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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/AxisAngle.h>
#include <Mathematics/EulerAngles.h>
#include <Mathematics/Matrix.h>
#include <Mathematics/Quaternion.h>
namespace gte
// Conversions among various representations of rotations. The value of
// N must be 3 or 4. The latter case supports affine algebra when you use
// 4-tuple vectors (w-component is 1 for points and 0 for vector) and 4x4
// matrices for affine transformations. Rotation axes must be unit
// length. The angles are in radians. The Euler angles are in world
// coordinates; we have not yet added support for body coordinates.
template <int N, typename Real>
class Rotation
// Create rotations from various representations.
Rotation(Matrix<N, N, Real> const& matrix)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Rotation(Quaternion<Real> const& quaternion)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Rotation(AxisAngle<N, Real> const& axisAngle)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Rotation(EulerAngles<Real> const& eulerAngles)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
// Convert one representation to another.
operator Matrix<N, N, Real>() const
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
switch (mType)
Convert(mQuaternion, mMatrix);
Convert(mAxisAngle, mMatrix);
Convert(mEulerAngles, mMatrix);
return mMatrix;
operator Quaternion<Real>() const
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
switch (mType)
Convert(mMatrix, mQuaternion);
Convert(mAxisAngle, mQuaternion);
Convert(mEulerAngles, mQuaternion);
return mQuaternion;
operator AxisAngle<N, Real>() const
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
switch (mType)
Convert(mMatrix, mAxisAngle);
Convert(mQuaternion, mAxisAngle);
Convert(mEulerAngles, mAxisAngle);
return mAxisAngle;
EulerAngles<Real> const& operator()(int i0, int i1, int i2) const
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
mEulerAngles.axis[0] = i0;
mEulerAngles.axis[1] = i1;
mEulerAngles.axis[2] = i2;
switch (mType)
Convert(mMatrix, mEulerAngles);
Convert(mQuaternion, mEulerAngles);
Convert(mAxisAngle, mEulerAngles);
return mEulerAngles;
enum RepresentationType
RepresentationType mType;
mutable Matrix<N, N, Real> mMatrix;
mutable Quaternion<Real> mQuaternion;
mutable AxisAngle<N, Real> mAxisAngle;
mutable EulerAngles<Real> mEulerAngles;
// Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion.
// x^2 = (+r00 - r11 - r22 + 1)/4
// y^2 = (-r00 + r11 - r22 + 1)/4
// z^2 = (-r00 - r11 + r22 + 1)/4
// w^2 = (+r00 + r11 + r22 + 1)/4
// x^2 + y^2 = (1 - r22)/2
// z^2 + w^2 = (1 + r22)/2
// y^2 - x^2 = (r11 - r00)/2
// w^2 - z^2 = (r11 + r00)/2
// x*y = (r01 + r10)/4
// x*z = (r02 + r20)/4
// y*z = (r12 + r21)/4
// x*w = (r21 - r12)/4
// y*w = (r02 - r20)/4
// z*w = (r10 - r01)/4
// x*w = (r12 - r21)/4
// y*w = (r20 - r02)/4
// z*w = (r01 - r10)/4
// If Q is the 4x1 column vector (x,y,z,w), the previous equations
// give us
// +- -+
// | x*x x*y x*z x*w |
// Q*Q^T = | y*x y*y y*z y*w |
// | z*x z*y z*z z*w |
// | w*x w*y w*z w*w |
// +- -+
// The code extracts the row of maximum length, normalizing it to
// obtain the result q.
