// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include namespace gte { // Compute Boolean operations of disjoint sets of half-open rectangles of // the form [xmin,xmax)x[ymin,ymax) with xmin < xmax and ymin < ymax. template class DisjointRectangles { public: // Convenient type definition. typedef DisjointIntervals ISet; // Construction and destruction. The non-default constructor requires // that xmin < xmax and ymin < ymax. DisjointRectangles() : mNumRectangles(0) { } DisjointRectangles(Scalar const& xmin, Scalar const& xmax, Scalar const& ymin, Scalar const& ymax) { if (xmin < xmax && ymin < ymax) { mNumRectangles = 1; mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin, ymax, ISet(xmin, xmax))); } else { mNumRectangles = 0; } } ~DisjointRectangles() { } // Copy operations. DisjointRectangles(DisjointRectangles const& other) { *this = other; } DisjointRectangles& operator=(DisjointRectangles const& other) { mNumRectangles = other.mNumRectangles; mStrips = other.mStrips; return *this; } // Move operations. DisjointRectangles(DisjointRectangles&& other) { *this = std::move(other); } DisjointRectangles& operator=(DisjointRectangles&& other) { mNumRectangles = other.mNumRectangles; mStrips = std::move(other.mStrips); return *this; } // The rectangle set consists of y-strips of interval sets. class Strip { public: // Construction and destruction. Strip() : ymin((Scalar)0), ymax((Scalar)0) { } Strip(Scalar const& inYMin, Scalar const& inYMax, ISet const& inIntervalSet) : ymin(inYMin), ymax(inYMax), intervalSet(inIntervalSet) { } ~Strip() { } // Copy operations. Strip(Strip const& other) { *this = other; } Strip& operator=(Strip const& other) { ymin = other.ymin; ymax = other.ymax; intervalSet = other.intervalSet; return *this; } // Move operations. Strip(Strip&& other) { *this = std::move(other); } Strip& operator=(Strip&& other) { ymin = other.ymin; ymax = other.ymax; intervalSet = std::move(other.intervalSet); other.ymin = (Scalar)0; other.ymax = (Scalar)0; return *this; } // Member access. Scalar ymin, ymax; ISet intervalSet; }; // The number of rectangles in the set. inline int GetNumRectangles() const { return mNumRectangles; } // The i-th rectangle is [xmin,xmax)x[ymin,ymax). The values xmin, // xmax, ymin and ymax are valid when 0 <= i < GetNumRectangles(). bool GetRectangle(int i, Scalar& xmin, Scalar& xmax, Scalar& ymin, Scalar& ymax) const { int totalQuantity = 0; for (auto const& strip : mStrips) { ISet const& intervalSet = strip.intervalSet; int xQuantity = intervalSet.GetNumIntervals(); int nextTotalQuantity = totalQuantity + xQuantity; if (i < nextTotalQuantity) { i -= totalQuantity; intervalSet.GetInterval(i, xmin, xmax); ymin = strip.ymin; ymax = strip.ymax; return true; } totalQuantity = nextTotalQuantity; } return false; } // Make this set empty. inline void Clear() { mNumRectangles = 0; mStrips.clear(); } // The number of y-strips in the set. inline int GetNumStrips() const { return static_cast(mStrips.size()); } // The i-th strip. The returned values are valid when // 0 <= i < GetStripQuantity(). bool GetStrip(int i, Scalar& ymin, Scalar& ymax, ISet& xIntervalSet) const { if (0 <= i && i < GetNumStrips()) { Strip const& strip = mStrips[i]; ymin = strip.ymin; ymax = strip.ymax; xIntervalSet = strip.intervalSet; return true; } return false; } // Insert [xmin,xmax)x[ymin,ymax) into the set. This is a Boolean // union operation. The operation is successful only when xmin < xmax // and ymin < ymax. bool Insert(Scalar const& xmin, Scalar const& xmax, Scalar const& ymin, Scalar const& ymax) { if (xmin < xmax && ymin < ymax) { DisjointRectangles input(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); DisjointRectangles output = *this | input; *this = std::move(output); return true; } return false; } // Remove [xmin,xmax)x[ymin,ymax) from the set. This is a Boolean // difference operation. The operation is successful only when // xmin < xmax and ymin < ymax. bool Remove(Scalar const& xmin, Scalar const& xmax, Scalar const& ymin, Scalar const& ymax) { if (xmin < xmax && ymin < ymax) { DisjointRectangles input(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); DisjointRectangles output = *this - input; *this = std::move(output); return true; } return false; } // Get the union of the rectangle sets sets, input0 union input1. friend DisjointRectangles operator|(DisjointRectangles const& input0, DisjointRectangles const& input1) { return Execute( [](ISet const& i0, ISet const& i1) { return i0 | i1; }, true, true, input0, input1); } // Get