// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include // The algorithm for representing a circle as a NURBS curve or a sphere as a // NURBS surface is described in // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/NURBSCircleSphere.pdf // The implementations are related to the documents as shown next. // NURBSQuarterCircleDegree2 implements equation (9) // NURBSQuarterCircleDegree4 implements equation (10) // NURBSHalfCircleDegree3 implements equation (12) // NURBSFullCircleDegree3 implements Section 2.3 namespace gte { template class NURBSQuarterCircleDegree2 : public NURBSCurve<2, Real> { public: // Construction. The quarter circle is x^2 + y^2 = 1 for x >= 0 // and y >= 0. The direction of traversal is counterclockwise as // u increase from 0 to 1. NURBSQuarterCircleDegree2() : NURBSCurve<2, Real>(BasisFunctionInput(3, 2), nullptr, nullptr) { Real const sqrt2 = std::sqrt((Real)2); this->mWeights[0] = sqrt2; this->mWeights[1] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[2] = sqrt2; this->mControls[0] = { (Real)1, (Real)0 }; this->mControls[1] = { (Real)1, (Real)1 }; this->mControls[2] = { (Real)0, (Real)1 }; } }; template class NURBSQuarterCircleDegree4 : public NURBSCurve<2, Real> { public: // Construction. The quarter circle is x^2 + y^2 = 1 for x >= 0 // and y >= 0. The direction of traversal is counterclockwise as // u increases from 0 to 1. NURBSQuarterCircleDegree4() : NURBSCurve<2, Real>(BasisFunctionInput(5, 4), nullptr, nullptr) { Real const sqrt2 = std::sqrt((Real)2); this->mWeights[0] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[1] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[2] = (Real)2 * sqrt2 / (Real)3; this->mWeights[3] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[4] = (Real)1; Real const x1 = (Real)1; Real const y1 = (Real)0.5 / sqrt2; Real const x2 = (Real)1 - sqrt2 / (Real)8; this->mControls[0] = { (Real)1, (Real)0 }; this->mControls[1] = { x1, y1 }; this->mControls[2] = { x2, x2 }; this->mControls[3] = { y1, x1 }; this->mControls[4] = { (Real)0, (Real)1 }; } }; template class NURBSHalfCircleDegree3 : public NURBSCurve<2, Real> { public: // Construction. The half circle is x^2 + y^2 = 1 for x >= 0. The // direction of traversal is counterclockwise as u increases from // 0 to 1. NURBSHalfCircleDegree3() : NURBSCurve<2, Real>(BasisFunctionInput(4, 3), nullptr, nullptr) { Real const oneThird = (Real)1 / (Real)3; this->mWeights[0] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[1] = oneThird; this->mWeights[2] = oneThird; this->mWeights[3] = (Real)1; this->mControls[0] = { (Real)1, (Real)0 }; this->mControls[1] = { (Real)1, (Real)2 }; this->mControls[2] = { (Real)-1, (Real)2 }; this->mControls[3] = { (Real)-1, (Real)0 }; } }; template class NURBSFullCircleDegree3 : public NURBSCurve<2, Real> { public: // Construction. The full circle is x^2 + y^2 = 1. The direction of // traversal is counterclockwise as u increases from 0 to 1. NURBSFullCircleDegree3() : NURBSCurve<2, Real>(CreateBasisFunctionInput(), nullptr, nullptr) { Real const oneThird = (Real)1 / (Real)3; this->mWeights[0] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[1] = oneThird; this->mWeights[2] = oneThird; this->mWeights[3] = (Real)1; this->mWeights[4] = oneThird; this->mWeights[5] = oneThird; this->mWeights[6] = (Real)1; this->mControls[0] = { (Real)1, (Real)0 }; this->mControls[1] = { (Real)1, (Real)2 }; this->mControls[2] = { (Real)-1, (Real)2 }; this->mControls[3] = { (Real)-1, (Real)0 }; this->mControls[4] = { (Real)-1, (Real)-2 }; this->mControls[5] = { (Real)1, (Real)-2 }; this->mControls[6] = { (Real)1, (Real)0 }; } private: static BasisFunctionInput CreateBasisFunctionInput() { // We need knots (0,0,0,0,1/2,1/2,1/2,1,1,1,1). BasisFunctionInput input; input.numControls = 7; input.degree = 3; input.uniform = true; input.periodic = false; input.numUniqueKnots = 3; input.uniqueKnots.resize(input.numUniqueKnots); input.uniqueKnots[0] = { (Real)0, 4 }; input.uniqueKnots[1] = { (Real)0.5, 3 }; input.uniqueKnots[2] = { (Real)1, 4 }; return input; } }; }