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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 5.10.2021.04.30
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/TIQuery.h>
#include <Mathematics/Triangle.h>
#include <Mathematics/Cylinder3.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector2.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector3.h>
// An algorithm for the test-intersection query between a triangle and a
// finite cylinder is described in
// The code here is an implementation of that algorithm. The comments include
// references to Figure 1 of the PDF.
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class TIQuery<Real, Triangle3<Real>, Cylinder3<Real>>
struct Result
Result(bool inIntersect = false)
bool intersect;
Result operator()(Triangle3<Real> const& triangle, Cylinder3<Real> const& cylinder)
// Get a right-handed orthonormal basis from the cylinder axis
// direction.
std::array<Vector3<Real>, 3> basis{}; // {U2,U0,U1}
basis[0] = cylinder.axis.direction;
// Compute coordinates of the triangle vertices in the coordinate
// system {C;U0,U1,U2}, where C is the cylinder center and U2 is
// the cylinder direction. The basis {U0,U1,U2} is orthonormal and
// right-handed.
std::array<Vector3<Real>, 3> P{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
Vector3<Real> delta = triangle.v[i] - cylinder.axis.origin;
P[i][0] = Dot(basis[1], delta); // x[i]
P[i][1] = Dot(basis[2], delta); // y[i]
P[i][2] = Dot(basis[0], delta); // z[i]
// Sort the triangle vertices so that z[0] <= z[1] <= z[2].
size_t j0, j1, j2;
if (P[0][2] < P[1][2])
if (P[2][2] < P[0][2])
j0 = 2;
j1 = 0;
j2 = 1;
else if (P[2][2] < P[1][2])
j0 = 0;
j1 = 2;
j2 = 1;
j0 = 0;
j1 = 1;
j2 = 2;
if (P[2][2] < P[1][2])
j0 = 2;
j1 = 1;
j2 = 0;
else if (P[2][2] < P[0][2])
j0 = 1;
j1 = 2;
j2 = 0;
j0 = 1;
j1 = 0;
j2 = 2;
std::array<Real, 3> z = { P[j0][2], P[j1][2], P[j2][2] };
// Maintain the xy-components and z-components separately. The
// z-components are used for clipping against bottom and top
// planes of the cylinder. The xy-components are used for
// disk-containment tests x * x + y * y <= r * r.
// Attempt an early exit by testing whether the triangle is
// strictly outside the cylinder slab -h/2 < z < h/2.
Real const hhalf = static_cast<Real>(0.5) * cylinder.height;
if (z[2] < -hhalf)
// The triangle is strictly below the bottom-disk plane of
// the cylinder. See case 0a of Figure 1 in the PDF.
return Result(false);
if (z[0] > hhalf)
// The triangle is strictly above the top-disk plane of the
// cylinder. See case 0b of Figure 1 in the PDF.
return Result(false);
// Project the triangle vertices onto the xy-plane.
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 3> Q
Vector2<Real>{ P[j0][0], P[j0][1] },
Vector2<Real>{ P[j1][0], P[j1][1] },
Vector2<Real>{ P[j2][0], P[j2][1] }
// Attempt an early exit when the triangle does not have to be
// clipped.
Real const& radius = cylinder.radius;
if (-hhalf <= z[0] && z[2] <= hhalf)
// The triangle is between the planes of the top-disk and
// the bottom disk of the cylinder. Determine whether the
// projection of the triangle onto a plane perpendicular
// to the cylinder axis overlaps the disk of projection
// of the cylinder onto the same plane. See case 3a of
// Figure 1 of the PDF.
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(3,, radius));
// Clip against |z| <= h/2. At this point we know that z2 >= -h/2
// and z0 <= h/2 with either z0 < -h/2 or z2 > h/2 or both. The
// test-intersection query involves testing for overlap between
// the xy-projection of the clipped triangle and the xy-projection
// of the cylinder (a disk in the projection plane). The code
// below computes the vertices of the projection of the clipped
// triangle. The t-values of the triangle-edge parameterizations
// satisfy 0 <= t <= 1.
if (z[0] < -hhalf)
if (z[2] > hhalf)
if (z[1] >= hhalf)
// Cases 4a and 4b of Figure 1 in the PDF.
// The edge <V0,V1> is parameterized by V0+t*(V1-V0).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z0 + t * (z1 - z0)
// t = (-h/2 - z0) / (z1 - z0) = numerNeg0 / denom10
// and on the tob of the slab,
// +h/2 = z0 + t * (z1 - z0)
// t = (+h/2 - z0) / (z1 - z0) = numerPos0 / denom10
// The edge <V0,V2> is parameterized by V0+t*(V2-V0).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z0 + t * (z2 - z0)
// t = (-h/2 - z0) / (z2 - z0) = numerNeg0 / denom20
// and on the tob of the slab,
// +h/2 = z0 + t * (z2 - z0)
// t = (+h/2 - z0) / (z2 - z0) = numerPos0 / denom20
Real numerNeg0 = -hhalf - z[0];
Real numerPos0 = +hhalf - z[0];
Real denom10 = z[1] - z[0];
Real denom20 = z[2] - z[0];
Vector2<Real> dir20 = (Q[2] - Q[0]) / denom20;
Vector2<Real> dir10 = (Q[1] - Q[0]) / denom10;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 4> polygon
Q[0] + numerNeg0 * dir20,
Q[0] + numerNeg0 * dir10,
Q[0] + numerPos0 * dir10,
Q[0] + numerPos0 * dir20
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(4,, radius));
else if (z[1] <= -hhalf)
// Cases 4c and 4d of Figure 1 of the PDF.
