// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include // The algorithm for representing a circle as a NURBS curve or a sphere as a // NURBS surface is described in // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/NURBSCircleSphere.pdf // The implementations are related to the documents as shown next. // NURBSEighthSphereDegree4 implements Section 3.1.2 (triangular domain) // NURBSHalfSphereDegree3 implements Section 3.2 (rectangular domain) // NURBSFullSphereDegree3 implements Section 2.3 (rectangular domain) // TODO: The class NURBSSurface currently assumes a rectangular domain. // Once support is added for triangular domains, make that new class a // base class of the sphere-representing NURBS. This will allow sharing // of the NURBS basis functions and evaluation framework. namespace gte { template class NURBSEighthSphereDegree4 { public: // Construction. The eigth sphere is x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1 for x >= 0, // y >= 0 and z >= 0. NURBSEighthSphereDegree4() { Real const sqrt2 = std::sqrt((Real)2); Real const sqrt3 = std::sqrt((Real)3); Real const a0 = (sqrt3 - (Real)1) / sqrt3; Real const a1 = (sqrt3 + (Real)1) / ((Real)2 * sqrt3); Real const a2 = (Real)1 - ((Real)5 - sqrt2) * ((Real)7 - sqrt3) / (Real)46; Real const b0 = (Real)4 * sqrt3 * (sqrt3 - (Real)1); Real const b1 = (Real)3 * sqrt2; Real const b2 = (Real)4; Real const b3 = sqrt2 * ((Real)3 + (Real)2 * sqrt2 - sqrt3) / sqrt3; mControls[0][0] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; // P004 mControls[0][1] = { (Real)0, a0, (Real)1 }; // P013 mControls[0][2] = { (Real)0, a1, a1 }; // P022 mControls[0][3] = { (Real)0, (Real)1, a0 }; // P031 mControls[0][4] = { (Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0 }; // P040 mControls[1][0] = { a0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; // P103 mControls[1][1] = { a2, a2, (Real)1 }; // P112 mControls[1][2] = { a2, (Real)1, a2 }; // P121 mControls[1][3] = { a0, (Real)1, (Real)0 }; // P130 mControls[1][4] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[2][0] = { a1, (Real)0, a1 }; // P202 mControls[2][1] = { (Real)1, a2, a2 }; // P211 mControls[2][2] = { a1, a1, (Real)0 }; // P220 mControls[2][3] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[2][4] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[3][0] = { (Real)1, (Real)0, a0 }; // P301 mControls[3][1] = { (Real)1, a0, (Real)0 }; // P310 mControls[3][2] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[3][3] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[3][4] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[4][0] = { (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // P400 mControls[4][1] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[4][2] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[4][3] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mControls[4][4] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; // unused mWeights[0][0] = b0; // w004 mWeights[0][1] = b1; // w013 mWeights[0][2] = b2; // w022 mWeights[0][3] = b1; // w031 mWeights[0][4] = b0; // w040 mWeights[1][0] = b1; // w103 mWeights[1][1] = b3; // w112 mWeights[1][2] = b3; // w121 mWeights[1][3] = b1; // w130 mWeights[1][4] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[2][0] = b2; // w202 mWeights[2][1] = b3; // w211 mWeights[2][2] = b2; // w220 mWeights[2][3] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[2][4] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[3][0] = b1; // w301 mWeights[3][1] = b1; // w310 mWeights[3][2] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[3][3] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[3][4] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[4][0] = b0; // w400 mWeights[4][1] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[4][2] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[4][3] = (Real)0; // unused mWeights[4][4] = (Real)0; // unused } // Evaluation of the surface. The function supports derivative // calculation through order 2; that is, maxOrder <= 2 is required. // If