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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/FIQuery.h>
#include <Mathematics/TIQuery.h>
#include <Mathematics/Hypersphere.h>
#include <Mathematics/Circle3.h>
// The queries consider the spheres to be solids.
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class TIQuery<Real, Sphere3<Real>, Sphere3<Real>>
struct Result
bool intersect;
Result operator()(Sphere3<Real> const& sphere0, Sphere3<Real> const& sphere1)
Result result;
Vector3<Real> diff = -;
Real rSum = sphere0.radius + sphere1.radius;
result.intersect = (Dot(diff, diff) <= rSum * rSum);
return result;
template <typename Real>
class FIQuery<Real, Sphere3<Real>, Sphere3<Real>>
struct Result
bool intersect;
// The type of intersection.
// 0: spheres are disjoint and separated
// 1: spheres touch at point, each sphere outside the other
// 2: spheres intersect in a circle
// 3: sphere0 strictly contained in sphere1
// 4: sphere0 contained in sphere1, share common point
// 5: sphere1 strictly contained in sphere0
// 6: sphere1 contained in sphere0, share common point
int type;
Vector3<Real> point; // types 1, 4, 6
Circle3<Real> circle; // type 2
Result operator()(Sphere3<Real> const& sphere0, Sphere3<Real> const& sphere1)
Result result;
// The plane of intersection must have C1-C0 as its normal
// direction.
Vector3<Real> C1mC0 = -;
Real sqrLen = Dot(C1mC0, C1mC0);
Real r0 = sphere0.radius, r1 = sphere1.radius;
Real rSum = r0 + r1;
Real rSumSqr = rSum * rSum;
if (sqrLen > rSumSqr)
// The spheres are disjoint/separated.
result.intersect = false;
result.type = 0;
return result;
if (sqrLen == rSumSqr)
// The spheres are just touching with each sphere outside the
// other.
result.intersect = true;
result.type = 1;
result.point = + r0 * C1mC0;
return result;
Real rDif = r0 - r1;
Real rDifSqr = rDif * rDif;
if (sqrLen < rDifSqr)
// One sphere is strictly contained in the other. Compute a
// point in the intersection set.
result.intersect = true;
result.type = (rDif <= (Real)0 ? 3 : 5);
result.point = ((Real)0.5) * ( +;
return result;
if (sqrLen == rDifSqr)
// One sphere is contained in the other sphere but with a
// single point of contact.
result.intersect = true;
if (rDif <= (Real)0)
result.type = 4;
result.point = + r1 * C1mC0;
result.type = 6;
result.point = + r0 * C1mC0;
return result;
// Compute t for which the circle of intersection has center
// K = C0 + t*(C1 - C0).
Real t = ((Real)0.5) * ((Real)1 + rDif * rSum / sqrLen);
// Compute the center and radius of the circle of intersection. = + t * C1mC0; = std::sqrt(std::max(r0 * r0 - t * t * sqrLen, (Real)0));
// Compute the normal for the plane of the circle.
Normalize(C1mC0); = C1mC0;
// The intersection is a circle.
result.intersect = true;
result.type = 2;
return result;