static void Convert(Matrix<N, N, Real> const& r, Quaternion<Real>& q)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Real r22 = r(2, 2);
if (r22 <= (Real)0) // x^2 + y^2 >= z^2 + w^2
Real dif10 = r(1, 1) - r(0, 0);
Real omr22 = (Real)1 - r22;
if (dif10 <= (Real)0) // x^2 >= y^2
Real fourXSqr = omr22 - dif10;
Real inv4x = ((Real)0.5) / std::sqrt(fourXSqr);
q[0] = fourXSqr * inv4x;
q[1] = (r(0, 1) + r(1, 0)) * inv4x;
q[2] = (r(0, 2) + r(2, 0)) * inv4x;
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
q[3] = (r(2, 1) - r(1, 2)) * inv4x;
q[3] = (r(1, 2) - r(2, 1)) * inv4x;
else // y^2 >= x^2
Real fourYSqr = omr22 + dif10;
Real inv4y = ((Real)0.5) / std::sqrt(fourYSqr);
q[0] = (r(0, 1) + r(1, 0)) * inv4y;
q[1] = fourYSqr * inv4y;
q[2] = (r(1, 2) + r(2, 1)) * inv4y;
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
q[3] = (r(0, 2) - r(2, 0)) * inv4y;
q[3] = (r(2, 0) - r(0, 2)) * inv4y;
else // z^2 + w^2 >= x^2 + y^2
Real sum10 = r(1, 1) + r(0, 0);
Real opr22 = (Real)1 + r22;
if (sum10 <= (Real)0) // z^2 >= w^2
Real fourZSqr = opr22 - sum10;
Real inv4z = ((Real)0.5) / std::sqrt(fourZSqr);
q[0] = (r(0, 2) + r(2, 0)) * inv4z;
q[1] = (r(1, 2) + r(2, 1)) * inv4z;
q[2] = fourZSqr * inv4z;
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
q[3] = (r(1, 0) - r(0, 1)) * inv4z;
q[3] = (r(0, 1) - r(1, 0)) * inv4z;
else // w^2 >= z^2
Real fourWSqr = opr22 + sum10;
Real inv4w = ((Real)0.5) / std::sqrt(fourWSqr);
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
q[0] = (r(2, 1) - r(1, 2)) * inv4w;
q[1] = (r(0, 2) - r(2, 0)) * inv4w;
q[2] = (r(1, 0) - r(0, 1)) * inv4w;
q[0] = (r(1, 2) - r(2, 1)) * inv4w;
q[1] = (r(2, 0) - r(0, 2)) * inv4w;
q[2] = (r(0, 1) - r(1, 0)) * inv4w;
q[3] = fourWSqr * inv4w;
// Convert a quaterion q = x*i + y*j + z*k + w to a rotation matrix.
// +- -+ +- -+
// R = | r00 r01 r02 | = | 1-2y^2-2z^2 2(xy-zw) 2(xz+yw) |
// | r10 r11 r12 | | 2(xy+zw) 1-2x^2-2z^2 2(yz-xw) |
// | r20 r21 r22 | | 2(xz-yw) 2(yz+xw) 1-2x^2-2y^2 |
// +- -+ +- -+
// +- -+ +- -+
// R = | r00 r01 r02 | = | 1-2y^2-2z^2 2(xy+zw) 2(xz-yw) |
// | r10 r11 r12 | | 2(xy-zw) 1-2x^2-2z^2 2(yz+xw) |
// | r20 r21 r22 | | 2(xz+yw) 2(yz-xw) 1-2x^2-2y^2 |
// +- -+ +- -+
static void Convert(Quaternion<Real> const& q, Matrix<N, N, Real>& r)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Real twoX = ((Real)2) * q[0];
Real twoY = ((Real)2) * q[1];
Real twoZ = ((Real)2) * q[2];
Real twoXX = twoX * q[0];
Real twoXY = twoX * q[1];
Real twoXZ = twoX * q[2];
Real twoXW = twoX * q[3];
Real twoYY = twoY * q[1];
Real twoYZ = twoY * q[2];
Real twoYW = twoY * q[3];
Real twoZZ = twoZ * q[2];
Real twoZW = twoZ * q[3];
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
r(0, 0) = (Real)1 - twoYY - twoZZ;
r(0, 1) = twoXY - twoZW;
r(0, 2) = twoXZ + twoYW;
r(1, 0) = twoXY + twoZW;
r(1, 1) = (Real)1 - twoXX - twoZZ;
r(1, 2) = twoYZ - twoXW;
r(2, 0) = twoXZ - twoYW;
r(2, 1) = twoYZ + twoXW;
r(2, 2) = (Real)1 - twoXX - twoYY;
r(0, 0) = (Real)1 - twoYY - twoZZ;
r(1, 0) = twoXY - twoZW;
r(2, 0) = twoXZ + twoYW;
r(0, 1) = twoXY + twoZW;
r(1, 1) = (Real)1 - twoXX - twoZZ;
r(2, 1) = twoYZ - twoXW;
r(0, 2) = twoXZ - twoYW;
r(1, 2) = twoYZ + twoXW;
r(2, 2) = (Real)1 - twoXX - twoYY;
// Convert a rotation matrix to an axis-angle pair. Let (x0,x1,x2) be
// the axis let t be an angle of rotation. The rotation matrix is
// R = I + sin(t)*S + (1-cos(t))*S^2
// or
// R = I - sin(t)*S + (1-cos(t))*S^2
// where I is the identity and S = {{0,-x2,x1},{x2,0,-x0},{-x1,x0,0}}
// where the inner-brace triples are the rows of the matrix. If
// t > 0, R represents a counterclockwise rotation; see the comments
// for the constructor Matrix3x3(axis,angle). It may be shown that
// cos(t) = (trace(R)-1)/2 and R - Transpose(R) = 2*sin(t)*S. As long
// as sin(t) is not zero, we may solve for S in the second equation,
// which produces the axis direction U = (S21,S02,S10). When t = 0,
// the rotation is the identity, in which case any axis direction is
// valid; we choose (1,0,0). When t = pi, it must be that
// R - Transpose(R) = 0, which prevents us from extracting the axis.
