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326 lines
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// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// Version: 4.0.2020.10.10
#pragma once
// An ellipsoid is defined implicitly by (X-C)^T * M * (X-C) = 1, where C is
// the center, M is a positive definite matrix and X is any point on the
// ellipsoid. The code implements a nonlinear least-squares fitting algorithm
// for the error function
// F(C,M) = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} ((X[i] - C)^T * M * (X[i] - C) - 1)^2
// for n data points X[0] through X[n-1]. An Ellipsoid3<Real> object has
// member 'center' that corresponds to C. It also has axes with unit-length
// directions 'axis[]' and corresponding axis half-lengths 'extent[]'. The
// matrix is M = sum_{i=0}^2 axis[i] * axis[i]^T / extent[i]^2, where axis[i]
// is a 3x1 vector and axis[i]^T is a 1x3 vector.
// The minimizer uses a 2-step gradient descent algorithm.
// Given the current (C,M), locate a minimum of
// G(t) = F(C - t * dF(C,M)/dC, M)
// for t > 0. The function G(t) >= 0 is a polynomial of degree 4 with
// derivative G'(t) that is a polynomial of degree 3. G'(t) must have a
// positive root because G(0) > 0 and G'(0) < 0 and the G-coefficient of t^4
// is positive. The positive root that T produces the smallest G-value is used
// to update the center C' = C - T * dF/dC(C,M).
// Given the current (C,M), locate a minimum of
// H(t) = F(C, M - t * dF(C,M)/dM)
// for t > 0. The function H(t) >= 0 is a polynomial of degree 2 with
// derivative H'(t) that is a polynomial of degree 1. H'(t) must have a
// positive root because H(0) > 0 and H'(0) < 0 and the H-coefficient of t^2
// is positive. The positive root T that produces the smallest G-value is used
// to update the matrix M' = M - T * dF/dC(C,M) as long as M' is positive
// definite. If M' is not positive definite, the root is halved for a finite
// number of steps until M' is positive definite.
#include <Mathematics/ContOrientedBox3.h>
#include <Mathematics/Hyperellipsoid.h>
#include <Mathematics/RootsPolynomial.h>
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class ApprEllipsoid3
// If you want this function to compute the initial guess for the
// ellipsoid, set 'useEllipsoidForInitialGuess' to true. An oriented
// bounding box containing the points is used to start the minimizer.
// Set 'useEllipsoidForInitialGuess' to true if you want the initial
// guess to be the input ellipsoid. This is useful if you want to
// repeat the query. The returned 'Real' value is the error function
// value for the output 'ellisoid'.
Real operator()(std::vector<Vector3<Real>> const& points,
size_t numIterations, bool useEllipsoidForInitialGuess,
Ellipsoid3<Real>& ellipsoid)
Vector3<Real> C;
Matrix3x3<Real> M; // the zero matrix
if (useEllipsoidForInitialGuess)
C = ellipsoid.center;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
auto product = OuterProduct(ellipsoid.axis[i], ellipsoid.axis[i]);
M += product / (ellipsoid.extent[i] * ellipsoid.extent[i]);
OrientedBox3<Real> box;
GetContainer(static_cast<int>(points.size()), points.data(), box);
C = box.center;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
auto product = OuterProduct(box.axis[i], box.axis[i]);
M += product / (box.extent[i] * box.extent[i]);
Real error = ErrorFunction(points, C, M);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i)
error = UpdateMatrix(points, C, M);
error = UpdateCenter(points, M, C);
// Extract the ellipsoid axes and extents.
SymmetricEigensolver3x3<Real> solver;
std::array<Real, 3> eval;
std::array<std::array<Real, 3>, 3> evec;
solver(M(0, 0), M(0, 1), M(0, 2), M(1, 1), M(1, 2), M(2, 2),
true, +1, eval, evec);
Real const one = static_cast<Real>(1);
ellipsoid.center = C;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
ellipsoid.axis[i] = { evec[i][0], evec[i][1], evec[i][2] };
ellipsoid.extent[i] = one / std::sqrt(eval[i]);
return error;
Real UpdateCenter(std::vector<Vector3<Real>> const& points,
Matrix3x3<Real> const& M, Vector3<Real>& C)
Real const zero = static_cast<Real>(0);
Real const one = static_cast<Real>(1);
Real const two = static_cast<Real>(2);
Real const three = static_cast<Real>(3);
Real const four = static_cast<Real>(4);
Real const epsilon = static_cast<Real>(1e-06);
std::vector<Vector3<Real>> MDelta(points.size());
std::vector<Real> a(points.size());
Real invQuantity = one / static_cast<Real>(points.size());
Vector3<Real> negDFDC = Vector3<Real>::Zero();
Real aMean = zero, aaMean = zero;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
Vector3<Real> Delta = points[i] - C;
MDelta[i] = M * Delta;
a[i] = Dot(Delta, MDelta[i]) - one;
aMean += a[i];
aaMean += a[i] * a[i];
negDFDC += a[i] * MDelta[i];
aMean *= invQuantity;
aaMean *= invQuantity;
if (Normalize(negDFDC) < epsilon)
return aaMean;
Real bMean = zero, abMean = zero, bbMean = zero;
Real c = Dot(negDFDC, M * negDFDC);
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
Real b = Dot(negDFDC, MDelta[i]);
bMean += b;
abMean += a[i] * b;
bbMean += b * b;
bMean *= invQuantity;
abMean *= invQuantity;
bbMean *= invQuantity;
// Compute the coefficients of the quartic polynomial q(t) that
// represents the error function on the given line in the gradient
// descent minimization.
std::array<Real, 5> q;
q[0] = aaMean;
q[1] = -four * abMean;
q[2] = four * bbMean + two * c * aMean;
q[3] = -four * c * bMean;
q[4] = c * c;
// Compute the coefficients of q'(t).
std::array<Real, 4> dq;
dq[0] = q[1];
dq[1] = two * q[2];
dq[2] = three * q[3];
dq[3] = four * q[4];
// Compute the roots of q'(t).
std::map<Real, int> rmMap;
RootsPolynomial<Real>::SolveCubic(dq[0], dq[1], dq[2], dq[3], rmMap);
// Choose the root that leads to the minimum along the gradient
// descent line and update the center to that point.