the intersection of the rectangle sets, input0 intersect is1. friend DisjointRectangles operator&(DisjointRectangles const& input0, DisjointRectangles const& input1) { return Execute( [](ISet const& i0, ISet const& i1) { return i0 & i1; }, false, false, input0, input1); } // Get the differences of the rectangle sets, input0 minus input1. friend DisjointRectangles operator-(DisjointRectangles const& input0, DisjointRectangles const& input1) { return Execute( [](ISet const& i0, ISet const& i1) { return i0 - i1; }, false, true, input0, input1); } // Get the exclusive or of the rectangle sets, input0 xor input1 = // (input0 minus input1) or (input1 minus input0). friend DisjointRectangles operator^(DisjointRectangles const& input0, DisjointRectangles const& input1) { return Execute( [](ISet const& i0, ISet const& i1) { return i0 ^ i1; }, true, true, input0, input1); } private: static DisjointRectangles Execute( std::function const& operation, bool unionExclusiveOr, bool unionExclusiveOrDifference, DisjointRectangles const& input0, DisjointRectangles const& input1) { DisjointRectangles output; size_t const numStrips0 = input0.GetNumStrips(); size_t const numStrips1 = input1.GetNumStrips(); size_t i0 = 0, i1 = 0; bool getOriginal0 = true, getOriginal1 = true; Scalar ymin0 = (Scalar)0; Scalar ymax0 = (Scalar)0; Scalar ymin1 = (Scalar)0; Scalar ymax1 = (Scalar)0; while (i0 < numStrips0 && i1 < numStrips1) { ISet const& intr0 = input0.mStrips[i0].intervalSet; if (getOriginal0) { ymin0 = input0.mStrips[i0].ymin; ymax0 = input0.mStrips[i0].ymax; } ISet const& intr1 = input1.mStrips[i1].intervalSet; if (getOriginal1) { ymin1 = input1.mStrips[i1].ymin; ymax1 = input1.mStrips[i1].ymax; } // Case 1. if (ymax1 <= ymin0) { // operator(empty,strip1) if (unionExclusiveOr) { output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin1, ymax1, intr1)); } ++i1; getOriginal0 = false; getOriginal1 = true; continue; // using next ymin1/ymax1 } // Case 11. if (ymin1 >= ymax0) { // operator(strip0,empty) if (unionExclusiveOrDifference) { output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin0, ymax0, intr0)); } ++i0; getOriginal0 = true; getOriginal1 = false; continue; // using next ymin0/ymax0 } // Reduce cases 2, 3, 4 to cases 5, 6, 7. if (ymin1 < ymin0) { // operator(empty,[ymin1,ymin0)) if (unionExclusiveOr) { output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin1, ymin0, intr1)); } ymin1 = ymin0; getOriginal1 = false; } // Reduce cases 8, 9, 10 to cases 5, 6, 7. if (ymin1 > ymin0) { // operator([ymin0,ymin1),empty) if (unionExclusiveOrDifference) { output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin0, ymin1, intr0)); } ymin0 = ymin1; getOriginal0 = false; } // Case 5. if (ymax1 < ymax0) { // operator(strip0,[ymin1,ymax1)) auto result = operation(intr0, intr1); output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin1, ymax1, result)); ymin0 = ymax1; ++i1; getOriginal0 = false; getOriginal1 = true; continue; // using next ymin1/ymax1 } // Case 6. if (ymax1 == ymax0) { // operator(strip0,[ymin1,ymax1)) auto result = operation(intr0, intr1); output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin1, ymax1, result)); ++i0; ++i1; getOriginal0 = true; getOriginal1 = true; continue; // using next ymin0/ymax0 and ymin1/ymax1 } // Case 7. if (ymax1 > ymax0) { // operator(strip0,[ymin1,ymax0)) auto result = operation(intr0, intr1); output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin1, ymax0, result)); ymin1 = ymax0; ++i0; getOriginal0 = true; getOriginal1 = false; // continue; using current ymin1/ymax1 } } if (unionExclusiveOrDifference) { while (i0 < numStrips0) { if (getOriginal0) { ymin0 = input0.mStrips[i0].ymin; ymax0 = input0.mStrips[i0].ymax; } else { getOriginal0 = true; } // operator(strip0,empty) output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin0, ymax0, input0.mStrips[i0].intervalSet)); ++i0; } } if (unionExclusiveOr) { while (i1 < numStrips1) { if (getOriginal1) { ymin1 = input1.mStrips[i1].ymin; ymax1 = input1.mStrips[i1].ymax; } else { getOriginal1 = true; } // operator(empty,strip1) output.mStrips.push_back(Strip(ymin1, ymax1, input1.mStrips[i1].intervalSet)); ++i1; } } output.ComputeRectangleQuantity(); return output; } void ComputeRectangleQuantity() { mNumRectangles = 0; for (auto strip : mStrips) { mNumRectangles += strip.intervalSet.GetNumIntervals(); } } // The number of rectangles in the set. int mNumRectangles; // The y-strips of the set, each containing an x-interval set. std::vector mStrips; }; }