// The edge <V2,V0> is parameterized by V0+t*(V2-V0).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z2 + t * (z0 - z2)
// t = (-h/2 - z2) / (z0 - z2) = numerNeg2 / denom02
// and on the tob of the slab,
// +h/2 = z2 + t * (z0 - z2)
// t = (+h/2 - z2) / (z0 - z2) = numerPos2 / denom02
// The edge <V2,V1> is parameterized by V2+t*(V1-V2).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z2 + t * (z1 - z2)
// t = (-h/2 - z2) / (z1 - z2) = numerNeg2 / denom12
// and on the top of the slab,
// +h/2 = z2 + t * (z1 - z2)
// t = (+h/2 - z2) / (z1 - z2) = numerPos2 / denom12
Real numerNeg2 = -hhalf - z[2];
Real numerPos2 = +hhalf - z[2];
Real denom02 = z[0] - z[2];
Real denom12 = z[1] - z[2];
Vector2<Real> dir02 = (Q[0] - Q[2]) / denom02;
Vector2<Real> dir12 = (Q[1] - Q[2]) / denom12;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 4> polygon
Q[2] + numerNeg2 * dir02,
Q[2] + numerNeg2 * dir12,
Q[2] + numerPos2 * dir12,
Q[2] + numerPos2 * dir02
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(4,, radius));
else // -hhalf < z[1] < hhalf
// Case 5 of Figure 1 of the PDF.
// The edge <V0,V2> is parameterized by V0+t*(V2-V0).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z0 + t * (z2 - z0)
// t = (-h/2 - z0) / (z2 - z0) = numerNeg0 / denom20
// and on the tob of the slab,
// +h/2 = z0 + t * (z2 - z0)
// t = (+h/2 - z0) / (z2 - z0) = numerPos0 / denom20
// The edge <V1,V0> is parameterized by V1+t*(V0-V1).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z1 + t * (z0 - z1)
// t = (-h/2 - z1) / (z0 - z1) = numerNeg1 / denom01
// The edge <V1,V2> is parameterized by V1+t*(V2-V1).
// On the top of the slab,
// +h/2 = z1 + t * (z2 - z1)
// t = (+h/2 - z1) / (z2 - z1) = numerPos1 / denom21
Real numerNeg0 = -hhalf - z[0];
Real numerPos0 = +hhalf - z[0];
Real numerNeg1 = -hhalf - z[1];
Real numerPos1 = +hhalf - z[1];
Real denom20 = z[2] - z[0];
Real denom01 = z[0] - z[1];
Real denom21 = z[2] - z[1];
Vector2<Real> dir20 = (Q[2] - Q[0]) / denom20;
Vector2<Real> dir01 = (Q[0] - Q[1]) / denom01;
Vector2<Real> dir21 = (Q[2] - Q[1]) / denom21;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 5> polygon
Q[0] + numerNeg0 * dir20,
Q[1] + numerNeg1 * dir01,
Q[1] + numerPos1 * dir21,
Q[0] + numerPos0 * dir20
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(5,, radius));
else if (z[2] > -hhalf)
if (z[1] <= -hhalf)
// Cases 3b and 3c of Figure 1 of the PDF.
// The edge <V2,V0> is parameterized by V2+t*(V0-V2).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z2 + t * (z0 - z2)
// t = (-h/2 - z2) / (z0 - z2) = numerNeg2 / denom02
// The edge <V2,V1> is parameterized by V2+t*(V1-V2).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z2 + t * (z1 - z2)
// t = (-h/2 - z2) / (z1 - z2) = numerNeg2 / denom12
Real numerNeg2 = -hhalf - z[2];
Real denom02 = z[0] - z[2];
Real denom12 = z[1] - z[2];
Vector2<Real> dir02 = (Q[0] - Q[2]) / denom02;
Vector2<Real> dir12 = (Q[1] - Q[2]) / denom12;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 3> polygon
Q[2] + numerNeg2 * dir02,
Q[2] + numerNeg2 * dir12
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(3,, radius));
else // z[1] > -hhalf
// Case 4e of Figure 1 of the PDF.
// The edge <V0,V1> is parameterized by V0+t*(V1-V0).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z0 + t * (z1 - z0)
// t = (-h/2 - z0) / (z1 - z0) = numerNeg0 / denom10
// The edge <V0,V2> is parameterized by V0+t*(V2-V0).
