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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Logger.h>
#include <Mathematics/DCPQuery.h>
#include <Mathematics/Circle3.h>
#include <Mathematics/Polynomial1.h>
#include <Mathematics/RootsPolynomial.h>
#include <set>
// The 3D circle-circle distance algorithm is described in
// The notation used in the code matches that of the document.
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class DCPQuery<Real, Circle3<Real>, Circle3<Real>>
struct Result
Real distance, sqrDistance;
int numClosestPairs;
Vector3<Real> circle0Closest[2], circle1Closest[2];
bool equidistant;
Result operator()(Circle3<Real> const& circle0, Circle3<Real> const& circle1)
Result result;
Vector3<Real> const vzero = Vector3<Real>::Zero();
Real const zero = (Real)0;
Vector3<Real> N0 = circle0.normal, N1 = circle1.normal;
Real r0 = circle0.radius, r1 = circle1.radius;
Vector3<Real> D = -;
Vector3<Real> N0xN1 = Cross(N0, N1);
if (N0xN1 != vzero)
// Get parameters for constructing the degree-8 polynomial phi.
Real const one = (Real)1, two = (Real)2;
Real r0sqr = r0 * r0, r1sqr = r1 * r1;
// Compute U1 and V1 for the plane of circle1.
Vector3<Real> basis[3];
basis[0] = circle1.normal;
ComputeOrthogonalComplement(1, basis);
Vector3<Real> U1 = basis[1], V1 = basis[2];
// Construct the polynomial phi(cos(theta)).
Vector3<Real> N0xD = Cross(N0, D);
Vector3<Real> N0xU1 = Cross(N0, U1), N0xV1 = Cross(N0, V1);
Real a0 = r1 * Dot(D, U1), a1 = r1 * Dot(D, V1);
Real a2 = Dot(N0xD, N0xD), a3 = r1 * Dot(N0xD, N0xU1);
Real a4 = r1 * Dot(N0xD, N0xV1), a5 = r1sqr * Dot(N0xU1, N0xU1);
Real a6 = r1sqr * Dot(N0xU1, N0xV1), a7 = r1sqr * Dot(N0xV1, N0xV1);
Polynomial1<Real> p0{ a2 + a7, two * a3, a5 - a7 };
Polynomial1<Real> p1{ two * a4, two * a6 };
Polynomial1<Real> p2{ zero, a1 };
Polynomial1<Real> p3{ -a0 };
Polynomial1<Real> p4{ -a6, a4, two * a6 };
Polynomial1<Real> p5{ -a3, a7 - a5 };
Polynomial1<Real> tmp0{ one, zero, -one };
Polynomial1<Real> tmp1 = p2 * p2 + tmp0 * p3 * p3;
Polynomial1<Real> tmp2 = two * p2 * p3;
Polynomial1<Real> tmp3 = p4 * p4 + tmp0 * p5 * p5;
Polynomial1<Real> tmp4 = two * p4 * p5;
Polynomial1<Real> p6 = p0 * tmp1 + tmp0 * p1 * tmp2 - r0sqr * tmp3;
Polynomial1<Real> p7 = p0 * tmp2 + p1 * tmp1 - r0sqr * tmp4;
// The use of 'double' is intentional in case Real is a BSNumber or
// BSRational type. We want the bisections to terminate in a
// reasonable amount of time.
//unsigned int const maxIterations = GTE_C_MAX_BISECTIONS_GENERIC;
unsigned int const maxIterations = 128;
Real roots[8], sn, temp;
int i, degree, numRoots;
// The RootsPolynomial<Real>::Find(...) function currently does not
// combine duplicate roots. We need only the unique ones here.
