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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/OdeSolver.h>
// The TVector template parameter allows you to create solvers with
// Vector<N,Real> when the dimension N is known at compile time or
// GVector<Real> when the dimension N is known at run time. Both classes
// have 'int GetSize() const' that allow OdeSolver-derived classes to query
// for the dimension.
namespace gte
template <typename Real, typename TVector>
class OdeRungeKutta4 : public OdeSolver<Real, TVector>
// Construction and destruction.
virtual ~OdeRungeKutta4() = default;
OdeRungeKutta4(Real tDelta, std::function<TVector(Real, TVector const&)> const& F)
OdeSolver<Real, TVector>(tDelta, F)
// Estimate x(t + tDelta) from x(t) using dx/dt = F(t,x). You may
// allow xIn and xOut to be the same object.
virtual void Update(Real tIn, TVector const& xIn, Real& tOut, TVector& xOut) override
// Compute the first step.
Real halfTDelta = (Real)0.5 * this->mTDelta;
TVector fTemp1 = this->mFunction(tIn, xIn);
TVector xTemp = xIn + halfTDelta * fTemp1;
// Compute the second step.
Real halfT = tIn + halfTDelta;
TVector fTemp2 = this->mFunction(halfT, xTemp);
xTemp = xIn + halfTDelta * fTemp2;
// Compute the third step.
TVector fTemp3 = this->mFunction(halfT, xTemp);
xTemp = xIn + this->mTDelta * fTemp3;
// Compute the fourth step.
Real sixthTDelta = this->mTDelta / (Real)6;
tOut = tIn + this->mTDelta;
TVector fTemp4 = this->mFunction(tOut, xTemp);
xOut = xIn + sixthTDelta * (fTemp1 + (Real)2 * (fTemp2 + fTemp3) + fTemp4);