// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.11.23 #pragma once #include #include #include #include // The input matrix M must be NxN. The storage convention for element lookup // is determined by GTE_USE_ROW_MAJOR or GTE_USE_COL_MAJOR, whichever is // active. If you want the inverse of M, pass a nonnull pointer inverseM; // this matrix must also be NxN and use the same storage convention as M. If // you do not want the inverse of M, pass a nullptr for inverseM. If you want // to solve M*X = B for X, where X and B are Nx1, pass nonnull pointers for B // and X. If you want to solve M*Y = C for Y, where X and C are NxK, pass // nonnull pointers for C and Y and pass K to numCols. In all cases, pass // N to numRows. namespace gte { template class GaussianElimination { public: bool operator()(int numRows, Real const* M, Real* inverseM, Real& determinant, Real const* B, Real* X, Real const* C, int numCols, Real* Y) const { if (numRows <= 0 || !M || ((B != nullptr) != (X != nullptr)) || ((C != nullptr) != (Y != nullptr)) || (C != nullptr && numCols < 1)) { LogError("Invalid input."); } int numElements = numRows * numRows; bool wantInverse = (inverseM != nullptr); std::vector localInverseM; if (!wantInverse) { localInverseM.resize(numElements); inverseM = localInverseM.data(); } Set(numElements, M, inverseM); if (B) { Set(numRows, B, X); } if (C) { Set(numRows * numCols, C, Y); } #if defined(GTE_USE_ROW_MAJOR) LexicoArray2 matInvM(numRows, numRows, inverseM); LexicoArray2 matY(numRows, numCols, Y); #else LexicoArray2 matInvM(numRows, numRows, inverseM); LexicoArray2 matY(numRows, numCols, Y); #endif std::vector colIndex(numRows), rowIndex(numRows), pivoted(numRows); std::fill(pivoted.begin(), pivoted.end(), 0); Real const zero = (Real)0; Real const one = (Real)1; bool odd = false; determinant = one; // Elimination by full pivoting. int i1, i2, row = 0, col = 0; for (int i0 = 0; i0 < numRows; ++i0) { // Search matrix (excluding pivoted rows) for maximum absolute entry. Real maxValue = zero; for (i1 = 0; i1 < numRows; ++i1) { if (!pivoted[i1]) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < numRows; ++i2) { if (!pivoted[i2]) { Real value = matInvM(i1, i2); Real absValue = (value >= zero ? value : -value); if (absValue > maxValue) { maxValue = absValue; row = i1; col = i2; } } } } } if (maxValue == zero) { // The matrix is not invertible. if (wantInverse) { Set(numElements, nullptr, inverseM); } determinant = zero; if (B) { Set(numRows, nullptr, X); } if (C) { Set(numRows * numCols, nullptr, Y); } return false; } pivoted[col] = true; // Swap rows so that the pivot entry is in row 'col'. if (row != col) { odd = !odd; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { std::swap(matInvM(row, i), matInvM(col, i)); } if (B) { std::swap(X[row], X[col]); } if (C) { for (int i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) { std::swap(matY(row, i), matY(col, i)); } } } // Keep track of the permutations of the rows. rowIndex[i0] = row; colIndex[i0] = col; // Scale the row so that the pivot entry is 1. Real diagonal = matInvM(col, col); determinant *= diagonal; Real inv = one / diagonal; matInvM(col, col) = one; for (i2 = 0; i2 < numRows; ++i2) { matInvM(col, i2) *= inv; } if (B) { X[col] *= inv; } if (C) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < numCols; ++i2) { matY(col, i2) *= inv; } } // Zero out the pivot column locations in the other rows. for (i1 = 0; i1 < numRows; ++i1) { if (i1 != col) { Real save = matInvM(i1, col); matInvM(i1, col) = zero; for (i2 = 0; i2 < numRows; ++i2) { matInvM(i1, i2) -= matInvM(col, i2) * save; } if (B) { X[i1] -= X[col] * save; } if (C) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < numCols; ++i2) { matY(i1, i2) -= matY(col, i2) * save; } } } } } if (wantInverse) { // Reorder rows to undo any permutations in Gaussian elimination. for (i1 = numRows - 1; i1 >= 0; --i1) { if (rowIndex[i1] != colIndex[i1]) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < numRows; ++i2) { std::swap(matInvM(i2, rowIndex[i1]), matInvM(i2, colIndex[i1])); } } } } if (odd) { determinant = -determinant; } return true; } private: // Support for copying source to target or to set target to zero. If // source is nullptr, then target is set to zero; otherwise source is // copied to target. This function hides the type traits used to // determine whether Real is native floating-point or otherwise (such // as BSNumber or BSRational). void Set(int numElements, Real const* source, Real* target) const { if (std::is_floating_point() == std::true_type()) { // Fast set/copy for native floating-point. size_t numBytes = numElements * sizeof(Real); if (source) { std::memcpy(target, source, numBytes); } else { std::memset(target, 0, numBytes); } } else { // The inputs are not std containers, so ensure assignment works // correctly. if (source) { for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) { target[i] = source[i]; } } else { Real const zero = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) { target[i] = zero; } } } } }; }