// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include namespace gte { template class BSplineGeodesic : public RiemannianGeodesic { public: BSplineGeodesic(BSplineSurface<3, Real> const& spline) : RiemannianGeodesic(2), mSpline(&spline) { } virtual ~BSplineGeodesic() { } private: virtual void ComputeMetric(const GVector& point) override { mSpline->Evaluate(point[0], point[1], 2, mJet); Vector<3, Real> const& der0 = mJet[1]; Vector<3, Real> const& der1 = mJet[2]; this->mMetric(0, 0) = Dot(der0, der0); this->mMetric(0, 1) = Dot(der0, der1); this->mMetric(1, 0) = this->mMetric(0, 1); this->mMetric(1, 1) = Dot(der1, der1); } virtual void ComputeChristoffel1(const GVector&) override { Vector<3, Real> const& der0 = mJet[1]; Vector<3, Real> const& der1 = mJet[2]; Vector<3, Real> const& der00 = mJet[3]; Vector<3, Real> const& der01 = mJet[4]; Vector<3, Real> const& der11 = mJet[5]; this->mChristoffel1[0](0, 0) = Dot(der00, der0); this->mChristoffel1[0](0, 1) = Dot(der01, der0); this->mChristoffel1[0](1, 0) = this->mChristoffel1[0](0, 1); this->mChristoffel1[0](1, 1) = Dot(der11, der0); this->mChristoffel1[1](0, 0) = Dot(der00, der1); this->mChristoffel1[1](0, 1) = Dot(der01, der1); this->mChristoffel1[1](1, 0) = this->mChristoffel1[1](0, 1); this->mChristoffel1[1](1, 1) = Dot(der11, der1); } BSplineSurface<3, Real> const* mSpline; // We are guaranteed that RiemannianGeodesic calls ComputeMetric // before ComputeChristoffel1. Thus, we can compute the B-spline // first- and second-order derivatives in ComputeMetric and cache // the results for use in ComputeChristoffel1. Vector<3, Real> mJet[6]; }; }