate pairs. } } else if (delta < zero) { // Two simple real roots, one complex-conjugate pair. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else // delta = 0 { if (a1 > zero || (c2 > zero && (a1 != zero || c1 != zero))) { // One double real root, one complex-conjugate pair. info.push_back(2); } else { if (a0 != zero) { // One double real root, two simple real roots. info.push_back(2); info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else { // One triple real root, one simple real root. info.push_back(3); info.push_back(1); } } } } template static void GetRootInfoBiquadratic(Rational const& c0, Rational const& c2, std::vector& info) { // Solve 0 = x^4 + c2*x^2 + c0 = (x^2 + c2/2)^2 + a1, where // a1 = c0 - c2^2/2. We know that c0 != 0 at the time of the // function call, so x = 0 is not a root. The condition c1 = 0 // implies the quartic Delta = 256*c0*a1^2. Rational const zero = 0, rat2 = 2, rat256 = 256; Rational c2Half = c2 / rat2; Rational a1 = c0 - c2Half * c2Half; Rational delta = rat256 * c0 * a1 * a1; if (delta > zero) { if (c2 < zero) { if (a1 < zero) { // Four simple roots. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else // a1 > 0 { // Two simple complex conjugate pairs. } } else // c2 >= 0 { // Two simple complex conjugate pairs. } } else if (delta < zero) { // Two simple real roots, one complex conjugate pair. info.push_back(1); info.push_back(1); } else // delta = 0 { if (c2 < zero) { // Two double real roots. info.push_back(2); info.push_back(2); } else // c2 > 0 { // Two double complex conjugate pairs. } } } // Support for the Find functions. static int FindRecursive(int degree, Real const* c, Real tmin, Real tmax, unsigned int maxIterations, Real* roots) { // The base of the recursion. Real const zero = (Real)0; Real root = zero; if (degree == 1) { int numRoots; if (c[1] != zero) { root = -c[0] / c[1]; numRoots = 1; } else if (c[0] == zero) { root = zero; numRoots = 1; } else { numRoots = 0; } if (numRoots > 0 && tmin <= root && root <= tmax) { roots[0] = root; return 1; } return 0; } // Find the roots of the derivative polynomial scaled by 1/degree. // The scaling avoids the factorial growth in the coefficients; // for example, without the scaling, the high-order term x^d // becomes (d!)*x through multiple differentiations. With the // scaling we instead get x. This leads to better numerical // behavior of the root finder. int derivDegree = degree - 1; std::vector derivCoeff(derivDegree + 1); std::vector derivRoots(derivDegree); for (int i = 0; i <= derivDegree; ++i) { derivCoeff[i] = c[i + 1] * (Real)(i + 1) / (Real)degree; } int numDerivRoots = FindRecursive(degree - 1, &derivCoeff[0], tmin, tmax, maxIterations, &derivRoots[0]); int numRoots = 0; if (numDerivRoots > 0) { // Find root on [tmin,derivRoots[0]]. if (Find(degree, c, tmin, derivRoots[0], maxIterations, root)) { roots[numRoots++] = root; } // Find root on [derivRoots[i],derivRoots[i+1]]. for (int i = 0; i <= numDerivRoots - 2; ++i) { if (Find(degree, c, derivRoots[i], derivRoots[i + 1], maxIterations, root)) { roots[numRoots++] = root; } } // Find root on [derivRoots[numDerivRoots-1],tmax]. if (Find(degree, c, derivRoots[numDerivRoots - 1], tmax, maxIterations, root)) { roots[numRoots++] = root; } } else { // The polynomial is monotone on [tmin,tmax], so has at most one root. if (Find(degree, c, tmin, tmax, maxIterations, root)) { roots[numRoots++] = root; } } return numRoots; } static Real Evaluate(int degree, Real const* c, Real t) { int i = degree; Real result = c[i]; while (--i >= 0) { result = t * result + c[i]; } return result; } }; }