// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include // Computing geodesics on a surface is a differential geometric topic that // involves Riemannian geometry. The algorithm for constructing geodesics // that is implemented here uses a multiresolution approach. A description // of the algorithm is in the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/RiemannianGeodesics.pdf namespace gte { template class RiemannianGeodesic { public: // Construction and destruction. The input dimension must be two or // larger. RiemannianGeodesic(int dimension) : integralSamples(16), searchSamples(32), derivativeStep((Real)1e-04), subdivisions(7), refinements(8), searchRadius((Real)1), refineCallback([]() {}), mDimension(dimension >= 2 ? dimension : 2), mMetric(mDimension, mDimension), mMetricInverse(mDimension, mDimension), mChristoffel1(mDimension), mChristoffel2(mDimension), mMetricDerivative(mDimension), mMetricInverseExists(true), mSubdivide(0), mRefine(0), mCurrentQuantity(0), mIntegralStep((Real)1 / (Real)(integralSamples - 1)), mSearchStep((Real)1 / (Real)searchSamples), mDerivativeFactor((Real)0.5 / derivativeStep) { LogAssert(dimension >= 2, "Dimension must be at least 2."); for (int i = 0; i < mDimension; ++i) { mChristoffel1[i].SetSize(mDimension, mDimension); mChristoffel2[i].SetSize(mDimension, mDimension); mMetricDerivative[i].SetSize(mDimension, mDimension); } } virtual ~RiemannianGeodesic() { } // Tweakable parameters. // 1. The integral samples are the number of samples used in the // Trapezoid Rule numerical integrator. // 2. The search samples are the number of samples taken along a ray // for the steepest descent algorithm used to refine the vertices // of the polyline approximation to the geodesic curve. // 3. The derivative step is the value of h used for centered // difference approximations df/dx = (f(x+h)-f(x-h))/(2*h) in the // steepest descent algorithm. // 4. The number of subdivisions indicates how many times the polyline // segments should be subdivided. The number of polyline vertices // will be pow(2,subdivisions)+1. // 5. The number of refinements per subdivision. Setting this to a // positive value appears necessary when the geodesic curve has a // large length. // 6. The search radius is the distance over which the steepest // descent algorithm searches for a minimum on the line whose // direction is the estimated gradient. The default of 1 means the // search interval is [-L,L], where L is the length of the gradient. // If the search radius is r, then the interval is [-r*L,r*L]. int integralSamples; // default = 16 int searchSamples; // default = 32 Real derivativeStep; // default = 0.0001 int subdivisions; // default = 7 int refinements; // default = 8 Real searchRadius; // default = 1.0 // The dimension of the manifold. inline int GetDimension() const { return mDimension; } // Returns the length of the line segment connecting the points. Real ComputeSegmentLength(GVector const& point0, GVector const& point1) { // The Trapezoid Rule is used for integration of the length // integral. The ComputeMetric function internally modifies // mMetric, which means the qForm values are actually varying // even though diff does not. GVector diff = point1 - point0; GVector temp(mDimension); // Evaluate the integrand at point0. ComputeMetric(point0); Real qForm = Dot(diff, mMetric * diff); LogAssert(qForm > (Real)0, "Unexpected condition."); Real length = std::sqrt(qForm); // Evaluate the integrand at point1. ComputeMetric(point1); qForm = Dot(diff, mMetric * diff); LogAssert(qForm > (Real)0, "Unexpected condition."); length += std::sqrt(qForm); length *= (Real)0.5; int imax = integralSamples - 2; for (int i = 1; i <= imax; ++i) { // Evaluate the integrand at point0+t*(point1-point0). Real t = mIntegralStep * static_cast(i); temp = point0 + t * diff; ComputeMetric(temp); qForm = Dot(diff, mMetric * diff); LogAssert(qForm > (Real)0, "Unexpected condition."); length += std::sqrt(qForm); } length *= mIntegralStep; return length; } // Compute the total length of the polyline. The lengths of the // segments are computed relative to the metric tensor. Real ComputeTotalLength(int quantity, std::vector> const& path) { LogAssert(quantity >= 2, "Path must have at least two