// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include // Compute the closest points on the line segments P(s) = (1-s)*P0 + s*P1 and // Q(t) = (1-t)*Q0 + t*Q1 for 0 <= s <= 1 and 0 <= t <= 1. The algorithm is // robust even for nearly parallel segments. Effectively, it uses a conjugate // gradient search for the minimum of the squared distance function, which // avoids the numerical problems introduced by divisions in the case the // minimum is located at an interior point of the domain. See the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistanceLine3Line3.pdf // for details. namespace gte { template class DCPQuery, Segment> { public: struct Result { Real distance, sqrDistance; Real parameter[2]; Vector closest[2]; }; Result operator()(Segment const& segment0, Segment const& segment1) { return operator()(segment0.p[0], segment0.p[1], segment1.p[0], segment1.p[1]); } Result operator()(Vector const& P0, Vector const& P1, Vector const& Q0, Vector const& Q1) { Result result; // The code allows degenerate line segments; that is, P0 and P1 // can be the same point or Q0 and Q1 can be the same point. The // quadratic function for squared distance between the segment is // R(s,t) = a*s^2 - 2*b*s*t + c*t^2 + 2*d*s - 2*e*t + f // for (s,t) in [0,1]^2 where // a = Dot(P1-P0,P1-P0), b = Dot(P1-P0,Q1-Q0), c = Dot(Q1-Q0,Q1-Q0), // d = Dot(P1-P0,P0-Q0), e = Dot(Q1-Q0,P0-Q0), f = Dot(P0-Q0,P0-Q0) Vector P1mP0 = P1 - P0; Vector Q1mQ0 = Q1 - Q0; Vector P0mQ0 = P0 - Q0; mA = Dot(P1mP0, P1mP0); mB = Dot(P1mP0, Q1mQ0); mC = Dot(Q1mQ0, Q1mQ0); mD = Dot(P1mP0, P0mQ0); mE = Dot(Q1mQ0, P0mQ0); mF00 = mD; mF10 = mF00 + mA; mF01 = mF00 - mB; mF11 = mF10 - mB; mG00 = -mE; mG10 = mG00 - mB; mG01 = mG00 + mC; mG11 = mG10 + mC; if (mA > (Real)0 && mC > (Real)0) { // Compute the solutions to dR/ds(s0,0) = 0 and // dR/ds(s1,1) = 0. The location of sI on the s-axis is // stored in classifyI (I = 0 or 1). If sI <= 0, classifyI // is -1. If sI >= 1, classifyI is 1. If 0 < sI < 1, // classifyI is 0. This information helps determine where to // search for the minimum point (s,t). The fij values are // dR/ds(i,j) for i and j in {0,1}. Real sValue[2]; sValue[0] = GetClampedRoot(mA, mF00, mF10); sValue[1] = GetClampedRoot(mA, mF01, mF11); int classify[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (sValue[i] <= (Real)0) { classify[i] = -1; } else if (sValue[i] >= (Real)1) { classify[i] = +1; } else { classify[i] = 0; } } if (classify[0] == -1 && classify[1] == -1) { // The minimum must occur on s = 0 for 0 <= t <= 1. result.parameter[0] = (Real)0; result.parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG00, mG01); } else if (classify[0] == +1 && classify[1] == +1) { // The minimum must occur on s = 1 for 0 <= t <= 1. result.parameter[0] = (Real)1; result.parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG10, mG11); } else { // The line dR/ds = 0 intersects the domain [0,1]^2 in a // nondegenerate segment. Compute the endpoints of that // segment, end[0] and end[1]. The edge[i] flag tells you // on which domain edge end[i] lives: 0 (s=0), 1 (s=1), // 2 (t=0), 3 (t=1). int edge[2]; Real end[2][2]; ComputeIntersection(sValue, classify, edge, end); // The directional derivative of R along the segment of // intersection is // H(z) = (end[1][1]-end[1][0]) * // dR/dt((1-z)*end[0] + z*end[1]) // for z in [0,1]. The formula uses the fact that // dR/ds = 0 on the segment. Compute the minimum of // H on [0,1]. ComputeMinimumParameters(edge, end, result.parameter); } } else { if (mA > (Real)0) { // The Q-segment is degenerate (Q0 and Q1 are the same // point) and the quadratic is R(s,0) = a*s^2 + 2*d*s + f // and has (half) first derivative F(t) = a*s + d. The // closest P-point is interior to the P-segment when // F(0) < 0 and F(1) > 0. result.parameter[0] = GetClampedRoot(mA, mF00, mF10); result.parameter[1] = (Real)0; } else if (mC > (Real)0) { // The P-segment is degenerate (P0 and P1 are the same // point) and the quadratic is R(0,t) = c*t^2 - 2*e*t + f // and has (half) first derivative G(t) = c*t - e. The // closest Q-point is interior to the Q-segment when // G(0) < 0 and G(1) > 0. result.parameter[0] = (Real)0; result.parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG00, mG01); } else { // P-segment and Q-segment are degenerate. result.parameter[0] = (Real)0; result.parameter[1] = (Real)0; } } result.closest[0] = ((Real)1 - result.parameter[0]) * P0 + result.parameter[0] * P1; result.closest[1] = ((Real)1 - result.parameter[1]) * Q0 + result.parameter[1] * Q1; Vector diff = result.closest[0] - result.closest[1]; result.sqrDistance = Dot(diff, diff); result.distance = std::sqrt(result.sqrDistance); return result; } private: // Compute the root of h(z) = h0 + slope*z and clamp it to the interval // [0,1]. It is required that for h1 = h(1), either (h0 < 0 and h1 > 0) // or (h0 > 0 and h1 < 0). Real GetClampedRoot(Real slope, Real h0, Real h1) { // Theoretically, r