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3 months ago
// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Logger.h>
#include <Mathematics/Matrix.h>
#include <Mathematics/IndexAttribute.h>
#include <Mathematics/VertexAttribute.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector2.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector3.h>
// The Mesh class is designed to support triangulations of surfaces of a small
// number of topologies. See the documents
// for details.
// You must set the vertex attribute sources before calling Update().
// The semantic "position" is required and its source must be an array
// of Real with at least 3 channels so that positions are computed as
// Vector3<Real>.
// The positions are assumed to be parameterized by texture coordinates
// (u,v); the position is thought of as a function P(u,v). If texture
// coordinates are provided, the semantic must be "tcoord". If texture
// coordinates are not provided, default texture coordinates are computed
// internally as described in the mesh factory document.
// The frame for the tangent space is optional. All vectors in the frame
// must have sources that are arrays of Real with at least 3 channels per
// attribute. If normal vectors are provided, the semantic must be
// "normal".
// Two options are supported for tangent vectors. The first option is
// that the tangents are surface derivatives dP/du and dP/dv, which are
// not necessarily unit length or orthogonal. The semantics must be
// "dpdu" and "dpdv". The second option is that the tangents are unit
// length and orthogonal, with the infrequent possibility that a vertex
// is degenerate in that dP/du and dP/dv are linearly dependent. The
// semantics must be "tangent" and "bitangent".
// For each provided vertex attribute, a derived class can initialize
// that attribute by overriding one of the Initialize*() functions whose
// stubs are defined in this class.
namespace gte
enum class MeshTopology
class MeshDescription
// Constructor for MeshTopology::ARBITRARY. The members topology,
// numVertices, and numTriangles are set in the obvious manner. The
// members numRows and numCols are set to zero. The remaining members
// must be set explicitly by the client.
MeshDescription(uint32_t inNumVertices, uint32_t inNumTriangles)
LogAssert(numVertices >= 3 && numTriangles >= 1, "Invalid input.");
// Constructor for topologies other than MeshTopology::ARBITRARY.
// Compute the number of vertices and triangles for the mesh based on
// the requested number of rows and columns. If the number of rows or
// columns is invalid for the specified topology, they are modified to
// be valid, in which case inNumRows/numRows and inNumCols/numCols can
// differ. If the input topology is MeshTopology::ARBITRARY, then
// inNumRows and inNumCols are assigned to numVertices and
// numTriangles, respectively, and numRows and numCols are set to
// zero. The remaining members must be set explicitly by the client.
MeshDescription(MeshTopology inTopology, uint32_t inNumRows, uint32_t inNumCols)
switch (topology)
case MeshTopology::ARBITRARY:
numVertices = inNumRows;
numTriangles = inNumCols;
numRows = 0;
numCols = 0;
rMax = 0;
cMax = 0;
rIncrement = 0;
case MeshTopology::RECTANGLE:
numRows = std::max(inNumRows, 2u);
numCols = std::max(inNumCols, 2u);
rMax = numRows - 1;
cMax = numCols - 1;
rIncrement = numCols;
numVertices = (rMax + 1) * (cMax + 1);
numTriangles = 2 * rMax * cMax;
case MeshTopology::CYLINDER:
numRows = std::max(inNumRows, 2u);
numCols = std::max(inNumCols, 3u);
rMax = numRows - 1;
cMax = numCols;
rIncrement = numCols + 1;
numVertices = (rMax + 1) * (cMax + 1);
numTriangles = 2 * rMax * cMax;
case MeshTopology::TORUS:
numRows = std::max(inNumRows, 2u);
numCols = std::max(inNumCols, 3u);
rMax = numRows;
cMax = numCols;
rIncrement = numCols + 1;
numVertices = (rMax + 1) * (cMax + 1);
numTriangles = 2 * rMax * cMax;
case MeshTopology::DISK:
numRows = std::max(inNumRows, 1u);
numCols = std::max(inNumCols, 3u);
rMax = numRows - 1;
cMax = numCols;
rIncrement = numCols + 1;
numVertices = (rMax + 1) * (cMax + 1) + 1;
numTriangles = 2 * rMax * cMax + numCols;
case MeshTopology::SPHERE:
numRows = std::max(inNumRows, 1u);
numCols = std::max(inNumCols, 3u);
rMax = numRows - 1;
cMax = numCols;
rIncrement = numCols + 1;
numVertices = (rMax + 1) * (cMax + 1) + 2;
numTriangles = 2 * rMax * cMax + 2 * numCols;
MeshTopology topology;
uint32_t numVertices;
uint32_t numTriangles;
std::vector<VertexAttribute> vertexAttributes;
IndexAttribute indexAttribute;
bool wantDynamicTangentSpaceUpdate; // default: false
bool wantCCW; // default: true
// For internal use only.
