// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2021.04.30 #pragma once #include #include #include namespace gte { template class RigidBody { public: // Construction and destruction. The rigid body state is // uninitialized. Use the set functions to initialize the state // before starting the simulation. virtual ~RigidBody() = default; RigidBody() : mMass(std::numeric_limits::max()), mInvMass((Real)0), mInertia(Matrix3x3::Identity()), mInvInertia(Matrix3x3::Zero()), mPosition(Vector3::Zero()), mQuatOrient(Quaternion::Identity()), mLinearMomentum(Vector3::Zero()), mAngularMomentum(Vector3::Zero()), mRotOrient(Matrix3x3::Identity()), mLinearVelocity(Vector3::Zero()), mAngularVelocity(Vector3::Zero()) { // The default body is immovable. } // Set rigid body state. void SetMass(float mass) { if ((Real)0 < mass && mass < std::numeric_limits::max()) { mMass = mass; mInvMass = (Real)1 / mass; } else { // Assume the body as immovable. mMass = std::numeric_limits::max(); mInvMass = (Real)0; mInertia = Matrix3x3::Identity(); mInvInertia = Matrix3x3::Zero(); mQuatOrient = Quaternion::Identity(); mLinearMomentum = Vector3::Zero(); mAngularMomentum = Vector3::Zero(); mRotOrient = Matrix3x3::Identity(); mLinearVelocity = Vector3::Zero(); mAngularVelocity = Vector3::Zero(); } } void SetBodyInertia(Matrix3x3 const& inertia) { mInertia = inertia; mInvInertia = Inverse(mInertia); } inline void SetPosition(Vector3 const& position) { mPosition = position; } void SetQOrientation(Quaternion const& quatOrient) { mQuatOrient = quatOrient; mRotOrient = Rotation<3, Real>(mQuatOrient); } void SetLinearMomentum(Vector3 const& linearMomentum) { mLinearMomentum = linearMomentum; mLinearVelocity = mInvMass * mLinearMomentum; } void SetAngularMomentum(Vector3 const& angularMomentum) { mAngularMomentum = angularMomentum; // V = R^T*M mAngularVelocity = mAngularMomentum * mRotOrient; // V = J^{-1}*R^T*M mAngularVelocity = mInvInertia * mAngularVelocity; // V = R*J^{-1}*R^T*M mAngularVelocity = mRotOrient * mAngularVelocity; } void SetROrientation(Matrix3x3 const& rotOrient) { mRotOrient = rotOrient; mQuatOrient = Rotation<3, Real>(mRotOrient); } void SetLinearVelocity(Vector3 const& linearVelocity) { mLinearVelocity = linearVelocity; mLinearMomentum = mMass * mLinearVelocity; } void SetAngularVelocity(Vector3 const& angularVelocity) { mAngularVelocity = angularVelocity; // M = R^T*V mAngularMomentum = mAngularVelocity * mRotOrient; // M = J*R^T*V mAngularMomentum = mInertia * mAngularMomentum; // M = R*J*R^T*V mAngularMomentum = mRotOrient * mAngularMomentum; } // Get rigid body state. inline Real GetMass() const { return mMass; } inline Real GetInverseMass() const { return mInvMass; } inline Matrix3x3 const& GetBodyInertia() const { return mInertia; } inline Matrix3x3 const& GetBodyInverseInertia() const { return mInvInertia; } Matrix3x3 GetWorldInertia() const { return MultiplyABT(mRotOrient * mInertia, mRotOrient); // R*J*R^T } Matrix3x3 GetWorldInverseInertia() const { // R*J^{-1}*R^T return MultiplyABT(mRotOrient * mInvInertia, mRotOrient); } inline Vector3 const& GetPosition() const { return mPosition; } Quaternion const& GetQOrientation() const { return mQuatOrient; } inline Vector3 const& GetLinearMomentum() const { return mLinearMomentum; } inline Vector3 const& GetAngularMomentum() const { return mAngularMomentum; } inline Matrix3x3 const& GetROrientation() const { return mRotOrient; } inline Vector3 const& GetLinearVelocity() const { return mLinearVelocity; } inline Vector3 const& GetAngularVelocity() const { return mAngularVelocity; } // Force/torque function format. typedef std::function < Vector3 ( Real, // time of application Real, // mass Vector3 const&, // position Quaternion const&, // orientation Vector3 const&, // linear momentum Vector3 const&, // angular momentum Matrix3x3 const&, // orientation Vector3 const&, // linear velocity Vector3 const& // angular velocity ) > Function; // Force and torque functions. Function mForce; Function mTorque; // Runge-Kutta fourth-order differential equation solver void Update(Real t, Real dt) { // TODO: When GTE_MAT_VEC is not defined (i.e. use vec-mat), // test to see whether dq/dt = 0.5 * w * q (mat-vec convention) // needs to become a different equation. Real halfDT = (Real)0.5 * dt; Real sixthDT = dt / (Real)6; Real TpHalfDT = t + halfDT; Real TpDT = t + dt; Vector3 newPosition, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum; Vector3 newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity; Quaternion newQuatOrient; Matrix3x3 newRotOrient; // A1 = G(T,S0), B1 = S0 + (DT/2)*A1 Vector3 A1DXDT = mLinearVelocity; Quaternion