// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include // The algorithm for least-squares fitting of a point set by a cylinder is // described in // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/CylinderFitting.pdf // This document shows how to compute the cylinder radius r and the cylinder // axis as a line C+t*W with origin C, unit-length direction W, and any // real-valued t. The implementation here adds one addition step. It // projects the point set onto the cylinder axis, computes the bounding // t-interval [tmin,tmax] for the projections, and sets the cylinder center // to C + 0.5*(tmin+tmax)*W and the cylinder height to tmax-tmin. namespace gte { template class ApprCylinder3 { public: // Search the hemisphere for a minimum, choose numThetaSamples and // numPhiSamples to be positive (and preferably large). These are // used to generate a hemispherical grid of samples to be evaluated // to find the cylinder axis-direction W. If the grid samples is // quite large and the number of points to be fitted is large, you // most likely will want to run multithreaded. Set numThreads to 0 // to run single-threaded in the main process. Set numThreads > 0 to // run multithreaded. If either of numThetaSamples or numPhiSamples // is zero, the operator() sets the cylinder origin and axis to the // zero vectors, the radius and height to zero, and returns // std::numeric_limits::max(). ApprCylinder3(unsigned int numThreads, unsigned int numThetaSamples, unsigned int numPhiSamples) : mConstructorType(FIT_BY_HEMISPHERE_SEARCH), mNumThreads(numThreads), mNumThetaSamples(numThetaSamples), mNumPhiSamples(numPhiSamples), mEigenIndex(0), mInvNumPoints((Real)0) { mCylinderAxis = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; } // Choose one of the eigenvectors for the covariance matrix as the // cylinder axis direction. If eigenIndex is 0, the eigenvector // associated with the smallest eigenvalue is chosen. If eigenIndex // is 2, the eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue is // chosen. If eigenIndex is 1, the eigenvector associated with the // median eigenvalue is chosen; keep in mind that this could be the // minimum or maximum eigenvalue if the eigenspace has dimension 2 // or 3. If eigenIndex is 3 or larger, the operator() sets the // cylinder origin and axis to the zero vectors, the radius and height // to zero, and returns std::numeric_limits::max(). ApprCylinder3(unsigned int eigenIndex) : mConstructorType(FIT_USING_COVARIANCE_EIGENVECTOR), mNumThreads(0), mNumThetaSamples(0), mNumPhiSamples(0), mEigenIndex(eigenIndex), mInvNumPoints((Real)0) { mCylinderAxis = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; } // Choose the cylinder axis. If cylinderAxis is not the zero vector, // the constructor will normalize it. If cylinderAxis is the zero // vector, the operator() sets the cylinder origin and axis to the // zero vectors, the radius and height to zero, and returns // std::numeric_limits::max(). ApprCylinder3(Vector3 const& cylinderAxis) : mConstructorType(FIT_USING_SPECIFIED_AXIS), mNumThreads(0), mNumThetaSamples(0), mNumPhiSamples(0), mEigenIndex(0), mCylinderAxis(cylinderAxis), mInvNumPoints((Real)0) { Normalize(mCylinderAxis, true); } // The algorithm must estimate 6 parameters, so the number of points // must be at least 6 but preferably larger. The returned value is // the root-mean-square of the least-squares error. If numPoints is // less than 6 or if points is a null pointer, the operator() sets the // cylinder origin and axis to the zero vectors, the radius and height // to zero, and returns std::numeric_limits::max(). Real operator()(unsigned int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, Cylinder3& cylinder) { mX.clear(); mInvNumPoints = (Real)0; cylinder.axis.origin = Vector3::Zero(); cylinder.axis.direction = Vector3::Zero(); cylinder.radius = (Real)0; cylinder.height = (Real)0; // Validate the input parameters. if (numPoints < 6 || !points) { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } Vector3 average; Preprocess(numPoints, points, average); // Fit the points based on which constructor the caller used. The // direction is either estimated or selected directly or // indirectly by the caller. The center and squared radius are // estimated. Vector3 minPC, minW; Real minRSqr, minError; if (mConstructorType == FIT_BY_HEMISPHERE_SEARCH) { // Validate