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295 lines
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295 lines
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3 months ago
import os
import numpy as np
from load_obj import *
import yaml
import platform
sys_info = platform.system()
in_path = 'abc_data'
out_path = 'raw_input'
def split_single_sample(mesh_file):
overwrite_files = True
def normalize_mesh_padding(mesh, padding=0.05):
coord_max = mesh.vertices.max(axis=0)
coord_min = mesh.vertices.min(axis=0)
center = (coord_max + coord_min) / 2.0
bbox_length = (coord_max - coord_min).max()
mesh.vertices = (mesh.vertices - center) * (1-padding) / bbox_length
return mesh
#sample points on each curve and save curve informations
mesh_fileall = mesh_file
mesh = load_obj_simple(mesh_file)
vert2comp = color_connected_mesh(mesh)
face2comp = [0] * len(mesh.faces)
print('filename {} comp: {}'.format(mesh_file, max(vert2comp) + 1))
nface = len(mesh.faces)
for i in range(nface):
face2comp[i] = vert2comp[mesh.faces[i][0]]
ncomp = max(vert2comp) + 1
comp2faces = [[] for i in range(ncomp)]
for i in range(nface):
perpatch_faceo2n = [{} for i in range(ncomp)]
# hangning vert??
for i in range(ncomp):
if not len(comp2faces[i]) > 0:
print('!!!! component with no face exists !!!!')
assert(len(comp2faces[i]) > 0)
for j in range(len(comp2faces[i])):
perpatch_faceo2n[i][comp2faces[i][j]] = j
yaml_file = mesh_file.replace(".obj", ".yml")
with open(yaml_file, "r") as f: feature_dict_all = yaml.safe_load(f)
curves_all = []
patches_all = []
if 'curves' in feature_dict_all:
curves_all = feature_dict_all['curves']
patches_all = feature_dict_all['surfaces']
#classifiy patches and curves
comp2curves = [[] for i in range(ncomp)]
comp2patches = [[] for i in range(ncomp)]
for i in range(len(curves_all)):
cur_comp = vert2comp[curves_all[i]['vert_indices'][0]]
for i in range(len(patches_all)):
cur_comp = face2comp[patches_all[i]['face_indices'][0]]
#update face id of comp2patches, remove vert id
for i in range(ncomp):
for j in range(len(comp2patches[i])):
comp2patches[i][j].pop('vert_indices', None)
for k in range(len(comp2patches[i][j]['face_indices'])):
comp2patches[i][j]['face_indices'][k] = perpatch_faceo2n[i][comp2patches[i][j]['face_indices'][k]]
for compid in range(ncomp):
print('compid: ', compid)
mesh_file = mesh_fileall.replace('.obj', '_{}.obj'.format(compid))
curves = comp2curves[compid]
patches = comp2patches[compid]
feature_dict = {'curves': curves, 'surfaces': patches}
#update vert id
vert_valid_id = np.unique(mesh.faces[comp2faces[compid]].reshape(-1))
# print('unique vert size:', vert_valid_id.shape[0])
vert_o2n = -1 * np.ones(mesh.vertices.shape[0], dtype = np.int64)
vert_o2n[vert_valid_id] = np.arange(vert_valid_id.shape[0])
cur_faces = vert_o2n[mesh.faces[comp2faces[compid]].reshape(-1)].reshape(-1,3)
cur_verts = mesh.vertices[vert_valid_id]
write_obj_simple(os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(mesh_file)), cur_verts, cur_faces)
output_yaml = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(mesh_file.replace(".obj", ".yml")))
#update face id of patches
flag_cylinder_cube = False
with open(output_yaml, 'w') as yaml_file:
yaml.dump(feature_dict, yaml_file, default_flow_style=True)
if len(feature_dict['surfaces']) == 3 or len(feature_dict['surfaces']) == 6:
count_cylinder = 0
count_plane = 0
for i in range(len(feature_dict['surfaces'])):
if feature_dict['surfaces'][i]['type'] == 'Cylinder':
count_cylinder += 1
if feature_dict['surfaces'][i]['type'] == 'Plane':
count_plane += 1
if count_cylinder == 1 and count_plane == 2:
flag_cylinder_cube = True
if count_cylinder == 0 and count_plane == 6:
flag_cylinder_cube = True
if flag_cylinder_cube:
tmpfile = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(mesh_file.replace(".obj", ".cylindercube")))
f = open(tmpfile, 'w')
def sample_points_on_single_curve(points, sample_num):
#calculate curve length
curve_length = 0
cum_line_length = []
for i in range(points.shape[0]-1):
length = np.sqrt((np.square(points[i+1] - points[i])).sum())
curve_length += length
cum_line_length = np.cumsum(np.array(cum_line_length))
segment_curve_length = curve_length / (sample_num - 1)
sampled_points = np.zeros([sample_num, 3])
sampled_points[0] = points[0]
cur_line_id = 0
for i in range(1, sample_num-1):
target_length = i*segment_curve_length
while(target_length > cum_line_length[cur_line_id]): cur_line_id+=1
start_points = points[cur_line_id]
end_points = points[cur_line_id+1]
cur_line_length = np.sqrt((np.square(end_points - start_points)).sum())
proportion = (cum_line_length[cur_line_id] - target_length) / cur_line_length
