// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include namespace gte { template class DCPQuery, Frustum3> { public: struct Result { Real distance, sqrDistance; Vector3 frustumClosestPoint; }; Result operator()(Vector3 const& point, Frustum3 const& frustum) { Result result; // Compute coordinates of point with respect to frustum coordinate // system. Vector3 diff = point - frustum.origin; Vector3 test = { Dot(diff, frustum.rVector), Dot(diff, frustum.uVector), Dot(diff, frustum.dVector) }; // Perform calculations in octant with nonnegative R and U // coordinates. bool rSignChange; if (test[0] < (Real)0) { rSignChange = true; test[0] = -test[0]; } else { rSignChange = false; } bool uSignChange; if (test[1] < (Real)0) { uSignChange = true; test[1] = -test[1]; } else { uSignChange = false; } // Frustum derived parameters. Real rmin = frustum.rBound; Real rmax = frustum.GetDRatio() * rmin; Real umin = frustum.uBound; Real umax = frustum.GetDRatio() * umin; Real dmin = frustum.dMin; Real dmax = frustum.dMax; Real rminSqr = rmin * rmin; Real uminSqr = umin * umin; Real dminSqr = dmin * dmin; Real minRDDot = rminSqr + dminSqr; Real minUDDot = uminSqr + dminSqr; Real minRUDDot = rminSqr + minUDDot; Real maxRDDot = frustum.GetDRatio() * minRDDot; Real maxUDDot = frustum.GetDRatio() * minUDDot; Real maxRUDDot = frustum.GetDRatio() * minRUDDot; // Algorithm computes closest point in all cases by determining // in which Voronoi region of the vertices, edges, and faces of // the frustum that the test point lives. Vector3 closest; Real rDot, uDot, rdDot, udDot, rudDot, rEdgeDot, uEdgeDot, t; if (test[2] >= dmax) { if (test[0] <= rmax) { if (test[1] <= umax) { // F-face closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmax; } else { // UF-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } } else { if (test[1] <= umax) { // LF-edge closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmax; } else { // LUF-vertex closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } } } else if (test[2] <= dmin) { if (test[0] <= rmin) { if (test[1] <= umin) { // N-face closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmin; } else { udDot = umin * test[1] + dmin * test[2]; if (udDot >= maxUDDot) { // UF-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } else if (udDot >= minUDDot) { // U-face uDot = dmin * test[1] - umin * test[2]; t = uDot / minUDDot; closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = test[1] - t * dmin; closest[2] = test[2] + t * umin; } else { // UN-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umin; closest[2] = dmin; } } } else { if (test[1] <= umin) { rdDot = rmin * test[0] + dmin * test[2]; if (rdDot >= maxRDDot) { // LF-edge closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmax; } else if (rdDot >= minRDDot) { // L-face rDot = dmin * test[0] - rmin * test[2]; t = rDot / minRDDot; closest[0] = test[0] - t * dmin; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = test[2] + t * rmin; } else { // LN-edge closest[0] = rmin; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmin; } } else { rudDot = rmin * test[0] + umin * test[1] + dmin * test[2]; rEdgeDot = umin * rudDot - minRUDDot * test[1]; if (rEdgeDot >= (Real)0) { rdDot = rmin * test[0] + dmin * test[2]; if (rdDot >= maxRDDot) { // LF-edge closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmax; } else if (rdDot >= minRDDot) { // L-face rDot = dmin * test[0] - rmin * test[2]; t = rDot / minRDDot; closest[0] = test[0] - t * dmin; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = test[2] + t * rmin; } else { // LN-edge closest[0] = rmin; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmin; } } else { uEdgeDot = rmin * rudDot - minRUDDot * test[0]; if (uEdgeDot >= (Real)0) { udDot = umin * test[1] + dmin * test[2]; if (udDot >= maxUDDot) { // UF-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } else if (udDot >= minUDDot) { // U-face uDot = dmin * test[1] - umin * test[2]; t = uDot / minUDDot; closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = test[1] - t * dmin; closest[2] = test[2] + t * umin; } else { // UN-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umin; closest[2] = dmin; } } else { if (rudDot >= maxRUDDot) { // LUF-vertex closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } else if (rudDot >= minRUDDot) { // LU-edge t = rudDot / minRUDDot; closest[0] = t * rmin; closest[1] = t * umin; closest[2] = t * dmin; } else { // LUN-vertex closest[0] = rmin; closest[1] = umin; closest[2] = dmin; } } } } } } else { rDot = dmin * test[0] - rmin * test[2]; uDot = dmin * test[1] - umin * test[2]; if (rDot <= (Real)0) { if (uDot <= (Real)0) { // point inside frustum closest = test; } else { udDot = umin * test[1] + dmin * test[2]; if (udDot >= maxUDDot) { // UF-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } else { // U-face t = uDot / minUDDot; closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = test[1] - t * dmin; closest[2] = test[2] + t * umin; } } } else { if (uDot <= (Real)0) { rdDot = rmin * test[0] + dmin * test[2]; if (rdDot >= maxRDDot) { // LF-edge closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmax; } else { // L-face t = rDot / minRDDot; closest[0] = test[0] - t * dmin; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = test[2] + t * rmin; } } else { rudDot = rmin * test[0] + umin * test[1] + dmin * test[2]; rEdgeDot = umin * rudDot - minRUDDot * test[1]; if (rEdgeDot >= (Real)0) { rdDot = rmin * test[0] + dmin * test[2]; if (rdDot >= maxRDDot) { // LF-edge closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = dmax; } else // assert( rdDot >= minRDDot ) { // L-face t = rDot / minRDDot; closest[0] = test[0] - t * dmin; closest[1] = test[1]; closest[2] = test[2] + t * rmin; } } else { uEdgeDot = rmin * rudDot - minRUDDot * test[0]; if (uEdgeDot >= (Real)0) { udDot = umin * test[1] + dmin * test[2]; if (udDot >= maxUDDot) { // UF-edge closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } else // assert( udDot >= minUDDot ) { // U-face t = uDot / minUDDot; closest[0] = test[0]; closest[1] = test[1] - t * dmin; closest[2] = test[2] + t * umin; } } else { if (rudDot >= maxRUDDot) { // LUF-vertex closest[0] = rmax; closest[1] = umax; closest[2] = dmax; } else // assert( rudDot >= minRUDDot ) { // LU-edge t = rudDot / minRUDDot; closest[0] = t * rmin; closest[1] = t * umin; closest[2] = t * dmin; } } } } } } diff = test - closest; // Convert back to original quadrant. if (rSignChange) { closest[0] = -closest[0]; } if (uSignChange) { closest[1] = -closest[1]; } // Convert back to original coordinates. result.frustumClosestPoint = frustum.origin + closest[0] * frustum.rVector + closest[1] * frustum.uVector + closest[2] * frustum.dVector; result.sqrDistance = Dot(diff, diff); result.distance = std::sqrt(result.sqrDistance); return result; } }; }