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3 months ago
#pragma once
#include "MyCurve.h"
#include "Mathematics/NURBSSurface.h"
class MySurf
u_min = 0, u_max = 1, v_min = 0, v_max = 1;
u_closed = v_closed = false;
virtual vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v) = 0;
virtual vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
//impl for all elements except thin-plate in surffitters, impl for all elements in this file
return vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
void write_obj_surf(std::ostream &out, size_t &vcounter, int u_div, int v_div)
int denom_u = u_div - 1, denom_v = v_div - 1;
if (u_closed)
denom_u = u_div;
if (v_closed)
denom_v = v_div;
for (int i = 0; i < u_div; i++)
double du = u_min + i * (u_max - u_min) / denom_u;
for (int j = 0; j < v_div; j++)
double dv = v_min + j * (v_max - v_min) / denom_v;
out << "v " << GetPosition(du, dv) << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < u_div - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < v_div - 1; j++)
out << "f "
<< vcounter + i * v_div + j << ' '
<< vcounter + (i + 1) * v_div + j << ' '
<< vcounter + (i + 1) * v_div + j + 1 << ' '
<< vcounter + i * v_div + j + 1 << std::endl;
if (u_closed)
for (int j = 0; j < v_div - 1; j++)
out << "f "
<< vcounter + (u_div - 1) * v_div + j << ' '
<< vcounter + j << ' '
<< vcounter + j + 1 << ' '
<< vcounter + (u_div - 1) * v_div + j + 1 << std::endl;
if (v_closed)
for (int i = 0; i < u_div - 1; i++)
out << "f "
<< vcounter + i * v_div + v_div - 1 << ' '
<< vcounter + (i + 1) * v_div + v_div - 1 << ' '
<< vcounter + (i + 1) * v_div << ' '
<< vcounter + i * v_div << std::endl;
if (u_closed && v_closed)
out << "f "
<< vcounter << ' '
<< vcounter + (u_div - 1) * v_div << ' '
<< vcounter + u_div * v_div - 1 << ' '
<< vcounter + v_div - 1 << std::endl;
vcounter += u_div * v_div;
double u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max;
bool u_closed, v_closed;
class MyPlane : public MySurf
MyPlane(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_xdir, const vec3d &_ydir,
double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), xdir(_xdir), ydir(_ydir)
this->u_closed = this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_min, this->u_max = _u_max, this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
return loc + u * xdir + v * ydir;
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
vec3d normal = xdir.Cross(ydir);
return normal;
vec3d loc, xdir, ydir;
class MyCylinder : public MySurf
: radius(0.0)
MyCylinder(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_xdir, const vec3d &_ydir, const vec3d &_zdir, double _radius,
bool _u_closed, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), xdir(_xdir), ydir(_ydir), zdir(_zdir), radius(_radius)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max, this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
return loc + radius * (cos(u) * xdir + sin(u) * ydir) + v * zdir;
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
vec3d uvec = radius * (-sin(u) * xdir + cos(u) * ydir);
vec3d vvec = zdir;
vec3d normal = uvec.Cross(vvec);
return normal;
vec3d loc, xdir, ydir, zdir;
double radius;
class MyCone : public MySurf
:radius(0.0), angle(0.0)
MyCone(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_xdir, const vec3d &_ydir, const vec3d &_zdir,
double _radius, double _angle,
bool _u_closed, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), xdir(_xdir), ydir(_ydir), zdir(_zdir), radius(_radius), angle(_angle)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max, this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
return loc + (radius + v * sin(angle)) * (cos(u) * xdir + sin(u) * ydir) + v * cos(angle) * zdir;
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
vec3d uvec = (radius + v * sin(angle)) * (-sin(u) * xdir + cos(u) * ydir);
vec3d vvec = sin(angle) * (cos(u) * xdir + sin(u) * ydir) + cos(angle) * zdir;
vec3d normal = uvec.Cross(vvec);
return normal;
vec3d loc, xdir, ydir, zdir;
double radius, angle;
class MyTorus : public MySurf
MyTorus(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_xdir, const vec3d &_ydir, const vec3d &_zdir,
double _max_radius, double _min_radius, bool _u_closed, bool _v_closed,
