// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2020.11.16 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace gte { template class ExtremalQuery3BSP : public ExtremalQuery3 { public: // Construction. ExtremalQuery3BSP(Polyhedron3 const& polytope) : ExtremalQuery3(polytope) { // Create the adjacency information for the polytope. VETManifoldMesh mesh; auto const& indices = this->mPolytope.GetIndices(); int const numTriangles = static_cast(indices.size() / 3); for (int t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t) { std::array V = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { V[j] = indices[3 * t + j]; } auto triangle = mesh.Insert(V[0], V[1], V[2]); mTriToNormal.insert(std::make_pair(triangle, t)); } // Create the set of unique arcs which are used to create the BSP // tree. std::multiset arcs; CreateSphericalArcs(mesh, arcs); // Create the BSP tree to be used in the extremal query. CreateBSPTree(arcs); } // Disallow copying and assignment. ExtremalQuery3BSP(ExtremalQuery3BSP const&) = delete; ExtremalQuery3BSP& operator=(ExtremalQuery3BSP const&) = delete; // Compute the extreme vertices in the specified direction and return // the indices of the vertices in the polyhedron vertex array. virtual void GetExtremeVertices(Vector3 const& direction, int& positiveDirection, int& negativeDirection) override { // Do a nonrecursive depth-first search of the BSP tree to // determine spherical polygon contains the incoming direction D. // Index 0 is the root of the BSP tree. int current = 0; while (current >= 0) { SphericalArc& node = mNodes[current]; int sign = gte::isign(Dot(direction, node.normal)); if (sign >= 0) { current = node.posChild; if (current == -1) { // At a leaf node. positiveDirection = node.posVertex; } } else { current = node.negChild; if (current == -1) { // At a leaf node. positiveDirection = node.negVertex; } } } // Do a nonrecursive depth-first search of the BSP tree to // determine spherical polygon contains the reverse incoming // direction -D. current = 0; // the root of the BSP tree while (current >= 0) { SphericalArc& node = mNodes[current]; int sign = gte::isign(Dot(direction, node.normal)); if (sign <= 0) { current = node.posChild; if (current == -1) { // At a leaf node. negativeDirection = node.posVertex; } } else { current = node.negChild; if (current == -1) { // At a leaf node. negativeDirection = node.negVertex; } } } } // Tree statistics. inline int GetNumNodes() const { return static_cast(mNodes.size()); } inline int GetTreeDepth() const { return mTreeDepth; } private: class SphericalArc { public: // Construction. SphericalArc() : nIndex{ -1, -1 }, separation(0), normal(Vector3::Zero()), posVertex(-1), negVertex(-1), posChild(-1), negChild(-1) { } // The arcs are stored in a multiset ordered by increasing // separation. The multiset will be traversed in reverse order. // This heuristic is designed to create BSP trees whose top-most // nodes can eliminate as many arcs as possible during an extremal // query. bool operator<(SphericalArc const& arc) const { return separation < arc.separation; } // Indices N[] into the face normal array for the endpoints of the // arc. std::array nIndex; // The number of arcs in the path from normal N[0] to normal N[1]. // For spherical polygon edges, the number is 1. The number is 2 // or larger for bisector arcs of the spherical polygon. int separation; // The normal is Cross(FaceNormal[N[0]],FaceNormal[N[1]]). Vector3 normal; // Indices into the vertex array for the extremal points for the // two regions sharing the arc. As the arc is traversed from // normal N[0] to normal N[1], PosVertex is the index for the // extreme vertex to the left of the arc and NegVertex is the // index for the extreme vertex to the right of the arc. int posVertex, negVertex; // Support for BSP trees stored as contiguous nodes in an array. int posChild, negChild; }; typedef VETManifoldMesh::Triangle Triangle; void SortAdjacentTriangles(int vIndex, std::unordered_set const& tAdj, std::vector& tAdjSorted) { // Copy the set of adjacent triangles into a vector container. int const numTriangles = static_cast(tAdj.size()); tAdjSorted.resize(tAdj.size()); // Traverse the triangles adjacent to vertex V using edge-triangle // adjacency information to produce a sorted array of adjacent // triangles. Triangle* tri = *tAdj.