// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace gte { template struct UniqueKnot { Real t; int multiplicity; }; template struct BasisFunctionInput { // The members are uninitialized. BasisFunctionInput() { } // Construct an open uniform curve with t in [0,1]. BasisFunctionInput(int inNumControls, int inDegree) : numControls(inNumControls), degree(inDegree), uniform(true), periodic(false), numUniqueKnots(numControls - degree + 1), uniqueKnots(numUniqueKnots) { uniqueKnots.front().t = (Real)0; uniqueKnots.front().multiplicity = degree + 1; for (int i = 1; i <= numUniqueKnots - 2; ++i) { uniqueKnots[i].t = i / (numUniqueKnots - (Real)1); uniqueKnots[i].multiplicity = 1; } uniqueKnots.back().t = (Real)1; uniqueKnots.back().multiplicity = degree + 1; } int numControls; int degree; bool uniform; bool periodic; int numUniqueKnots; std::vector> uniqueKnots; }; template class BasisFunction { public: // Let n be the number of control points. Let d be the degree, where // 1 <= d <= n-1. The number of knots is k = n + d + 1. The knots // are t[i] for 0 <= i < k and must be nondecreasing, t[i] <= t[i+1], // but a knot value can be repeated. Let s be the number of distinct // knots. Let the distinct knots be u[j] for 0 <= j < s, so u[j] < // u[j+1] for all j. The set of u[j] is called a 'breakpoint // sequence'. Let m[j] >= 1 be the multiplicity; that is, if t[i] is // the first occurrence of u[j], then t[i+r] = t[i] for 1 <= r < m[j]. // The multiplicities have the constraints m[0] <= d+1, m[s-1] <= d+1, // and m[j] <= d for 1 <= j <= s-2. Also, k = sum_{j=0}^{s-1} m[j], // which says the multiplicities account for all k knots. // // Given a knot vector (t[0],...,t[n+d]), the domain of the // corresponding B-spline curve is the interval [t[d],t[n]]. // // The corresponding B-spline or NURBS curve is characterized as // follows. See "Geometric Modeling with Splines: An Introduction" by // Elaine Cohen, Richard F. Riesenfeld and Gershon Elber, AK Peters, // 2001, Natick MA. The curve is 'open' when m[0] = m[s-1] = d+1; // otherwise, it is 'floating'. An open curve is uniform when the // knots t[d] through t[n] are equally spaced; that is, t[i+1] - t[i] // are a common value for d <= i <= n-1. By implication, s = n-d+1 // and m[j] = 1 for 1 <= j <= s-2. An open curve that does not // satisfy these conditions is said to be nonuniform. A floating // curve is uniform when m[j] = 1 for 0 <= j <= s-1 and t[i+1] - t[i] // are a common value for 0 <= i <= k-2; otherwise, the floating curve // is nonuniform. // // A special case of a floating curve is a periodic curve. The intent // is that the curve is closed, so the first and last control points // should be the same, which ensures C^{0} continuity. Higher-order // continuity is obtained by repeating more control points. If the // control points are P[0] through P[n-1], append the points P[0] // through P[d-1] to ensure C^{d-1} continuity. Additionally, the // knots must be chosen properly. You may choose t[d] through t[n] as // you wish. The other knots are defined by // t[i] - t[i-1] = t[n-d+i] - t[n-d+i-1] // t[n+i] - t[n+i-1] = t[d+i] - t[d+i-1] // for 1 <= i <= d. // Construction and destruction. The determination that the curve is // open or floating is based on the multiplicities. The 'uniform' // input is used to avoid misclassifications due to floating-point // rounding errors. Specifically, the breakpoints might be equally // spaced (uniform) as real numbers, but the floating-point // representations can have rounding errors that cause the knot // differences not to be exactly the same constant. A periodic curve // can have uniform or nonuniform knots. This object makes copies of // the input arrays. BasisFunction() : mNumControls(0), mDegree(0), mTMin((Real)0), mTMax((Real)0), mTLength((Real)0), mOpen(false), mUniform(false), mPeriodic(false) { } BasisFunction(BasisFunctionInput