// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2021.04.22 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include // Conformally map a 2-dimensional manifold mesh with the topology of a sphere // to a sphere. The algorithm is an implementation of the one in the paper // S.Haker, S.Angenent, A.Tannenbaum, R.Kikinis, G.Sapiro, and M.Halle. // Conformal surface parameterization for texture mapping, // IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, // Volume 6, Number 2, pages 181–189, 2000 // The paper is available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/856998 but // is not freely downloadable. namespace gte { template class ConformalMapGenus0 { public: // The input mesh should be a closed, manifold surface that has the // topology of a sphere (genus 0 surface). ConformalMapGenus0() : mSphereRadius(0.0f) { } ~ConformalMapGenus0() { } // The returned 'bool' value is 'true' whenever the conjugate gradient // algorithm converged. Even if it did not, the results might still // be acceptable. bool operator()(int numPositions, Vector3 const* positions, int numTriangles, int const* indices, int punctureTriangle) { bool converged = true; mPlaneCoordinates.resize(numPositions); mSphereCoordinates.resize(numPositions); // Construct a triangle-edge representation of mesh. ETManifoldMesh graph; int const* currentIndex = indices; int t; for (t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t) { int v0 = *currentIndex++; int v1 = *currentIndex++; int v2 = *currentIndex++; graph.Insert(v0, v1, v2); } auto const& emap = graph.GetEdges(); // Construct the nondiagonal entries of the sparse matrix A. typename LinearSystem::SparseMatrix A; int v0, v1, v2, i; Vector3 E0, E1; Real value; for (auto const& element : emap) { v0 = element.first.V[0]; v1 = element.first.V[1]; value = (Real)0; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { auto triangle = element.second->T[j]; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { v2 = triangle->V[i]; if (v2 != v0 && v2 != v1) { E0 = positions[v0] - positions[v2]; E1 = positions[v1] - positions[v2]; value += Dot(E0, E1) / Length(Cross(E0, E1)); } } } value *= -(Real)0.5; std::array lookup = { v0, v1 }; A[lookup] = value; } // Construct the diagonal entries of the sparse matrix A. std::vector tmp(numPositions, (Real)0); for (auto const& element : A) { tmp[element.first[0]] -= element.second; tmp[element.first[1]] -= element.second; } for (i = 0; i < numPositions; ++i) { std::array lookup = { i, i }; A[lookup] = tmp[i]; } LogAssert(static_cast(numPositions) + emap.size() == A.size(), "Mismatched sizes."); // Construct the sparse column vector B. currentIndex = &indices[3 * punctureTriangle]; v0 = *currentIndex++; v1 = *currentIndex++; v2 = *currentIndex++; Vector3 V0 = positions[v0]; Vector3 V1 = positions[v1]; Vector3 V2 = positions[v2]; Vector3 E10 = V1 - V0; Vector3 E20 = V2 - V0; Vector3 E12 = V1 - V2; Vector3 normal = Cross(E20, E10); Real len10 = Length(E10); Real invLen10 = (Real)1 / len10; Real twoArea = Length(normal); Real invLenNormal = (Real)1 / twoArea; Real invProd = invLen10 * invLenNormal; Real re0 = -invLen10; Real im0 = invProd * Dot(E12, E10); Real re1 = invLen10; Real im1 = invProd * Dot(E20, E10); Real re2 = (Real)0; Real im2 = -len10 * invLenNormal; // Solve the sparse system for the real parts. unsigned int const maxIterations = 1024; Real const tolerance = 1e-06f; std::fill(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), (Real)0); tmp[v0] = re0; tmp[v1] = re1; tmp[v2] = re2; std::vector result(numPositions); unsigned int iterations = LinearSystem().SolveSymmetricCG( numPositions, A, tmp.data(), result.data(), maxIterations, tolerance); if (iterations >= maxIterations) { LogWarning("Conjugate gradient solver did not converge."); converged = false; } for (i = 0; i < numPositions; ++i) { mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] = result[i]; } // Solve