std::set<Real> uniqueRoots;
std::array<std::pair<Real, Real>, 16> pairs;
int numPairs = 0;
if (p7.GetDegree() > 0 || p7[0] != zero)
// H(cs,sn) = p6(cs) + sn * p7(cs)
Polynomial1<Real> phi = p6 * p6 - tmp0 * p7 * p7;
degree = static_cast<int>(phi.GetDegree());
LogAssert(degree > 0, "Unexpected degree for phi.");
numRoots = RootsPolynomial<Real>::Find(degree, &phi[0], maxIterations, roots);
for (i = 0; i < numRoots; ++i)
for (auto cs : uniqueRoots)
if (std::fabs(cs) <= one)
temp = p7(cs);
if (temp != zero)
sn = -p6(cs) / temp;
pairs[numPairs++] = std::make_pair(cs, sn);
temp = std::max(one - cs * cs, zero);
sn = std::sqrt(temp);
pairs[numPairs++] = std::make_pair(cs, sn);
if (sn != zero)
pairs[numPairs++] = std::make_pair(cs, -sn);
// H(cs,sn) = p6(cs)
degree = static_cast<int>(p6.GetDegree());
LogAssert(degree > 0, "Unexpected degree for p6.");
numRoots = RootsPolynomial<Real>::Find(degree, &p6[0], maxIterations, roots);
for (i = 0; i < numRoots; ++i)
for (auto cs : uniqueRoots)
if (std::fabs(cs) <= one)
temp = std::max(one - cs * cs, zero);
sn = std::sqrt(temp);
pairs[numPairs++] = std::make_pair(cs, sn);
if (sn != zero)
pairs[numPairs++] = std::make_pair(cs, -sn);
std::array<ClosestInfo, 16> candidates;
for (i = 0; i < numPairs; ++i)
ClosestInfo& info = candidates[i];
Vector3<Real> delta =
D + r1 * (pairs[i].first * U1 + pairs[i].second * V1);
info.circle1Closest = + delta;
Real N0dDelta = Dot(N0, delta);
Real lenN0xDelta = Length(Cross(N0, delta));
if (lenN0xDelta > (Real)0)
Real diff = lenN0xDelta - r0;
info.sqrDistance = N0dDelta * N0dDelta + diff * diff;
delta -= N0dDelta * circle0.normal;
info.circle0Closest = + r0 * delta;
info.equidistant = false;
Vector3<Real> r0U0 = r0 * GetOrthogonal(N0, true);
Vector3<Real> diff = delta - r0U0;
info.sqrDistance = Dot(diff, diff);
info.circle0Closest = + r0U0;
info.equidistant = true;
std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.begin() + numPairs);
result.numClosestPairs = 1;
result.sqrDistance = candidates[0].sqrDistance;
result.circle0Closest[0] = candidates[0].circle0Closest;
result.circle1Closest[0] = candidates[0].circle1Closest;
result.equidistant = candidates[0].equidistant;
if (numRoots > 1
&& candidates[1].sqrDistance == candidates[0].sqrDistance)
result.numClosestPairs = 2;
result.circle0Closest[1] = candidates[1].circle0Closest;
result.circle1Closest[1] = candidates[1].circle1Closest;
// The planes of the circles are parallel. Whether the planes
// are the same or different, the problem reduces to
// determining how two circles in the same plane are
// separated, tangent with one circle outside the other,
// overlapping, or one circle contained inside the other
// circle.
DoQueryParallelPlanes(circle0, circle1, D, result);
result.distance = std::sqrt(result.sqrDistance);
return result;
class SCPolynomial
SCPolynomial(Real oneTerm, Real cosTerm, Real sinTerm)
mPoly[0] = Polynomial1<Real>{ oneTerm, cosTerm };
mPoly[1] = Polynomial1<Real>{ sinTerm };
inline Polynomial1<Real> const& operator[] (unsigned int i) const
return mPoly[i];
inline Polynomial1<Real>& operator[] (unsigned int i)
return mPoly[i];
SCPolynomial operator+(SCPolynomial const& object) const
SCPolynomial result;
result.mPoly[0] = mPoly[0] + object.mPoly[0];
result.mPoly[1] = mPoly[1] + object.mPoly[1];
return result;
SCPolynomial operator-(SCPolynomial const& object) const
SCPolynomial result;
result.mPoly[0] = mPoly[0] - object.mPoly[0];
result.mPoly[1] = mPoly[1] - object.mPoly[1];
return result;
SCPolynomial operator*(SCPolynomial const& object) const
// 1 - c^2
Polynomial1<Real> omcsqr{ (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)-1 };
SCPolynomial result;
result.mPoly[0] = mPoly[0] * object.mPoly[0] + omcsqr * mPoly[1] * object.mPoly[1];
result.mPoly[1] = mPoly[0] * object.mPoly[1] + mPoly[1] * object.mPoly[0];
return result;
SCPolynomial operator*(Real scalar) const
SCPolynomial result;
result.mPoly[0] = scalar * mPoly[0];
result.mPoly[1] = scalar * mPoly[1];
return result;
// poly0(c) + s * poly1(c)
Polynomial1<Real> mPoly[2];
struct ClosestInfo
Real sqrDistance;
Vector3<Real> circle0Closest, circle1Closest;
bool equidistant;
inline bool operator< (ClosestInfo const& info) const
return sqrDistance < info.sqrDistance;
// The two circles are in parallel planes where D = C1 - C0, the
// difference of circle centers.
