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525 lines
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3 months ago
#ifndef MESH3D_H
#define MESH3D_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "TinyVector.h"
/** \defgroup MeshCore Mesh data structure */
namespace MeshLib
//declare classes for the compiler
template <typename Real> class HE_vert;
template <typename Real> class HE_face;
template <typename Real> class HE_edge;
//! vertex class \ingroup MeshCore
* The basic vertex class for half-edge structure.
template <typename Real>
class HE_vert
TinyVector<Real, 3> pos; //!< 3D coordinate
HE_edge<Real> *edge; //!< one of the half-edges_list emanating from the vertex
TinyVector<Real, 3> normal; //!< vertex normal
ptrdiff_t id; //!< index
unsigned int degree; //!< the degree of vertex
bool tag; //!< tag for programming easily
//! constructor
HE_vert(const TinyVector<Real, 3> &v)
: pos(v), edge(0), id(-1), degree(0), tag(false)
//! edge class \ingroup MeshCore
* The basic edge class for half-edge structure.
template <typename Real>
class HE_edge
HE_vert<Real> *vert; //!< vertex at the end of the half-edge
HE_edge<Real> *pair; //!< oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge
HE_face<Real> *face; //!< face the half-edge borders
HE_edge<Real> *next; //!< next half-edge around the face
HE_edge<Real> *prev; //!< prev half-edge around the face
ptrdiff_t id; //!< index
bool tag; //!< tag for programming easily
: vert(0), pair(0), face(0), next(0), prev(0), id(-1), tag(false)
//! compute the middle point
inline TinyVector<Real, 3> GetMidPoint()
return (Real)0.5 * (vert->pos + pair->vert->pos);
//! face class \ingroup MeshCore
* The basic face class for half-edge structure.
template <typename Real>
class HE_face
HE_edge<Real> *edge; //!< one of the half-edges_list bordering the face
unsigned int valence; //!< the number of edges_list
TinyVector<Real, 3> normal; //!< face normal
int id; //!< index
bool tag; //!< tag for programming easily
std::vector<ptrdiff_t> texture_indices; //! texture indices
std::vector<ptrdiff_t> normal_indices; //! texture indices
int groupid;
: edge(0), id(-1), tag(false), groupid(-1)
//! compute the barycenter
inline TinyVector<Real, 3> GetCentroid()
TinyVector<Real, 3> V(0, 0, 0);
HE_edge<Real> *he = edge;
int i = 0;
V += he->vert->pos;
he = he->next;
while(he != edge);
return V / Real(i);
//! whether texture_indices exists
bool has_texture_map()
return (!texture_indices.empty()) && (texture_indices.size() == (size_t)valence);
//! whether normal_indices exists
bool has_normal_map()
return (!normal_indices.empty()) && (normal_indices.size() == (size_t)valence);
template <typename Real>
bool CompareEdgeID (HE_edge<Real> *he1, HE_edge<Real> *he2 )
return he1->id < he2->id;
template <typename Real>
bool CompareVertexID (HE_vert<Real> *hv1, HE_vert<Real> *hv2 )
return hv1->id < hv2->id;
template <typename Real>
bool CompareFaceID (HE_face<Real> *hf1, HE_face<Real> *hf2 )
return hf1->id < hf2->id;
//! Mesh3D class: Half edge data structure \ingroup MeshCore
* a half-edge based mesh data structure
* For understanding half-edge structure,
* please read the article in
template <typename Real>
class Mesh3D
// type definition
typedef std::vector<HE_vert<Real>* > VERTEX_LIST;
typedef std::vector<HE_face<Real>* > FACE_LIST;
typedef std::vector<HE_edge<Real>* > EDGE_LIST;
typedef typename VERTEX_LIST::iterator VERTEX_ITER;
typedef typename FACE_LIST::iterator FACE_ITER;
typedef typename EDGE_LIST::iterator EDGE_ITER;
typedef typename VERTEX_LIST::reverse_iterator VERTEX_RITER;
typedef typename FACE_LIST::reverse_iterator FACE_RITER;
typedef typename EDGE_LIST::reverse_iterator EDGE_RITER;
typedef std::pair<HE_vert<Real>*, HE_vert<Real>* > PAIR_VERTEX;
// mesh data
PTR_VERTEX_LIST vertices_list; //!< store vertices
PTR_EDGE_LIST edges_list; //!< store edges
PTR_FACE_LIST faces_list; //!< store faces
std::vector<TinyVector<float, 2> > texture_array;
std::vector<TinyVector<float, 3> > normal_array;
// mesh type
bool m_closed; //!< indicate whether the mesh is closed
bool m_quad; //!< indicate whether the mesh is quadrilateral
bool m_tri; //!< indicate whether the mesh is triangular
bool m_hex; //!< indicate whether the mesh is hexagonal
bool m_pentagon; //!< indicate whether the mesh is pentagonal
