// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.1.2020.09.08 #pragma once #include #include // The interval [e0,e1] must satisfy e0 <= e1. Expose this define to trap // invalid construction where e0 > e1. #define GTE_THROW_ON_INVALID_APINTERVAL namespace gte { // The APType must be an arbitrary-precision type. template class APInterval { public: // Construction. This is the only way to create an interval. All such // intervals are immutable once created. The constructor // APInterval(APType) is used to create the degenerate interval [e,e]. APInterval() : mEndpoints{ static_cast(0), static_cast(0) } { static_assert(is_arbitrary_precision::value, "Invalid type."); } APInterval(APInterval const& other) : mEndpoints(other.mEndpoints) { static_assert(is_arbitrary_precision::value, "Invalid type."); } explicit APInterval(APType e) : mEndpoints{ e, e } { static_assert(is_arbitrary_precision::value, "Invalid type."); } APInterval(APType e0, APType e1) : mEndpoints{ e0, e1 } { static_assert(is_arbitrary_precision::value, "Invalid type."); #if defined(GTE_THROW_ON_INVALID_APINTERVAL) LogAssert(mEndpoints[0] <= mEndpoints[1], "Invalid interval."); #endif } APInterval(std::array const& endpoint) : mEndpoints(endpoint) { static_assert(is_arbitrary_precision::value, "Invalid type."); #if defined(GTE_THROW_ON_INVALID_APINTERVAL) LogAssert(mEndpoints[0] <= mEndpoints[1], "Invalid interval."); #endif } APInterval& operator=(APInterval const& other) { static_assert(is_arbitrary_precision::value, "Invalid type."); mEndpoints = other.mEndpoints; return *this; } // Member access. It is only possible to read the endpoints. You // cannot modify the endpoints outside the arithmetic operations. inline APType operator[](size_t i) const { return mEndpoints[i]; } inline std::array GetEndpoints() const { return mEndpoints; } // Arithmetic operations to compute intervals at the leaf nodes of // an expression tree. Such nodes correspond to the raw floating-point // variables of the expression. The non-class operators defined after // the class definition are used to compute intervals at the interior // nodes of the expression tree. inline static APInterval Add(APType u, APType v) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u + v; w.mEndpoints[1] = w.mEndpoints[0]; return w; } inline static APInterval Sub(APType u, APType v) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u - v; w.mEndpoints[1] = w.mEndpoints[0]; return w; } inline static APInterval Mul(APType u, APType v) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u * v; w.mEndpoints[1] = w.mEndpoints[0]; return w; } template inline static typename std::enable_if::value, APInterval>::type Div(APType u, APType v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (v != zero) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u / v; w.mEndpoints[1] = w.mEndpoints[0]; return w; } else { // Division by zero does not lead to a determinate interval. // Just return the entire set of real numbers. return Reals(); } } private: std::array mEndpoints; public: // FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. These are used by the non-class operators // defined after the class definition. inline static APInterval Add(APType u0, APType u1, APType v0, APType v1) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u0 + v0; w.mEndpoints[1] = u1 + v1; return w; } inline static APInterval Sub(APType u0, APType u1, APType v0, APType v1) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u0 - v1; w.mEndpoints[1] = u1 - v0; return w; } inline static APInterval Mul(APType u0, APType u1, APType v0, APType v1) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u0 * v0; w.mEndpoints[1] = u1 * v1; return w; } inline static APInterval Mul2(APType u0, APType u1, APType v0, APType v1) { APType u0mv1 = u0 * v1; APType u1mv0 = u1 * v0; APType u0mv0 = u0 * v0; APType u1mv1 = u1 * v1; return APInterval(std::min(u0mv1, u1mv0), std::max(u0mv0, u1mv1)); } template inline static typename std::enable_if::value, APInterval>::type Div(APType u0, APType u1, APType v0, APType v1) { APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = u0 / v1; w.mEndpoints[1] = u1 / v0; return w; } template inline static typename std::enable_if::value, APInterval>::type Reciprocal(APType v0, APType v1) { APType const one = static_cast(1); APInterval w; w.mEndpoints[0] = one / v1; w.mEndpoints[1] = one / v0; return w; } template inline static typename std::enable_if::value, APInterval>::type ReciprocalDown(APType v) { APType recpv = static_cast(1) / v; APType posinf(0); posinf.SetSign(+2); return APInterval(recpv, posinf); } template inline static typename std::enable_if::value, APInterval>::type ReciprocalUp(APType v) { APType recpv = static_cast(1) / v; APType neginf(0); neginf.SetSign(-2); return APInterval(neginf, recpv); } inline