the sparse system for the imaginary parts. std::fill(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), (Real)0); tmp[v0] = -im0; tmp[v1] = -im1; tmp[v2] = -im2; iterations = LinearSystem().SolveSymmetricCG(numPositions, A, tmp.data(), result.data(), maxIterations, tolerance); if (iterations >= maxIterations) { LogWarning("Conjugate gradient solver did not converge."); converged = false; } for (i = 0; i < numPositions; ++i) { mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] = result[i]; } // Scale to [-1,1]^2 for numerical conditioning in later steps. Real fmin = mPlaneCoordinates[0][0], fmax = fmin; for (i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) { if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] < fmin) { fmin = mPlaneCoordinates[i][0]; } else if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] > fmax) { fmax = mPlaneCoordinates[i][0]; } if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] < fmin) { fmin = mPlaneCoordinates[i][1]; } else if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] > fmax) { fmax = mPlaneCoordinates[i][1]; } } Real halfRange = (Real)0.5 * (fmax - fmin); Real invHalfRange = (Real)1 / halfRange; for (i = 0; i < numPositions; ++i) { mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] = (Real)-1 + invHalfRange * (mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] - fmin); mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] = (Real)-1 + invHalfRange * (mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] - fmin); } // Map the plane coordinates to the sphere using inverse // stereographic projection. The main issue is selecting a // translation in (x,y) and a radius of the projection sphere. // Both factors strongly influence the final result. // Use the average as the south pole. The points tend to be // clustered approximately in the middle of the conformally // mapped punctured triangle, so the average is a good choice // to place the pole. Vector2 origin{ (Real)0, (Real)0 }; for (i = 0; i < numPositions; ++i) { origin += mPlaneCoordinates[i]; } origin /= (Real)numPositions; for (i = 0; i < numPositions; ++i) { mPlaneCoordinates[i] -= origin; } mMinPlaneCoordinate = mPlaneCoordinates[0]; mMaxPlaneCoordinate = mPlaneCoordinates[0]; for (i = 1; i < numPositions; ++i) { if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] < mMinPlaneCoordinate[0]) { mMinPlaneCoordinate[0] = mPlaneCoordinates[i][0]; } else if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][0] > mMaxPlaneCoordinate[0]) { mMaxPlaneCoordinate[0] = mPlaneCoordinates[i][0]; } if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] < mMinPlaneCoordinate[1]) { mMinPlaneCoordinate[1] = mPlaneCoordinates[i][1]; } else if (mPlaneCoordinates[i][1] > mMaxPlaneCoordinate[1]) { mMaxPlaneCoordinate[1] = mPlaneCoordinates[i][1]; } } // Select the radius of the sphere so that the projected punctured // triangle has an area whose fraction of total spherical area is // the same fraction as the area of the punctured triangle to the // total area of the original triangle mesh. Real twoTotalArea = (Real)0; currentIndex = indices; for (t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t) { V0 = positions[*currentIndex++]; V1 = positions[*currentIndex++]; V2 = positions[*currentIndex++]; E0 = V1 - V0; E1 = V2 - V0; twoTotalArea += Length(Cross(E0, E1)); } ComputeSphereRadius(v0, v1, v2, twoArea / twoTotalArea); Real sqrSphereRadius = mSphereRadius * mSphereRadius; // Inverse stereographic projection to obtain sphere coordinates. // The sphere is centered at the origin and has radius 1. for (i = 0; i < numPositions; i++) { Real rSqr = Dot(mPlaneCoordinates[i], mPlaneCoordinates[i]); Real mult = (Real)1 / (rSqr + sqrSphereRadius); Real x = (Real)2 * mult * sqrSphereRadius * mPlaneCoordinates[i][0]; Real y = (Real)2 * mult * sqrSphereRadius * mPlaneCoordinates[i][1]; Real z = mult * mSphereRadius * (rSqr - sqrSphereRadius); mSphereCoordinates[i] = Vector3{ x, y, z } / mSphereRadius; } return converged; } // Conformal mapping of mesh to plane. The array of coordinates has a // one-to-one correspondence with the input vertex array. inline std::vector> const& GetPlaneCoordinates() const { return mPlaneCoordinates; } inline Vector2 const& GetMinPlaneCoordinate() const { return mMinPlaneCoordinate; } inline Vector2 const& GetMaxPlaneCoordinate() const { return mMaxPlaneCoordinate; } // Conformal mapping of mesh to sphere (centered at origin). The array // of coordinates has a one-to-one correspondence with the input vertex // array. inline std::vector> const& GetSphereCoordinates() const { return mSphereCoordinates; } inline Real GetSphereRadius() const { return mSphereRadius; } private: void ComputeSphereRadius(int v0, int v1, int v2, Real areaFraction) { Vector2 V0 = mPlaneCoordinates[v0]; Vector2 V1 = mPlaneCoordinates[v1]; Vector2 V2 = mPlaneCoordinates[v2]; Real r0Sqr = Dot(V0, V0); Real r1Sqr = Dot(V1, V1); Real r2Sqr = Dot(V2, V2); Real diffR10 = r1Sqr - r0Sqr; Real diffR20 = r2Sqr - r0Sqr; Real diffX10 = V1[0] - V0[0]; Real diffY10 = V1[1] - V0[1]; Real diffX20 = V2[0] - V0[0]; Real diffY20 = V2[1] - V0[1]; Real diffRX10 = V1[0] * r0Sqr - V0[0] * r1Sqr; Real diffRY10 = V1[1] * r0Sqr - V0[1] * r1Sqr; Real diffRX20 = V2[0] * r0Sqr - V0[0] * r2Sqr; Real diffRY20 = V2[1] * r0Sqr - V0[1] * r2Sqr; Real c0 = diffR20 * diffRY10 - diffR10 * diffRY20; Real c1 = diffR20 * diffY10 - diffR10 * diffY20; Real d0 = diffR10 * diffRX20 - diffR20 * diffRX10; Real d1 = diffR10 * diffX20 - diffR20 * diffX10; Real e0 = diffRX10 * diffRY20 - diffRX20 * diffRY10; Real e1 = diffRX10 * diffY20 - diffRX20 * diffY10; Real e2 = diffX10 * diffY20 - diffX20 * diffY10; Polynomial1 poly0(6); poly0[0] = (Real)0; poly0[1] = (Real)0; poly0[2] = e0 * e0; poly0[3] = c0 * c0 + d0 * d0 + (Real)2 * e0 * e1; poly0[4] = (Real)2 * (c0 * c1 + d0 * d1 + e0 * e1) + e1 * e1; poly0[5] = c1 * c1 + d1 * d1 + (Real)2 * e1 * e2; poly0[6] = e2 * e2; Polynomial1 qpoly0(1), qpoly1(1), qpoly2(1); qpoly0[0] = r0Sqr; qpoly0[1] = (Real)1; qpoly1[0] = r1Sqr; qpoly1[1] = (Real)1; qpoly2[0] = r2Sqr; qpoly2[1] = (Real)1; Real tmp = areaFraction * static_cast(GTE_C_PI); Real amp = tmp * tmp; Polynomial1 poly1 = amp * qpoly0; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly0; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly0; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly0; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly1; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly1; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly2; poly1 = poly1 * qpoly2; Polynomial1 poly2 = poly1 - poly0; LogAssert(poly2.GetDegree() <= 8, "Expecting degree no larger than 8."); // Bound a root near zero and apply bisection to find t. Real tmin = (Real)0, fmin = poly2(tmin); Real tmax = (Real)1, fmax = poly2(tmax); LogAssert(fmin > (Real)0 && fmax < (Real)0, "Expecting opposite-signed extremes."); // Determine the number of iterations to get 'digits' of accuracy. int const digits = 6; Real tmp0 = std::log(tmax - tmin); Real tmp1 = (Real)digits * static_cast(GTE_C_LN_10); Real arg = (tmp0 + tmp1) * static_cast(GTE_C_INV_LN_2); int maxIterations = static_cast(arg + (Real)0.5); Real tmid = (Real)0, fmid; for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i) { tmid = (Real)0.5 * (tmin + tmax); fmid = poly2(tmid); Real product = fmid * fmin; if (product < (Real)0) { tmax = tmid; fmax = fmid; } else { tmin = tmid; fmin = fmid; } } mSphereRadius = std::sqrt(tmid); } // Conformal mapping to a plane. The plane's (px,py) points // correspond to the mesh's (mx,my,mz) points. std::vector> mPlaneCoordinates; Vector2 mMinPlaneCoordinate, mMaxPlaneCoordinate; // Conformal mapping to a sphere. The sphere's (sx,sy,sz) points // correspond to the mesh's (mx,my,mz) points. std::vector> mSphereCoordinates; Real mSphereRadius; }; }