you want only the position, pass in maxOrder of 0. If you want // the position and first-order derivatives, pass in maxOrder of 1, // and so on. The output 'values' are ordered as: position X; // first-order derivatives dX/du, dX/dv; second-order derivatives // d2X/du2, d2X/dudv, d2X/dv2. void Evaluate(Real u, Real v, unsigned int maxOrder, Vector<3, Real> values[6]) const { // TODO: Some of the polynomials are used in other polynomials. // Optimize the code by eliminating the redundant computations. Real w = (Real)1 - u - v; Real uu = u * u, uv = u * v, uw = u * w, vv = v * v, vw = v * w, ww = w * w; // Compute the order-0 polynomials. Only the elements to be used // are filled in. The other terms are uninitialized but never // used. Real B[5][5]; B[0][0] = ww * ww; B[0][1] = (Real)4 * vw * ww; B[0][2] = (Real)6 * vv * ww; B[0][3] = (Real)4 * vv * vw; B[0][4] = vv * vv; B[1][0] = (Real)4 * uw * ww; B[1][1] = (Real)12 * uv * ww; B[1][2] = (Real)12 * uv * vw; B[1][3] = (Real)4 * uv * vv; B[2][0] = (Real)6 * uu * ww; B[2][1] = (Real)12 * uu * vw; B[2][2] = (Real)6 * uu * vv; B[3][0] = (Real)4 * uu * uw; B[3][1] = (Real)4 * uu * uv; B[4][0] = uu * uu; // Compute the NURBS position. Vector<3, Real> N{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Real D(0); for (int j1 = 0; j1 <= 4; ++j1) { for (int j0 = 0; j0 <= 4 - j1; ++j0) { Real product = mWeights[j1][j0] * B[j1][j0]; N += product * mControls[j1][j0]; D += product; } } values[0] = N / D; if (maxOrder >= 1) { // Compute the order-1 polynomials. Only the elements to be // used are filled in. The other terms are uninitialized but // never used. Real WmU = w - u; Real WmTwoU = WmU - u; Real WmThreeU = WmTwoU - u; Real TwoWmU = w + WmU; Real ThreeWmU = w + TwoWmU; Real WmV = w - v; Real WmTwoV = WmV - v; Real WmThreeV = WmTwoV - v; Real TwoWmV = w + WmV; Real ThreeWmV = w + TwoWmV; Real Dsqr = D * D; Real Bu[5][5]; Bu[0][0] = (Real)-4 * ww * w; Bu[0][1] = (Real)-12 * v * ww; Bu[0][2] = (Real)-12 * vv * w; Bu[0][3] = (Real)-4 * v * vv; Bu[0][4] = (Real)0; Bu[1][0] = (Real)4 * ww * WmThreeU; Bu[1][1] = (Real)12 * vw * WmTwoU; Bu[1][2] = (Real)12 * vv * WmU; Bu[1][3] = (Real)4 * vv; Bu[2][0] = (Real)12 * uw * WmU; Bu[2][1] = (Real)12 * uv * TwoWmU; Bu[2][2] = (Real)12 * u * vv; Bu[3][0] = (Real)4 * uu * ThreeWmU; Bu[3][1] = (Real)12 * uu * v; Bu[4][0] = (Real)4 * uu * u; Real Bv[5][5]; Bv[0][0] = (Real)-4 * ww * w; Bv[0][1] = (Real)4 * ww * WmThreeV; Bv[0][2] = (Real)12 * vw * WmV; Bv[0][3] = (Real)4 * vv * ThreeWmV; Bv[0][4] = (Real)4 * vv * v; Bv[1][0] = (Real)-12 * u * ww; Bv[1][1] = (Real)12 * uw * WmTwoV; Bv[1][2] = (Real)12 * uv * TwoWmV; Bv[1][3] = (Real)12 * u * vv; Bv[2][0] = (Real)-12 * uu * w; Bv[2][1] = (Real)12 * uu * WmV; Bv[2][2] = (Real)12 * uu * v; Bv[3][0] = (Real)-4 * uu * u; Bv[3][1] = (Real)4 * uu * u; Bv[4][0] = (Real)0; Vector<3, Real> Nu{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Vector<3, Real> Nv{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Real Du(0), Dv(0); for (int j1 = 0; j1 <= 4; ++j1) { for (int j0 = 0; j0 <= 4 - j1; ++j0) { Real product = mWeights[j1][j0] * Bu[j1][j0]; Nu += product * mControls[j1][j0]; Du += product; product = mWeights[j1][j0] * Bv[j1][j0]; Nv += product * mControls[j1][j0]; Dv += product; } } Vector<3, Real> numerDU = D * Nu - Du * N; Vector<3, Real> numerDV = D * Nv - Dv * N; values[1] = numerDU / Dsqr; values[2] = numerDV / Dsqr; if (maxOrder >= 2) { // Compute the order-2 polynomials. Only the elements to // be used are filled in. The other terms are // uninitialized but never used. Real Dcub = Dsqr * D; Real Buu[5][5]; Buu[0][0] = (Real)12 * ww; Buu[0][1] = (Real)24 * vw; Buu[0][2] = (Real)12 * vv; Buu[0][3] = (Real)0; Buu[0][4] = (Real)0; Buu[1][0] = (Real)-24 * w * WmU; Buu[1][1] = (Real)-24 * v * TwoWmU; Buu[1][2] = (Real)-24 * vv; Buu[1][3] = (Real)0; Buu[2][0] = (Real)12 * (ww - (Real)4 * uw + uu); Buu[2][1] = (Real)24 * v * WmTwoU; Buu[2][2] = (Real)12 * vv; Buu[3][0] = (Real)24 * u * WmU; Buu[3][1] = (Real)24 * uv; Buu[4][0] = (Real)12 * uu; Real Buv[5][5]; Buv[0][0] = (Real)12 * ww; Buv[0][1] = (Real)-12 * w * WmTwoV; Buv[0][2] = (Real)-12 * v * TwoWmV; Buv[0][3] = (Real)-12 * vv; Buv[0][4] = (Real)0; Buv[1][0] = (Real)-12 * w * WmTwoU; Buv[1][1] = (Real)12 * (ww + (Real)2 * (uv - uw - vw)); Buv[1][2] = (Real)12 * v * ((Real)2 * WmU - v); Buv[1][3] = (Real)12 * vv; Buv[2][0] = (Real)-12 * u * TwoWmU; Buv[2][1] = (Real)12 * u * ((Real)2 * WmV - u); Buv[2][2] = (Real)24 * uv; Buv[3][0] = (Real)-12 * uu; Buv[3][1] = (Real)12 * uu; Buv[4][0] = (Real)0; Real Bvv[5][5]; Bvv[0][0] = (Real)12 * ww; Bvv[0][1] = (Real)-24 * w * WmV; Bvv[0][2] = (Real)12 * (ww - (Real)4 * vw + vv); Bvv[0][3] = (Real)24 * v * WmV; Bvv[0][4] = (Real)12 * vv; Bvv[1][0] = (Real)24 * uw; Bvv[1][1] = (Real)-24 * u * TwoWmV; Bvv[1][2] = (Real)24 * u * WmTwoV; Bvv[1][3] = (Real)24 * uv; Bvv[2][0] = (Real)12 * uu; Bvv[2][1] = (Real)-24 * uu; Bvv[2][2] = (Real)12 * uu; Bvv[3][0] = (Real)0; Bvv[3][1] = (Real)0; Bvv[4][0] = (Real)0; Vector<3, Real> Nuu{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Vector<3, Real> Nuv{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Vector<3, Real> Nvv{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Real Duu(0), Duv(0), Dvv(0); for (int j1 = 0; j1 <= 4; ++j1) { for (int j0 = 0; j0 <= 4 - j1; ++j0) { Real product = mWeights[j1][j0] * Buu[j1][j0]; Nuu += product * mControls[j1][j0]; Duu += product; product = mWeights[j1][j0] * Buv[j1][j0]; Nuv += product * mControls[j1][j0]; Duv += product; product = mWeights[j1][j0] * Bvv[j1][j0]; Nvv += product * mControls[j1][j0]; Dvv += product; } } Vector<3, Real> termDuu = D * (D * Nuu - Duu * N); Vector<3, Real> termDuv = D * (D * Nuv - Duv * N - Du * Nv - Dv * Nu); Vector<3, Real> termDvv = D * (D * Nvv - Dvv * N); values[3] = (D * termDuu - (Real)2 * Du * numerDU) / Dcub; values[4] = (D * termDuv + (Real)2 * Du * Dv * N) / Dcub; values[5] = (D * termDvv - (Real)2 * Dv * numerDV) / Dcub; } } } private: // For simplicity of the implementation, 2-dimensional arrays // of size 5-by-5 are used. Only array[r][c] is used where // 0 <= r <= 4 and 0 <= c < 4 - r. Vector3 mControls[5][5]; Real mWeights[5][5]; }; template class NURBSHalfSphereDegree3 : public NURBSSurface<3, Real> { public: NURBSHalfSphereDegree3() : NURBSSurface<3, Real>(BasisFunctionInput(4, 3), BasisFunctionInput(4, 3), nullptr, nullptr) { // weight[j][i] is mWeights[i + 4 * j], 0 <= i < 4, 0 <= j < 4 Real const oneThird = (Real)1 / (Real)3; Real const oneNinth = (Real)1 / (Real)9; this->mWeights[0] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[1] = oneThird; this->mWeights[2] = oneThird; this->mWeights[3] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[4] = oneThird; this->mWeights[5] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[6] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[7] = oneThird; this->mWeights[8] = oneThird; this->mWeights[9] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[10] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[11] = oneThird; this->mWeights[12] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[13] = oneThird; this->mWeights[14] = oneThird; this->mWeights[15] = (Real)1; // control[j][i] is mControls[i + 4 * j], 0 <= i < 4, 0 <= j < 4 this->mControls[0] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[1] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[2] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[3] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[4] = { (Real)2, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[5] = { (Real)2, (Real)4, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[6] = { (Real)-2, (Real)4, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[7] = { (Real)-2, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[8] = { (Real)2, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[9] = { (Real)2, (Real)4, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[10] = { (Real)-2, (Real)4, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[11] = { (Real)-2, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[12] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[13] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[14] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[15] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; } }; template