if(proportion < -1e-5 or proportion > 1.00001):
print("Assertion Violation: proportion out of range: {}".format(proportion))
if(proportion < 0):
proportion = 0
elif(proportion > 1):
proportion = 1
sampled_points[i] = proportion*start_points + (1-proportion)*end_points
sampled_points[sample_num-1] = points[-1]
return sampled_points
def sample_points_on_each_curve(mesh, curves, sample_num=100):
curve_points = []
for curve_id in range(len(curves)):
curve_points.append(sample_points_on_single_curve(mesh.vertices[curves[curve_id]['vert_indices']], sample_num))
if len(curve_points) > 0:
return np.concatenate(curve_points, axis = 0)
return np.array([])
def gen_fea_file(mesh_file):
overwrite_files = True
def normalize_mesh_padding(mesh, padding=0.05):
coord_max = mesh.vertices.max(axis=0)
coord_min = mesh.vertices.min(axis=0)
center = (coord_max + coord_min) / 2.0
bbox_length = (coord_max - coord_min).max()
mesh.vertices = (mesh.vertices - center) * (1-padding) / bbox_length
return mesh
#sample points on each curve and save curve informations
mesh_fileall = mesh_file
mesh = load_obj_simple(mesh_file)
vert2comp = color_connected_mesh(mesh)
face2comp = [0] * len(mesh.faces)
print('filename {} comp: {}'.format(mesh_file, max(vert2comp) + 1))
nface = len(mesh.faces)
for i in range(nface):
face2comp[i] = vert2comp[mesh.faces[i][0]]
ncomp = max(vert2comp) + 1
comp2faces = [[] for i in range(ncomp)]
for i in range(nface):
perpatch_faceo2n = [{} for i in range(ncomp)]
# hanging vert
for i in range(ncomp):
if not len(comp2faces[i]) > 0:
print('!!!! component with no face exists !!!!')
assert(len(comp2faces[i]) > 0)
for j in range(len(comp2faces[i])):
perpatch_faceo2n[i][comp2faces[i][j]] = j
yaml_file = mesh_file.replace(".obj", ".yml")
with open(yaml_file, "r") as f: feature_dict_all = yaml.safe_load(f)
curves_all = []
patches_all = []
if 'curves' in feature_dict_all:
curves_all = feature_dict_all['curves']
patches_all = feature_dict_all['surfaces']
#classifiy patches and curves
comp2curves = [[] for i in range(ncomp)]
comp2patches = [[] for i in range(ncomp)]
for i in range(len(curves_all)):
cur_comp = vert2comp[curves_all[i]['vert_indices'][0]]
for i in range(len(patches_all)):
cur_comp = face2comp[patches_all[i]['face_indices'][0]]
#update face id of comp2patches, remove vert id
for i in range(ncomp):
for j in range(len(comp2patches[i])):
comp2patches[i][j].pop('vert_indices', None)
for k in range(len(comp2patches[i][j]['face_indices'])):
comp2patches[i][j]['face_indices'][k] = perpatch_faceo2n[i][comp2patches[i][j]['face_indices'][k]]
for compid in range(ncomp):
mesh_file = mesh_fileall.replace('.obj', '_{}.obj'.format(compid))
curves = comp2curves[compid]
patches = comp2patches[compid]
feature_dict = {'curves': curves, 'surfaces': patches}
curve_sample_points_file = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(mesh_file.replace(".obj", "")))
if True:
curve_sample_points = np.reshape(sample_points_on_each_curve(mesh, curves), [-1,3])
np.savetxt(curve_sample_points_file, curve_sample_points)
#update vert id
vert_valid_id = np.unique(mesh.faces[comp2faces[compid]].reshape(-1))
vert_o2n = -1 * np.ones(mesh.vertices.shape[0], dtype = np.int64)
vert_o2n[vert_valid_id] = np.arange(vert_valid_id.shape[0])
cur_faces = vert_o2n[mesh.faces[comp2faces[compid]].reshape(-1)].reshape(-1,3)
cur_verts = mesh.vertices[vert_valid_id]
write_obj_simple(os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(mesh_file)), cur_verts, cur_faces)
#save feature file
feature_list = []
flag_only_sharp = False
for curve_idx in range(len(curves)):
if('closed' in curves[curve_idx]):
assert(curves[curve_idx]['type'] == 'BSpline')
closed_curve = curves[curve_idx]['closed']
assert(curves[curve_idx]['type'] != 'BSpline')
curve_vert_idx = curves[curve_idx]['vert_indices']
if(curve_vert_idx[0] == curve_vert_idx[-1]):
closed_curve = True
closed_curve = False
if flag_only_sharp and not curves[curve_idx]['sharp']:
if True:
for vid in range(len(curves[curve_idx]['vert_indices']) - 1):
feature_list.append(vert_o2n[curves[curve_idx]['vert_indices'][vid + 1]])
if closed_curve:
feature_file = os.path.join(out_path, os.path.basename(mesh_file.replace(".obj", ".fea")))
f = open(feature_file, 'w')
for i in range(len(feature_list)//2):
f.write('{} {}\n'.format(feature_list[2 * i], feature_list[2 * i + 1]))
def split_all_models():
if not os.path.exists(out_path):
task_list = []
#source folder set below
file_list = os.listdir(in_path)
for file in file_list:
if file.endswith(".obj"):
task_list.append(os.path.join(in_path, file))
for t in task_list:
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Program running...')