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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2020.09.01
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/OrientedBox.h>
#include <Mathematics/ConvexHull2.h>
// Compute a minimum-area oriented box containing the specified points. The
// algorithm uses the rotating calipers method.
// The box is supported by the convex hull of the points, so the algorithm
// is really about computing the minimum-area box containing a convex polygon.
// The rotating calipers approach is O(n) in time for n polygon edges.
// A detailed description of the algorithm and implementation is found in
// NOTE: This algorithm guarantees a correct output only when ComputeType is
// an exact arithmetic type that supports division. In GTEngine, one such
// type is BSRational<UIntegerAP32> (arbitrary precision). Another such type
// is BSRational<UIntegerFP32<N>> (fixed precision), where N is chosen large
// enough for your input data sets. If you choose ComputeType to be 'float'
// or 'double', the output is not guaranteed to be correct.
// See GeometricTools/GTEngine/Samples/Geometrics/MinimumAreaBox2 for an
// example of how to use the code.
namespace gte
template <typename InputType, typename ComputeType>
class MinimumAreaBox2
// The class is a functor to support computing the minimum-area box of
// multiple data sets using the same class object.
mSupportIndices{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
// The points are arbitrary, so we must compute the convex hull from
// them in order to compute the minimum-area box. The input
// parameters are necessary for using ConvexHull2. NOTE: ConvexHull2
// guarantees that the hull does not have three consecutive collinear
// points.
OrientedBox2<InputType> operator()(int numPoints,
Vector2<InputType> const* points,
bool useRotatingCalipers = !std::is_floating_point<ComputeType>::value)
mNumPoints = numPoints;
mPoints = points;
// Get the convex hull of the points.
ConvexHull2<InputType> ch2;
ch2(mNumPoints, mPoints, (InputType)0);
int dimension = ch2.GetDimension();
OrientedBox2<InputType> minBox;
if (dimension == 0)
// The points are all effectively the same (using fuzzy
// epsilon).
| = mPoints[0];
minBox.axis[0] = Vector2<InputType>::Unit(0);
minBox.axis[1] = Vector2<InputType>::Unit(1);
minBox.extent[0] = (InputType)0;
minBox.extent[1] = (InputType)0;
mHull[0] = 0;
return minBox;
if (dimension == 1)
// The points effectively lie on a line (using fuzzy epsilon).
// Determine the extreme t-values for the points represented
// as P = origin + t*direction. We know that 'origin' is an
// input vertex, so we can start both t-extremes at zero.
Line2<InputType> const& line = ch2.GetLine();
InputType tmin = (InputType)0, tmax = (InputType)0;
int imin = 0, imax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i)
Vector2<InputType> diff = mPoints[i] - line.origin;
InputType t = Dot(diff, line.direction);
if (t > tmax)
tmax = t;
imax = i;
else if (t < tmin)
tmin = t;
imin = i;
| = line.origin + (InputType)0.5 * (tmin + tmax) * line.direction;
minBox.extent[0] = (InputType)0.5 * (tmax - tmin);
minBox.extent[1] = (InputType)0;
minBox.axis[0] = line.direction;
minBox.axis[1] = -Perp(line.direction);
mHull[0] = imin;
mHull[1] = imax;
return minBox;
mHull = ch2.GetHull();
Vector2<InputType> const* vertices = ch2.GetPoints();
std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> computePoints(mHull.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < mHull.size(); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
computePoints[i][j] = vertices[mHull[i]][j];
Box box;
if (useRotatingCalipers)
box = ComputeBoxForEdgeOrderN(computePoints);
box = ComputeBoxForEdgeOrderNSqr(computePoints);
ConvertTo(box, computePoints, minBox);
return minBox;
// The points already form a counterclockwise, nondegenerate convex
// polygon. If the points directly are the convex polygon, set
// numIndices to 0 and indices to nullptr. If the polygon vertices
// are a subset of the incoming points, that subset is identified by
// numIndices >= 3 and indices having numIndices elements.