// Instead, note that (R+I)/2 = I+S^2 = U*U^T, where U is a
// unit-length axis direction.
static void Convert(Matrix<N, N, Real> const& r, AxisAngle<N, Real>& a)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Real trace = r(0, 0) + r(1, 1) + r(2, 2);
Real half = (Real)0.5;
Real cs = half * (trace - (Real)1);
cs = std::max(std::min(cs, (Real)1), (Real)-1);
a.angle = std::acos(cs); // The angle is in [0,pi].
if (a.angle > (Real)0)
if (a.angle < (Real)GTE_C_PI)
// The angle is in (0,pi).
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
a.axis[0] = r(2, 1) - r(1, 2);
a.axis[1] = r(0, 2) - r(2, 0);
a.axis[2] = r(1, 0) - r(0, 1);
a.axis[0] = r(1, 2) - r(2, 1);
a.axis[1] = r(2, 0) - r(0, 2);
a.axis[2] = r(0, 1) - r(1, 0);
// The angle is pi, in which case R is symmetric and
// R+I = 2*(I+S^2) = 2*U*U^T, where U = (u0,u1,u2) is the
// unit-length direction of the rotation axis. Determine
// the largest diagonal entry of R+I and normalize the
// corresponding row to produce U. It does not matter the
// sign on u[d] for chosen diagonal d, because
// R(U,pi) = R(-U,pi).
Real one = (Real)1;
if (r(0, 0) >= r(1, 1))
if (r(0, 0) >= r(2, 2))
// r00 is maximum diagonal term
a.axis[0] = r(0, 0) + one;
a.axis[1] = half * (r(0, 1) + r(1, 0));
a.axis[2] = half * (r(0, 2) + r(2, 0));
// r22 is maximum diagonal term
a.axis[0] = half * (r(2, 0) + r(0, 2));
a.axis[1] = half * (r(2, 1) + r(1, 2));
a.axis[2] = r(2, 2) + one;
if (r(1, 1) >= r(2, 2))
// r11 is maximum diagonal term
a.axis[0] = half * (r(1, 0) + r(0, 1));
a.axis[1] = r(1, 1) + one;
a.axis[2] = half * (r(1, 2) + r(2, 1));
// r22 is maximum diagonal term
a.axis[0] = half * (r(2, 0) + r(0, 2));
a.axis[1] = half * (r(2, 1) + r(1, 2));
a.axis[2] = r(2, 2) + one;
// The angle is 0 and the matrix is the identity. Any axis
// will work, so choose the Unit(0) axis.