the relevant internal parameters. if (mNumThetaSamples == 0 || mNumPhiSamples == 0) { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } // Search the hemisphere for the vector that leads to minimum // error and use it for the cylinder axis. if (mNumThreads == 0) { // Execute the algorithm in the main process. minError = ComputeSingleThreaded(minPC, minW, minRSqr); } else { // Execute the algorithm in multiple threads. minError = ComputeMultiThreaded(minPC, minW, minRSqr); } } else if (mConstructorType == FIT_USING_COVARIANCE_EIGENVECTOR) { // Validate the relevant internal parameters. if (mEigenIndex >= 3) { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } // Use the eigenvector corresponding to the mEigenIndex of the // eigenvectors of the covariance matrix as the cylinder axis // direction. The eigenvectors are sorted from smallest // eigenvalue (mEigenIndex = 0) to largest eigenvalue // (mEigenIndex = 2). minError = ComputeUsingCovariance(minPC, minW, minRSqr); } else // mConstructorType == FIT_USING_SPECIFIED_AXIS { // Validate the relevant internal parameters. if (mCylinderAxis == Vector3::Zero()) { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } minError = ComputeUsingDirection(minPC, minW, minRSqr); } // Translate back to the original space by the average of the // points. cylinder.axis.origin = minPC + average; cylinder.axis.direction = minW; // Compute the cylinder radius. cylinder.radius = std::sqrt(minRSqr); // Project the points onto the cylinder axis and choose the // cylinder center and cylinder height as described in the // comments at the top of this header file. Real tmin = (Real)0, tmax = (Real)0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { Real t = Dot(cylinder.axis.direction, points[i] - cylinder.axis.origin); tmin = std::min(t, tmin); tmax = std::max(t, tmax); } cylinder.axis.origin += ((tmin + tmax) * (Real)0.5) * cylinder.axis.direction; cylinder.height = tmax - tmin; return minError; } private: enum ConstructorType { FIT_BY_HEMISPHERE_SEARCH, FIT_USING_COVARIANCE_EIGENVECTOR, FIT_USING_SPECIFIED_AXIS }; void Preprocess(unsigned int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, Vector3& average) { mX.resize(numPoints); mInvNumPoints = (Real)1 / (Real)numPoints; // Copy the points and translate by the average for numerical // robustness. average.MakeZero(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { average += points[i]; } average *= mInvNumPoints; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { mX[i] = points[i] - average; } Vector<6, Real> zero{ (Real)0 }; std::vector> products(mX.size(), zero); mMu = zero; for (size_t i = 0; i < mX.size(); ++i) { products[i][0] = mX[i][0] * mX[i][0]; products[i][1] = mX[i][0] * mX[i][1]; products[i][2] = mX[i][0] * mX[i][2]; products[i][3] = mX[i][1] * mX[i][1]; products[i][4] = mX[i][1] * mX[i][2]; products[i][5] = mX[i][2] * mX[i][2]; mMu[0] += products[i][0]; mMu[1] += (Real)2 * products[i][1]; mMu[2] += (Real)2 * products[i][2]; mMu[3] += products[i][3]; mMu[4] += (Real)2 * products[i][4]; mMu[5] += products[i][5]; } mMu *= mInvNumPoints; mF0.MakeZero(); mF1.MakeZero(); mF2.MakeZero(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mX.size(); ++i) { Vector<6, Real> delta; delta[0] = products[i][0] - mMu[0]; delta[1] = (Real)2 * products[i][1] - mMu[1]; delta[2] = (Real)2 * products[i][2] - mMu[2]; delta[3] = products[i][3] - mMu[3]; delta[4] = (Real)2 * products[i][4] - mMu[4]; delta[5] = products[i][5] - mMu[5]; mF0(0, 0) += products[i][0]; mF0(0, 1) += products[i][1]; mF0(0, 2) += products[i][2]; mF0(1, 1) += products[i][3]; mF0(1, 2) += products[i][4]; mF0(2, 2) += products[i][5]; mF1 += OuterProduct(mX[i], delta); mF2 += OuterProduct(delta, delta); } mF0 *= mInvNumPoints; mF0(1, 0) = mF0(0, 1); mF0(2, 0) = mF0(0, 2); mF0(2, 1) = mF0(1, 2); mF1 *= mInvNumPoints; mF2 *= mInvNumPoints; } Real ComputeUsingDirection(Vector3& minPC, Vector3& minW, Real& minRSqr) { minW = mCylinderAxis; return G(minW, minPC, minRSqr); } Real ComputeUsingCovariance(Vector3& minPC, Vector3& minW, Real& minRSqr) { Matrix3x3 covar = Matrix3x3::Zero(); for (auto const& X : mX) { covar += OuterProduct(X, X); } covar *= mInvNumPoints; std::array eval; std::array, 3> evec; SymmetricEigensolver3x3()( covar(0, 0), covar(0, 1), covar(0, 2), covar(1, 1), covar(1, 2), covar(2, 2), true, +1, eval, evec); minW = evec[mEigenIndex]; return G(minW, minPC, minRSqr); } Real ComputeSingleThreaded(Vector3& minPC, Vector3& minW, Real& minRSqr) { Real const iMultiplier = (Real)GTE_C_TWO_PI / (Real)mNumThetaSamples; Real const jMultiplier = (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI / (Real)mNumPhiSamples; // Handle the north pole (0,0,1) separately. minW = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; Real minError = G(minW, minPC, minRSqr); for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= mNumPhiSamples; ++j) { Real phi = jMultiplier * static_cast(j); // in [0,pi/2] Real csphi = std::cos(phi); Real snphi = std::sin(phi); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumThetaSamples; ++i) { Real theta = iMultiplier * static_cast(i); // in [0,2*pi) Real cstheta = std::cos(theta); Real sntheta = std::sin(theta); Vector3 W{ cstheta * snphi, sntheta * snphi, csphi }; Vector3 PC; Real rsqr; Real error = G(W, PC, rsqr); if (error < minError) { minError = error; minRSqr = rsqr; minW = W; minPC = PC; } } } return minError; } Real ComputeMultiThreaded(Vector3& minPC, Vector3& minW, Real& minRSqr) { Real const iMultiplier = (Real)GTE_C_TWO_PI / (Real)mNumThetaSamples; Real const jMultiplier = (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI / (Real)mNumPhiSamples; // Handle the north pole (0,0,1) separately. minW = { (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)1 }; Real minError = G(minW, minPC, minRSqr); struct Local { Real error; Real rsqr; Vector3 W; Vector3 PC; unsigned int jmin; unsigned int jmax; }; std::vector local(mNumThreads); unsigned int numPhiSamplesPerThread = mNumPhiSamples / mNumThreads; for (unsigned int t = 0; t < mNumThreads; ++t) { local[t].error = std::numeric_limits::max(); local[t].rsqr = (Real)0; local[t].W = Vector3::Zero(); local[t].PC = Vector3::Zero(); local[t].jmin = numPhiSamplesPerThread * t; local[t].jmax = numPhiSamplesPerThread * (t + 1); } local[mNumThreads - 1].jmax = mNumPhiSamples + 1; std::vector process(mNumThreads); for (unsigned int t = 0; t < mNumThreads; ++t) { process[t] = std::thread ( [this, t, iMultiplier, jMultiplier, &local]() { for (unsigned int j = local[t].jmin; j < local[t].jmax; ++j) { // phi in [0,pi/2] Real phi = jMultiplier * static_cast(j); Real csphi = std::cos(phi); Real snphi = std::sin(phi); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumThetaSamples; ++i) { // theta in [0,2*pi) Real theta = iMultiplier * static_cast(i); Real cstheta = std::cos(theta); Real sntheta = std::sin(theta); Vector3 W{ cstheta * snphi, sntheta * snphi, csphi }; Vector3 PC; Real rsqr; Real error = G(W, PC, rsqr); if (error < local[t].error) { local[t].error = error; local[t].rsqr = rsqr; local[t].W = W; local[t].PC = PC; } } } } ); } for (unsigned int t = 0; t < mNumThreads; ++t) { process[t].join(); if (local[t].error < minError) { minError = local[t].error; minRSqr = local[t].rsqr; minW = local[t].W; minPC = local[t].PC; } } return minError; } Real G(Vector3 const& W, Vector3& PC, Real& rsqr) { Matrix3x3 P = Matrix3x3::Identity() - OuterProduct(W, W); Matrix3x3 S { (Real)0, -W[2], W[1], W[2], (Real)0, -W[0], -W[1], W[0], (Real)0 }; Matrix<3, 3, Real> A = P * mF0 * P; Matrix<3, 3, Real> hatA = -(S * A * S); Matrix<3, 3, Real> hatAA = hatA * A; Real trace = Trace(hatAA); Matrix<3, 3, Real> Q = hatA / trace; Vector<6, Real> pVec{ P(0, 0), P(0, 1), P(0, 2), P(1, 1), P(1, 2), P(2, 2) }; Vector<3, Real> alpha = mF1 * pVec; Vector<3, Real> beta = Q * alpha; Real G = (Dot(pVec, mF2 * pVec) - (Real)4 * Dot(alpha, beta) + (Real)4 * Dot(beta, mF0 * beta)) / (Real)mX.size(); PC = beta; rsqr = Dot(pVec, mMu) + Dot(PC, PC); return G; } ConstructorType mConstructorType; // Parameters for the hemisphere-search constructor. unsigned int mNumThreads; unsigned int mNumThetaSamples; unsigned int mNumPhiSamples; // Parameters for the eigenvector-index constructor. unsigned int mEigenIndex; // Parameters for the specified-axis constructor. Vector3 mCylinderAxis; // A copy of the input points but translated by their average for // numerical robustness. std::vector> mX; Real mInvNumPoints; // Preprocessed information that depends only on the sample points. // This allows precomputed summations so that G(...) can be evaluated // extremely fast. Vector<6, Real> mMu; Matrix<3, 3, Real> mF0; Matrix<3, 6, Real> mF1; Matrix<6, 6, Real> mF2; }; }