// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include // The depth of a node in a (nonempty) tree is the distance from the node to // the root of the tree. The height is the maximum depth. A tree with a // single node has height 0. The set of nodes of a tree with the same depth // is refered to as a level of a tree (corresponding to that depth). A // complete binary tree of height H has 2^{H+1}-1 nodes. The level // corresponding to depth D has 2^D nodes, in which case the number of // leaf nodes (depth H) is 2^H. namespace gte { template class OBBTreeForPoints { public: struct Node { Node() : depth(0), minIndex(std::numeric_limits::max()), maxIndex(std::numeric_limits::max()), leftChild(std::numeric_limits::max()), rightChild(std::numeric_limits::max()) { } OrientedBox3 box; uint32_t depth; uint32_t minIndex, maxIndex; uint32_t leftChild, rightChild; }; // The 'points' array is a collection of vertices, each occupying a // chunk of memory with 'stride' bytes. A vertex must start at the // first byte of this chunk but does not necessarily fill it. The // 'height' specifies the height of the tree and must be no larger // than 31. If it is set to std::numeric_limits::max(), // then the entire tree is built and the actual height is computed // from 'numPoints'. OBBTreeForPoints(uint32_t numPoints, char const* points, size_t stride, uint32_t height = std::numeric_limits::max()) : mNumPoints(numPoints), mPoints(points), mStride(stride), mHeight(height), mPartition(numPoints) { // The tree nodes are indexed by 32-bit unsigned integers, so // the number of nodes can be at most 2^{32} - 1. This limits // the height to 31. uint32_t numNodes; if (mHeight == std::numeric_limits::max()) { uint32_t minPowerOfTwo = static_cast(BitHacks::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(mNumPoints)); mHeight = BitHacks::Log2OfPowerOfTwo(minPowerOfTwo); numNodes = 2 * mNumPoints - 1; } else { // The maximum level cannot exceed 30 because we are storing // the indices into the node array as 32-bit unsigned // integers. if (mHeight < 32) { numNodes = (uint32_t)(1ULL << (mHeight + 1)) - 1; } else { // When the precondition is not met, return a tree of // height 0 (a single node). mHeight = 0; numNodes = 1; } } // The tree is built recursively. A reference to a Node is // passed to BuildTree and nodes are appended to a std::vector. // Because the references are on the stack, we must guarantee no // reallocations to avoid invalidating the references. TODO: // This design can be modified to pass indices to the nodes so // that reallocation is not a problem. mTree.reserve(numNodes); // Build the tree recursively. The array mPartition stores the // indices into the 'points' array so that at a node, the points // represented by the node are those indexed by the range // [node.minIndex, node.maxIndex]. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { mPartition[i] = i; } mTree.push_back(Node()); BuildTree(mTree.back(), 0, mNumPoints - 1); } // Member access. inline uint32_t GetNumPoints() const { return mNumPoints; } inline char const* GetPoints() const { return mPoints; } inline size_t GetStride() const { return mStride; } inline std::vector const& GetTree() const { return mTree; } inline uint32_t GetHeight() const { return mHeight; } inline std::vector const& GetPartition() const { return mPartition; } private: inline Vector3 GetPosition(uint32_t index) const { return *reinterpret_cast const*>(mPoints + index * mStride); } void BuildTree(Node& node, uint32_t i0, uint32_t i1) { node.minIndex = i0; node.maxIndex = i1; if (i0 == i1) { // We are at a leaf node. The left and right child indices // were set to std::numeric_limits::max() during // construction. // Create a degenerate box whose center is the point. node.box.center = GetPosition(mPartition[i0]); node.box.axis[0] = Vector3{ (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; node.box.axis[1] = Vector3{ (Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0 }; node.box.axis[2] = Vector3{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; node.box.extent = Vector3{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; } else // i0 < i1 { // We are at an interior node. Compute an oriented bounding // box. ComputeOBB(i0, i1, node.box); if (node.depth == mHeight) { return; } // Use the box axis corresponding to largest extent for the // splitting axis. Partition the points into two subsets, one // for the left child and one for the right child. The subsets // have numbers of elements that differ by at most 1, so the // tree is balanced. Vector3 axis2 = node.box.axis[2]; uint32_t j0, j1; SplitPoints(i0, i1, j0, j1, node.box.center, axis2); node.leftChild = static_cast(mTree.size()); node.rightChild = node.leftChild + 1; mTree.push_back(Node()); Node& leftTree = mTree.back(); mTree.push_back(Node()); Node& rightTree = mTree.back(); leftTree.depth = node.depth + 1; rightTree.depth = node.depth + 1; BuildTree(leftTree, i0, j0); BuildTree(rightTree, j1, i1); } } void ComputeOBB(uint32_t i0, uint32_t i1, OrientedBox3& box) { // Compute the mean of the points. Vector3 zero{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; box.center = zero; for (uint32_t i = i0; i <= i1; ++i) { box.center += GetPosition(mPartition[i]); } Real invSize = ((Real)1) / (Real)(i1 - i0 + 1); box.center *= invSize; // Compute the covariance matrix of the points. Real covar00 = (Real)0, covar01 = (Real)0, covar02 = (Real)0; Real covar11 = (Real)0, covar12 = (Real)0, covar22 = (Real)0; for (uint32_t i = i0; i <= i1; ++i) { Vector3 diff = GetPosition(mPartition[i]) - box.center; covar00 += diff[0] * diff[0]; covar01 += diff[0] * diff[1]; covar02 += diff[0] * diff[2]; covar11 += diff[1] * diff[1]; covar12 += diff[1] * diff[2]; covar22 += diff[2] * diff[2]; } covar00 *= invSize; covar01 *= invSize; covar02 *= invSize; covar11 *= invSize; covar12 *= invSize; covar22 *= invSize; // Solve the eigensystem and use the eigenvectors for the box // axes. SymmetricEigensolver3x3 es; std::array eval; std::array, 3> evec; es(covar00, covar01, covar02, covar11, covar12, covar22, false, +1, eval, evec); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { box.axis[i] = evec[i]; } box.extent = eval; // Let C be the box center and let U0, U1, and U2 be the box axes. // Each input point is of the form X = C + y0*U0 + y1*U1 + y2*U2. // The following code computes min(y0), max(y0), min(y1), max(y1), // min(y2), and max(y2). The box center is then adjusted to be // C' = C + 0.5*(min(y0)+max(y0))*U0 + 0.5*(min(y1)+max(y1))*U1 // + 0.5*(min(y2)+max(y2))*U2 Vector3 pmin = zero, pmax = zero; for (uint32_t i = i0; i <= i1; ++i) { Vector3 diff = GetPosition(mPartition[i]) - box.center; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { Real dot = Dot(diff, box.axis[j]); if (dot < pmin[j]) { pmin[j] = dot; } else if (dot > pmax[j]) { pmax[j] = dot; } } } Real const half(0.5); for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { box.center += (half * (pmin[j] + pmax[j])) * box.axis[j]; box.extent[j] = half * (pmax[j] - pmin[j]); } } void SplitPoints(uint32_t i0, uint32_t i1, uint32_t& j0, uint32_t& j1, Vector3 const& origin, Vector3 const& direction) { // Project the points onto the splitting axis. uint32_t numProjections = i1 - i0 + 1; std::vector info(numProjections); uint32_t i, k; for (i = i0, k = 0; i <= i1; ++i, ++k) { Vector3 diff = GetPosition(mPartition[i]) - origin; info[k].pointIndex = mPartition[i]; info[k].projection = Dot(direction, diff); } // Partition the projections by the median. uint32_t medianIndex = (numProjections - 1) / 2; std::nth_element(info.begin(), info.begin() + medianIndex, info.end()); // Partition the points by the median. for (k = 0, j0 = i0 - 1; k <= medianIndex; ++k) { mPartition[++j0] = info[k].pointIndex; } for (j1 = i1 + 1; k < numProjections; ++k) { mPartition[--j1] = info[k].pointIndex; } } struct ProjectionInfo { ProjectionInfo() : pointIndex(0), projection((Real)0) { } bool operator< (ProjectionInfo const& info) const { return projection < info.projection; } uint32_t pointIndex; Real projection; }; uint32_t mNumPoints; char const* mPoints; size_t mStride; uint32_t mHeight; std::vector mTree; std::vector mPartition; }; }