a.axis[0] = (Real)1;
// Convert an axis-angle pair to a rotation matrix. Assuming
// (x0,x1,x2) is for a right-handed world (x0 to right, x1 up, x2 out
// of plane of page), a positive angle corresponds to a
// counterclockwise rotation from the perspective of an observer
// looking at the origin of the plane of rotation and having view
// direction the negative of the axis direction. The coordinate-axis
// rotations are the following, where unit(0) = (1,0,0),
// unit(1) = (0,1,0), unit(2) = (0,0,1),
// R(unit(0),t) = {{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, c,-s}, { 0, s, c}}
// R(unit(1),t) = {{ c, 0, s}, { 0, 1, 0}, {-s, 0, c}}
// R(unit(2),t) = {{ c,-s, 0}, { s, c, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}}
// or
// R(unit(0),t) = {{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, c, s}, { 0,-s, c}}
// R(unit(1),t) = {{ c, 0,-s}, { 0, 1, 0}, { s, 0, c}}
// R(unit(2),t) = {{ c, s, 0}, {-s, c, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}}
// where c = cos(t), s = sin(t), and the inner-brace triples are rows
// of the matrix. The general matrix is
// +- -+
// R = | (1-c)*x0^2 + c (1-c)*x0*x1 - s*x2 (1-c)*x0*x2 + s*x1 |
// | (1-c)*x0*x1 + s*x2 (1-c)*x1^2 + c (1-c)*x1*x2 - s*x0 |
// | (1-c)*x0*x2 - s*x1 (1-c)*x1*x2 + s*x0 (1-c)*x2^2 + c |
// +- -+
// +- -+
// R = | (1-c)*x0^2 + c (1-c)*x0*x1 + s*x2 (1-c)*x0*x2 - s*x1 |
// | (1-c)*x0*x1 - s*x2 (1-c)*x1^2 + c (1-c)*x1*x2 + s*x0 |
// | (1-c)*x0*x2 + s*x1 (1-c)*x1*x2 - s*x0 (1-c)*x2^2 + c |
// +- -+
static void Convert(AxisAngle<N, Real> const& a, Matrix<N, N, Real>& r)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Real cs = std::cos(a.angle);
Real sn = std::sin(a.angle);
Real oneMinusCos = ((Real)1) - cs;
Real x0sqr = a.axis[0] * a.axis[0];
Real x1sqr = a.axis[1] * a.axis[1];
Real x2sqr = a.axis[2] * a.axis[2];
Real x0x1m = a.axis[0] * a.axis[1] * oneMinusCos;
Real x0x2m = a.axis[0] * a.axis[2] * oneMinusCos;
Real x1x2m = a.axis[1] * a.axis[2] * oneMinusCos;
Real x0Sin = a.axis[0] * sn;
Real x1Sin = a.axis[1] * sn;
Real x2Sin = a.axis[2] * sn;
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
r(0, 0) = x0sqr * oneMinusCos + cs;
r(0, 1) = x0x1m - x2Sin;
r(0, 2) = x0x2m + x1Sin;
r(1, 0) = x0x1m + x2Sin;
r(1, 1) = x1sqr * oneMinusCos + cs;
r(1, 2) = x1x2m - x0Sin;
r(2, 0) = x0x2m - x1Sin;
r(2, 1) = x1x2m + x0Sin;
r(2, 2) = x2sqr * oneMinusCos + cs;
r(0, 0) = x0sqr * oneMinusCos + cs;
r(1, 0) = x0x1m - x2Sin;
r(2, 0) = x0x2m + x1Sin;
r(0, 1) = x0x1m + x2Sin;
r(1, 1) = x1sqr * oneMinusCos + cs;
r(2, 1) = x1x2m - x0Sin;
r(0, 2) = x0x2m - x1Sin;
r(1, 2) = x1x2m + x0Sin;
r(2, 2) = x2sqr * oneMinusCos + cs;
// Convert a rotation matrix to Euler angles. Factorization into
// Euler angles is not necessarily unique. If the result is
// ER_NOT_UNIQUE_SUM, then the multiple solutions occur because
// angleN2+angleN0 is constant. If the result is ER_NOT_UNIQUE_DIF,
// then the multiple solutions occur because angleN2-angleN0 is
// constant. In either type of nonuniqueness, the function returns
// angleN0=0.
static void Convert(Matrix<N, N, Real> const& r, EulerAngles<Real>& e)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
if (0 <= e.axis[0] && e.axis[0] < 3
&& 0 <= e.axis[1] && e.axis[1] < 3
&& 0 <= e.axis[2] && e.axis[2] < 3
&& e.axis[1] != e.axis[0]
&& e.axis[1] != e.axis[2])
if (e.axis[0] != e.axis[2])
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
// Map (0,1,2), (1,2,0), and (2,0,1) to +1.
// Map (0,2,1), (2,1,0), and (1,0,2) to -1.
int parity = (((e.axis[2] | (e.axis[1] << 2)) >> e.axis[0]) & 1);
Real const sgn = (parity & 1 ? (Real)-1 : (Real)+1);
if (r(e.axis[2], e.axis[0]) < (Real)1)
if (r(e.axis[2], e.axis[0]) > (Real)-1)
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[1], e.axis[0]),
r(e.axis[0], e.axis[0]));
e.angle[1] = std::asin(-sgn * r(e.axis[2], e.axis[0]));
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[2], e.axis[1]),
r(e.axis[2], e.axis[2]));
e.result = ER_UNIQUE;
e.angle[2] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = sgn * (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI;
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(-sgn * r(e.axis[1], e.axis[2]),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_DIF;
e.angle[2] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = -sgn * (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI;
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(-sgn * r(e.axis[1], e.axis[2]),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_SUM;
// Map (0,1,2), (1,2,0), and (2,0,1) to +1.