class NURBSFullSphereDegree3 : public NURBSSurface<3, Real> { public: NURBSFullSphereDegree3() : NURBSSurface<3, Real>(BasisFunctionInput(4, 3), CreateBasisFunctionInputV(), nullptr, nullptr) { // weight[j][i] is mWeights[i + 4 * j], 0 <= i < 4, 0 <= j < 7 Real const oneThird = (Real)1 / (Real)3; Real const oneNinth = (Real)1 / (Real)9; this->mWeights[0] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[4] = oneThird; this->mWeights[8] = oneThird; this->mWeights[12] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[16] = oneThird; this->mWeights[20] = oneThird; this->mWeights[24] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[1] = oneThird; this->mWeights[5] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[9] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[13] = oneThird; this->mWeights[17] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[21] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[25] = oneThird; this->mWeights[2] = oneThird; this->mWeights[6] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[10] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[14] = oneThird; this->mWeights[18] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[22] = oneNinth; this->mWeights[26] = oneThird; this->mWeights[3] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[7] = oneThird; this->mWeights[11] = oneThird; this->mWeights[15] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[19] = oneThird; this->mWeights[23] = oneThird; this->mWeights[27] = (Real)1; // control[j][i] is mControls[i + 4 * j], 0 <= i < 4, 0 <= j < 7 this->mControls[0] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[4] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[8] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[12] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[16] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[20] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[24] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[1] = { (Real)2, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[5] = { (Real)2, (Real)4, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[9] = { (Real)-2, (Real)4, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[13] = { (Real)-2, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[17] = { (Real)-2, (Real)-4, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[21] = { (Real)2, (Real)-4, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[25] = { (Real)2, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[2] = { (Real)2, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[6] = { (Real)2, (Real)4, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[10] = { (Real)-2, (Real)4, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[14] = { (Real)-2, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[18] = { (Real)-2, (Real)-4, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[22] = { (Real)2, (Real)-4, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[26] = { (Real)2, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[3] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[7] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[11] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[15] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[19] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[23] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; this->mControls[27] = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)-1 }; } private: static BasisFunctionInput CreateBasisFunctionInputV() { BasisFunctionInput input; input.numControls = 7; input.degree = 3; input.uniform = true; input.periodic = false; input.numUniqueKnots = 3; input.uniqueKnots.resize(input.numUniqueKnots); input.uniqueKnots[0] = { (Real)0, 4 }; input.uniqueKnots[1] = { (Real)0.5, 3 }; input.uniqueKnots[2] = { (Real)1, 4 }; return input; } }; }