bool hasTangentSpaceVectors;
bool allowUpdateFrame;
uint32_t numRows, numCols;
uint32_t rMax, cMax, rIncrement;
// After an attempt to construct a Mesh or Mesh-derived object,
// examine this value to determine whether the construction was
// successful.
bool constructed;
template <typename Real>
class Mesh
// Construction and destruction. This constructor is for ARBITRARY
// topology. The vertices and indices must already be assigned by the
// client. Derived classes use the protected constructor, but
// assignment of vertices and indices occurs in the derived-class
// constructors.
Mesh(MeshDescription const& description, std::vector<MeshTopology> const& validTopologies)
mDescription.constructed = false;
for (auto const& topology : validTopologies)
if (mDescription.topology == topology)
mDescription.constructed = true;
LogAssert(mDescription.indexAttribute.source != nullptr,
"The mesh needs triangles/indices in Mesh constructor.");
// Set sources for the requested vertex attributes.
mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors = false;
mDescription.allowUpdateFrame = mDescription.wantDynamicTangentSpaceUpdate;
for (auto const& attribute : mDescription.vertexAttributes)
if (attribute.source != nullptr && attribute.stride > 0)
if (attribute.semantic == "position")
mPositions = reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mPositionStride = attribute.stride;
if (attribute.semantic == "normal")
mNormals = reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mNormalStride = attribute.stride;
if (attribute.semantic == "tangent")
mTangents = reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mTangentStride = attribute.stride;
mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors = true;
if (attribute.semantic == "bitangent")
mBitangents = reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mBitangentStride = attribute.stride;
mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors = true;
if (attribute.semantic == "dpdu")
mDPDUs = reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mDPDUStride = attribute.stride;
mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors = true;
if (attribute.semantic == "dpdv")
mDPDVs = reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mDPDVStride = attribute.stride;
mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors = true;
if (attribute.semantic == "tcoord")
mTCoords = reinterpret_cast<Vector2<Real>*>(attribute.source);
mTCoordStride = attribute.stride;
LogAssert(mPositions != nullptr, "The mesh needs positions in Mesh constructor.");
// The initial value of allowUpdateFrame is the client request
// about wanting dynamic tangent-space updates. If the vertex
// attributes do not include tangent-space vectors, then dynamic
// updates are not necessary. If tangent-space vectors are
// present, the update algorithm requires texture coordinates
// (mTCoords must be nonnull) or must compute local coordinates
// (mNormals must be nonnull).
if (mDescription.allowUpdateFrame)
if (!mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors)
mDescription.allowUpdateFrame = false;
if (!mTCoords && !mNormals)
mDescription.allowUpdateFrame = false;
if (mDescription.allowUpdateFrame)
virtual ~Mesh()
// No copying or assignment is allowed.
Mesh(Mesh const&) = delete;
Mesh& operator=(Mesh const&) = delete;
// Member accessors.
inline MeshDescription const& GetDescription() const
return mDescription;
// If the underlying geometric data varies dynamically, call this
// function to update whatever vertex attributes are specified by
// the vertex pool.
void Update()
LogAssert(mDescription.constructed, "The Mesh object failed the construction.");
if (mDescription.allowUpdateFrame)
else if (mNormals)
// else: The mesh has no frame data, so there is nothing to do.
// Access the vertex attributes.
inline Vector3<Real>& Position(uint32_t i)
char* positions = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mPositions);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(positions + i * mPositionStride);
inline Vector3<Real>& Normal(uint32_t i)
char* normals = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mNormals);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(normals + i * mNormalStride);
inline Vector3<Real>& Tangent(uint32_t i)
char* tangents = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mTangents);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(tangents + i * mTangentStride);
inline Vector3<Real>& Bitangent(uint32_t i)
char* bitangents = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mBitangents);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(bitangents + i * mBitangentStride);
inline Vector3<Real>& DPDU(uint32_t i)
char* dpdus = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mDPDUs);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(dpdus + i * mDPDUStride);
inline Vector3<Real>& DPDV(uint32_t i)
char* dpdvs = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mDPDVs);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector3<Real>*>(dpdvs + i * mDPDVStride);
inline Vector2<Real>& TCoord(uint32_t i)
char* tcoords = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mTCoords);
return *reinterpret_cast<Vector2<Real>*>(tcoords + i * mTCoordStride);
// Compute the indices for non-arbitrary topologies. This function is
// called by derived classes.
