// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include // A quadric surface is defined implicitly by // // 0 = a0 + a1*x[0] + a2*x[1] + a3*x[2] + a4*x[0]^2 + a5*x[0]*x[1] + // a6*x[0]*x[2] + a7*x[1]^2 + a8*x[1]*x[2] + a9*x[2]^2 // // = a0 + [a1 a2 a3]*X + X^T*[a4 a5/2 a6/2]*X // [a5/2 a7 a8/2] // [a6/2 a8/2 a9 ] // = C + B^T*X + X^T*A*X // // The matrix A is symmetric. namespace gte { template class QuadricSurface { public: // Construction and destruction. The default constructor sets all // coefficients to zero. QuadricSurface() { mCoefficient.fill((Real)0); mC = (Real)0; mB.MakeZero(); mA.MakeZero(); } QuadricSurface(std::array const& coefficient) : mCoefficient(coefficient) { mC = mCoefficient[0]; mB[0] = mCoefficient[1]; mB[1] = mCoefficient[2]; mB[2] = mCoefficient[3]; mA(0, 0) = mCoefficient[4]; mA(0, 1) = (Real)0.5 * mCoefficient[5]; mA(0, 2) = (Real)0.5 * mCoefficient[6]; mA(1, 0) = mA(0, 1); mA(1, 1) = mCoefficient[7]; mA(1, 2) = (Real)0.5 * mCoefficient[8]; mA(2, 0) = mA(0, 2); mA(2, 1) = mA(1, 2); mA(2, 2) = mCoefficient[9]; } // Member access. inline std::array const& GetCoefficients() const { return mCoefficient; } inline Real const& GetC() const { return mC; } inline Vector3 const& GetB() const { return mB; } inline Matrix3x3 const& GetA() const { return mA; } // Evaluate the function. Real F(Vector3 const& position) const { Real f = Dot(position, mA * position + mB) + mC; return f; } // Evaluate the first-order partial derivatives (gradient). Real FX(Vector3 const& position) const { Real sum = mA(0, 0) * position[0] + mA(0, 1) * position[1] + mA(0, 2) * position[2]; Real fx = (Real)2 * sum + mB[0]; return fx; } Real FY(Vector3 const& position) const { Real sum = mA(1, 0) * position[0] + mA(1, 1) * position[1] + mA(1, 2) * position[2]; Real fy = (Real)2 * sum + mB[1]; return fy; } Real FZ(Vector3 const& position) const { Real sum = mA(2, 0) * position[0] + mA(2, 1) * position[1] + mA(2, 2) * position[2]; Real fz = (Real)2 * sum + mB[2]; return fz; } // Evaluate the second-order partial derivatives (Hessian). Real FXX(Vector3 const&) const { Real fxx = (Real)2 * mA(0, 0); return fxx; } Real FXY(Vector3 const&) const { Real fxy = (Real)2 * mA(0, 1); return fxy; } Real FXZ(Vector3 const&) const { Real fxz = (Real)2 * mA(0, 2); return fxz; } Real FYY(Vector3 const&) const { Real fyy = (Real)2 * mA(1, 1); return fyy; } Real FYZ(Vector3 const&) const { Real fyz = (Real)2 * mA(1, 2); return fyz; } Real FZZ(Vector3 const&) const { Real fzz = (Real)2 * mA(2, 2); return fzz; } // Classification of the quadric. The implementation uses exact // rational arithmetic to avoid misclassification due to // floating-point rounding errors. enum Classification { QT_NONE, QT_POINT, QT_LINE, QT_PLANE, QT_TWO_PLANES, QT_PARABOLIC_CYLINDER, QT_ELLIPTIC_CYLINDER, QT_HYPERBOLIC_CYLINDER, QT_ELLIPTIC_PARABOLOID, QT_HYPERBOLIC_PARABOLOID, QT_ELLIPTIC_CONE, QT_HYPERBOLOID_ONE_SHEET, QT_HYPERBOLOID_TWO_SHEETS, QT_ELLIPSOID }; Classification GetClassification() const { // Convert the coefficients to their rational representations and // compute various derived quantities. RReps reps(mCoefficient); // Use Sturm sequences to determine the signs of the roots. int positiveRoots, negativeRoots, zeroRoots; GetRootSigns(reps, positiveRoots, negativeRoots, zeroRoots); // Classify the solution set to the equation. Classification type = QT_NONE; switch (zeroRoots) { case 0: type = ClassifyZeroRoots0(reps, positiveRoots); break; case 1: type = ClassifyZeroRoots1(reps, positiveRoots); break; case 2: type = ClassifyZeroRoots2(reps, positiveRoots); break; case 3: type = ClassifyZeroRoots3(reps); break; } return type; } private: typedef BSRational Rational; typedef Vector<3, Rational> RVector3; class RReps { public: RReps(std::array const& coefficient) { Rational half = (Real)0.5; c = Rational(coefficient[0]); b0 = Rational(coefficient[1]); b1 = Rational(coefficient[2]); b2 = Rational(coefficient[3]); a00 = Rational(coefficient[4]); a01 = half * Rational(coefficient[5]); a02 = half * Rational(coefficient[6]); a11 = Rational(coefficient[7]); a12 = half * Rational(coefficient[8]); a22 = Rational(coefficient[9]); sub00 = a11 * a22 - a12 * a12; sub01 = a01 * a22 - a12 * a02; sub02 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11; sub11 = a00 * a22 - a02 * a02; sub12 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a01; sub22 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a01; k0 = a00 * sub00 - a01 * sub01 + a02 * sub02; k1 = sub00 + sub11 + sub22; k2 = a00 + a11 + a22; k3 = Rational(0); k4 = Rational(0); k5 = Rational(0); } // Quadratic coefficients. Rational a00, a01, a02, a11, a12, a22, b0, b1, b2, c; // 2-by-2 determinants Rational sub00, sub01, sub02, sub11, sub12, sub22; // Characteristic polynomial L^3 - k2 * L^2 + k1 * L - k0. Rational k0, k1, k2; // For Sturm sequences. Rational k3, k4, k5; }; static void GetRootSigns(RReps& reps, int& positiveRoots, int& negativeRoots, int& zeroRoots) { // Use Sturm sequences to determine the signs of the roots. int signChangeMI, signChange0, signChangePI, distinctNonzeroRoots; std::array value; Rational const zero(0); if (reps.k0 != zero) { reps.k3 = Rational(2, 9) * reps.k2 * reps.k2 - Rational(2, 3) * reps.k1; reps.k4 = reps.k0 - Rational(1, 9) * reps.k1 * reps.k2; if (reps.k3 != zero) { reps.k5 = -(reps.k1 + ((Rational(2) * reps.k2 * reps.k3 + Rational(3) * reps.k4) * reps.k4) / (reps.k3 * reps.k3)); value[0] = 1; value[1] = -reps.k3; value[2] = reps.k5; signChangeMI = 1 + GetSignChanges(3, value); value[0] = -reps.k0; value[1] = reps.k1; value[2] = reps.k4; value[3] = reps.k5; signChange0 = GetSignChanges(4, value); value[0] = 1; value[1] = reps.k3; value[2] = reps.k5; signChangePI = GetSignChanges(3, value); } else { value[0] = -reps.k0; value[1] = reps.k1; value[2] = reps.k4; signChange0 = GetSignChanges(3, value); value[0] = 1; value[1] = reps.k4; signChangePI = GetSignChanges(2, value); signChangeMI = 1 + signChangePI; } positiveRoots = signChange0 - signChangePI; LogAssert(positiveRoots >= 0, "Unexpected condition."); negativeRoots = signChangeMI - signChange0; LogAssert(negativeRoots >= 0, "Unexpected condition."); zeroRoots = 0; distinctNonzeroRoots = positiveRoots + negativeRoots; if (distinctNonzeroRoots == 2) { if (positiveRoots == 2) { positiveRoots = 3; } else if (negativeRoots == 2) { negativeRoots = 3; } else { // One root is positive and one is negative. One root // has multiplicity 2, the other of multiplicity 1. // Distinguish between the two cases by computing the // sign of the polynomial at the inflection point // L = k2/3. Rational X = Rational(1, 3) * reps.k2; Rational poly = X * (X * (X - reps.k2) + reps.k1) - reps.k0; if (poly > zero) { positiveRoots = 2; } else { negativeRoots = 2; } } } else if (distinctNonzeroRoots == 1) { // Root of multiplicity 3. if (positiveRoots == 1) { positiveRoots = 3; } else { negativeRoots = 3; } } return; } if (reps.k1 != zero) { reps.k3 = Rational(1, 4) * reps.k2 * reps.k2 - reps.k1; value[0] = -1; value[1] = reps.k3; signChangeMI = 1 + GetSignChanges(2, value); value[0] = reps.k1; value[1] = -reps.k2; value[2] = reps.k3; signChange0 = GetSignChanges(3, value); value[0] = 1; value[1] = reps.k3; signChangePI = GetSignChanges(2, value); positiveRoots = signChange0 - signChangePI; LogAssert(positiveRoots >= 0, "Unexpected condition."); negativeRoots = signChangeMI - signChange0; LogAssert(negativeRoots >= 0, "Unexpected condition."); zeroRoots = 1; distinctNonzeroRoots = positiveRoots + negativeRoots; if (distinctNonzeroRoots == 1) { positiveRoots = 2; } return; } if (reps.k2 != zero) { zeroRoots = 2; if (reps.k2 > zero) { positiveRoots = 1; negativeRoots = 0; } else { positiveRoots = 0; negativeRoots = 1; } return; } positiveRoots = 0; negativeRoots = 0; zeroRoots = 3; } static int GetSignChanges(int quantity, std::array const& value) { int signChanges = 0; Rational const zero(0); Rational prev = value[0]; for (int i = 1; i < quantity; ++i) { Rational next = value[i]; if (next != zero) { if (prev * next < zero) { ++signChanges; } prev = next; } } return signChanges; } static Classification ClassifyZeroRoots0(RReps const& reps, int positiveRoots) { // The inverse matrix is // +- -+ // | sub00 -sub01 sub02 | // | -sub01 sub11 -sub12 | * (1/det) // | sub02 -sub12 sub22 | // +- -+ Rational fourDet = Rational(4) * reps.k0; Rational qForm = reps.b0 * (reps.sub00 * reps.b0 - reps.sub01 * reps.b1 + reps.sub02 * reps.b2) - reps.b1 * (reps.sub01 * reps.b0 - reps.sub11 * reps.b1 + reps.sub12 * reps.b2) + reps.b2 * (reps.sub02 * reps.b0 - reps.sub12 * reps.b1 + reps.sub22 * reps.b2); Rational r = Rational(1, 4) * qForm / fourDet - reps.c; Rational const zero(0); if (r > zero) { if (positiveRoots == 3) { return QT_ELLIPSOID; } else if (positiveRoots == 2) { return QT_HYPERBOLOID_ONE_SHEET; } else if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_HYPERBOLOID_TWO_SHEETS; } else { return QT_NONE; } } else if (r < zero) { if (positiveRoots == 3) { return QT_NONE; } else if (positiveRoots == 2) { return QT_HYPERBOLOID_TWO_SHEETS; } else if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_HYPERBOLOID_ONE_SHEET; } else { return QT_ELLIPSOID; } } // else r == 0 if (positiveRoots == 3 || positiveRoots == 0) { return QT_POINT; } return QT_ELLIPTIC_CONE; } static Classification ClassifyZeroRoots1(RReps const& reps, int positiveRoots) { // Generate an orthonormal set {p0,p1,p2}, where p0 is an // eigenvector of A corresponding to eigenvalue zero. RVector3 P0, P1, P2; Rational const zero(0); if (reps.sub00 != zero || reps.sub01 != zero || reps.sub02 != zero) { // Rows 1 and 2 are linearly independent. P0 = { reps.sub00, -reps.sub01, reps.sub02 }; P1 = { reps.a01, reps.a11, reps.a12 }; P2 = Cross(P0, P1); return ClassifyZeroRoots1(reps, positiveRoots, P0, P1, P2); } if (reps.sub01 != zero || reps.sub11 != zero || reps.sub12 != zero) { // Rows 2 and 0 are linearly independent. P0 = { -reps.sub01, reps.sub11, -reps.sub12 }; P1 = { reps.a02, reps.a12, reps.a22 }; P2 = Cross(P0, P1); return ClassifyZeroRoots1(reps, positiveRoots, P0, P1, P2); } // Rows 0 and 1 are linearly independent. P0 = { reps.sub02, -reps.sub12, reps.sub22 }; P1 = { reps.a00, reps.a01, reps.a02 }; P2 = Cross(P0, P1); return ClassifyZeroRoots1(reps, positiveRoots, P0, P1, P2); } static Classification ClassifyZeroRoots1(RReps const& reps, int positiveRoots, RVector3 const& P0, RVector3 const& P1, RVector3 const& P2) { Rational const zero(0); Rational e0 = P0[0] * reps.b0 + P0[1] * reps.b1 + P0[2] * reps.b2; if (e0 != zero) { if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_HYPERBOLIC_PARABOLOID; } else { return QT_ELLIPTIC_PARABOLOID; } } // Matrix F. Rational f11 = P1[0] * (reps.a00 * P1[0] + reps.a01 * P1[1] + reps.a02 * P1[2]) + P1[1] * (reps.a01 * P1[0] + reps.a11 * P1[1] + reps.a12 * P1[2]) + P1[2] * ( reps.a02 * P1[0] + reps.a12 * P1[1] + reps.a22 * P1[2]); Rational f12 = P2[0] * (reps.a00 * P1[0] + reps.a01 * P1[1] + reps.a02 * P1[2]) + P2[1] * (reps.a01 * P1[0] + reps.a11 * P1[1] + reps.a12 * P1[2]) + P2[2] * ( reps.a02 * P1[0] + reps.a12 * P1[1] + reps.a22 * P1[2]); Rational f22 = P2[0] * (reps.a00 * P2[0] + reps.a01 * P2[1] + reps.a02 * P2[2]) + P2[1] * (reps.a01 * P2[0] + reps.a11 * P2[1] + reps.a12 * P2[2]) + P2[2] * ( reps.a02 * P2[0] + reps.a12 * P2[1] + reps.a22 * P2[2]); // Vector g. Rational g1 = P1[0] * reps.b0 + P1[1] * reps.b1 + P1[2] * reps.b2; Rational g2 = P2[0] * reps.b0 + P2[1] * reps.b1 + P2[2] * reps.b2; // Compute g^T*F^{-1}*g/4 - c. Rational fourDet = Rational(4) * (f11 * f22 - f12 * f12); Rational r = (g1 * (f22 * g1 - f12 * g2) + g2 * (f11 * g2 - f12 * g1)) / fourDet - reps.c; if (r > zero) { if (positiveRoots == 2) { return QT_ELLIPTIC_CYLINDER; } else if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_HYPERBOLIC_CYLINDER; } else { return QT_NONE; } } else if (r < zero) { if (positiveRoots == 2) { return QT_NONE; } else if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_HYPERBOLIC_CYLINDER; } else { return QT_ELLIPTIC_CYLINDER; } } // else r == 0 return (positiveRoots == 1 ? QT_TWO_PLANES : QT_LINE); } static Classification ClassifyZeroRoots2(const RReps& reps, int positiveRoots) { // Generate an orthonormal set {p0,p1,p2}, where p0 and p1 are // eigenvectors of A corresponding to eigenvalue zero. The vector // p2 is an eigenvector of A corresponding to eigenvalue c2. Rational const zero(0); RVector3 P0, P1, P2; if (reps.a00 != zero || reps.a01 != zero || reps.a02 != zero) { // row 0 is not zero P2 = { reps.a00, reps.a01, reps.a02 }; } else if (reps.a01 != zero || reps.a11 != zero || reps.a12 != zero) { // row 1 is not zero P2 = { reps.a01, reps.a11, reps.a12 }; } else { // row 2 is not zero P2 = { reps.a02, reps.a12, reps.a22 }; } if (P2[0] != zero) { P1[0] = P2[1]; P1[1] = -P2[0]; P1[2] = zero; } else { P1[0] = zero; P1[1] = P2[2]; P1[2] = -P2[1]; } P0 = Cross(P1, P2); return ClassifyZeroRoots2(reps, positiveRoots, P0, P1, P2); } static Classification ClassifyZeroRoots2(RReps const& reps, int positiveRoots, RVector3 const& P0, RVector3 const& P1, RVector3 const& P2) { Rational const zero(0); Rational e0 = P0[0] * reps.b0 + P0[1] * reps.b1 + P0[2] * reps.b1; if (e0 != zero) { return QT_PARABOLIC_CYLINDER; } Rational e1 = P1[0] * reps.b0 + P1[1] * reps.b1 + P1[2] * reps.b1; if (e1 != zero) { return QT_PARABOLIC_CYLINDER; } Rational f1 = reps.k2 * Dot(P2, P2); Rational e2 = P2[0] * reps.b0 + P2[1] * reps.b1 + P2[2] * reps.b1; Rational r = e2 * e2 / (Rational(4) * f1) - reps.c; if (r > zero) { if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_TWO_PLANES; } else { return QT_NONE; } } else if (r < zero) { if (positiveRoots == 1) { return QT_NONE; } else { return QT_TWO_PLANES; } } // else r == 0 return QT_PLANE; } static Classification ClassifyZeroRoots3(RReps const& reps) { Rational const zero(0); if (reps.b0 != zero || reps.b1 != zero || reps.b2 != zero) { return QT_PLANE; } return QT_NONE; } std::array mCoefficient; Real mC; Vector3 mB; Matrix3x3 mA; }; }