// On the bottom of the slab,
// -h/2 = z0 + t * (z2 - z0)
// t = (-h/2 - z0) / (z2 - z0) = numerNeg0 / denom20
Real numerNeg0 = -hhalf - z[0];
Real denom10 = z[1] - z[0];
Real denom20 = z[2] - z[0];
Vector2<Real> dir20 = (Q[2] - Q[0]) / denom20;
Vector2<Real> dir10 = (Q[1] - Q[0]) / denom10;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 4> polygon
Q[0] + numerNeg0 * dir20,
Q[0] + numerNeg0 * dir10,
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(4,, radius));
else // z[2] == -hhalf
if (z[1] < -hhalf)
// Case 1a of Figure 1 of the PDF.
return Result(DiskOverlapsPoint(Q[2], radius));
// Case 2a of Figure 1 of the PDF.
return Result(DiskOverlapsSegment(Q[1], Q[2], radius));
else if (z[0] < hhalf)
if (z[1] >= hhalf)
// Cases 3d and 3e of Figure 1 of the PDF.
// The edge <V0,V1> is parameterized by V0+t*(V1-V0).
// On the top of the slab,
// +h/2 = z0 + t * (z1 - z0)
// t = (+h/2 - z0) / (z1 - z0) = numerPos0 / denom10
// The edge <V0,V2> is parameterized by V0+t*(V2-V0).
// On the top of the slab,
// +h/2 = z0 + t * (z2 - z0)
// t = (+h/2 - z0) / (z2 - z0) = numerPos0 / denom20
Real numerPos0 = +hhalf - z[0];
Real denom10 = z[1] - z[0];
Real denom20 = z[2] - z[0];
Vector2<Real> dir10 = (Q[1] - Q[0]) / denom10;
Vector2<Real> dir20 = (Q[2] - Q[0]) / denom20;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 3> polygon
Q[0] + numerPos0 * dir10,
Q[0] + numerPos0 * dir20
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(3,, radius));
else // z[1] < hhalf
// Case 4f of Figure 1 of the PDF.
// The edge <V2,V0> is parameterized by V2+t*(V0-V2).
// On the top of the slab,
// +h/2 = z2 + t * (z0 - z2)
// t = (+h/2 - z2) / (z0 - z2) = numerPos2 / denom02
// The edge <V2,V1> is parameterized by V2+t*(V1-V2).
// On the top of the slab,
// +h/2 = z2 + t * (z1 - z2)
// t = (+h/2 - z2) / (z1 - z2) = numerPos2 / denom12
Real numerPos2 = +hhalf - z[2];
Real denom02 = z[0] - z[2];
Real denom12 = z[1] - z[2];
Vector2<Real> dir02 = (Q[0] - Q[2]) / denom02;
Vector2<Real> dir12 = (Q[1] - Q[2]) / denom12;
std::array<Vector2<Real>, 4> polygon
Q[2] + numerPos2 * dir12,
Q[2] + numerPos2 * dir02
return Result(DiskOverlapsPolygon(4,, radius));
else // z[0] == hhalf
if (z[1] > hhalf)
// Case 1b of Figure 1 of the PDF.
return Result(DiskOverlapsPoint(Q[0], radius));
// Case 2b of Figure 1 of the PDF.
return Result(DiskOverlapsSegment(Q[0], Q[1], radius));
// Support for the static test query.
bool DiskOverlapsPoint(Vector2<Real> const& Q, Real const& radius) const
return Dot(Q, Q) <= radius * radius;
bool DiskOverlapsSegment(Vector2<Real> const& Q0, Vector2<Real> const& Q1,
Real const& radius) const
Real sqrRadius = radius * radius;
Vector2<Real> direction = Q0 - Q1;
Real dot = Dot(Q0, direction);
if (dot <= static_cast<Real>(0))
return Dot(Q0, Q0) <= sqrRadius;
Real sqrLength = Dot(direction, direction);
if (dot >= sqrLength)
return Dot(Q1, Q1) <= sqrRadius;
dot = DotPerp(direction, Q0);
return dot * dot <= sqrLength * sqrRadius;
bool DiskOverlapsPolygon(size_t numVertices, Vector2<Real> const* Q,
Real const& radius) const
// Test whether the polygon contains (0,0).
Real const zero = static_cast<Real>(0);
size_t positive = 0, negative = 0;
size_t i0, i1;
for (i0 = numVertices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numVertices; i0 = i1++)
Real dot = DotPerp(Q[i0], Q[i0] - Q[i1]);
if (dot > zero)
else if (dot < zero)
if (positive == 0 || negative == 0)
// The polygon contains (0,0), so the disk and polygon
// overlap.
return true;
// Test whether any edge is overlapped by the polygon.
for (i0 = numVertices - 1, i1 = 0; i1 < numVertices; i0 = i1++)
if (DiskOverlapsSegment(Q[i0], Q[i1], radius))
return true;
return false;