// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2020.01.10 #pragma once #include // Class QFNumber is an implementation for quadratic fields with N >= 1 // square root terms. The theory and details are provided in // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/QuadraticFields.pdf // Enable this macro if you want the logging system to trap when arithmetic // operations are performed on two quadratic elements that do not share the // same value d #define GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D namespace gte { // Arithmetic for quadratic fields with N >= 2 square root terms. The // d-term is rational and the x-coefficients are elements in a quadratic // field with N-1 >= 1 square root terms. template class QFNumber { public: // The quadratic field numbers is x[0] + x[1] * sqrt(d). std::array, 2> x; T d; // Create z = 0 + 0 * sqrt(0), where the 0 coefficients are quadratic // field elements with N-1 d-terms all set to 0 and x-coefficients all // set to 0. QFNumber() : d(0) { static_assert(N >= 2, "Invalid number of root arguments."); } // Create z = 0 + 0 * sqrt(d), where the 0 coefficients are quadratic // field elements with N-1 d-terms all set to 0 and x-coefficients all // set to 0. explicit QFNumber(T const& inD) : d(inD) { static_assert(N >= 2, "Invalid number of root arguments."); } // Create z = x0 + x1 * sqrt(d), where the x-coefficients are // quadratic field elements with N-1 d-terms. QFNumber(QFNumber const& x0, QFNumber const& x1, T const& inD) : x{ x0, x1 }, d(inD) { static_assert(N >= 2, "Invalid number of root arguments."); } // Create z = inX[0] + inX[1] * sqrt(inD), where the x-coefficients are // quadratic field elements with N-1 d-terms. QFNumber(std::array, 2> const& inX, T const& inD) : x(inX), d(inD) { static_assert(N >= 2, "Invalid number of root arguments."); } }; // Arithmetic for quadratic fields with 1 square root term. template class QFNumber { public: // The quadratic field number is x[0] + x[1] * sqrt(d). std::array x; T d; // Create z = 0. You can defer the setting of d until later. QFNumber() : x{ static_cast(0), static_cast(0) }, d(static_cast(0)) { } // Create z = 0 + 0 * sqrt(d) = 0. explicit QFNumber(T const& inD) : x{ static_cast(0), static_cast(0) }, d(inD) { } // Create z = x0 + x1 * sqrt(d). QFNumber(T const& x0, T const& x1, T const& inD) : x{ x0, x1 }, d(inD) { } // Create z = inX[0] + inX[1] * sqrt(d). QFNumber(std::array const& inX, T const& inD) : x(inX), d(inD) { } }; // Unary operations. template QFNumber operator+(QFNumber const& q) { static_assert(N >= 1, "Invalid number of d-terms."); return q; } template QFNumber operator-(QFNumber const& q) { static_assert(N >= 1, "Invalid number of d-terms."); return QFNumber(-q.x[0], -q.x[1], q.d); } // Arithmetic operations between elements of a quadratic field must occur // only when the d-values are the same. To trap mismatches, read the // comments at the beginning of this file. template QFNumber operator+(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif return QFNumber(q0.x[0] + q1.x[0], q0.x[1] + q1.x[1], q0.d); } template QFNumber operator+(QFNumber const& q, T const& s) { return QFNumber(q.x[0] + s, q.x[1], q.d); } template QFNumber operator+(T const& s, QFNumber const& q) { return QFNumber(s + q.x[0], q.x[1], q.d); } template QFNumber operator-(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif return QFNumber(q0.x[0] - q1.x[0], q0.x[1] - q1.x[1], q0.d); } template QFNumber operator-(QFNumber const& q, T const& s) { return QFNumber(q.x[0] - s, q.x[1], q.d); } template QFNumber operator-(T const& s, QFNumber const& q) { return QFNumber(s - q.x[0], -q.x[1], q.d); } template QFNumber operator*(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif return QFNumber( q0.x[0] * q1.x[0] + q0.x[1] * q1.x[1] * q0.d, q0.x[0] * q1.x[1] + q0.x[1] * q1.x[0], q0.d); } template QFNumber operator*(QFNumber const& q, T const& s) { return