// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include namespace gte { template class BandedMatrix { public: // Construction and destruction. BandedMatrix(int size, int numLBands, int numUBands) : mSize(size), mZero((Real)0) { if (size > 0 && 0 <= numLBands && numLBands < size && 0 <= numUBands && numUBands < size) { mDBand.resize(size); std::fill(mDBand.begin(), mDBand.end(), (Real)0); if (numLBands > 0) { mLBands.resize(numLBands); int numElements = size - 1; for (auto& band : mLBands) { band.resize(numElements--); std::fill(band.begin(), band.end(), (Real)0); } } if (numUBands > 0) { mUBands.resize(numUBands); int numElements = size - 1; for (auto& band : mUBands) { band.resize(numElements--); std::fill(band.begin(), band.end(), (Real)0); } } } else { // Invalid argument to BandedMatrix constructor. mSize = 0; } } ~BandedMatrix() { } // Member access. inline int GetSize() const { return mSize; } inline std::vector& GetDBand() { return mDBand; } inline std::vector const& GetDBand() const { return mDBand; } inline std::vector>& GetLBands() { return mLBands; } inline std::vector> const& GetLBands() const { return mLBands; } inline std::vector>& GetUBands() { return mUBands; } inline std::vector> const& GetUBands() const { return mUBands; } Real& operator()(int r, int c) { if (0 <= r && r < mSize && 0 <= c && c < mSize) { int band = c - r; if (band > 0) { int const numUBands = static_cast(mUBands.size()); if (--band < numUBands && r < mSize - 1 - band) { return mUBands[band][r]; } } else if (band < 0) { band = -band; int const numLBands = static_cast(mLBands.size()); if (--band < numLBands && c < mSize - 1 - band) { return mLBands[band][c]; } } else { return mDBand[r]; } } // else invalid index // Set the value to zero in case someone unknowingly modified mZero on a // previous call to operator(int,int). mZero = (Real)0; return mZero; } Real const& operator()(int r, int c) const { if (0 <= r && r < mSize && 0 <= c && c < mSize) { int band = c - r; if (band > 0) { int const numUBands = static_cast(mUBands.size()); if (--band < numUBands && r < mSize - 1 - band) { return mUBands[band][r]; } } else if (band < 0) { band = -band; int const numLBands = static_cast(mLBands.size()); if (--band < numLBands && c < mSize - 1 - band) { return mLBands[band][c]; } } else { return mDBand[r]; } } // else invalid index // Set the value to zero in case someone unknowingly modified // mZero on a previous call to operator(int,int). mZero = (Real)0; return mZero; } // Factor the square banded matrix A into A = L*L^T, where L is a // lower-triangular matrix (L^T is an upper-triangular matrix). This // is an LU decomposition that allows for stable inversion of A to // solve A*X = B. The return value is 'true' iff the factorizing is // successful (L is invertible). If successful, A contains the // Cholesky factorization: L in the lower-triangular part of A and // L^T in the upper-triangular part of A. bool CholeskyFactor() { if (mDBand.size() == 0 || mLBands.size() != mUBands.size()) { // Invalid number of bands. return false; } int const sizeM1 = mSize - 1; int const numBands = static_cast(mLBands.size()); int k, kMax; for (int i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) { int jMin = i - numBands; if (jMin < 0) { jMin = 0; } int j; for (j = jMin; j < i; ++j) { kMax = j + numBands; if (kMax > sizeM1) { kMax = sizeM1; } for (k = i; k <= kMax; ++k) { operator()(k, i) -= operator()(i, j) * operator()(k, j); } } kMax = j + numBands; if (kMax > sizeM1) { kMax = sizeM1; } for (k = 0; k < i; ++k) { operator()(k, i) = operator()(i, k); } Real diagonal = operator()(i, i); if (diagonal <= (Real)0) { return false; } Real invSqrt = ((Real)1) / std::sqrt(diagonal); for (k = i; k <= kMax; ++k) { operator()(k, i) *= invSqrt; } } return true; } // Solve the linear system A*X = B, where A is an NxN banded matrix // and B is an Nx1 vector. The unknown X is also Nx1. The input to // this function is B. The output X is computed and stored in B. The // return value is 'true' iff the system has a solution. The matrix A // and the vector B are both modified by this function. If // successful, A contains the Cholesky factorization: L in the // lower-triangular part of A and L^T in the upper-triangular part // of A. bool SolveSystem(Real* bVector) { return CholeskyFactor() && SolveLower(bVector) && SolveUpper(bVector); } // Solve the linear system A*X = B, where A is an NxN banded matrix // and B is an NxM matrix. The unknown X is also NxM. The input to // this function is B. The output X is computed and stored in B. The // return value is 'true' iff the system has a solution. The matrix A // and the vector B are both modified by this function. If // successful, A contains the Cholesky factorization: L in the // lower-triangular part of A and L^T in the upper-triangular part // of A. // // 'bMatrix' must have the storage order specified by the template // parameter. template bool SolveSystem(Real* bMatrix, int numBColumns) { return CholeskyFactor() && SolveLower(bMatrix, numBColumns) && SolveUpper(bMatrix, numBColumns); } // Compute the inverse of the banded matrix. The return value is // 'true' when the matrix is invertible, in which case the 'inverse' // output is valid. The return value is 'false' when the matrix is // not invertible, in which case 'inverse' is invalid and should not // be used. The input matrix 'inverse' must be the same size as // 'this'. // // 'bMatrix' must have the storage order specified by the template // parameter. template bool ComputeInverse(Real* inverse) const { LexicoArray2 invA(mSize, mSize, inverse); BandedMatrix tmpA = *this; for (int row = 0; row < mSize; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < mSize; ++col) { if (row != col) { invA(row, col) = (Real)0; } else { invA(row, row) = (Real)1; } } } // Forward elimination. for (int row = 0; row < mSize; ++row) { // The pivot must be nonzero in order to proceed. Real diag = tmpA(row, row); if (diag == (Real)0) { return false; } Real invDiag = ((Real)1) / diag; tmpA(row, row) = (Real)1; // Multiply the row to be consistent with diagonal term of 1. int colMin = row + 1; int colMax = colMin + static_cast(mUBands.size()); if (colMax > mSize) { colMax = mSize; } int c; for (c = colMin; c < colMax; ++c) { tmpA(row, c) *= invDiag; } for (c = 0; c <= row; ++c) { invA(row, c) *= invDiag; } // Reduce the remaining rows. int rowMin = row + 1; int rowMax = rowMin + static_cast(mLBands.size()); if (rowMax > mSize) { rowMax = mSize; } for (int r = rowMin; r < rowMax; ++r) { Real mult = tmpA(r, row); tmpA(r, row) = (Real)0; for (c = colMin; c < colMax; ++c) { tmpA(r, c) -= mult * tmpA(row, c); } for (c = 0; c <= row; ++c) { invA(r, c) -= mult * invA(row, c); } } } // Backward elimination. for (int row = mSize - 1; row >= 1; --row) { int rowMax = row - 1; int rowMin = row - static_cast(mUBands.size()); if (rowMin < 0) { rowMin = 0; } for (int r = rowMax; r >= rowMin; --r) { Real mult = tmpA(r, row); tmpA(r, row) = (Real)0; for (int c = 0; c < mSize; ++c) { invA(r, c) -= mult * invA(row, c); } } } return true; } private: // The linear system is L*U*X = B, where A = L*U and U = L^T, Reduce // this to U*X = L^{-1}*B. The return value is 'true' iff the // operation is successful. bool SolveLower(Real* dataVector) const { int const size = static_cast(mDBand.size()); for (int r = 0; r < size; ++r) { Real lowerRR = operator()(r, r); if (lowerRR > (Real)0) { for (int c = 0; c < r; ++c) { Real lowerRC = operator()(r, c); dataVector[r] -= lowerRC * dataVector[c]; } dataVector[r] /= lowerRR; } else { return false; } } return true; } // The linear system is U*X = L^{-1}*B. Reduce this to // X = U^{-1}*L^{-1}*B. The return value is 'true' iff the operation // is successful. bool SolveUpper(Real* dataVector) const { int const size = static_cast(mDBand.size()); for (int r = size - 1; r >= 0; --r) { Real upperRR = operator()(r, r); if (upperRR > (Real)0) { for (int c = r + 1; c < size; ++c) { Real upperRC = operator()(r, c); dataVector[r] -= upperRC * dataVector[c]; } dataVector[r] /= upperRR; } else { return false; } } return true; } // The linear system is L*U*X = B, where A = L*U and U = L^T, Reduce // this to U*X = L^{-1}*B. The return value is 'true' iff the // operation is successful. See the comments for // SolveSystem(Real*,int) about the storage for dataMatrix. template bool SolveLower(Real* dataMatrix, int numColumns) const { LexicoArray2 data(mSize, numColumns, dataMatrix); for (int r = 0; r < mSize; ++r) { Real lowerRR = operator()(r, r); if (lowerRR > (Real)0) { for (int c = 0; c < r; ++c) { Real lowerRC = operator()(r, c); for (int bCol = 0; bCol < numColumns; ++bCol) { data(r, bCol) -= lowerRC * data(c, bCol); } } Real inverse = ((Real)1) / lowerRR; for (int bCol = 0; bCol < numColumns; ++bCol) { data(r, bCol) *= inverse; } } else { return false; } } return true; } // The linear system is U*X = L^{-1}*B. Reduce this to // X = U^{-1}*L^{-1}*B. The return value is 'true' iff the operation // is successful. See the comments for SolveSystem(Real*,int) about // the storage for dataMatrix. template bool SolveUpper(Real* dataMatrix, int numColumns) const { LexicoArray2 data(mSize, numColumns, dataMatrix); for (int r = mSize - 1; r >= 0; --r) { Real upperRR = operator()(r, r); if (upperRR > (Real)0) { for (int c = r + 1; c < mSize; ++c) { Real upperRC = operator()(r, c); for (int bCol = 0; bCol < numColumns; ++bCol) { data(r, bCol) -= upperRC * data(c, bCol); } } Real inverse = ((Real)1) / upperRR; for (int bCol = 0; bCol < numColumns; ++bCol) { data(r, bCol) *= inverse; } } else { return false; } } return true; } int mSize; std::vector mDBand; std::vector> mLBands, mUBands; // For return by operator()(int,int) for valid indices not in the // bands, in which case the matrix entries are zero, mutable Real mZero; }; }