OrientedBox2<InputType> operator()(int numPoints,
Vector2<InputType> const* points, int numIndices, int const* indices,
bool useRotatingCalipers = !std::is_floating_point<ComputeType>::value)
OrientedBox2<InputType> minBox;
if (numPoints < 3 || !points || (indices && numIndices < 3))
| = Vector2<InputType>::Zero();
minBox.axis[0] = Vector2<InputType>::Unit(0);
minBox.axis[1] = Vector2<InputType>::Unit(1);
minBox.extent = Vector2<InputType>::Zero();
return minBox;
if (indices)
std::copy(indices, indices + numIndices, mHull.begin());
numIndices = numPoints;
for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i)
mHull[i] = i;
std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> computePoints(numIndices);
for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i)
int h = mHull[i];
computePoints[i][0] = (ComputeType)points[h][0];
computePoints[i][1] = (ComputeType)points[h][1];
Box box;
if (useRotatingCalipers)
box = ComputeBoxForEdgeOrderN(computePoints);
box = ComputeBoxForEdgeOrderNSqr(computePoints);
ConvertTo(box, computePoints, minBox);
return minBox;
// Member access.
inline int GetNumPoints() const
return mNumPoints;
inline Vector2<InputType> const* GetPoints() const
return mPoints;
inline std::vector<int> const& GetHull() const
return mHull;
inline std::array<int, 4> const& GetSupportIndices() const
return mSupportIndices;
inline InputType GetArea() const
return mArea;
// The box axes are U[i] and are usually not unit-length in order to
// allow exact arithmetic. The box is supported by mPoints[index[i]],
// where i is one of the enumerations above. The box axes are not
// necessarily unit length, but they have the same length. They need
// to be normalized for conversion back to InputType.
struct Box
Vector2<ComputeType> U[2];
std::array<int, 4> index; // order: bottom, right, top, left
ComputeType sqrLenU0, area;
// The rotating calipers algorithm has a loop invariant that requires
// the convex polygon not to have collinear points. Any such points
// must be removed first. The code is also executed for the O(n^2)
// algorithm to reduce the number of process edges.
void RemoveCollinearPoints(std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>>& vertices)
std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> tmpVertices = vertices;
int const numVertices = static_cast<int>(vertices.size());
int numNoncollinear = 0;
Vector2<ComputeType> ePrev = tmpVertices[0] - tmpVertices.back();
for (int i0 = 0, i1 = 1; i0 < numVertices; ++i0)
Vector2<ComputeType> eNext = tmpVertices[i1] - tmpVertices[i0];
ComputeType dp = DotPerp(ePrev, eNext);
if (dp != mZero)
vertices[numNoncollinear++] = tmpVertices[i0];
ePrev = eNext;
if (++i1 == numVertices)
i1 = 0;
// This is the slow O(n^2) search.
Box ComputeBoxForEdgeOrderNSqr(std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> const& vertices)
Box minBox;
minBox.area = mNegOne;
int const numIndices = static_cast<int>(vertices.size());
for (int i0 = numIndices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numIndices; i0 = i1++)
Box box = SmallestBox(i0, i1, vertices);
if (minBox.area == mNegOne || box.area < minBox.area)
minBox = box;
return minBox;
// The fast O(n) search.
Box ComputeBoxForEdgeOrderN(std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> const& vertices)
// The inputs are assumed to be the vertices of a convex polygon
// that is counterclockwise ordered. The input points must not
// contain three consecutive collinear points.
// When the bounding box corresponding to a polygon edge is
// computed, we mark the edge as visited. If the edge is
// encountered later, the algorithm terminates.
std::vector<bool> visited(vertices.size());
std::fill(visited.begin(), visited.end(), false);
// Start the minimum-area rectangle search with the edge from the
// last polygon vertex to the first. When updating the extremes,
// we want the bottom-most point on the left edge, the top-most
// point on the right edge, the left-most point on the top edge,
// and the right-most point on the bottom edge. The polygon edges
// starting at these points are then guaranteed not to coincide
// with a box edge except when an extreme point is shared by two
// box edges (at a corner).
Box minBox = SmallestBox((int)vertices.size() - 1, 0, vertices);
visited[minBox.index[0]] = true;
// Execute the rotating calipers algorithm.
Box box = minBox;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
std::array<std::pair<ComputeType, int>, 4> A;
int numA;
if (!ComputeAngles(vertices, box, A, numA))
// The polygon is a rectangle, so the search is over.
// Indirectly sort the A-array.
std::array<int, 4> sort = SortAngles(A, numA);
// Update the supporting indices (box.index[]) and the box
// axis directions (box.U[]).
if (!UpdateSupport(A, numA, sort, vertices, visited, box))
// We have already processed the box polygon edge, so the
// search is over.
if (box.area < minBox.area)
minBox = box;
return minBox;
// Compute the smallest box for the polygon edge <V[i0],V[i1]>.
