// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include // The queries consider the cone to be single sided and solid. The // cone height range is [hmin,hmax]. The cone can be infinite where // hmin = 0 and hmax = +infinity, infinite truncated where hmin > 0 // and hmax = +infinity, finite where hmin = 0 and hmax < +infinity, // or a cone frustum where hmin > 0 and hmax < +infinity. The // algorithm details are found in // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/IntersectionLineCone.pdf namespace gte { template class FIQuery, Cone3> : public FIQuery, Cone3> { public: struct Result : public FIQuery, Cone3>::Result { // No additional information to compute. }; Result operator()(Segment3 const& segment, Cone3 const& cone) { // Execute the line-cone query. Result result; Vector3 segOrigin = segment.p[0]; Vector3 segDirection = segment.p[1] - segment.p[0]; this->DoQuery(segOrigin, segDirection, cone, result); // Adjust the t-interval depending on whether the line-cone // t-interval overlaps the segment interval [0,1]. The block // numbers are a continuation of those in IntrRay3Cone3.h, which // themselves are a continuation of those in IntrLine3Cone3.h. if (result.type != Result::isEmpty) { using QFN1 = typename FIQuery, Cone3>::QFN1; QFN1 zero(0, 0, result.t[0].d), one(1, 0, result.t[0].d); if (result.type == Result::isPoint) { if (result.t[0] < zero || result.t[0] > one) { // Block 21. this->SetEmpty(result); } // else: Block 22. } else if (result.type == Result::isSegment) { if (result.t[1] < zero || result.t[0] > one) { // Block 23. this->SetEmpty(result); } else { auto t0 = std::max(zero, result.t[0]); auto t1 = std::min(one, result.t[1]); if (t0 < t1) { // Block 24. this->SetSegment(t0, t1, result); } else { // Block 25. this->SetPoint(t0, result); } } } else if (result.type == Result::isRayPositive) { if (one < result.t[0]) { // Block 26. this->SetEmpty(result); } else if (one > result.t[0]) { // Block 27. this->SetSegment(std::max(zero, result.t[0]), one, result); } else { // Block 28. this->SetPoint(one, result); } } else // result.type == Result::isRayNegative { if (zero > result.t[1]) { // Block 29. this->SetEmpty(result); } else if (zero < result.t[1]) { // Block 30. this->SetSegment(zero, std::min(one, result.t[1]), result); } else { // Block 31. this->SetPoint(zero, result); } } } result.ComputePoints(segment.p[0], segDirection); result.intersect = (result.type != Result::isEmpty); return result; } }; }