//! associate two end vertices with its edge: only useful in creating mesh
std::map<PAIR_VERTEX, HE_edge<Real>*> m_edgemap;
// mesh info
int m_num_components; //!< number of components
int m_num_boundaries; //!< number of boundaries
int m_genus; //!< the genus value
bool m_encounter_non_manifold;
//! values for the bounding box
Real xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin, zmax, zmin;
//! store all the boundary vertices, each vector corresponds to one boundary
std::vector<std::vector<HE_vert<Real>*> > boundaryvertices;
std::vector<std::string> groupname;
//! constructor
//! destructor
//! get the pointer of vertices list
inline PTR_VERTEX_LIST get_vertices_list()
return vertices_list;
//! get the pointer of edges list
inline PTR_EDGE_LIST get_edges_list()
return edges_list;
//! get the pointer of faces list
inline PTR_FACE_LIST get_faces_list()
return faces_list;
//! get the total number of vertices
inline ptrdiff_t get_num_of_vertices()
return vertices_list ? (ptrdiff_t)vertices_list->size() : 0;
//! get the total number of faces
inline ptrdiff_t get_num_of_faces()
return faces_list ? (ptrdiff_t)faces_list->size() : 0;
//! get the total number of half-edges
inline ptrdiff_t get_num_of_edges()
return edges_list ? (ptrdiff_t)edges_list->size() : 0;
//! get the pointer of the id-th vertex
inline HE_vert<Real> *get_vertex(ptrdiff_t id)
return id >= get_num_of_vertices() || id < 0 ? NULL : (*vertices_list)[id];
//! get the pointer of the id-th edge
inline HE_edge<Real> *get_edge(ptrdiff_t id)
return id >= get_num_of_edges() || id < 0 ? NULL : (*edges_list)[id];
//! get the pointer of the id-th face
inline HE_face<Real> *get_face(ptrdiff_t id)
return id >= get_num_of_faces() || id < 0 ? NULL : (*faces_list)[id];
//! get the number of components
inline int get_num_of_components()
return m_num_components;
//! get the number of boundaries
inline int get_num_of_boundaries()
return m_num_boundaries;
//! get the genus
inline int genus()
return m_genus;
//! check whether the mesh is valid
inline bool is_valid()
if( get_num_of_vertices() == 0 || get_num_of_faces() == 0 )
{ return false; }
return true;
//! check whether the mesh is closed
inline bool is_closed()
return m_closed;
//! check whether the mesh is triangular
inline bool is_tri()
return m_tri;
//! check whether the mesh is quadrilateral
inline bool is_quad()
return m_quad;
//! check whether the mesh is hexgaonal
inline bool is_hex()
return m_hex;
//! check whether the mesh is pentagonal
inline bool is_pentagon()
return m_pentagon;
//! insert a vertex
* \param v a 3d point
* \return a pointer to the created vertex
HE_vert<Real> *insert_vertex(const TinyVector<Real, 3> &v);
//! insert a face
* \param vec_hv the vertices list of a face
* \param texture the pointer of texture vector
* \param normal the normal of texture vector
* \return a pointer to the created face
HE_face<Real> *insert_face(VERTEX_LIST &vec_hv, std::vector<ptrdiff_t> *texture = 0, std::vector<ptrdiff_t> *normal = 0);
//! check whether the vertex is on border
bool is_on_boundary(HE_vert<Real> *hv);
//! check whether the face is on border
bool is_on_boundary(HE_face<Real> *hf);
//! check whether the edge is on border
bool is_on_boundary(HE_edge<Real> *he);
//! load a 3D mesh from an OFF format file
bool load_off(const char *fins);
//modified by haoxiang on 03/10/2021
void load_mesh(const std::vector<std::array<double, 3>>& pos, const std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>& indices);
//! export the current mesh to an OFF format file
void write_off(const char *fouts);
//! load a 3D mesh from an OBJ format file
bool load_obj(const char *fins);
//! export the current mesh to an OBJ format file
void write_obj(const char *fouts);
//! export to a VTK format file
void write_vtk(const char *fouts);
//! update mesh:
* call it when you have created the mesh
void update_mesh();
//! update normal
* compute all the normals of vertices and faces
void update_normal(bool onlyupdate_facenormal = false);
//! compute the bounding box
void compute_boundingbox();
//! get a copy of the current
Mesh3D<Real> *make_copy();
//! return a face-orientation-changed mesh
Mesh3D<Real> *reverse_orientation();
//! init edge tags
* for a pair of edges, only one of them is tagged to be true.