// Map (0,2,1), (2,1,0), and (1,0,2) to -1.
int parity = (((e.axis[0] | (e.axis[1] << 2)) >> e.axis[2]) & 1);
Real const sgn = (parity & 1 ? (Real)+1 : (Real)-1);
if (r(e.axis[0], e.axis[2]) < (Real)1)
if (r(e.axis[0], e.axis[2]) > (Real)-1)
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[1], e.axis[2]),
r(e.axis[2], e.axis[2]));
e.angle[1] = std::asin(-sgn * r(e.axis[0], e.axis[2]));
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[0], e.axis[1]),
r(e.axis[0], e.axis[0]));
e.result = ER_UNIQUE;
e.angle[0] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = sgn * (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI;
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(-sgn * r(e.axis[1], e.axis[0]),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_DIF;
e.angle[0] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = -sgn * (Real)GTE_C_HALF_PI;
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(-sgn * r(e.axis[1], e.axis[0]),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_SUM;
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
// Map (0,2,0), (1,0,1), and (2,1,2) to +1.
// Map (0,1,0), (1,2,1), and (2,0,2) to -1.
int b0 = 3 - e.axis[1] - e.axis[2];
int parity = (((b0 | (e.axis[1] << 2)) >> e.axis[2]) & 1);
Real const sgn = (parity & 1 ? (Real)+1 : (Real)-1);
if (r(e.axis[2], e.axis[2]) < (Real)1)
if (r(e.axis[2], e.axis[2]) > (Real)-1)
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(r(e.axis[1], e.axis[2]),
sgn * r(b0, e.axis[2]));
e.angle[1] = std::acos(r(e.axis[2], e.axis[2]));
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(r(e.axis[2], e.axis[1]),
-sgn * r(e.axis[2], b0));
e.result = ER_UNIQUE;
e.angle[2] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = (Real)GTE_C_PI;
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[1], b0),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_DIF;
e.angle[2] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = (Real)0;
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[1], b0),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_SUM;
// Map (0,2,0), (1,0,1), and (2,1,2) to -1.
// Map (0,1,0), (1,2,1), and (2,0,2) to +1.
int b2 = 3 - e.axis[0] - e.axis[1];
int parity = (((b2 | (e.axis[1] << 2)) >> e.axis[0]) & 1);
Real const sgn = (parity & 1 ? (Real)-1 : (Real)+1);
if (r(e.axis[0], e.axis[0]) < (Real)1)
if (r(e.axis[0], e.axis[0]) > (Real)-1)
e.angle[0] = std::atan2(r(e.axis[1], e.axis[0]),
sgn * r(b2, e.axis[0]));
e.angle[1] = std::acos(r(e.axis[0], e.axis[0]));
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(r(e.axis[0], e.axis[1]),
-sgn * r(e.axis[0], b2));
e.result = ER_UNIQUE;
e.angle[0] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = (Real)GTE_C_PI;
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[1], b2),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_DIF;
e.angle[0] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = (Real)0;
e.angle[2] = std::atan2(sgn * r(e.axis[1], b2),
r(e.axis[1], e.axis[1]));
e.result = ER_NOT_UNIQUE_SUM;
// Invalid angles.
e.angle[0] = (Real)0;
e.angle[1] = (Real)0;
e.angle[2] = (Real)0;
e.result = ER_INVALID;
// Convert Euler angles to a rotation matrix. The three integer
// inputs are in {0,1,2} and correspond to world directions
// unit(0) = (1,0,0), unit(1) = (0,1,0), or unit(2) = (0,0,1). The
// triples (N0,N1,N2) must be in the following set,
// {(0,1,2),(0,2,1),(1,0,2),(1,2,0),(2,0,1),(2,1,0),
// (0,1,0),(0,2,0),(1,0,1),(1,2,1),(2,0,2),(2,1,2)}
// The rotation matrix is
// R(unit(N2),angleN2)*R(unit(N1),angleN1)*R(unit(N0),angleN0)
// or
// R(unit(N0),angleN0)*R(unit(N1),angleN1)*R(unit(N2),angleN2)
// The conventions of constructor Matrix3(axis,angle) apply here as
// well.
