// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include // Compute the minimum-volume ellipsoid, (X-C)^T R D R^T (X-C) = 1, given the // center C and orientation matrix R. The columns of R are the axes of the // ellipsoid. The algorithm computes the diagonal matrix D. The minimum // volume is (4*pi/3)/sqrt(D[0]*D[1]*D[2]), where D = diag(D[0],D[1],D[2]). // The problem is equivalent to maximizing the product D[0]*D[1]*D[2] for a // given C and R, and subject to the constraints // (P[i]-C)^T R D R^T (P[i]-C) <= 1 // for all input points P[i] with 0 <= i < N. Each constraint has the form // A[0]*D[0] + A[1]*D[1] + A[2]*D[2] <= 1 // where A[0] >= 0, A[1] >= 0, and A[2] >= 0. namespace gte { template class ContEllipsoid3MinCR { public: void operator()(int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, Vector3 const& C, Matrix3x3 const& R, Real D[3]) const { // Compute the constraint coefficients, of the form (A[0],A[1]) // for each i. std::vector> A(numPoints); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { Vector3 diff = points[i] - C; // P[i] - C Vector3 prod = diff * R; // R^T*(P[i] - C) = (u,v,w) A[i] = prod * prod; // (u^2, v^2, w^2) } // TODO: Sort the constraints to eliminate redundant ones. It // is clear how to do this in ContEllipse2MinCR. How to do this // in 3D? MaxProduct(A, D); } private: void FindEdgeMax(std::vector>& A, int& plane0, int& plane1, Real D[3]) const { // Compute direction to local maximum point on line of // intersection. Real xDir = A[plane0][1] * A[plane1][2] - A[plane1][1] * A[plane0][2]; Real yDir = A[plane0][2] * A[plane1][0] - A[plane1][2] * A[plane0][0]; Real zDir = A[plane0][0] * A[plane1][1] - A[plane1][0] * A[plane0][1]; // Build quadratic Q'(t) = (d/dt)(x(t)y(t)z(t)) = a0+a1*t+a2*t^2. Real a0 = D[0] * D[1] * zDir + D[0] * D[2] * yDir + D[1] * D[2] * xDir; Real a1 = (Real)2 * (D[2] * xDir * yDir + D[1] * xDir * zDir + D[0] * yDir * zDir); Real a2 = (Real)3 * (xDir * yDir * zDir); // Find root to Q'(t) = 0 corresponding to maximum. Real tFinal; if (a2 != (Real)0) { Real invA2 = (Real)1 / a2; Real discr = a1 * a1 - (Real)4 * a0 * a2; discr = std::sqrt(std::max(discr, (Real)0)); tFinal = (Real)-0.5 * (a1 + discr) * invA2; if (a1 + (Real)2 * a2 * tFinal > (Real)0) { tFinal = (Real)0.5 * (-a1 + discr) * invA2; } } else if (a1 != (Real)0) { tFinal = -a0 / a1; } else if (a0 != (Real)0) { Real fmax = std::numeric_limits::max(); tFinal = (a0 >= (Real)0 ? fmax : -fmax); } else { return; } if (tFinal < (Real)0) { // Make (xDir,yDir,zDir) point in direction of increase of Q. tFinal = -tFinal; xDir = -xDir; yDir = -yDir; zDir = -zDir; } // Sort remaining planes along line from current point to local // maximum. Real tMax = tFinal; int plane2 = -1; int numPoints = static_cast(A.size()); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { if (i == plane0 || i == plane1) { continue; } Real norDotDir = A[i][0] * xDir + A[i][1] * yDir + A[i][2] * zDir; if (norDotDir <= (Real)0) { continue; } // Theoretically the numerator must be nonnegative since an // invariant in the algorithm is that (x0,y0,z0) is on the // convex hull of the constraints. However, some numerical // error may make this a small negative number. In that case // set tmax = 0 (no change in position). Real numer = (Real)1 - A[i][0] * D[0] - A[i][1] * D[1] - A[i][2] * D[2]; LogAssert(numer >= (Real)0, "Unexpected condition."); Real t = numer / norDotDir; if (0 <= t && t < tMax) { plane2 = i; tMax = t; } } D[0] += tMax * xDir; D[1] += tMax * yDir; D[2] += tMax * zDir; if (tMax == tFinal) { return; } if (tMax > (Real)0) { plane0 = plane2; FindFacetMax(A, plane0, D); return; } // tmax == 0, so return with D[0], D[1], and D[2] unchanged. } void FindFacetMax(std::vector>& A, int& plane0, Real D[3]) const { Real tFinal, xDir, yDir, zDir; if (A[plane0][0] > (Real)0 && A[plane0][1] > (Real)0 && A[plane0][2] > (Real)0) { // Compute local maximum point on plane. Real oneThird = (Real)1 / (Real)3; Real xMax = oneThird / A[plane0][0]; Real yMax = oneThird / A[plane0][1]; Real zMax = oneThird / A[plane0][2]; // Compute direction to local maximum point on plane. tFinal = (Real)1; xDir = xMax - D[0]; yDir = yMax - D[1]; zDir = zMax - D[2]; } else { tFinal = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (A[plane0][0] > (Real)0) { xDir = (Real)0; } else { xDir = (Real)1; } if (A[plane0][1] > (Real)0) { yDir = (Real)0; } else { yDir = (Real)1; } if (A[plane0][2] > (Real)0) { zDir = (Real)0; } else { zDir = (Real)1; } } // Sort remaining planes along line from current point. Real tMax = tFinal; int plane1 = -1; int numPoints = static_cast(A.size()); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { if (i == plane0) { continue; } Real norDotDir = A[i][0] * xDir + A[i][1] * yDir + A[i][2] * zDir; if (norDotDir <= (Real)0) { continue; } // Theoretically the numerator must be nonnegative because an // invariant in the algorithm is that (x0,y0,z0) is on the // convex hull of the constraints. However, some numerical // error may make this a small negative number. In that case, // set tmax = 0 (no change in position). Real numer = (Real)1 - A[i][0] * D[0] - A[i][1] * D[1] - A[i][2] * D[2]; LogAssert(numer >= (Real)0, "Unexpected condition."); Real t = numer / norDotDir; if (0 <= t && t < tMax) { plane1 = i; tMax = t; } } D[0] += tMax * xDir; D[1] += tMax * yDir; D[2] += tMax * zDir; if (tMax == (Real)1) { return; } if (tMax > (Real)0) { plane0 = plane1; FindFacetMax(A, plane0, D); return; } FindEdgeMax(A, plane0, plane1, D); } void MaxProduct(std::vector>& A, Real D[3]) const { // Maximize x*y*z subject to x >= 0, y >= 0, z >= 0, and // A[i]*x+B[i]*y+C[i]*z <= 1 for 0 <= i < N where A[i] >= 0, // B[i] >= 0, and C[i] >= 0. // Jitter the lines to avoid cases where more than three planes // intersect at the same point. Should also break parallelism // and planes parallel to the coordinate planes. std::mt19937 mte; std::uniform_real_distribution rnd((Real)0, (Real)1); Real maxJitter = (Real)1e-12; int numPoints = static_cast(A.size()); int i; for (i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { A[i][0] += maxJitter * rnd(mte); A[i][1] += maxJitter * rnd(mte); A[i][2] += maxJitter * rnd(mte); } // Sort lines along the z-axis (x = 0 and y = 0). int plane = -1; Real zmax = (Real)0; for (i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { if (A[i][2] > zmax) { zmax = A[i][2]; plane = i; } } LogAssert(plane != -1, "Unexpected condition."); // Walk along convex hull searching for maximum. D[0] = (Real)0; D[1] = (Real)0; D[2] = (Real)1 / zmax; FindFacetMax(A, plane, D); } }; }