// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include namespace gte { // Compute the plane of the lozenge rectangle using least-squares fit. // Parallel planes are chosen close enough together so that all the data // points lie between them. The radius is half the distance between the // two planes. The half-cylinder and quarter-cylinder side pieces are // chosen using a method similar to that used for fitting by capsules. template bool GetContainer(int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, Lozenge3& lozenge) { ApprGaussian3 fitter; fitter.Fit(numPoints, points); OrientedBox3 box = fitter.GetParameters(); Vector3 diff = points[0] - box.center; Real wMin = Dot(box.axis[0], diff); Real wMax = wMin; Real w; for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) { diff = points[i] - box.center; w = Dot(box.axis[0], diff); if (w < wMin) { wMin = w; } else if (w > wMax) { wMax = w; } } Real radius = (Real)0.5 * (wMax - wMin); Real rSqr = radius * radius; box.center += ((Real)0.5 * (wMax + wMin)) * box.axis[0]; Real aMin = std::numeric_limits::max(); Real aMax = -aMin; Real bMin = std::numeric_limits::max(); Real bMax = -bMin; Real discr, radical, u, v, test; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { diff = points[i] - box.center; u = Dot(box.axis[2], diff); v = Dot(box.axis[1], diff); w = Dot(box.axis[0], diff); discr = rSqr - w * w; radical = std::sqrt(std::max(discr, (Real)0)); test = u + radical; if (test < aMin) { aMin = test; } test = u - radical; if (test > aMax) { aMax = test; } test = v + radical; if (test < bMin) { bMin = test; } test = v - radical; if (test > bMax) { bMax = test; } } // The enclosing region might be a capsule or a sphere. if (aMin >= aMax) { test = (Real)0.5 * (aMin + aMax); aMin = test; aMax = test; } if (bMin >= bMax) { test = (Real)0.5 * (bMin + bMax); bMin = test; bMax = test; } // Make correction for points inside mitered corner but outside quarter // sphere. for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { diff = points[i] - box.center; u = Dot(box.axis[2], diff); v = Dot(box.axis[1], diff); Real* aExtreme = nullptr; Real* bExtreme = nullptr; if (u > aMax) { if (v > bMax) { aExtreme = &aMax; bExtreme = &bMax; } else if (v < bMin) { aExtreme = &aMax; bExtreme = &bMin; } } else if (u < aMin) { if (v > bMax) { aExtreme = &aMin; bExtreme = &bMax; } else if (v < bMin) { aExtreme = &aMin; bExtreme = &bMin; } } if (aExtreme) { Real deltaU = u - *aExtreme; Real deltaV = v - *bExtreme; Real deltaSumSqr = deltaU * deltaU + deltaV * deltaV; w = Dot(box.axis[0], diff); Real wSqr = w * w; test = deltaSumSqr + wSqr; if (test > rSqr) { discr = (rSqr - wSqr) / deltaSumSqr; Real t = -std::sqrt(std::max(discr, (Real)0)); *aExtreme = u + t * deltaU; *bExtreme = v + t * deltaV; } } } lozenge.radius = radius; lozenge.rectangle.axis[0] = box.axis[2]; lozenge.rectangle.axis[1] = box.axis[1]; if (aMin < aMax) { if (bMin < bMax) { // Container is a lozenge. lozenge.rectangle.center = box.center + aMin * box.axis[2] + bMin * box.axis[1]; lozenge.rectangle.extent[0] = (Real)0.5 * (aMax - aMin); lozenge.rectangle.extent[1] = (Real)0.5 * (bMax - bMin); } else { // Container is a capsule. lozenge.rectangle.center = box.center + aMin * box.axis[2] + ((Real)0.5 * (bMin + bMax)) * box.axis[1]; lozenge.rectangle.extent[0] = (Real)0.5 * (aMax - aMin); lozenge.rectangle.extent[1] = (Real)0; } } else { if (bMin < bMax) { // Container is a capsule. lozenge.rectangle.center = box.center + bMin * box.axis[1] + ((Real)0.5 * (aMin + aMax)) * box.axis[2]; lozenge.rectangle.extent[0] = (Real)0; lozenge.rectangle.extent[1] = (Real)0.5 * (bMax - bMin); } else { // Container is a sphere. lozenge.rectangle.center = box.center + ((Real)0.5 * (aMin + aMax)) * box.axis[2] + ((Real)0.5 * (bMin + bMax)) * box.axis[1]; lozenge.rectangle.extent[0] = (Real)0; lozenge.rectangle.extent[1] = (Real)0; } } return true; } // Test for containment of a point by a lozenge. template bool InContainer(Vector3 const& point, Lozenge3 const& lozenge) { DCPQuery, Rectangle3> prQuery; auto result = prQuery(point, lozenge.rectangle); return result.distance <= lozenge.radius; } }