double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), xdir(_xdir), ydir(_ydir), zdir(_zdir),
max_radius(_max_radius), min_radius(_min_radius)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_closed ? 0 : _v_min, this->v_max = _v_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _v_max;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
return loc + (max_radius + min_radius * cos(v)) * (cos(u) * xdir + sin(u) * ydir) + min_radius * sin(v) * zdir;
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
vec3d uvec = (max_radius + min_radius * cos(v)) * (-sin(u) * xdir + cos(u) * ydir);
vec3d vvec = -min_radius * sin(v) * (cos(u) * xdir + sin(u) * ydir) + min_radius * cos(v) * zdir;
vec3d normal = uvec.Cross(vvec);
return normal;
vec3d loc, xdir, ydir, zdir;
double max_radius, min_radius;
class MySphere : public MySurf
MySphere(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_xdir, const vec3d &_ydir, const vec3d &_zdir,
double _radius, bool _u_closed, bool _v_closed,
double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), xdir(_xdir), ydir(_ydir), zdir(_zdir), radius(_radius)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_closed ? 0 : _v_min, this->v_max = _v_closed ? M_PI : _v_max;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
return loc + radius * (cos(v) * (cos(u) * xdir + sin(u) * ydir) + sin(v) * zdir);
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
vec3d normal = GetPosition(u, v) - loc;
return normal;
vec3d loc, xdir, ydir, zdir;
double radius;
class MySplineSurf : public MySurf
int u_degree, int v_degree,
const std::vector<gte::Vector<3, double>>& controls,
const std::vector<double>& my_uknots, const std::vector<double>& my_vknots,
const std::vector<double>& myweights,
bool _u_closed, bool _v_closed,
double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_min, this->u_max = _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
gte::BasisFunctionInput<double> my_u_input; = u_degree;
my_u_input.numControls = (int)my_uknots.size() - u_degree - 1;
//my_u_input.periodic = _u_closed;
my_u_input.periodic = false;
my_u_input.uniform = false;
std::vector<std::pair<double, int>> knots_stataus;
knots_stataus.push_back(std::make_pair(my_uknots[0], 1));
for (size_t i = 1; i < my_uknots.size(); i++)
if (my_uknots[i] == knots_stataus.back().first)
knots_stataus.push_back(std::make_pair(my_uknots[i], 1));
my_u_input.numUniqueKnots = (int)knots_stataus.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < knots_stataus.size(); i++)
my_u_input.uniqueKnots[i].t = knots_stataus[i].first;
my_u_input.uniqueKnots[i].multiplicity = knots_stataus[i].second;
gte::BasisFunctionInput<double> my_v_input; = v_degree;
my_v_input.numControls = (int)my_vknots.size() - v_degree - 1;
my_v_input.periodic = false;
my_v_input.uniform = false;
knots_stataus.push_back(std::make_pair(my_vknots[0], 1));
for (size_t i = 1; i < my_vknots.size(); i++)
if (my_vknots[i] == knots_stataus.back().first)
knots_stataus.push_back(std::make_pair(my_vknots[i], 1));
my_v_input.numUniqueKnots = (int)knots_stataus.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < knots_stataus.size(); i++)
my_v_input.uniqueKnots[i].t = knots_stataus[i].first;
my_v_input.uniqueKnots[i].multiplicity = knots_stataus[i].second;
mysurf = new gte::NURBSSurface<3, double>(my_u_input, my_v_input,,;
if (mysurf)
delete mysurf;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
gte::Vector<3, double> V = mysurf->GetPosition(u, v);
return vec3d(V[0], V[1], V[2]);
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
gte::Vector<3, double> V = mysurf->GetPosition(u, v);
gte::Vector<3, double> PU = mysurf->GetUTangent(u, v);
gte::Vector<3, double> PV = mysurf->GetVTangent(u, v);
//pos[0] = V[0], pos[1] = V[1], pos[2] = V[2];
return vec3d(PU[0], PU[1], PU[2]).UnitCross(vec3d(PV[0], PV[1], PV[2]));
gte::NURBSSurface<3, double>* mysurf;
class MyExtrusionSurf : public MySurf
int u_degree,
const vec3d &_zdir,
const std::vector<gte::Vector<3, double>> &controls,
const std::vector<double> &my_uknots,
const std::vector<double> &myweights,
bool _u_closed,
double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_min, this->u_max = _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