void ComputeIndices()
uint32_t t = 0;
for (uint32_t r = 0, i = 0; r < mDescription.rMax; ++r)
uint32_t v0 = i, v1 = v0 + 1;
i += mDescription.rIncrement;
uint32_t v2 = i, v3 = v2 + 1;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < mDescription.cMax; ++c, ++v0, ++v1, ++v2, ++v3)
if (mDescription.wantCCW)
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v1, v2);
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v1, v3, v2);
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v2, v1);
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v1, v2, v3);
if (mDescription.topology == MeshTopology::DISK)
uint32_t v0 = 0, v1 = 1, v2 = mDescription.numVertices - 1;
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < mDescription.numCols; ++c, ++v0, ++v1)
if (mDescription.wantCCW)
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v2, v1);
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v1, v2);
else if (mDescription.topology == MeshTopology::SPHERE)
uint32_t v0 = 0, v1 = 1, v2 = mDescription.numVertices - 2;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < mDescription.numCols; ++c, ++v0, ++v1)
if (mDescription.wantCCW)
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v2, v1);
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v1, v2);
v0 = (mDescription.numRows - 1) * mDescription.numCols;
v1 = v0 + 1;
v2 = mDescription.numVertices - 1;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < mDescription.numCols; ++c, ++v0, ++v1)
if (mDescription.wantCCW)
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v2, v1);
mDescription.indexAttribute.SetTriangle(t++, v0, v1, v2);
// The Update() function allows derived classes to use algorithms
// different from least-squares fitting to compute the normals (when
// no tangent-space information is requested) or to compute the frame
// (normals and tangent space). The UpdatePositions() is a stub; the
// base-class has no knowledge about how positions should be modified.
// A derived class, however, might choose to use dynamic updating
// and override UpdatePositions(). The base-class UpdateNormals()
// computes vertex normals as averages of area-weighted triangle
// normals (nonparametric approach). The base-class UpdateFrame()
// uses a least-squares algorithm for estimating the tangent space
// (parametric approach).
virtual void UpdatePositions()
virtual void UpdateNormals()
// Compute normal vector as normalized weighted averages of triangle
// normal vectors.
// Set the normals to zero to allow accumulation of triangle normals.
Vector3<Real> zero{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 };
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDescription.numVertices; ++i)
Normal(i) = zero;
// Accumulate the triangle normals.
for (uint32_t t = 0; t < mDescription.numTriangles; ++t)
// Get the positions for the triangle.
uint32_t v0, v1, v2;
mDescription.indexAttribute.GetTriangle(t, v0, v1, v2);
Vector3<Real> P0 = Position(v0);
Vector3<Real> P1 = Position(v1);
Vector3<Real> P2 = Position(v2);
// Get the edge vectors.
Vector3<Real> E1 = P1 - P0;
Vector3<Real> E2 = P2 - P0;
// Compute a triangle normal show length is twice the area of the
// triangle.
Vector3<Real> triangleNormal = Cross(E1, E2);
// Accumulate the triangle normals.
Normal(v0) += triangleNormal;
Normal(v1) += triangleNormal;
Normal(v2) += triangleNormal;
// Normalize the normals.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDescription.numVertices; ++i)
Normalize(Normal(i), true);
virtual void UpdateFrame()
if (!mTCoords)
// We need to compute vertex normals first in order to compute
// local texture coordinates. The vertex normals are recomputed
// later based on estimated tangent vectors.
// Use the least-squares algorithm to estimate the tangent-space vectors
// and, if requested, normal vectors.
Matrix<2, 2, Real> zero2x2; // initialized to zero
Matrix<3, 2, Real> zero3x2; // initialized to zero
std::fill(mUTU.begin(), mUTU.end(), zero2x2);
std::fill(mDTU.begin(), mDTU.end(), zero3x2);
for (uint32_t t = 0; t < mDescription.numTriangles; ++t)
// Get the positions and differences for the triangle.
uint32_t v0, v1, v2;
mDescription.indexAttribute.GetTriangle(t, v0, v1, v2);
Vector3<Real> P0 = Position(v0);
Vector3<Real> P1 = Position(v1);
Vector3<Real> P2 = Position(v2);
Vector3<Real> D10 = P1 - P0;
Vector3<Real> D20 = P2 - P0;
Vector3<Real> D21 = P2 - P1;
if (mTCoords)
// Get the texture coordinates and differences for the triangle.