points."); Real length = ComputeSegmentLength(path[0], path[1]); for (int i = 1; i <= quantity - 2; ++i) { length += ComputeSegmentLength(path[i], path[i + 1]); } return length; } // Returns a polyline approximation to a geodesic curve connecting the // points. void ComputeGeodesic(GVector const& end0, GVector const& end1, int& quantity, std::vector>& path) { LogAssert(subdivisions < 32, "Exceeds maximum iterations."); quantity = (1 << subdivisions) + 1; path.resize(quantity); for (int i = 0; i < quantity; ++i) { path[i].SetSize(mDimension); } mCurrentQuantity = 2; path[0] = end0; path[1] = end1; for (mSubdivide = 1; mSubdivide <= subdivisions; ++mSubdivide) { // A subdivision essentially doubles the number of points. int newQuantity = 2 * mCurrentQuantity - 1; LogAssert(newQuantity <= quantity, "Unexpected condition."); // Copy the old points so that there are slots for the // midpoints during the subdivision, the slots interleaved // between the old points. for (int i = mCurrentQuantity - 1; i > 0; --i) { path[2 * i] = path[i]; } // Subdivide the polyline. for (int i = 0; i <= mCurrentQuantity - 2; ++i) { Subdivide(path[2 * i], path[2 * i + 1], path[2 * i + 2]); } mCurrentQuantity = newQuantity; // Refine the current polyline vertices. for (mRefine = 1; mRefine <= refinements; ++mRefine) { for (int i = 1; i <= mCurrentQuantity - 2; ++i) { Refine(path[i - 1], path[i], path[i + 1]); } } } LogAssert(mCurrentQuantity == quantity, "Unexpected condition."); mSubdivide = 0; mRefine = 0; mCurrentQuantity = 0; } // Start with the midpoint M of the line segment (E0,E1) and use a // steepest descent algorithm to move M so that // Length(E0,M) + Length(M,E1) < Length(E0,E1) // This is essentially a relaxation scheme that inserts points into // the current polyline approximation to the geodesic curve. bool Subdivide(GVector const& end0, GVector& mid, GVector const& end1) { mid = (Real)0.5 * (end0 + end1); auto save = refineCallback; refineCallback = []() {}; bool changed = Refine(end0, mid, end1); refineCallback = save; return changed; } // Apply the steepest descent algorithm to move the midpoint M of the // line segment (E0,E1) so that // Length(E0,M) + Length(M,E1) < Length(E0,E1) // This is essentially a relaxation scheme that inserts points into // the current polyline approximation to the geodesic curve. bool Refine(GVector const& end0, GVector& mid, GVector const& end1) { // Estimate the gradient vector for the function // F(m) = Length(e0,m) + Length(m,e1). GVector temp = mid; GVector gradient(mDimension); for (int i = 0; i < mDimension; ++i) { temp[i] = mid[i] + derivativeStep; gradient[i] = ComputeSegmentLength(end0, temp); gradient[i] += ComputeSegmentLength(temp, end1); temp[i] = mid[i] - derivativeStep; gradient[i] -= ComputeSegmentLength(end0, temp); gradient[i] -= ComputeSegmentLength(temp, end1); temp[i] = mid[i]; gradient[i] *= mDerivativeFactor; } // Compute the length sum for the current midpoint. Real length0 = ComputeSegmentLength(end0, mid); Real length1 = ComputeSegmentLength(mid, end1); Real oldLength = length0 + length1; Real tRay, newLength; GVector pRay(mDimension); Real multiplier = mSearchStep * searchRadius; Real minLength = oldLength; GVector minPoint = mid; for (int i = -searchSamples; i <= searchSamples; ++i) { tRay = multiplier * static_cast(i); pRay = mid - tRay * gradient; length0 = ComputeSegmentLength(end0, pRay); length1 = ComputeSegmentLength(end1, pRay); newLength = length0 + length1; if (newLength < minLength) { minLength = newLength; minPoint = pRay; } } mid = minPoint; refineCallback(); return minLength < oldLength; } // A callback that is executed during each call of Refine. std::function refineCallback; // Information to be used during the callback. inline int GetSubdivisionStep() const { return mSubdivide; } inline int GetRefinementStep() const { return mRefine; } inline int GetCurrentQuantity() const { return mCurrentQuantity; } // Curvature computations to measure how close the approximating // polyline is to a geodesic. // Returns the total curvature of the line segment connecting the // points. Real ComputeSegmentCurvature(GVector const& point0, GVector const& point1) { // The Trapezoid Rule is used for integration of the curvature // integral. The