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; ++i) { for (int prev = 2, curr = 0; curr < 3; prev = curr++) { if (tri->V[curr] == vIndex) { tAdjSorted[i] = tri; tri = tri->T[prev]; break; } } } } void CreateSphericalArcs(VETManifoldMesh& mesh, std::multiset& arcs) { int const prev[3] = { 2, 0, 1 }; int const next[3] = { 1, 2, 0 }; for (auto const& element : mesh.GetEdges()) { auto const& edge = element.second; // VS 2019 16.8.1 generates LNT1006 "Local variable is not // initialized." Incorrect, because the default constructor // initializes all the members. SphericalArc arc; arc.nIndex[0] = mTriToNormal[edge->T[0]]; arc.nIndex[1] = mTriToNormal[edge->T[1]]; arc.separation = 1; arc.normal = Cross(this->mFaceNormals[arc.nIndex[0]], this->mFaceNormals[arc.nIndex[1]]); Triangle* adj = edge->T[0]; int j; for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { if (adj->V[j] != edge->V[0] && adj->V[j] != edge->V[1]) { arc.posVertex = adj->V[prev[j]]; arc.negVertex = adj->V[next[j]]; break; } } LogAssert(j < 3, "Unexpected condition."); arcs.insert(arc); } CreateSphericalBisectors(mesh, arcs); } void CreateSphericalBisectors(VETManifoldMesh& mesh, std::multiset& arcs) { std::queue> queue; for (auto const& element : mesh.GetVertices()) { // Sort the normals into a counterclockwise spherical polygon // when viewed from outside the sphere. auto const& vertex = element.second; int const vIndex = vertex->V; std::vector tAdjSorted; SortAdjacentTriangles(vIndex, vertex->TAdjacent, tAdjSorted); int const numTriangles = static_cast(vertex->TAdjacent.size()); queue.push(std::make_pair(0, numTriangles)); while (!queue.empty()) { std::pair item = queue.front(); queue.pop(); int i0 = item.first, i1 = item.second; int separation = i1 - i0; if (separation > 1 && separation != numTriangles - 1) { if (i1 < numTriangles) { // VS 2019 16.8.1 generates LNT1006 "Local // variable is not initialized." Incorrect, // because the default constructor initializes // all the members. SphericalArc arc; arc.nIndex[0] = mTriToNormal[tAdjSorted[i0]]; arc.nIndex[1] = mTriToNormal[tAdjSorted[i1]]; arc.separation = separation; arc.normal = Cross(this->mFaceNormals[arc.nIndex[0]], this->mFaceNormals[arc.nIndex[1]]); arc.posVertex = vIndex; arc.negVertex = vIndex; arcs.insert(arc); } int imid = (i0 + i1 + 1) / 2; if (imid != i1) { queue.push(std::make_pair(i0, imid)); queue.push(std::make_pair(imid, i1)); } } } } } void CreateBSPTree(std::multiset& arcs) { // The tree has at least a root. mTreeDepth = 1; for (auto const& arc : gte::reverse(arcs)) { InsertArc(arc); } // The leaf nodes are not counted in the traversal of InsertArc. // The depth must be incremented to account for leaves. ++mTreeDepth; } void InsertArc(SphericalArc const& arc) { // The incoming arc is stored at the end of the nodes array. if (mNodes.size() > 0) { // Do a nonrecursive depth-first search of the current BSP // tree to place the incoming arc. Index 0 is the root of the // BSP tree. std::stack candidates; candidates.push(0); while (!candidates.empty()) { int current = candidates.top(); candidates.pop(); SphericalArc* node = &mNodes[current]; int sign0; if (arc.nIndex[0] == node->nIndex[0] || arc.nIndex[0] == node->nIndex[1]) { sign0 = 0; } else { Real dot = Dot(this->mFaceNormals[arc.nIndex[0]], node->normal); sign0 = gte::isign(dot); } int sign1; if (arc.nIndex[1] == node->nIndex[0] || arc.nIndex[1] == node->nIndex[1]) { sign1 = 0; } else { Real dot = Dot(this->mFaceNormals[arc.nIndex[1]], node->normal); sign1 = gte::isign(dot); } int doTest = 0; if (sign0 * sign1 < 0) { // The new arc straddles the current arc, so propagate // it to both child nodes. doTest = 3; } else if (sign0 > 0 || sign1 > 0) { // The new arc is on the positive side of the current // arc. doTest = 1; } else if (sign0 < 0 || sign1 < 0) { // The new arc is on the negative side of the current // arc. doTest = 2; } // else: sign0 = sign1 = 0, in which case no propagation // is needed because the current BSP node will handle the // correct partitioning of the arcs during extremal // queries. int depth; if (doTest & 1) { if (node->posChild != -1) { candidates.push(node->posChild); depth = static_cast(candidates.size()); if (depth > mTreeDepth) { mTreeDepth = depth; } } else { node->posChild = static_cast(mNodes.size()); mNodes.push_back(arc); // The push_back can cause a reallocation, so the // current pointer must be refreshed. node = &mNodes[current]; } } if (doTest & 2) { if (node->negChild != -1) { candidates.push(node->negChild); depth = static_cast(candidates.size()); if (depth > mTreeDepth) { mTreeDepth = depth; } } else { node->negChild = static_cast(mNodes.size()); mNodes.push_back(arc); } } } } else { // root node mNodes.push_back(arc); } } // Lookup table for indexing into mFaceNormals. std::map mTriToNormal; // Fixed-size storage for the BSP nodes. std::vector mNodes; int mTreeDepth; }; }