QFNumber(q.x[0] * s, q.x[1] * s, q.d); } template QFNumber operator*(T const& s, QFNumber const& q) { return QFNumber(s * q.x[0], s * q.x[1], q.d); } template QFNumber operator/(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif auto denom = q1.x[0] * q1.x[0] - q1.x[1] * q1.x[1] * q0.d; auto numer0 = q0.x[0] * q1.x[0] - q0.x[1] * q1.x[1] * q0.d; auto numer1 = q0.x[1] * q1.x[0] - q0.x[0] * q1.x[1]; return QFNumber(numer0 / denom, numer1 / denom, q0.d); } template QFNumber operator/(QFNumber const& q, T const& s) { return QFNumber(q.x[0] / s, q.x[1] / s, q.d); } template QFNumber operator/(T const& s, QFNumber const& q) { auto denom = q.x[0] * q.x[0] - q.x[1] * q.x[1] * q.d; auto x0 = (s * q.x[0]) / denom; auto x1 = -(s * q.x[1]) / denom; return QFNumber(x0, x1, q.d); } // Arithmetic updates between elements of a quadratic field must occur // only when the d-values are the same. To trap mismatches, read the // comments at the beginning of this file. template QFNumber& operator+=(QFNumber& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif q0.x[0] += q1.x[0]; q0.x[1] += q1.x[1]; return q0; } template QFNumber& operator+=(QFNumber& q, T const& s) { q.x[0] += s; return q; } template QFNumber& operator-=(QFNumber& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif q0.x[0] -= q1.x[0]; q0.x[1] -= q1.x[1]; return q0; } template QFNumber& operator-=(QFNumber& q, T const& s) { q.x[0] -= s; return q; } template QFNumber& operator*=(QFNumber& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif auto x0 = q0.x[0] * q1.x[0] + q0.x[1] * q1.x[1] * q0.d; auto x1 = q0.x[0] * q1.x[1] + q0.x[1] * q1.x[0]; q0.x[0] = x0; q0.x[1] = x1; return q0; } template QFNumber& operator*=(QFNumber& q, T const& s) { q.x[0] *= s; q.x[1] *= s; return q; } template QFNumber& operator/=(QFNumber& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif auto denom = q1.x[0] * q1.x[0] - q1.x[1] * q1.x[1] * q0.d; auto numer0 = q0.x[0] * q1.x[0] - q0.x[1] * q1.x[1] * q0.d; auto numer1 = q0.x[1] * q1.x[0] - q0.x[0] * q1.x[1]; q0.x[0] = numer0 / denom; q0.x[1] = numer1 / denom; return q0; } template QFNumber& operator/=(QFNumber& q, T const& s) { q.x[0] /= s; q.x[1] /= s; return q; } // Comparisons between numbers of a quadratic field must occur only when // the d-values are the same. To trap mismatches, read the comments at // the beginning of this file. template bool operator==(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif if (q0.d == T(0) || q0.x[1] == q1.x[1]) { return q0.x[0] == q1.x[0]; } else if (q0.x[1] > q1.x[1]) { if (q0.x[0] >= q1.x[0]) { return false; } else // q0.x[0] < q1.x[0] { auto diff = q0 - q1; return diff.x[0] * diff.x[0] == diff.x[1] * diff.x[1] * diff.d; } } else // q0.x[1] < q1.x[1] { if (q0.x[0] <= q1.x[0]) { return false; } else // q0.x[0] > q1.x[0] { auto diff = q0 - q1; return diff.x[0] * diff.x[0] == diff.x[1] * diff.x[1] * diff.d; } } } template bool operator!=(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { return !operator==(q0, q1); } template bool operator<(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { #if defined(GTE_ASSERT_ON_QFNUMBER_MISMATCHED_D) LogAssert(q0.d == q1.d, "Mismatched d-value."); #endif if (q0.d == T(0) || q0.x[1] == q1.x[1]) { return q0.x[0] < q1.x[0]; } else if (q0.x[1] > q1.x[1]) { if (q0.x[0] >= q1.x[0]) { return false; } else // q0.x[0] < q1.x[0] { auto diff = q0 - q1; return diff.x[0] * diff.x[0] > diff.x[1] * diff.x[1] * diff.d; } } else // q0.x[1] < q1.x[1] { if (q0.x[0] <= q1.x[0]) { return true; } else // q0.x[0] > q1.x[0] { auto diff = q0 - q1; return diff.x[0] * diff.x[0] < diff.x[1] * diff.x[1] * diff.d; } } } template bool operator>(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { return operator<(q1, q0); } template bool operator<=(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { return !operator<(q1, q0); } template bool operator>=(QFNumber const& q0, QFNumber const& q1) { return !operator<(q0, q1); } }