ComputeIntegrand function internally modifies // mMetric, which means the curvature values are actually varying // even though diff does not. GVector diff = point1 - point0; GVector temp(mDimension); // Evaluate the integrand at point0. Real curvature = ComputeIntegrand(point0, diff); // Evaluate the integrand at point1. curvature += ComputeIntegrand(point1, diff); curvature *= (Real)0.5; int imax = integralSamples - 2; for (int i = 1; i <= imax; ++i) { // Evaluate the integrand at point0+t*(point1-point0). Real t = mIntegralStep * static_cast(i); temp = point0 + t * diff; curvature += ComputeIntegrand(temp, diff); } curvature *= mIntegralStep; return curvature; } // Compute the total curvature of the polyline. The curvatures of the // segments are computed relative to the metric tensor. Real ComputeTotalCurvature(int quantity, std::vector> const& path) { LogAssert(quantity >= 2, "Path must have at least two points."); Real curvature = ComputeSegmentCurvature(path[0], path[1]); for (int i = 1; i <= quantity - 2; ++i) { curvature += ComputeSegmentCurvature(path[i], path[i + 1]); } return curvature; } protected: // Support for ComputeSegmentCurvature. Real ComputeIntegrand(GVector const& pos, GVector const& der) { ComputeMetric(pos); ComputeChristoffel1(pos); ComputeMetricInverse(); ComputeChristoffel2(); // g_{ij}*der_{i}*der_{j} Real qForm0 = Dot(der, mMetric * der); LogAssert(qForm0 > (Real)0, "Unexpected condition."); // gamma_{kij}*der_{k}*der_{i}*der_{j} GMatrix mat(mDimension, mDimension); for (int k = 0; k < mDimension; ++k) { mat += der[k] * mChristoffel1[k]; } // This product can be negative because mat is not guaranteed to // be positive semidefinite. No assertion is added. Real qForm1 = Dot(der, mat * der); Real ratio = -qForm1 / qForm0; // Compute the acceleration. GVector acc = ratio * der; for (int k = 0; k < mDimension; ++k) { acc[k] += Dot(der, mChristoffel2[k] * der); } // Compute the curvature. Real curvature = std::sqrt(Dot(acc, mMetric * acc)); return curvature; } // Compute the metric tensor for the specified point. Derived classes // are responsible for implementing this function. virtual void ComputeMetric(GVector const& point) = 0; // Compute the Christoffel symbols of the first kind for the current // point. Derived classes are responsible for implementing this // function. virtual void ComputeChristoffel1(GVector const& point) = 0; // Compute the inverse of the current metric tensor. The function // returns 'true' iff the inverse exists. bool ComputeMetricInverse() { mMetricInverse = Inverse(mMetric, &mMetricInverseExists); return mMetricInverseExists; } // Compute the derivative of the metric tensor for the current state. // This is a triply indexed quantity, the values computed using the // Christoffel symbols of the first kind. void ComputeMetricDerivative() { for (int derivative = 0; derivative < mDimension; ++derivative) { for (int i0 = 0; i0 < mDimension; ++i0) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < mDimension; ++i1) { mMetricDerivative[derivative](i0, i1) = mChristoffel1[derivative](i0, i1) + mChristoffel1[derivative](i1, i0); } } } } // Compute the Christoffel symbols of the second kind for the current // state. The values depend on the inverse of the metric tensor, so // they may be computed only when the inverse exists. The function // returns 'true' whenever the inverse metric tensor exists. bool ComputeChristoffel2() { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < mDimension; ++i2) { for (int i0 = 0; i0 < mDimension; ++i0) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < mDimension; ++i1) { Real fValue = (Real)0; for (int j = 0; j < mDimension; ++j) { fValue += mMetricInverse(i2, j) * mChristoffel1[j](i0, i1); } mChristoffel2[i2](i0, i1) = fValue; } } } return mMetricInverseExists; } int mDimension; GMatrix mMetric; GMatrix mMetricInverse; std::vector> mChristoffel1; std::vector> mChristoffel2; std::vector> mMetricDerivative; bool mMetricInverseExists; // Progress parameters that are useful to mRefineCallback. int mSubdivide, mRefine, mCurrentQuantity; // Derived tweaking parameters. Real mIntegralStep; // = 1/(mIntegralQuantity-1) Real mSearchStep; // = 1/mSearchQuantity Real mDerivativeFactor; // = 1/(2*mDerivativeStep) }; }