Real minError = aaMean;
Real minRoot = zero;
for (auto const& rm : rmMap)
Real root = rm.first;
if (root > zero)
Real error = q[0] + root * (q[1] + root * (q[2] + root * (q[3] + root * q[4])));
if (error < minError)
minError = error;
minRoot = root;
if (minRoot > zero)
C += minRoot * negDFDC;
return minError;
return aaMean;
Real UpdateMatrix(std::vector<Vector3<Real>> const& points,
Vector3<Real> const& C, Matrix3x3<Real>& M)
Real const zero = static_cast<Real>(0);
Real const one = static_cast<Real>(1);
Real const two = static_cast<Real>(2);
Real const half = static_cast<Real>(0.5);
Real const epsilon = static_cast<Real>(1e-06);
std::vector<Vector3<Real>> Delta(points.size());
std::vector<Real> a(points.size());
Real invQuantity = one / static_cast<Real>(points.size());
Matrix3x3<Real> negDFDM; // zero matrix, symmetric
Real aaMean = zero;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
Delta[i] = points[i] - C;
a[i] = Dot(Delta[i], M * Delta[i]) - one;
Real twoA = two * a[i];
negDFDM(0, 0) -= a[i] * Delta[i][0] * Delta[i][0];
negDFDM(0, 1) -= twoA * Delta[i][0] * Delta[i][1];
negDFDM(0, 2) -= twoA * Delta[i][0] * Delta[i][2];
negDFDM(1, 1) -= a[i] * Delta[i][1] * Delta[i][1];
negDFDM(1, 2) -= twoA * Delta[i][1] * Delta[i][2];
negDFDM(2, 2) -= a[i] * Delta[i][2] * Delta[i][2];
aaMean += a[i] * a[i];
aaMean *= invQuantity;
// Normalize the matrix as if it were a vector of numbers.
Real length = std::sqrt(
negDFDM(0, 0) * negDFDM(0, 0) + negDFDM(0, 1) * negDFDM(0, 1) +
negDFDM(0, 2) * negDFDM(0, 2) + negDFDM(1, 1) * negDFDM(1, 1) +
negDFDM(1, 2) * negDFDM(1, 2) + negDFDM(2, 2) * negDFDM(2, 2));
if (length < epsilon)
return aaMean;
Real invLength = one / length;
negDFDM(0, 0) *= invLength;
negDFDM(0, 1) *= invLength;
negDFDM(0, 2) *= invLength;
negDFDM(1, 1) *= invLength;
negDFDM(1, 2) *= invLength;
negDFDM(2, 2) *= invLength;
// Fill in the lower triangular portion because negGradM is a
// symmetric matrix.
negDFDM(1, 0) = negDFDM(0, 1);
negDFDM(2, 0) = negDFDM(0, 2);
negDFDM(2, 1) = negDFDM(1, 2);
Real abMean = zero, bbMean = zero;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
Real b = Dot(Delta[i], negDFDM * Delta[i]);
abMean += a[i] * b;
bbMean += b * b;
abMean *= invQuantity;
bbMean *= invQuantity;
// Compute the coefficients of the quadratic polynomial q(t) that
// represents the error function on the given line in the gradient
// descent minimization.
std::array<Real, 3> q;
q[0] = aaMean;
q[1] = two * abMean;
q[2] = bbMean;
// Compute the coefficients of q'(t).
std::array<Real, 2> dq;
dq[0] = q[1];
dq[1] = two * q[2];
// Compute the root as long as it is positive and
// M + root * negGradM is a positive definite matrix.
Real root = -dq[0] / dq[1];
if (root > zero)
// Use Sylvester's criterion for testing positive definitess.
// A for(;;) loop terminates for floating-point arithmetic but
// not for rational (BSRational<UInteger>) arithmetic. Limit
// the number of iterations so that the loop terminates for
// rational arithmetic but 'return' occurs for floating-point
// arithmetic.
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2048; ++k)
Matrix3x3<Real> nextM = M + root * negDFDM;
if (nextM(0, 0) > zero)
Real det = nextM(0, 0) * nextM(1, 1) - nextM(0, 1) * nextM(1, 0);
if (det > zero)
det = Determinant(nextM);
if (det > zero)
M = nextM;
Real minError = q[0] + root * (q[1] + root * q[2]);
return minError;
root *= half;
return aaMean;
Real ErrorFunction(std::vector<Vector3<Real>> const& points,
Vector3<Real> const& C, Matrix3x3<Real> const& M) const
Real error = static_cast<Real>(0);
for (auto const& P : points)
Vector3<Real> Delta = P - C;
Real a = Dot(Delta, M * Delta) - static_cast<Real>(1);
error += a * a;
error /= static_cast<Real>(points.size());
return error;