mycurve = new MySplineCurve(u_degree, controls, my_uknots, myweights, u_min, u_max, u_closed);
MyExtrusionSurf(const vec3d &_start, const vec3d &_end,
const vec3d &_zdir, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_min, this->u_max = _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
mycurve = new MyLine(_start, _end);
MyExtrusionSurf(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_dirx, const vec3d &_diry, double _radius, bool _u_closed,
const vec3d &_zdir, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
mycurve = new MyCircle(_loc, _dirx, _diry, _radius, _u_min, _u_max, u_closed);
MyExtrusionSurf(const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_dirx, const vec3d &_diry, double _x_radius, double _y_radius, bool _u_closed,
const vec3d &_zdir, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = false;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_min, this->v_max = _v_max;
mycurve = new MyEllipse(_loc, _dirx, _diry, _x_radius, _y_radius, _u_min, _u_max, u_closed);
if (mycurve)
delete mycurve;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
return mycurve->GetPosition(u) + v * zdir;
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
vec3d utang = mycurve->GetTangent(u);
vec3d normal = utang.Cross(zdir);
return normal;
MyCurve *mycurve;
vec3d zdir;
class MyRevolutionSurf : public MySurf
int u_degree,
const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_zdir,
const std::vector<gte::Vector<3, double>> &controls,
const std::vector<double> &my_uknots,
const std::vector<double> &myweights,
bool _u_closed, bool _v_closed,
double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_min, this->u_max = _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_closed ? 0 : _v_min, this->v_max = _v_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _v_max;
mycurve = new MySplineCurve(u_degree, controls, my_uknots, myweights, _u_min, _u_max, _u_closed);
MyRevolutionSurf(const vec3d &_start, const vec3d &_end,
const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_zdir, bool _v_closed, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = false;
this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_min, this->u_max = _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_closed ? 0 : _v_min, this->v_max = _v_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _v_max;
mycurve = new MyLine(_start, _end);
MyRevolutionSurf(const vec3d &c_loc, const vec3d &_dirx, const vec3d &_diry, double _radius, bool _u_closed, bool _v_closed,
const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_zdir, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_closed ? 0 : _v_min, this->v_max = _v_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _v_max;
mycurve = new MyCircle(c_loc, _dirx, _diry, _radius, _u_min, _u_max, _u_closed);
MyRevolutionSurf(const vec3d &c_loc, const vec3d &_dirx, const vec3d &_diry, double _x_radius, double _y_radius, bool _u_closed, bool _v_closed,
const vec3d &_loc, const vec3d &_zdir, double _u_min, double _u_max, double _v_min, double _v_max)
: loc(_loc), zdir(_zdir)
this->u_closed = _u_closed, this->v_closed = _v_closed;
this->u_min = _u_closed ? 0 : _u_min, this->u_max = _u_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _u_max;
this->v_min = _v_closed ? 0 : _v_min, this->v_max = _v_closed ? 2 * M_PI : _v_max;
mycurve = new MyEllipse(c_loc, _dirx, _diry, _x_radius, _y_radius, _u_min, _u_max, _u_closed);
if (mycurve)
delete mycurve;
vec3d GetPosition(double u, double v)
const double cos_angle = cos(v);
const double sin_angle = sin(v);
vec3d V = mycurve->GetPosition(u) - loc;
return loc + cos_angle * V + (1 - cos_angle) * V.Dot(zdir) * zdir + sin_angle * zdir.Cross(V);
vec3d GetNormal(double u, double v)
const double cos_angle = cos(v);
const double sin_angle = sin(v);
vec3d X = mycurve->GetPosition(u) - loc;
vec3d tang_X = mycurve->GetTangent(u);
vec3d utang = cos_angle * tang_X + (1 - cos_angle) * tang_X.Dot(zdir) * zdir + sin_angle * zdir.Cross(tang_X);
vec3d vtang = -sin_angle * X + sin_angle * X.Dot(zdir) * zdir + cos_angle * zdir.Cross(X);
vec3d normal = utang.Cross(vtang);
return normal;
MyCurve *mycurve;
vec3d loc, zdir;