// NOTE: The reversal of order is chosen so that a rotation matrix
// built with one multiplication convention is the transpose of the
// rotation matrix built with the other multiplication convention.
// Thus,
// Matrix3x3<Real> R_mvconvention(N0,N1,N2,angleN0,angleN1,angleN2);
// Vector3<Real> V(...);
// Vector3<Real> U = R_mvconvention*V; // (u0,u1,u2) = R2*R1*R0*V
// Matrix3x3<Real> R_vmconvention(N0,N1,N2,angleN0,angleN1,angleN2);
// Vector3<Real> V(...);
// Vector3<Real> U = R_mvconvention*V; // (u0,u1,u2) = V*R0*R1*R2
// In either convention, you get the same 3-tuple U.
static void Convert(EulerAngles<Real> const& e, Matrix<N, N, Real>& r)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
if (0 <= e.axis[0] && e.axis[0] < 3
&& 0 <= e.axis[1] && e.axis[1] < 3
&& 0 <= e.axis[2] && e.axis[2] < 3
&& e.axis[1] != e.axis[0]
&& e.axis[1] != e.axis[2])
Matrix<N, N, Real> r0, r1, r2;
Convert(AxisAngle<N, Real>(Vector<N, Real>::Unit(e.axis[0]),
e.angle[0]), r0);
Convert(AxisAngle<N, Real>(Vector<N, Real>::Unit(e.axis[1]),
e.angle[1]), r1);
Convert(AxisAngle<N, Real>(Vector<N, Real>::Unit(e.axis[2]),
e.angle[2]), r2);
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
r = r2 * r1 * r0;
r = r0 * r1 * r2;
// Invalid angles.
// Convert a quaternion to an axis-angle pair, where
// q = sin(angle/2)*(axis[0]*i+axis[1]*j+axis[2]*k)+cos(angle/2)
static void Convert(Quaternion<Real> const& q, AxisAngle<N, Real>& a)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Real axisSqrLen = q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2];
if (axisSqrLen > (Real)0)
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
Real adjust = ((Real)1) / std::sqrt(axisSqrLen);
Real adjust = ((Real)-1) / std::sqrt(axisSqrLen);
a.axis[0] = q[0] * adjust;
a.axis[1] = q[1] * adjust;
a.axis[2] = q[2] * adjust;
Real cs = std::max(std::min(q[3], (Real)1), (Real)-1);
a.angle = (Real)2 * std::acos(cs);
// The angle is 0 (modulo 2*pi). Any axis will work, so choose
// the Unit(0) axis.
a.axis[0] = (Real)1;
a.angle = (Real)0;
// Convert an axis-angle pair to a quaternion, where
// q = sin(angle/2)*(axis[0]*i+axis[1]*j+axis[2]*k)+cos(angle/2)
static void Convert(AxisAngle<N, Real> const& a, Quaternion<Real>& q)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
#if defined(GTE_USE_MAT_VEC)
Real halfAngle = (Real)0.5 * a.angle;
Real halfAngle = (Real)-0.5 * a.angle;
Real sn = std::sin(halfAngle);
q[0] = sn * a.axis[0];
q[1] = sn * a.axis[1];
q[2] = sn * a.axis[2];
q[3] = std::cos(halfAngle);
// Convert a quaternion to Euler angles. The quaternion is converted
// to a matrix which is then converted to Euler angles.
static void Convert(Quaternion<Real> const& q, EulerAngles<Real>& e)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Matrix<N, N, Real> r;
Convert(q, r);
Convert(r, e);
// Convert Euler angles to a quaternion. The Euler angles are
// converted to a matrix which is then converted to a quaternion.
static void Convert(EulerAngles<Real> const& e, Quaternion<Real>& q)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Matrix<N, N, Real> r;
Convert(e, r);
Convert(r, q);
// Convert an axis-angle pair to Euler angles. The axis-angle pair
// is converted to a quaternion which is then converted to Euler
// angles.
static void Convert(AxisAngle<N, Real> const& a, EulerAngles<Real>& e)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Quaternion<Real> q;
Convert(a, q);
Convert(q, e);
// Convert Euler angles to an axis-angle pair. The Euler angles are
// converted to a quaternion which is then converted to an axis-angle
// pair.
static void Convert(EulerAngles<Real> const& e, AxisAngle<N, Real>& a)
static_assert(N == 3 || N == 4, "Dimension must be 3 or 4.");
Quaternion<Real> q;
Convert(e, q);
Convert(q, a);