W = Quaternion(mAngularVelocity[0], mAngularVelocity[1], mAngularVelocity[2], (Real)0); Quaternion A1DQDT = (Real)0.5 * W * mQuatOrient; Vector3 A1DPDT = mForce(t, mMass, mPosition, mQuatOrient, mLinearMomentum, mAngularMomentum, mRotOrient, mLinearVelocity, mAngularVelocity); Vector3 A1DLDT = mTorque(t, mMass, mPosition, mQuatOrient, mLinearMomentum, mAngularMomentum, mRotOrient, mLinearVelocity, mAngularVelocity); newPosition = mPosition + halfDT * A1DXDT; newQuatOrient = mQuatOrient + halfDT * A1DQDT; Normalize(newQuatOrient); newLinearMomentum = mLinearMomentum + halfDT * A1DPDT; newAngularMomentum = mAngularMomentum + halfDT * A1DLDT; newRotOrient = Rotation<3, Real>(newQuatOrient); newLinearVelocity = mInvMass * newLinearMomentum; newAngularVelocity = newAngularMomentum * newRotOrient; newAngularVelocity = mInvInertia * newAngularVelocity; newAngularVelocity = newRotOrient * newAngularVelocity; // A2 = G(T+DT/2,B1), B2 = S0 + (DT/2)*A2 Vector3 A2DXDT = newLinearVelocity; W = Quaternion(newAngularVelocity[0], newAngularVelocity[1], newAngularVelocity[2], (Real)0); Quaternion A2DQDT = (Real)0.5 * W * newQuatOrient; Vector3 A2DPDT = mForce(TpHalfDT, mMass, newPosition, newQuatOrient, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum, newRotOrient, newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity); Vector3 A2DLDT = mTorque(TpHalfDT, mMass, newPosition, newQuatOrient, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum, newRotOrient, newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity); newPosition = mPosition + halfDT * A2DXDT; newQuatOrient = mQuatOrient + halfDT * A2DQDT; Normalize(newQuatOrient); newLinearMomentum = mLinearMomentum + halfDT * A2DPDT; newAngularMomentum = mAngularMomentum + halfDT * A2DLDT; newRotOrient = Rotation<3, Real>(newQuatOrient); newLinearVelocity = mInvMass * newLinearMomentum; newAngularVelocity = newAngularMomentum * newRotOrient; newAngularVelocity = mInvInertia * newAngularVelocity; newAngularVelocity = newRotOrient * newAngularVelocity; // A3 = G(T+DT/2,B2), B3 = S0 + DT*A3 Vector3 A3DXDT = newLinearVelocity; W = Quaternion(newAngularVelocity[0], newAngularVelocity[1], newAngularVelocity[2], (Real)0); Quaternion A3DQDT = (Real)0.5 * W * newQuatOrient; Vector3 A3DPDT = mForce(TpHalfDT, mMass, newPosition, newQuatOrient, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum, newRotOrient, newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity); Vector3 A3DLDT = mTorque(TpHalfDT, mMass, newPosition, newQuatOrient, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum, newRotOrient, newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity); newPosition = mPosition + dt * A3DXDT; newQuatOrient = mQuatOrient + dt * A3DQDT; Normalize(newQuatOrient); newLinearMomentum = mLinearMomentum + dt * A3DPDT; newAngularMomentum = mAngularMomentum + dt * A3DLDT; newRotOrient = Rotation<3, Real>(newQuatOrient); newLinearVelocity = mInvMass * newLinearMomentum; newAngularVelocity = newAngularMomentum * newRotOrient; newAngularVelocity = mInvInertia * newAngularVelocity; newAngularVelocity = newRotOrient * newAngularVelocity; // A4 = G(T+DT,B3), S1 = S0 + (DT/6)*(A1+2*(A2+A3)+A4) Vector3 A4DXDT = newLinearVelocity; W = Quaternion(newAngularVelocity[0], newAngularVelocity[1], newAngularVelocity[2], (Real)0); Quaternion A4DQDT = (Real)0.5 * W * newQuatOrient; Vector3 A4DPDT = mForce(TpDT, mMass, newPosition, newQuatOrient, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum, newRotOrient, newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity); Vector3 A4DLDT = mTorque(TpDT, mMass, newPosition, newQuatOrient, newLinearMomentum, newAngularMomentum, newRotOrient, newLinearVelocity, newAngularVelocity); mPosition += sixthDT * (A1DXDT + (Real)2 * (A2DXDT + A3DXDT) + A4DXDT); mQuatOrient += sixthDT * (A1DQDT + (Real)2 * (A2DQDT + A3DQDT) + A4DQDT); mLinearMomentum += sixthDT * (A1DPDT + (Real)2 * (A2DPDT + A3DPDT) + A4DPDT); mAngularMomentum += sixthDT * (A1DLDT + (Real)2 * (A2DLDT + A3DLDT) + A4DLDT); Normalize(mQuatOrient); mRotOrient = Rotation<3, Real>(mQuatOrient); mLinearVelocity = mInvMass * mLinearMomentum; mAngularVelocity = mAngularMomentum * mRotOrient; mAngularVelocity = mInvInertia * mAngularVelocity; mAngularVelocity = mRotOrient * mAngularVelocity; } protected: // Constant quantities (matrices in body coordinates). Real mMass, mInvMass; Matrix3x3 mInertia, mInvInertia; // State variables. Vector3 mPosition; Quaternion mQuatOrient; Vector3 mLinearMomentum; Vector3 mAngularMomentum; // Derived state variables. Matrix3x3 mRotOrient; Vector3 mLinearVelocity; Vector3 mAngularVelocity; }; }