void DoQueryParallelPlanes(Circle3<Real> const& circle0,
Circle3<Real> const& circle1, Vector3<Real> const& D, Result& result)
Real N0dD = Dot(circle0.normal, D);
Vector3<Real> normProj = N0dD * circle0.normal;
Vector3<Real> compProj = D - normProj;
Vector3<Real> U = compProj;
Real d = Normalize(U);
// The configuration is determined by the relative location of the
// intervals of projection of the circles on to the D-line.
// Circle0 projects to [-r0,r0] and circle1 projects to
// [d-r1,d+r1].
Real r0 = circle0.radius, r1 = circle1.radius;
Real dmr1 = d - r1;
Real distance;
if (dmr1 >= r0) // d >= r0 + r1
// The circles are separated (d > r0 + r1) or tangent with one
// outside the other (d = r0 + r1).
distance = dmr1 - r0;
result.numClosestPairs = 1;
result.circle0Closest[0] = + r0 * U;
result.circle1Closest[0] = - r1 * U;
result.equidistant = false;
else // d < r0 + r1
// The cases implicitly use the knowledge that d >= 0.
Real dpr1 = d + r1;
if (dpr1 <= r0)
// Circle1 is inside circle0.
distance = r0 - dpr1;
result.numClosestPairs = 1;
if (d > (Real)0)
result.circle0Closest[0] = + r0 * U;
result.circle1Closest[0] = + r1 * U;
result.equidistant = false;
// The circles are concentric, so U = (0,0,0).
// Construct a vector perpendicular to N0 to use for
// closest points.
U = GetOrthogonal(circle0.normal, true);
result.circle0Closest[0] = + r0 * U;
result.circle1Closest[0] = + r1 * U;
result.equidistant = true;
else if (dmr1 <= -r0)
// Circle0 is inside circle1.
distance = -r0 - dmr1;
result.numClosestPairs = 1;
if (d > (Real)0)
result.circle0Closest[0] = - r0 * U;
result.circle1Closest[0] = - r1 * U;
result.equidistant = false;
// The circles are concentric, so U = (0,0,0).
// Construct a vector perpendicular to N0 to use for
// closest points.
U = GetOrthogonal(circle0.normal, true);
result.circle0Closest[0] = + r0 * U;
result.circle1Closest[0] = + r1 * U;
result.equidistant = true;
// The circles are overlapping. The two points of
// intersection are C0 + s*(C1-C0) +/- h*Cross(N,U), where
// s = (1 + (r0^2 - r1^2)/d^2)/2 and
// h = sqrt(r0^2 - s^2 * d^2).
Real r0sqr = r0 * r0, r1sqr = r1 * r1, dsqr = d * d;
Real s = ((Real)1 + (r0sqr - r1sqr) / dsqr) / (Real)2;
Real arg = std::max(r0sqr - dsqr * s * s, (Real)0);
Real h = std::sqrt(arg);
Vector3<Real> midpoint = + s * compProj;
Vector3<Real> hNxU = h * Cross(circle0.normal, U);
distance = (Real)0;
result.numClosestPairs = 2;
result.circle0Closest[0] = midpoint + hNxU;
result.circle0Closest[1] = midpoint - hNxU;
result.circle1Closest[0] = result.circle0Closest[0] + normProj;
result.circle1Closest[1] = result.circle0Closest[1] + normProj;
result.equidistant = false;
result.sqrDistance = distance * distance + N0dD * N0dD;