Vector2<Real> C0 = TCoord(v0);
Vector2<Real> C1 = TCoord(v1);
Vector2<Real> C2 = TCoord(v2);
Vector2<Real> U10 = C1 - C0;
Vector2<Real> U20 = C2 - C0;
Vector2<Real> U21 = C2 - C1;
// Compute the outer products.
Matrix<2, 2, Real> outerU10 = OuterProduct(U10, U10);
Matrix<2, 2, Real> outerU20 = OuterProduct(U20, U20);
Matrix<2, 2, Real> outerU21 = OuterProduct(U21, U21);
Matrix<3, 2, Real> outerD10 = OuterProduct(D10, U10);
Matrix<3, 2, Real> outerD20 = OuterProduct(D20, U20);
Matrix<3, 2, Real> outerD21 = OuterProduct(D21, U21);
// Keep a running sum of U^T*U and D^T*U.
mUTU[v0] += outerU10 + outerU20;
mUTU[v1] += outerU10 + outerU21;
mUTU[v2] += outerU20 + outerU21;
mDTU[v0] += outerD10 + outerD20;
mDTU[v1] += outerD10 + outerD21;
mDTU[v2] += outerD20 + outerD21;
// Compute local coordinates and differences for the triangle.
Vector3<Real> basis[3];
basis[0] = Normal(v0);
ComputeOrthogonalComplement(1, basis, true);
Vector2<Real> U10{ Dot(basis[1], D10), Dot(basis[2], D10) };
Vector2<Real> U20{ Dot(basis[1], D20), Dot(basis[2], D20) };
mUTU[v0] += OuterProduct(U10, U10) + OuterProduct(U20, U20);
mDTU[v0] += OuterProduct(D10, U10) + OuterProduct(D20, U20);
basis[0] = Normal(v1);
ComputeOrthogonalComplement(1, basis, true);
Vector2<Real> U01{ Dot(basis[1], D10), Dot(basis[2], D10) };
Vector2<Real> U21{ Dot(basis[1], D21), Dot(basis[2], D21) };
mUTU[v1] += OuterProduct(U01, U01) + OuterProduct(U21, U21);
mDTU[v1] += OuterProduct(D10, U01) + OuterProduct(D21, U21);
basis[0] = Normal(v2);
ComputeOrthogonalComplement(1, basis, true);
Vector2<Real> U02{ Dot(basis[1], D20), Dot(basis[2], D20) };
Vector2<Real> U12{ Dot(basis[1], D21), Dot(basis[2], D21) };
mUTU[v2] += OuterProduct(U02, U02) + OuterProduct(U12, U12);
mDTU[v2] += OuterProduct(D20, U02) + OuterProduct(D21, U12);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDescription.numVertices; ++i)
Matrix<3, 2, Real> jacobian = mDTU[i] * Inverse(mUTU[i]);
Vector3<Real> basis[3];
basis[0] = { jacobian(0, 0), jacobian(1, 0), jacobian(2, 0) };
basis[1] = { jacobian(0, 1), jacobian(1, 1), jacobian(2, 1) };
if (mDPDUs)
DPDU(i) = basis[0];
if (mDPDVs)
DPDV(i) = basis[1];
ComputeOrthogonalComplement(2, basis, true);
if (mNormals)
Normal(i) = basis[2];
if (mTangents)
Tangent(i) = basis[0];
if (mBitangents)
Bitangent(i) = basis[1];
// Constructor inputs.
// The client requests this via the constructor; however, if it is
// requested and the vertex attributes do not contain entries for
// "tangent", "bitangent", "dpdu", or "dpdv", then this member is
// set to false.
MeshDescription mDescription;
// Copied from mVertexAttributes when available.
Vector3<Real>* mPositions;
Vector3<Real>* mNormals;
Vector3<Real>* mTangents;
Vector3<Real>* mBitangents;
Vector3<Real>* mDPDUs;
Vector3<Real>* mDPDVs;
Vector2<Real>* mTCoords;
size_t mPositionStride;
size_t mNormalStride;
size_t mTangentStride;
size_t mBitangentStride;
size_t mDPDUStride;
size_t mDPDVStride;
size_t mTCoordStride;
// When dynamic tangent-space updates are requested, the update algorithm
// requires texture coordinates (user-specified or non-local). It is
// possible to create a vertex-adjacent set (with indices into the
// vertex array) for each mesh vertex; however, instead we rely on a
// triangle iteration and incrementally store the information needed for
// the estimation of the tangent space. Each vertex has associated
// matrices D and U, but we need to store only U^T*U and D^T*U. See the
// PDF for details.
std::vector<Matrix<2, 2, Real>> mUTU;
std::vector<Matrix<3, 2, Real>> mDTU;