const& input) : mNumControls(0), mDegree(0), mTMin((Real)0), mTMax((Real)0), mTLength((Real)0), mOpen(false), mUniform(false), mPeriodic(false) { Create(input); } ~BasisFunction() { } // No copying is allowed. BasisFunction(BasisFunction const&) = delete; BasisFunction& operator=(BasisFunction const&) = delete; // Support for explicit creation in classes that have std::array // members involving BasisFunction. This is a call-once function. void Create(BasisFunctionInput const& input) { LogAssert(mNumControls == 0 && mDegree == 0, "Object already created."); LogAssert(input.numControls >= 2, "Invalid number of control points."); LogAssert(1 <= input.degree && input.degree < input.numControls, "Invalid degree."); LogAssert(input.numUniqueKnots >= 2, "Invalid number of unique knots."); mNumControls = (input.periodic ? input.numControls + input.degree : input.numControls); mDegree = input.degree; mTMin = (Real)0; mTMax = (Real)0; mTLength = (Real)0; mOpen = false; mUniform = input.uniform; mPeriodic = input.periodic; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { mJet[i] = Array2(); } mUniqueKnots.resize(input.numUniqueKnots); std::copy(input.uniqueKnots.begin(), input.uniqueKnots.begin() + input.numUniqueKnots, mUniqueKnots.begin()); Real u = mUniqueKnots.front().t; for (int i = 1; i < input.numUniqueKnots - 1; ++i) { Real uNext = mUniqueKnots[i].t; LogAssert(u < uNext, "Unique knots are not strictly increasing."); u = uNext; } int mult0 = mUniqueKnots.front().multiplicity; LogAssert(mult0 >= 1 && mult0 <= mDegree + 1, "Invalid first multiplicity."); int mult1 = mUniqueKnots.back().multiplicity; LogAssert(mult1 >= 1 && mult1 <= mDegree + 1, "Invalid last multiplicity."); for (int i = 1; i <= input.numUniqueKnots - 2; ++i) { int mult = mUniqueKnots[i].multiplicity; LogAssert(mult >= 1 && mult <= mDegree + 1, "Invalid interior multiplicity."); } mOpen = (mult0 == mult1 && mult0 == mDegree + 1); mKnots.resize(mNumControls + mDegree + 1); mKeys.resize(input.numUniqueKnots); int sum = 0; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < input.numUniqueKnots; ++i) { Real tCommon = mUniqueKnots[i].t; int mult = mUniqueKnots[i].multiplicity; for (int k = 0; k < mult; ++k, ++j) { mKnots[j] = tCommon; } mKeys[i].first = tCommon; mKeys[i].second = sum - 1; sum += mult; } mTMin = mKnots[mDegree]; mTMax = mKnots[mNumControls]; mTLength = mTMax - mTMin; size_t numRows = mDegree + 1; size_t numCols = mNumControls + mDegree; size_t numBytes = numRows * numCols * sizeof(Real); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { mJet[i] = Array2(numCols, numRows); std::memset(mJet[i][0], 0, numBytes); } } // Member access. inline int GetNumControls() const { return mNumControls; } inline int GetDegree() const { return mDegree; } inline int GetNumUniqueKnots() const { return static_cast(mUniqueKnots.size()); } inline int GetNumKnots() const { return static_cast(mKnots.size()); } inline Real GetMinDomain() const { return mTMin; } inline Real GetMaxDomain() const { return mTMax; } inline bool IsOpen() const { return mOpen; } inline bool IsUniform() const { return mUniform; } inline bool IsPeriodic() const { return mPeriodic; } inline UniqueKnot const* GetUniqueKnots() const { return &mUniqueKnots[0]; } inline Real const* GetKnots() const { return &mKnots[0]; } // Evaluation of the basis function and its derivatives through // order 3. For the function value only, pass order 0. For the // function and first derivative, pass order 1, and so on. void Evaluate(Real t, unsigned int order, int& minIndex, int& maxIndex) const { LogAssert(order <= 3, "Invalid order."); int i = GetIndex(t); mJet[0][0][i] = (Real)1; if (order >= 1) { mJet[1][0][i] = (Real)0; if (order >= 2) { mJet[2][0][i] = (Real)0; if (order >= 3) { mJet[3][0][i] = (Real)0; } } } Real n0 = t - mKnots[i], n1 = mKnots[i + 1] - t; Real e0, e1, d0, d1, invD0, invD1; int j; for (j = 1; j <= mDegree; j++) { d0 = mKnots[i + j] - mKnots[i]; d1 = mKnots[i + 1] - mKnots[i - j + 1]; invD0 = (d0 > (Real)0 ? (Real)1 / d0 : (Real)0); invD1 = (d1 > (Real)0 ? (Real)1 / d1 : (Real)0); e0 = n0 * mJet[0][j - 1][i]; mJet[0][j][i] = e0 * invD0; e1 = n1 * mJet[0][j - 1][i - j + 1]; mJet[0][j][i - j] = e1 * invD1; if (order >= 1) { e0 = n0 * mJet[1][j - 1][i] + mJet[0][j - 1][i]; mJet[1][j][i] = e0 * invD0; e1 = n1 * mJet[1][j - 1][i - j + 1] - mJet[0][j - 1][i - j + 1]; mJet[1][j][i - j] = e1 * invD1; if (order >= 2) { e0 = n0 * mJet[2][j - 1][i] + ((Real)2) * mJet[1][j - 1][i]; mJet[2][j][i] = e0 * invD0; e1 = n1 * mJet[2][j - 1][i - j + 1] - ((Real)2) * mJet[1][j - 1][i - j + 1]; mJet[2][j][i - j] = e1 * invD1; if (order >= 3) { e0 = n0 * mJet[3][j - 1][i] + ((Real)3) * mJet[2][j - 1][i]; mJet[3][j][i] = e0 * invD0; e1 = n1 * mJet[3][j - 1][i - j + 1] - ((Real)3) * mJet[2][j - 1][i - j + 1]; mJet[3][j][i - j] = e1 * invD1; } } } } for (j = 2; j <= mDegree; ++j) { for (int k = i - j + 1; k < i; ++k) { n0 = t - mKnots[k]; n1 = mKnots[k + j + 1] - t; d0 = mKnots[k + j] - mKnots[k]; d1 = mKnots[k + j + 1] - mKnots[k + 1]; invD0 = (d0 > (Real)0 ? (Real)1 / d0 : (Real)0); invD1 = (d1 > (Real)0 ? (Real)1 / d1 : (Real)0); e0 = n0 * mJet[0][j - 1][k]; e1 = n1 * mJet[0][j - 1][k + 1]; mJet[0][j][k] = e0 * invD0 + e1 * invD1; if (order >= 1) { e0 = n0 * mJet[1][j - 1][k] + mJet[0][j - 1][k]; e1 = n1 * mJet[1][j - 1][k + 1] - mJet[0][j - 1][k + 1]; mJet[1][j][k] = e0 * invD0 + e1 * invD1; if (order >= 2) { e0 = n0 * mJet[2][j - 1][k] + ((Real)2) * mJet[1][j - 1][k]; e1 = n1 * mJet[2][j - 1][k + 1] - ((Real)2) * mJet[1][j - 1][k + 1]; mJet[2][j][k] = e0 * invD0 + e1 * invD1; if (order >= 3) { e0 = n0 * mJet[3][j - 1][k] + ((Real)3) * mJet[2][j - 1][k]; e1 = n1 * mJet[3][j - 1][k + 1] - ((Real)3) * mJet[2][j - 1][k + 1]; mJet[3][j][k] = e0 * invD0 + e1 * invD1; } } } } } minIndex = i - mDegree; maxIndex = i; } // Access the results of the call to Evaluate(...). The index i must // satisfy minIndex <= i <= maxIndex. If it is not, the function // returns zero. The separation of evaluation and access is based on // local control of the basis function; that is, only the accessible // values are (potentially) not zero. Real GetValue(unsigned int order, int i) const { if (order < 4) { if (0 <= i && i < mNumControls + mDegree) { return mJet[order][mDegree][i]; } LogError("Invalid index."); } LogError("Invalid order."); } private: // Determine the index i for which knot[i] <= t < knot[i+1]. The // t-value is modified (wrapped for periodic splines, clamped for // nonperiodic splines). int GetIndex(Real& t) const { // Find the index i for which knot[i] <= t < knot[i+1]. if (mPeriodic) { // Wrap to [tmin,tmax]. Real r = std::fmod(t - mTMin, mTLength); if (r < (Real)0) { r += mTLength; } t = mTMin + r; } // Clamp to [tmin,tmax]. For the periodic case, this handles // small numerical rounding errors near the domain endpoints. if (t <= mTMin) { t = mTMin; return mDegree; } if (t >= mTMax) { t = mTMax; return mNumControls - 1; } // At this point, tmin < t < tmax. for (auto const& key : mKeys) { if (t < key.first) { return key.second; } } // We should not reach this code. LogError("Unexpected condition."); } // Constructor inputs and values derived from them. int mNumControls; int mDegree; Real mTMin, mTMax, mTLength; bool mOpen; bool mUniform; bool mPeriodic; std::vector> mUniqueKnots; std::vector mKnots; // Lookup information for the GetIndex() function. The first element // of the pair is a unique knot value. The second element is the // index in mKnots[] for the last occurrence of that knot value. std::vector> mKeys; // Storage for the basis functions and their first three derivatives; // mJet[i] is array[d+1][n+d]. mutable std::array, 4> mJet; }; }