import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn import torch from torch.autograd import grad #borrowed from siren paper class Sine(nn.Module): def __init(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, input): # See paper sec. 3.2, final paragraph, and supplement Sec. 1.5 for discussion of factor 30 return torch.sin(30 * input) def gradient(inputs, outputs): d_points = torch.ones_like(outputs, requires_grad=False, device=outputs.device) points_grad = grad( outputs=outputs, inputs=inputs, grad_outputs=d_points, create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0][:, -3:] return points_grad class NHRepNet(nn.Module): def __init__( self, d_in, dims_sdf, csg_tree, skip_in=(), flag_convex = True, geometric_init=True, #set false for siren radius_init=1, beta=100, flag_output = 0, n_branch = 2 ): super().__init__() self.flag_output = flag_output #0: all 1: h, 2: f, 3: g self.n_branch = n_branch self.csg_tree = csg_tree self.flag_convex = flag_convex self.skip_in = skip_in dims_sdf = [d_in] + dims_sdf + [self.n_branch] self.sdf_layers = len(dims_sdf) for layer in range(0, len(dims_sdf) - 1): if layer + 1 in skip_in: out_dim = dims_sdf[layer + 1] - d_in else: out_dim = dims_sdf[layer + 1] lin = nn.Linear(dims_sdf[layer], out_dim) if geometric_init: if layer == self.sdf_layers - 2: torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight, mean=np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(dims_sdf[layer]), std=0.00001) torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, -radius_init) else: torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, 0.0) torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight, 0.0, np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(out_dim)) setattr(self, "sdf_"+str(layer), lin) if geometric_init: if beta > 0: self.activation = nn.Softplus(beta=beta) # vanilla relu else: self.activation = nn.ReLU() else: #siren self.activation = Sine() self.final_activation = nn.ReLU() # composite f_i to h def nested_cvx_output(self, value_matrix, list_operation, cvx_flag=True): list_value = [] for v in list_operation: if type(v) != list: list_value.append(v) op_mat = torch.zeros(value_matrix.shape[1],len(list_value)).cuda() for i in range(len(list_value)): op_mat[list_value[i]][i] = 1.0 mat_mul = torch.matmul(value_matrix, op_mat) if len(list_operation) == len(list_value): # leaf node if cvx_flag: return torch.max(mat_mul, 1)[0].unsqueeze(1) else: return torch.min(mat_mul, 1)[0].unsqueeze(1) else: list_output = [mat_mul] for v in list_operation: if type(v) == list: list_output.append(self.nested_cvx_output(value_matrix, v, not cvx_flag)) if cvx_flag: return torch.max(, 1), 1)[0].unsqueeze(1) else: return torch.min(, 1), 1)[0].unsqueeze(1) def min_soft_blend(self, mat, rho): res = mat[:,0] for i in range(1, mat.shape[1]): srho = res * res + mat[:,i] * mat[:,i] - rho * rho res = res + mat[:,i] - torch.sqrt(res * res + mat[:,i] * mat[:,i] + 1.0/(8 * rho * rho) * srho * (srho - srho.abs())) return res.unsqueeze(1) def max_soft_blend(self, mat, rho): res = mat[:,0] for i in range(1, mat.shape[1]): srho = res * res + mat[:,i] * mat[:,i] - rho * rho res = res + mat[:,i] + torch.sqrt(res * res + mat[:,i] * mat[:,i] + 1.0/(8 * rho * rho) * srho * (srho - srho.abs())) return res.unsqueeze(1) #r-function blending def nested_cvx_output_soft_blend(self, value_matrix, list_operation, cvx_flag=True): rho = 0.05 list_value = [] for v in list_operation: if type(v) != list: list_value.append(v) op_mat = torch.zeros(value_matrix.shape[1],len(list_value)).cuda() for i in range(len(list_value)): op_mat[list_value[i]][i] = 1.0 mat_mul = torch.matmul(value_matrix, op_mat) if len(list_operation) == len(list_value): # leaf node if cvx_flag: return self.max_soft_blend(mat_mul, rho) else: return self.min_soft_blend(mat_mul, rho) else: list_output = [mat_mul] for v in list_operation: if type(v) == list: list_output.append(self.nested_cvx_output_soft_blend(value_matrix, v, not cvx_flag)) if cvx_flag: return self.max_soft_blend(, 1), rho) else: return self.min_soft_blend(, 1), rho) def forward(self, input): x = input for layer in range(0, self.sdf_layers - 1): lin = getattr(self, "sdf_" + str(layer)) if layer in self.skip_in: x =[x, input], -1) / np.sqrt(2) x = lin(x) if layer < self.sdf_layers - 2: x = self.activation(x) output_value = x #all f_i h = self.nested_cvx_output(output_value, self.csg_tree, self.flag_convex) # r-function blending # h = self.nested_cvx_output_soft_blend(output_value, self.csg_tree, self.flag_convex) if self.flag_output == 0: return, output_value), 1) # return all elif self.flag_output == 1: return h #return h else: return output_value[:, self.flag_output - 2] #return f_i