// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2021.03.08 #pragma once #include #include #include namespace gte { template class ParametricCurve { protected: // Abstract base class for a parameterized curve X(t), where t is the // parameter in [tmin,tmax] and X is an N-tuple position. The first // constructor is for single-segment curves. The second constructor is // for multiple-segment curves. The times must be strictly increasing. ParametricCurve(Real tmin, Real tmax) : mTime(2), mSegmentLength(1, (Real)0), mAccumulatedLength(1, (Real)0), mRombergOrder(DEFAULT_ROMBERG_ORDER), mMaxBisections(DEFAULT_MAX_BISECTIONS), mConstructed(false) { mTime[0] = tmin; mTime[1] = tmax; } ParametricCurve(int numSegments, Real const* times) : mTime(numSegments + 1), mSegmentLength(numSegments, (Real)0), mAccumulatedLength(numSegments, (Real)0), mRombergOrder(DEFAULT_ROMBERG_ORDER), mMaxBisections(DEFAULT_MAX_BISECTIONS), mConstructed(false) { std::copy(times, times + numSegments + 1, mTime.begin()); } public: virtual ~ParametricCurve() { } // To validate construction, create an object as shown: // DerivedClassCurve curve(parameters); // if (!curve) { ; } inline operator bool() const { return mConstructed; } // Member access. inline Real GetTMin() const { return mTime.front(); } inline Real GetTMax() const { return mTime.back(); } inline int GetNumSegments() const { return static_cast(mSegmentLength.size()); } inline Real const* GetTimes() const { return &mTime[0]; } // This function applies only when the first constructor is used (two // times rather than a sequence of three or more times). void SetTimeInterval(Real tmin, Real tmax) { if (mTime.size() == 2) { mTime[0] = tmin; mTime[1] = tmax; } } // Parameters used in GetLength(...), GetTotalLength() and // GetTime(...). // The default value is 8. inline void SetRombergOrder(int order) { mRombergOrder = std::max(order, 1); } // The default value is 1024. inline void SetMaxBisections(unsigned int maxBisections) { mMaxBisections = std::max(maxBisections, 1u); } // Evaluation of the curve. The function supports derivative // calculation through order 3; that is, order <= 3 is required. If // you want/ only the position, pass in order of 0. If you want the // position and first derivative, pass in order of 1, and so on. The // output array 'jet' must have enough storage to support the maximum // order. The values are ordered as: position, first derivative, // second derivative, third derivative. enum { SUP_ORDER = 4 }; virtual void Evaluate(Real t, unsigned int order, Vector* jet) const = 0; void Evaluate(Real t, unsigned int order, Real* values) const { Evaluate(t, order, reinterpret_cast*>(values)); } // Differential geometric quantities. Vector GetPosition(Real t) const { Vector position; Evaluate(t, 0, &position); return position; } Vector GetTangent(Real t) const { std::array, 2> jet; // (position, tangent) Evaluate(t, 1, jet.data()); Normalize(jet[1]); return jet[1]; } Real GetSpeed(Real t) const { std::array, 2> jet; // (position, tangent) Evaluate(t, 1, jet.data()); return Length(jet[1]); } Real GetLength(Real t0, Real t1) const { std::function speed = [this](Real t) { return GetSpeed(t); }; if (mSegmentLength[0] == (Real)0) { // Lazy initialization of lengths of segments. int const numSegments = static_cast(mSegmentLength.size()); Real accumulated = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) { mSegmentLength[i] = Integration::Romberg(mRombergOrder, mTime[i], mTime[i + 1], speed); accumulated += mSegmentLength[i]; mAccumulatedLength[i] = accumulated; } } t0 = std::max(t0, GetTMin()); t1 = std::min(t1, GetTMax()); auto iter0 = std::lower_bound(mTime.begin(), mTime.end(), t0); int index0 = static_cast(iter0 - mTime.begin()); auto iter1 = std::lower_bound(mTime.begin(), mTime.end(), t1); int index1 = static_cast(iter1 - mTime.begin()); Real length; if (index0 < index1) { length = (Real)0; if (t0 < *iter0) { length += Integration::Romberg(mRombergOrder, t0, mTime[index0], speed); } int isup; if (t1 < *iter1) { length += Integration::Romberg(mRombergOrder, mTime[index1 - 1], t1, speed); isup = index1 - 1; } else { isup = index1; } for (int i = index0; i < isup; ++i) { length += mSegmentLength[i]; } } else { length = Integration::Romberg(mRombergOrder, t0, t1, speed); } return length; } Real GetTotalLength() const { if (mAccumulatedLength.back() == (Real)0) { // Lazy evaluation of the accumulated length array. return GetLength(mTime.front(), mTime.back()); } return mAccumulatedLength.back(); } // Inverse mapping of s = Length(t) given by t = Length^{-1}(s). The // inverse length function generally cannot be written in closed form, // in which case it is not directly computable. Instead, we can // specify s and estimate the root t for F(t) = Length(t) - s. The // derivative is F'(t) = Speed(t) >= 0, so F(t) is nondecreasing. To // be robust, we use bisection to locate the root, although it is // possible to use a hybrid of Newton's method and bisection. For // details, see the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/MovingAlongCurveSpecifiedSpeed.pdf Real GetTime(Real length) const { if (length > (Real)0) { if (length < GetTotalLength()) { std::function F = [this, &length](Real t) { return Integration::Romberg(mRombergOrder, mTime.front(), t, [this](Real z) { return GetSpeed(z); }) - length; }; // We know that F(tmin) < 0 and F(tmax) > 0, which allows us to // use bisection. Rather than bisect the entire interval, let's // narrow it down with a reasonable initial guess. Real ratio = length / GetTotalLength(); Real omratio = (Real)1 - ratio; Real tmid = omratio * mTime.front() + ratio * mTime.back(); Real fmid = F(tmid); if (fmid > (Real)0) { RootsBisection::Find(F, mTime.front(), tmid, (Real)-1, (Real)1, mMaxBisections, tmid); } else if (fmid < (Real)0) { RootsBisection::Find(F, tmid, mTime.back(), (Real)-1, (Real)1, mMaxBisections, tmid); } return tmid; } else { return mTime.back(); } } else { return mTime.front(); } } // Compute a subset of curve points according to the specified attribute. // The input 'numPoints' must be two or larger. void SubdivideByTime(int numPoints, Vector* points) const { Real delta = (mTime.back() - mTime.front()) / (Real)(numPoints - 1); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { Real t = mTime.front() + delta * i; points[i] = GetPosition(t); } } void SubdivideByLength(int numPoints, Vector* points) const { Real delta = GetTotalLength() / (Real)(numPoints - 1); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { Real length = delta * i; Real t = GetTime(length); points[i] = GetPosition(t); } } protected: enum { DEFAULT_ROMBERG_ORDER = 8, DEFAULT_MAX_BISECTIONS = 1024 }; std::vector mTime; mutable std::vector mSegmentLength; mutable std::vector mAccumulatedLength; int mRombergOrder; unsigned int mMaxBisections; bool mConstructed; }; }