Box SmallestBox(int i0, int i1, std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> const& vertices)
Box box;
box.U[0] = vertices[i1] - vertices[i0];
box.U[1] = -Perp(box.U[0]);
box.index = { i1, i1, i1, i1 };
box.sqrLenU0 = Dot(box.U[0], box.U[0]);
Vector2<ComputeType> const& origin = vertices[i1];
Vector2<ComputeType> support[4];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
support[j] = { mZero, mZero };
int i = 0;
for (auto const& vertex : vertices)
Vector2<ComputeType> diff = vertex - origin;
Vector2<ComputeType> v = { Dot(box.U[0], diff), Dot(box.U[1], diff) };
// The right-most vertex of the bottom edge is vertices[i1].
// The assumption of no triple of collinear vertices
// guarantees that box.index[0] is i1, which is the initial
// value assigned at the beginning of this function.
// Therefore, there is no need to test for other vertices
// farther to the right than vertices[i1].
if (v[0] > support[1][0] ||
(v[0] == support[1][0] && v[1] > support[1][1]))
// New right maximum OR same right maximum but closer
// to top.
box.index[1] = i;
support[1] = v;
if (v[1] > support[2][1] ||
(v[1] == support[2][1] && v[0] < support[2][0]))
// New top maximum OR same top maximum but closer
// to left.
box.index[2] = i;
support[2] = v;
if (v[0] < support[3][0] ||
(v[0] == support[3][0] && v[1] < support[3][1]))
// New left minimum OR same left minimum but closer
// to bottom.
box.index[3] = i;
support[3] = v;
// The comment in the loop has the implication that
// support[0] = { 0, 0 }, so the scaled height
// (support[2][1] - support[0][1]) is simply support[2][1].
ComputeType scaledWidth = support[1][0] - support[3][0];
ComputeType scaledHeight = support[2][1];
box.area = scaledWidth * scaledHeight / box.sqrLenU0;
return box;
// Compute (sin(angle))^2 for the polygon edges emanating from the
// support vertices of the box. The return value is 'true' if at
// least one angle is in [0,pi/2); otherwise, the return value is
// 'false' and the original polygon must be a rectangle.
bool ComputeAngles(std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> const& vertices,
Box const& box, std::array<std::pair<ComputeType, int>, 4>& A, int& numA) const
int const numVertices = static_cast<int>(vertices.size());
numA = 0;
for (int k0 = 3, k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k0 = k1++)
if (box.index[k0] != box.index[k1])
// The box edges are ordered in k1 as U[0], U[1],
// -U[0], -U[1].
Vector2<ComputeType> D = ((k0 & 2) ? -box.U[k0 & 1] : box.U[k0 & 1]);
int j0 = box.index[k0], j1 = j0 + 1;
if (j1 == numVertices)
j1 = 0;
Vector2<ComputeType> E = vertices[j1] - vertices[j0];
ComputeType dp = DotPerp(D, E);
ComputeType esqrlen = Dot(E, E);
ComputeType sinThetaSqr = (dp * dp) / esqrlen;
A[numA++] = std::make_pair(sinThetaSqr, k0);
return numA > 0;
// Sort the angles indirectly. The sorted indices are returned.
// This avoids swapping elements of A[], which can be expensive when
// ComputeType is an exact rational type.
std::array<int, 4> SortAngles(std::array<std::pair<ComputeType, int>, 4> const& A, int numA) const
std::array<int, 4> sort = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
if (numA > 1)
if (numA == 2)
if (A[sort[0]].first > A[sort[1]].first)
std::swap(sort[0], sort[1]);
else if (numA == 3)
if (A[sort[0]].first > A[sort[1]].first)
std::swap(sort[0], sort[1]);
if (A[sort[0]].first > A[sort[2]].first)
std::swap(sort[0], sort[2]);
if (A[sort[1]].first > A[sort[2]].first)
std::swap(sort[1], sort[2]);
else // numA == 4
if (A[sort[0]].first > A[sort[1]].first)
std::swap(sort[0], sort[1]);
if (A[sort[2]].first > A[sort[3]].first)
std::swap(sort[2], sort[3]);
if (A[sort[0]].first > A[sort[2]].first)
std::swap(sort[0], sort[2]);
if (A[sort[1]].first > A[sort[3]].first)
std::swap(sort[1], sort[3]);
if (A[sort[1]].first > A[sort[2]].first)
std::swap(sort[1], sort[2]);
return sort;
bool UpdateSupport(std::array<std::pair<ComputeType, int>, 4> const& A,
int numA, std::array<int, 4> const& sort,
std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> const& vertices,
std::vector<bool>& visited, Box& box)
// Replace the support vertices of those edges attaining minimum
// angle with the other endpoints of the edges.
