// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include // Base class support for least-squares fitting algorithms and for RANSAC // algorithms. // Expose this define if you want the code to verify that the incoming // indices to the fitting functions are valid. #define GTE_APPR_QUERY_VALIDATE_INDICES namespace gte { template class ApprQuery { public: // Construction and destruction. ApprQuery() = default; virtual ~ApprQuery() = default; // The base-class Fit* functions are generic but need to call the // indexed fitting function for the specific derived class. virtual bool FitIndexed( size_t numObservations, ObservationType const* observations, size_t numIndices, int const* indices) = 0; bool ValidIndices( size_t numObservations, ObservationType const* observations, size_t numIndices, int const* indices) { #if defined(GTE_APPR_QUERY_VALIDATE_INDICES) if (observations && indices && GetMinimumRequired() <= numIndices && numIndices <= numObservations) { int const* currentIndex = indices; for (size_t i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) { if (*currentIndex++ >= static_cast(numObservations)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; #else // The caller is responsible for passing correctly formed data. (void)numObservations; (void)observations; (void)numIndices; (void)indices; return true; #endif } // Estimate the model parameters for all observations passed in via // raw pointers. bool Fit(size_t numObservations, ObservationType const* observations) { std::vector indices(numObservations); std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0); return FitIndexed(numObservations, observations, indices.size(), indices.data()); } // Estimate the model parameters for all observations passed in via // std::vector. bool Fit(std::vector const& observations) { std::vector indices(observations.size()); std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0); return FitIndexed(observations.size(), observations.data(), indices.size(), indices.data()); } // Estimate the model parameters for a contiguous subset of // observations. bool Fit(std::vector const& observations, size_t imin, size_t imax) { if (imin <= imax) { size_t numIndices = static_cast(imax - imin + 1); std::vector indices(numIndices); std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), static_cast(imin)); return FitIndexed(observations.size(), observations.data(), indices.size(), indices.data()); } else { return false; } } // Estimate the model parameters for an indexed subset of observations. virtual bool Fit(std::vector const& observations, std::vector const& indices) { return FitIndexed(observations.size(), observations.data(), indices.size(), indices.data()); } // Estimate the model parameters for the subset of observations // specified by the indices and the number of indices that is possibly // smaller than indices.size(). bool Fit(std::vector const& observations, std::vector const& indices, size_t numIndices) { size_t imax = std::min(numIndices, indices.size()); std::vector localindices(imax); std::copy(indices.begin(), indices.begin() + imax, localindices.begin()); return FitIndexed(observations.size(), observations.data(), localindices.size(), localindices.data()); } // Apply the RANdom SAmple Consensus algorithm for fitting a model to // observations. The algorithm requires three virtual functions to be // implemented by the derived classes. // The minimum number of observations required to fit the model. virtual size_t GetMinimumRequired() const = 0; // Compute the model error for the specified observation for the // current model parameters. virtual Real Error(ObservationType const& observation) const = 0; // Copy the parameters between two models. This is used to copy the // candidate-model parameters to the current best-fit model. virtual void CopyParameters(ApprQuery const* input) = 0; static bool RANSAC(ApprQuery& candidateModel, std::vector const& observations, size_t numRequiredForGoodFit, Real maxErrorForGoodFit, size_t numIterations, std::vector& bestConsensus, ApprQuery& bestModel) { size_t const numObservations = observations.size(); size_t const minRequired = candidateModel.GetMinimumRequired(); if (numObservations < minRequired) { // Too few observations for model fitting. return false; } // The first part of the array will store the consensus set, // initially filled with the minimum number of indices that // correspond to the candidate inliers. The last part will store // the remaining indices. These points are tested against the // model and are added to the consensus set when they fit. All // the index manipulation is done in place. Initially, the // candidates are the identity permutation. std::vector candidates(numObservations); std::iota(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), 0); if (numObservations == minRequired) { // We have the minimum number of observations to generate the // model, so RANSAC cannot be used. Compute the model with the // entire set of observations. bestConsensus = candidates; return bestModel.Fit(observations); } size_t bestNumFittedObservations = minRequired; for (size_t i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i) { // Randomly permute the previous candidates, partitioning the // array into GetMinimumRequired() indices (the candidate // inliers) followed by the remaining indices (candidates for // testing against the model). std::shuffle(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), std::default_random_engine()); // Fit the model to the inliers. if (candidateModel.Fit(observations, candidates, minRequired)) { // Test each remaining observation whether it fits the // model. If it does, include it in the consensus set. size_t numFittedObservations = minRequired; for (size_t j = minRequired; j < numObservations; ++j) { Real error = candidateModel.Error(observations[candidates[j]]); if (error <= maxErrorForGoodFit) { std::swap(candidates[j], candidates[numFittedObservations]); ++numFittedObservations; } } if (numFittedObservations >= numRequiredForGoodFit) { // We have observations that fit the model. Update the // best model using the consensus set. candidateModel.Fit(observations, candidates, numFittedObservations); if (numFittedObservations > bestNumFittedObservations) { // The consensus set is larger than the previous // consensus set, so its model becomes the best one. bestModel.CopyParameters(&candidateModel); bestConsensus.resize(numFittedObservations); std::copy(candidates.begin(), candidates.begin() + numFittedObservations, bestConsensus.begin()); bestNumFittedObservations = numFittedObservations; } } } } return bestNumFittedObservations >= numRequiredForGoodFit; } }; }