is in (0,1). However, when the slope is // nearly zero, then so are h0 and h1. Significant numerical // rounding problems can occur when using floating-point // arithmetic. If the rounding causes r to be outside the // interval, clamp it. It is possible that r is in (0,1) and has // rounding errors, but because h0 and h1 are both nearly zero, // the quadratic is nearly constant on (0,1). Any choice of p // should not cause undesirable accuracy problems for the final // distance computation. // // NOTE: You can use bisection to recompute the root or even use // bisection to compute the root and skip the division. This is // generally slower, which might be a problem for high-performance // applications. Real r; if (h0 < (Real)0) { if (h1 > (Real)0) { r = -h0 / slope; if (r > (Real)1) { r = (Real)0.5; } // The slope is positive and -h0 is positive, so there is // no need to test for a negative value and clamp it. } else { r = (Real)1; } } else { r = (Real)0; } return r; } // Compute the intersection of the line dR/ds = 0 with the domain // [0,1]^2. The direction of the line dR/ds is conjugate to (1,0), // so the algorithm for minimization is effectively the conjugate // gradient algorithm for a quadratic function. void ComputeIntersection(Real const sValue[2], int const classify[2], int edge[2], Real end[2][2]) { // The divisions are theoretically numbers in [0,1]. Numerical // rounding errors might cause the result to be outside the // interval. When this happens, it must be that both numerator // and denominator are nearly zero. The denominator is nearly // zero when the segments are nearly perpendicular. The // numerator is nearly zero when the P-segment is nearly // degenerate (mF00 = a is small). The choice of 0.5 should not // cause significant accuracy problems. // // NOTE: You can use bisection to recompute the root or even use // bisection to compute the root and skip the division. This is // generally slower, which might be a problem for high-performance // applications. if (classify[0] < 0) { edge[0] = 0; end[0][0] = (Real)0; end[0][1] = mF00 / mB; if (end[0][1] < (Real)0 || end[0][1] > (Real)1) { end[0][1] = (Real)0.5; } if (classify[1] == 0) { edge[1] = 3; end[1][0] = sValue[1]; end[1][1] = (Real)1; } else // classify[1] > 0 { edge[1] = 1; end[1][0] = (Real)1; end[1][1] = mF10 / mB; if (end[1][1] < (Real)0 || end[1][1] > (Real)1) { end[1][1] = (Real)0.5; } } } else if (classify[0] == 0) { edge[0] = 2; end[0][0] = sValue[0]; end[0][1] = (Real)0; if (classify[1] < 0) { edge[1] = 0; end[1][0] = (Real)0; end[1][1] = mF00 / mB; if (end[1][1] < (Real)0 || end[1][1] > (Real)1) { end[1][1] = (Real)0.5; } } else if (classify[1] == 0) { edge[1] = 3; end[1][0] = sValue[1]; end[1][1] = (Real)1; } else { edge[1] = 1; end[1][0] = (Real)1; end[1][1] = mF10 / mB; if (end[1][1] < (Real)0 || end[1][1] > (Real)1) { end[1][1] = (Real)0.5; } } } else // classify[0] > 0 { edge[0] = 1; end[0][0] = (Real)1; end[0][1] = mF10 / mB; if (end[0][1] < (Real)0 || end[0][1] > (Real)1) { end[0][1] = (Real)0.5; } if (classify[1] == 0) { edge[1] = 3; end[1][0] = sValue[1]; end[1][1] = (Real)1; } else { edge[1] = 0; end[1][0] = (Real)0; end[1][1] = mF00 / mB; if (end[1][1] < (Real)0 || end[1][1] > (Real)1) { end[1][1] = (Real)0.5; } } } } // Compute the location of the minimum of R on the segment of // intersection for the line dR/ds = 0 and the domain [0,1]^2. void ComputeMinimumParameters(int const edge[2], Real const end[2][2], Real parameter[2]) { Real delta = end[1][1] - end[0][1]; Real h0 = delta * (-mB * end[0][0] + mC * end[0][1] - mE); if (h0 >= (Real)0) { if (edge[0] == 0) { parameter[0] = (Real)0; parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG00, mG01); } else if (edge[0] == 1) { parameter[0] = (Real)1; parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG10, mG11); } else { parameter[0] = end[0][0]; parameter[1] = end[0][1]; } } else { Real h1 = delta * (-mB * end[1][0] + mC * end[1][1] - mE); if (h1 <= (Real)0) { if (edge[1] == 0) { parameter[0] = (Real)0; parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG00, mG01); } else if (edge[1] == 1) { parameter[0] = (Real)1; parameter[1] = GetClampedRoot(mC, mG10, mG11); } else { parameter[0] = end[1][0]; parameter[1] = end[1][1]; } } else // h0 < 0 and h1 > 0 { Real z = std::min(std::max(h0 / (h0 - h1), (Real)0), (Real)1); Real omz = (Real)1 - z; parameter[0] = omz * end[0][0] + z * end[1][0]; parameter[1] = omz * end[0][1] + z * end[1][1]; } } } // The coefficients of R(s,t), not including the constant term. Real mA, mB, mC, mD, mE; // dR/ds(i,j) at the four corners of the domain Real mF00, mF10, mF01, mF11; // dR/dt(i,j) at the four corners of the domain Real mG00, mG10, mG01, mG11; }; // Template aliases for convenience. template using DCPSegmentSegment = DCPQuery, Segment>; template using DCPSegment2Segment2 = DCPSegmentSegment<2, Real>; template using DCPSegment3Segment3 = DCPSegmentSegment<3, Real>; }