// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace gte { template class DarbouxFrame3 { public: // Construction. The curve must persist as long as the DarbouxFrame3 // object does. DarbouxFrame3(std::shared_ptr> const& surface) : mSurface(surface) { } // Get a coordinate frame, {T0, T1, N}. At a nondegenerate surface // points, dX/du and dX/dv are linearly independent tangent vectors. // The frame is constructed as // T0 = (dX/du)/|dX/du| // N = Cross(dX/du,dX/dv)/|Cross(dX/du,dX/dv)| // T1 = Cross(N, T0) // so that {T0, T1, N} is a right-handed orthonormal set. void operator()(Real u, Real v, Vector3& position, Vector3& tangent0, Vector3& tangent1, Vector3& normal) const { std::array, 3> jet; mSurface->Evaluate(u, v, 1, jet.data()); position = jet[0]; tangent0 = jet[1]; Normalize(tangent0); tangent1 = jet[2]; Normalize(tangent1); normal = UnitCross(tangent0, tangent1); tangent1 = Cross(normal, tangent0); } // Compute the principal curvatures and principal directions. void GetPrincipalInformation(Real u, Real v, Real& curvature0, Real& curvature1, Vector3& direction0, Vector3& direction1) const { // Tangents: T0 = (x_u,y_u,z_u), T1 = (x_v,y_v,z_v) // Normal: N = Cross(T0,T1)/Length(Cross(T0,T1)) // Metric Tensor: G = +- -+ // | Dot(T0,T0) Dot(T0,T1) | // | Dot(T1,T0) Dot(T1,T1) | // +- -+ // // Curvature Tensor: B = +- -+ // | -Dot(N,T0_u) -Dot(N,T0_v) | // | -Dot(N,T1_u) -Dot(N,T1_v) | // +- -+ // // Principal curvatures k are the generalized eigenvalues of // // Bw = kGw // // If k is a curvature and w=(a,b) is the corresponding solution // to Bw = kGw, then the principal direction as a 3D vector is // d = a*U+b*V. // // Let k1 and k2 be the principal curvatures. The mean curvature // is (k1+k2)/2 and the Gaussian curvature is k1*k2. // Compute derivatives. std::array, 6> jet; mSurface->Evaluate(u, v, 2, jet.data()); Vector3 derU = jet[1]; Vector3 derV = jet[2]; Vector3 derUU = jet[3]; Vector3 derUV = jet[4]; Vector3 derVV = jet[5]; // Compute the metric tensor. Matrix2x2 metricTensor; metricTensor(0, 0) = Dot(jet[1], jet[1]); metricTensor(0, 1) = Dot(jet[1], jet[2]); metricTensor(1, 0) = metricTensor(0, 1); metricTensor(1, 1) = Dot(jet[2], jet[2]); // Compute the curvature tensor. Vector3 normal = UnitCross(jet[1], jet[2]); Matrix2x2 curvatureTensor; curvatureTensor(0, 0) = -Dot(normal, derUU); curvatureTensor(0, 1) = -Dot(normal, derUV); curvatureTensor(1, 0) = curvatureTensor(0, 1); curvatureTensor(1, 1) = -Dot(normal, derVV); // Characteristic polynomial is 0 = det(B-kG) = c2*k^2+c1*k+c0. Real c0 = Determinant(curvatureTensor); Real c1 = (Real)2 * curvatureTensor(0, 1) * metricTensor(0, 1) - curvatureTensor(0, 0) * metricTensor(1, 1) - curvatureTensor(1, 1) * metricTensor(0, 0); Real c2 = Determinant(metricTensor); // Principal curvatures are roots of characteristic polynomial. Real temp = std::sqrt(std::max(c1 * c1 - (Real)4 * c0 * c2, (Real)0)); Real mult = (Real)0.5 / c2; curvature0 = -mult * (c1 + temp); curvature1 = -mult * (c1 - temp); // Principal directions are solutions to (B-kG)w = 0, // w1 = (b12-k1*g12,-(b11-k1*g11)) OR (b22-k1*g22,-(b12-k1*g12)). Real a0 = curvatureTensor(0, 1) - curvature0 * metricTensor(0, 1); Real a1 = curvature0 * metricTensor(0, 0) - curvatureTensor(0, 0); Real length = std::sqrt(a0 * a0 + a1 * a1); if (length > (Real)0) { direction0 = a0 * derU + a1 * derV; } else { a0 = curvatureTensor(1, 1) - curvature0 * metricTensor(1, 1); a1 = curvature0 * metricTensor(0, 1) - curvatureTensor(0, 1); length = std::sqrt(a0 * a0 + a1 * a1); if (length > (Real)0) { direction0 = a0 * derU + a1 * derV; } else { // Umbilic (surface is locally sphere, any direction // principal). direction0 = derU; } } Normalize(direction0); // Second tangent is cross product of first tangent and normal. direction1 = Cross(direction0, normal); } private: std::shared_ptr> mSurface; }; }