void init_edge_tag();
//! reset all the vertices' tag
void reset_vertices_tag(bool tag_status);
//! reset all the faces' tag
void reset_faces_tag(bool tag_status);
//! reset all the edges' tag
void reset_edges_tag(bool tag_status);
//! reset all tag exclude edges' tag2
void reset_all_tag(bool tag_status);
//! translate the mesh with tran_V
void translate(const TinyVector<Real, 3> &tran_V);
//! scale the mesh
void scale(Real factorx, Real factory, Real factorz);
//! check whether there is any non-manifold case
inline bool is_encounter_nonmanifold()
return m_encounter_non_manifold;
//! set texture array
void set_texture_array(const std::vector< TinyVector<float, 2> > &textures)
texture_array.assign(textures.begin(), textures.end());
//! set normal array
void set_normal_array(const std::vector< TinyVector<float, 3> > &normals)
normal_array.assign(normals.begin(), normals.end());
//! get texture array
std::vector< TinyVector<float, 2> > &get_texture_array()
return texture_array;
//! get texture array
const std::vector< TinyVector<float, 2> > &get_texture_array() const
return texture_array;
//! get normal array
std::vector< TinyVector<float, 3> > &get_normal_array()
return normal_array;
//! get normal array
const std::vector< TinyVector<float, 3> > &get_normal_array() const
return normal_array;
//! swap edge
* \param triedge an edge between two triangular faces
void swap_edge(HE_edge<Real> *triedge, bool update_vertex_normal = true);
//! insert an edge
HE_edge<Real> *insert_edge(HE_vert<Real> *vstart, HE_vert<Real> *vend);
//! clear all the data
void clear_data();
//! clear vertices
void clear_vertices();
//! clear edges
void clear_edges();
//! clear faces
void clear_faces();
//! check whether the mesh is closed
void check_closed();
//! check the mesh type
void check_meshtype();
//! compute all the normals of faces
void compute_faces_list_normal();
//! compute the normal of a face
void compute_perface_normal(HE_face<Real> *hf);
//! compute all the normals of vertices
void compute_vertices_list_normal();
//! compute the normal of a vertex
void compute_pervertex_normal(HE_vert<Real> *hv);
//! compute the number of components
void compute_num_components();
//! compute the number of boundaries
void compute_num_boundaries();
//! compute the genus
void compute_genus();
//! handle the boundary half edges specially
void set_nextedge_for_border_vertices();
//! remove the vertices which have no connection to others.
void remove_hanged_vertices();
//! align edges's id
set mesh's edge(vertex(startid), vertex(endid)->id = edgeid.
only used in make_copy
void copy_edge_id(ptrdiff_t edgeid, ptrdiff_t startid, ptrdiff_t endid, Mesh3D<Real> *mesh);
} //end of namespace
//typedef MeshLib::Mesh3D<float> Mesh3f;
typedef MeshLib::Mesh3D<double> Mesh3d;
#endif //MESH3D_H