// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include // An infinite cone is defined by a vertex V, a unit-length direction D and an // angle A with 0 < A < pi/2. A point X is on the cone when // Dot(D, X - V) = |X - V| * cos(A) // A solid cone includes points on the cone and in the region that contains // the cone ray V + h * D for h >= 0. It is defined by // Dot(D, X - V) >= |X - V| * cos(A) // The height of any point Y in space relative to the cone is defined by // h = Dot(D, Y - V), which is the signed length of the projection of X - V // onto the cone axis. Observe that we have restricted the cone definition to // an acute angle A, so |X - V| * cos(A) >= 0; therefore, points on or inside // the cone have nonnegative heights: Dot(D, X - V) >= 0. I will refer to the // infinite solid cone as the "positive cone," which means that the non-vertex // points inside the cone have positive heights. Although rare in computer // graphics, one might also want to consider the "negative cone," which is // defined by // -Dot(D, X - V) <= -|X - V| * cos(A) // The non-vertex points inside this cone have negative heights. // // For many of the geometric queries involving cones, we can avoid the square // root computation implied by |X - V|. The positive cone is defined by // Dot(D, X - V)^2 >= |X - V|^2 * cos(A)^2, // which is a quadratic inequality, but the squaring of the terms leads to an // inequality that includes points X in the negative cone. When using the // quadratic inequality for the positive cone, we need to include also the // constraint Dot(D, X - V) >= 0. // // I define four different types of cones. They all involve V, D and A. The // differences are based on restrictions to the heights of the cone points. // The height range is defined to be the interval of possible heights, say, // [hmin,hmax] with 0 <= hmin < hmax <= +infinity. // 1. infinite cone: hmin = 0, hmax = +infinity // 2. infinite truncated cone: hmin > 0, hmax = +infinity // 3. finite cone: hmin >= 0, hmax < +infinity // 4. frustum of a cone: hmin > 0, hmax < +infinity // The infinite truncated cone is truncated for h-minimum; the radius of the // disk at h-minimum is rmin = hmin * tan(A). The finite cone is truncated for // h-maximum; the radius of the disk at h-maximum is rmax = hmax * tan(A). // The frustum of a cone is truncated both for h-minimum and h-maximum. // // A technical problem when creating a data structure to represent a cone is // deciding how to represent +infinity in the height range. When the template // type Real is 'float' or 'double', we could represent it as // std::numeric_limits::infinity(). The geometric queries must be // structured properly to conform to the semantics associated with the // floating-point infinity. We could also use the largest finite // floating-point number, std::numeric_limits::max(). Either choice is // problematic when instead Real is an arbitrary precision type that does not // have a representation for infinity; this is the case for the types // BSNumber and BSRational, where T is UIntegerAP or UIntegerFP. // // The introduction of representations of infinities for the arbitrary // precision types would require modifying the arithmetic operations to test // whether the number is finite or infinite. This leads to a greater // computational cost for all queries, even when those queries do not require // manipulating infinities. In the case of a cone, the height manipulations // are nearly always for comparisons of heights. I choose to represent // +infinity by setting the maxHeight member to -1. The member functions // IsFinite() and IsInfinite() compare maxHeight to -1 and report the correct // state. // // My choice of representation has the main consequence that comparisons // between heights requires extra logic. This can make geometric queries // cumbersome to implement. For example, the point-in-cone test using the // quadratic inequality is shown in the pseudocode // Vector point = ; // Cone cone = ; // Vector delta = point - cone.V; // Real h = Dot(cone.D, delta); // bool pointInCone = // cone.hmin <= h && // h <= cone.hmax && // h * h >= Dot(delta, delta) * cone.cosAngleSqr; // In the event the cone is infinite and we choose cone.hmax = -1 to // represent this, the test 'h <= cone.hmax' must be revised, // bool pointInCone = // cone.hmin <= h && // (cone.hmax == -1 ? true : (h <= cone.hmax)) && // h * h >= Dot(delta, delta) * cone.cosAngleSqr; // To encapsulate the comparisons against height extremes, use the member // function HeightInRange(h); that is // bool pointInCone = // cone.HeightInRange(h) && // h * h >= Dot(delta, delta) * cone.cosAngleSqr; // The modification is not that complicated here, but consider a more // sophisticated query such as determining the interval of intersection // of two height intervals [h0,h1] and [cone.hmin,cone.hmax]. The file // GteIntrIntervals.h provides implementations for computing the // intersection of two intervals, where either or both intervals are // semi-infinite. namespace gte { template class Cone { public: // Create