static APInterval Reals() { APType posinf(0), neginf(0); posinf.SetSign(+2); neginf.SetSign(-2); return APInterval(neginf, posinf); } }; // Unary operations. Negation of [e0,e1] produces [-e1,-e0]. This // operation needs to be supported in the sense of negating a // "number" in an arithmetic expression. template APInterval operator+(APInterval const& u) { return u; } template APInterval operator-(APInterval const& u) { return APInterval(-u[1], -u[0]); } // Addition operations. template APInterval operator+(APType const& u, APInterval const& v) { return APInterval::Add(u, u, v[0], v[1]); } template APInterval operator+(APInterval const& u, APType const& v) { return APInterval::Add(u[0], u[1], v, v); } template APInterval operator+(APInterval const& u, APInterval const& v) { return APInterval::Add(u[0], u[1], v[0], v[1]); } template APInterval& operator+=(APInterval& u, APType const& v) { u = u + v; return u; } template APInterval& operator+=(APInterval& u, APInterval const& v) { u = u + v; return u; } // Subtraction operations. template APInterval operator-(APType const& u, APInterval const& v) { return APInterval::Sub(u, u, v[0], v[1]); } template APInterval operator-(APInterval const& u, APType const& v) { return APInterval::Sub(u[0], u[1], v, v); } template APInterval operator-(APInterval const& u, APInterval const& v) { return APInterval::Sub(u[0], u[1], v[0], v[1]); } template APInterval& operator-=(APInterval& u, APType const& v) { u = u - v; return u; } template APInterval& operator-=(APInterval& u, APInterval const& v) { u = u - v; return u; } // Multiplication operations. template APInterval operator*(APType const& u, APInterval const& v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (u >= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u, u, v[0], v[1]); } else { return APInterval::Mul(u, u, v[1], v[0]); } } template APInterval operator*(APInterval const& u, APType const& v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (v >= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[0], u[1], v, v); } else { return APInterval::Mul(u[1], u[0], v, v); } } template APInterval operator*(APInterval const& u, APInterval const& v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (u[0] >= zero) { if (v[0] >= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[0], u[1], v[0], v[1]); } else if (v[1] <= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[1], u[0], v[0], v[1]); } else // v[0] < 0 < v[1] { return APInterval::Mul(u[1], u[1], v[0], v[1]); } } else if (u[1] <= zero) { if (v[0] >= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[0], u[1], v[1], v[0]); } else if (v[1] <= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[1], u[0], v[1], v[0]); } else // v[0] < 0 < v[1] { return APInterval::Mul(u[0], u[0], v[1], v[0]); } } else // u[0] < 0 < u[1] { if (v[0] >= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[0], u[1], v[1], v[1]); } else if (v[1] <= zero) { return APInterval::Mul(u[1], u[0], v[0], v[0]); } else // v[0] < 0 < v[1] { return APInterval::Mul2(u[0], u[1], v[0], v[1]); } } } template APInterval& operator*=(APInterval& u, APType const& v) { u = u * v; return u; } template APInterval& operator*=(APInterval& u, APInterval const& v) { u = u * v; return u; } // Division operations. If the divisor interval is [v0,v1] with // v0 < 0 < v1, then the returned interval is (-infinity,+infinity) // instead of Union((-infinity,1/v0),(1/v1,+infinity)). An application // should try to avoid this case by branching based on [v0,0] and [0,v1]. template APInterval operator/(APType const& u, APInterval const& v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (v[0] > zero || v[1] < zero) { return u * APInterval::Reciprocal(v[0], v[1]); } else { if (v[0] == zero) { return u * APInterval::ReciprocalDown(v[1]); } else if (v[1] == zero) { return u * APInterval::ReciprocalUp(v[0]); } else // v[0] < 0 < v[1] { return APInterval::Reals(); } } } template APInterval operator/(APInterval const& u, APType const& v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (v > zero) { return APInterval::Div(u[0], u[1], v, v); } else if (v < zero) { return APInterval::Div(u[1], u[0], v, v); } else // v = 0 { return APInterval::Reals(); } } template APInterval operator/(APInterval const& u, APInterval const& v) { APType const zero = static_cast(0); if (v[0] > zero || v[1] < zero) { return u * APInterval::Reciprocal(v[0], v[1]); } else { if (v[0] == zero) { return u * APInterval::ReciprocalDown(v[1]); } else if (v[1] == zero) { return u * APInterval::ReciprocalUp(v[0]); } else // v[0] < 0 < v[1] { return APInterval::Reals(); } } } template APInterval& operator/=(APInterval& u, APType const& v) { u = u / v; return u; } template APInterval& operator/=(APInterval& u, APInterval const& v) { u = u / v; return u; } }