int const numVertices = static_cast<int>(vertices.size());
auto const& amin = A[sort[0]];
for (int k = 0; k < numA; ++k)
auto const& a = A[sort[k]];
if (a.first == amin.first)
if (++box.index[a.second] == numVertices)
box.index[a.second] = 0;
int bottom = box.index[amin.second];
if (visited[bottom])
// We have already processed this polygon edge.
return false;
visited[bottom] = true;
// Cycle the vertices so that the bottom support occurs first.
std::array<int, 4> nextIndex;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
nextIndex[k] = box.index[(amin.second + k) % 4];
box.index = nextIndex;
// Compute the box axis directions.
int j1 = box.index[0], j0 = j1 - 1;
if (j0 < 0)
j0 = numVertices - 1;
box.U[0] = vertices[j1] - vertices[j0];
box.U[1] = -Perp(box.U[0]);
box.sqrLenU0 = Dot(box.U[0], box.U[0]);
// Compute the box area.
Vector2<ComputeType> diff[2] =
vertices[box.index[1]] - vertices[box.index[3]],
vertices[box.index[2]] - vertices[box.index[0]]
box.area = Dot(box.U[0], diff[0]) * Dot(box.U[1], diff[1]) / box.sqrLenU0;
return true;
// Convert the ComputeType box to the InputType box. When the
// ComputeType is an exact rational type, the conversions are
// performed to avoid precision loss until necessary at the last step.
void ConvertTo(Box const& minBox,
std::vector<Vector2<ComputeType>> const& computePoints,
OrientedBox2<InputType>& itMinBox)
// The sum, difference, and center are all computed exactly.
Vector2<ComputeType> sum[2] =
computePoints[minBox.index[1]] + computePoints[minBox.index[3]],
computePoints[minBox.index[2]] + computePoints[minBox.index[0]]
Vector2<ComputeType> difference[2] =
computePoints[minBox.index[1]] - computePoints[minBox.index[3]],
computePoints[minBox.index[2]] - computePoints[minBox.index[0]]
Vector2<ComputeType> center = mHalf * (
Dot(minBox.U[0], sum[0]) * minBox.U[0] +
Dot(minBox.U[1], sum[1]) * minBox.U[1]) / minBox.sqrLenU0;
// Calculate the squared extent using ComputeType to avoid loss of
// precision before computing a squared root.
Vector2<ComputeType> sqrExtent;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
sqrExtent[i] = mHalf * Dot(minBox.U[i], difference[i]);
sqrExtent[i] *= sqrExtent[i];
sqrExtent[i] /= minBox.sqrLenU0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
|[i] = (InputType)center[i];
itMinBox.extent[i] = std::sqrt((InputType)sqrExtent[i]);
// Before converting to floating-point, factor out the maximum
// component using ComputeType to generate rational numbers in
// a range that avoids loss of precision during the conversion
// and normalization.
Vector2<ComputeType> const& axis = minBox.U[i];
ComputeType cmax = std::max(std::fabs(axis[0]), std::fabs(axis[1]));
ComputeType invCMax = mOne / cmax;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
itMinBox.axis[i][j] = (InputType)(axis[j] * invCMax);
mSupportIndices = minBox.index;
mArea = (InputType)minBox.area;
// The input points to be bound.
int mNumPoints;
Vector2<InputType> const* mPoints;
// The indices into mPoints/mComputePoints for the convex hull
// vertices.
std::vector<int> mHull;
// The support indices for the minimum-area box.
std::array<int, 4> mSupportIndices;
// The area of the minimum-area box. The ComputeType value is
// exact, so the only rounding errors occur in the conversion from
// ComputeType to InputType (default rounding mode is
// round-to-nearest-ties-to-even).
InputType mArea;
// Convenient values that occur regularly in the code. When using
// rational ComputeType, we construct these numbers only once.
ComputeType mZero, mOne, mNegOne, mHalf;