an infinite cone with // vertex = (0,...,0) // axis = (0,...,0,1) // angle = pi/4 // minimum height = 0 // maximum height = +infinity Cone() { ray.origin.MakeZero(); ray.direction.MakeUnit(N - 1); SetAngle((Real)GTE_C_QUARTER_PI); MakeInfiniteCone(); } // Create an infinite cone with the specified vertex, axis direction, // angle and with heights // minimum height = 0 // maximum height = +infinity Cone(Ray const& inRay, Real const& inAngle) : ray(inRay) { SetAngle(inAngle); MakeInfiniteCone(); } // Create an infinite truncated cone with the specified vertex, axis // direction, angle and positive minimum height. The maximum height // is +infinity. If you specify a minimum height of 0, you get the // equivalent of calling the constructor for an infinite cone. Cone(Ray const& inRay, Real const& inAngle, Real const& inMinHeight) : ray(inRay) { SetAngle(inAngle); MakeInfiniteTruncatedCone(inMinHeight); } // Create a finite cone or a frustum of a cone with all parameters // specified. If you specify a minimum height of 0, you get a finite // cone. If you specify a positive minimum height, you get a frustum // of a cone. Cone(Ray const& inRay, Real inAngle, Real inMinHeight, Real inMaxHeight) : ray(inRay) { SetAngle(inAngle); MakeConeFrustum(inMinHeight, inMaxHeight); } // The angle must be in (0,pi/2). The function sets 'angle' and // computes 'cosAngle', 'sinAngle', 'tanAngle', 'cosAngleSqr', // 'sinAngleSqr' and 'invSinAngle'. void SetAngle(Real const& inAngle) { LogAssert((Real)0 < inAngle && inAngle < (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI, "Invalid angle."); angle = inAngle; cosAngle = std::cos(angle); sinAngle = std::sin(angle); tanAngle = std::tan(angle); cosAngleSqr = cosAngle * cosAngle; sinAngleSqr = sinAngle * sinAngle; invSinAngle = (Real)1 / sinAngle; } // Set the heights to obtain one of the four types of cones. Be aware // that an infinite cone has maxHeight set to -1. Be careful not to // use maxHeight without understanding this interpretation. void MakeInfiniteCone() { mMinHeight = (Real)0; mMaxHeight = (Real)-1; } void MakeInfiniteTruncatedCone(Real const& inMinHeight) { LogAssert(inMinHeight >= (Real)0, "Invalid minimum height."); mMinHeight = inMinHeight; mMaxHeight = (Real)-1; } void MakeFiniteCone(Real const& inMaxHeight) { LogAssert(inMaxHeight > (Real)0, "Invalid maximum height."); mMinHeight = (Real)0; mMaxHeight = inMaxHeight; } void MakeConeFrustum(Real const& inMinHeight, Real const& inMaxHeight) { LogAssert(inMinHeight >= (Real)0 && inMaxHeight > inMinHeight, "Invalid minimum or maximum height."); mMinHeight = inMinHeight; mMaxHeight = inMaxHeight; } // Get the height extremes. For an infinite cone, maxHeight is set // to -1. For a finite cone, maxHeight is set to a positive number. // Be careful not to use maxHeight without understanding this // interpretation. inline Real GetMinHeight() const { return mMinHeight; } inline Real GetMaxHeight() const { return mMaxHeight; } inline bool HeightInRange(Real const& h) const { return mMinHeight <= h && (mMaxHeight != (Real)-1 ? h <= mMaxHeight : true); } inline bool HeightLessThanMin(Real const& h) const { return h < mMinHeight; } inline bool HeightGreaterThanMax(Real const& h) const { return (mMaxHeight != (Real)-1 ? h > mMaxHeight : false); } inline bool IsFinite() const { return mMaxHeight != (Real)-1; } inline bool IsInfinite() const { return mMaxHeight == (Real)-1; } // The cone axis direction (ray.direction) must be unit length. Ray ray; // The angle must be in (0,pi/2). The other members are derived from // angle to avoid calling trigonometric functions in geometric queries // (for speed). You may set the angle and compute these by calling // SetAngle(inAngle). Real angle; Real cosAngle, sinAngle, tanAngle; Real cosAngleSqr, sinAngleSqr, invSinAngle; private: // The heights must satisfy 0 <= minHeight < maxHeight <= +infinity. // For an infinite cone, maxHeight is set to -1. For a finite cone, // maxHeight is set to a positive number. Be careful not to use // maxHeight without understanding this interpretation. Real mMinHeight, mMaxHeight; public: // Comparisons to support sorted containers. These based only on // 'ray', 'angle', 'minHeight' and 'maxHeight'. bool operator==(Cone const& cone) const { return ray == cone.ray && angle == cone.angle && mMinHeight == cone.mMinHeight && mMaxHeight == cone.mMaxHeight; } bool operator!=(Cone const& cone) const { return !operator==(cone); } bool operator< (Cone const& cone) const { if (ray < cone.ray) { return true; } if (ray > cone.ray) { return false; } if (angle < cone.angle) { return true; } if (angle > cone.angle) { return false; } if (mMinHeight < cone.mMinHeight) { return true; } if (mMinHeight > cone.mMinHeight) { return false; } return mMaxHeight < cone.mMaxHeight; } bool operator<=(Cone const& cone) const { return !cone.operator<(*this); } bool operator> (Cone const& cone) const { return cone.operator<(*this); } bool operator>=(Cone const& cone) const { return !operator<(cone); } }; // Template alias for convenience. template using Cone3 = Cone<3, Real>; }