// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // An implementation of the QR algorithm described in "Matrix Computations, // 2nd edition" by G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, The Johns Hopkins // University Press, Baltimore MD, Fourth Printing 1993. In particular, // the implementation is based on Chapter 7 (The Unsymmetric Eigenvalue // Problem), Section 7.5 (The Practical QR Algorithm). namespace gte { template class UnsymmetricEigenvalues { public: // The solver processes NxN matrices (not necessarily symmetric), // where N >= 3 ('size' is N) and the matrix is stored in row-major // order. The maximum number of iterations ('maxIterations') must // be specified for reducing an upper Hessenberg matrix to an upper // quasi-triangular matrix (upper triangular matrix of blocks where // the diagonal blocks are 1x1 or 2x2). The goal is to compute the // real-valued eigenvalues. UnsymmetricEigenvalues(int32_t size, uint32_t maxIterations) : mSize(0), mSizeM1(0), mMaxIterations(0), mNumEigenvalues(0) { if (size >= 3 && maxIterations > 0) { mSize = size; mSizeM1 = size - 1; mMaxIterations = maxIterations; mMatrix.resize(size * size); mX.resize(size); mV.resize(size); mScaledV.resize(size); mW.resize(size); mFlagStorage.resize(size + 1); std::fill(mFlagStorage.begin(), mFlagStorage.end(), 0); mSubdiagonalFlag = &mFlagStorage[1]; mEigenvalues.resize(mSize); } } // A copy of the NxN input is made internally. The order of the // eigenvalues is specified by sortType: -1 (decreasing), 0 (no // sorting), or +1 (increasing). When sorted, the eigenvectors are // ordered accordingly. The return value is the number of iterations // consumed when convergence occurred, 0xFFFFFFFF when convergence did // not occur, or 0 when N <= 1 was passed to the constructor. uint32_t Solve(Real const* input, int32_t sortType) { if (mSize > 0) { std::copy(input, input + mSize * mSize, mMatrix.begin()); ReduceToUpperHessenberg(); std::array block; bool found = GetBlock(block); uint32_t numIterations; for (numIterations = 0; numIterations < mMaxIterations; ++numIterations) { if (found) { // Solve the current subproblem. FrancisQRStep(block[0], block[1] + 1); // Find another subproblem (if any). found = GetBlock(block); } else { break; } } // The matrix is fully uncoupled, upper Hessenberg with 1x1 or // 2x2 diagonal blocks. Golub and Van Loan call this "upper // quasi-triangular". mNumEigenvalues = 0; std::fill(mEigenvalues.begin(), mEigenvalues.end(), (Real)0); for (int i = 0; i < mSizeM1; ++i) { if (mSubdiagonalFlag[i] == 0) { if (mSubdiagonalFlag[i - 1] == 0) { // We have a 1x1 block with a real eigenvalue. mEigenvalues[mNumEigenvalues++] = A(i, i); } } else { if (mSubdiagonalFlag[i - 1] == 0 && mSubdiagonalFlag[i + 1] == 0) { // We have a 2x2 block that might have real // eigenvalues. Real a00 = A(i, i); Real a01 = A(i, i + 1); Real a10 = A(i + 1, i); Real a11 = A(i + 1, i + 1); Real tr = a00 + a11; Real det = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; Real halfTr = tr * (Real)0.5; Real discr = halfTr * halfTr - det; if (discr >= (Real)0) { Real rootDiscr = std::sqrt(discr); mEigenvalues[mNumEigenvalues++] = halfTr - rootDiscr; mEigenvalues[mNumEigenvalues++] = halfTr + rootDiscr; } } // else: // The QR iteration failed to converge at this block. // It must also be the case that // numIterations == mMaxIterations. TODO: The caller // will be aware of this when testing the returned // numIterations. Is there a remedy for such a case? // This happened with root finding using the companion // matrix of a polynomial.) } } if (sortType != 0 && mNumEigenvalues > 1) { if (sortType > 0) { std::sort(mEigenvalues.begin(), mEigenvalues.begin() + mNumEigenvalues, std::less()); } else { std::sort(mEigenvalues.begin(), mEigenvalues.begin() + mNumEigenvalues, std::greater()); } } return numIterations; } return 0; } // Get the real-valued eigenvalues of the matrix passed to Solve(...). // The input 'eigenvalues' must have at least N elements. void GetEigenvalues(uint32_t& numEigenvalues, Real* eigenvalues) const { if (mSize > 0) { numEigenvalues = mNumEigenvalues; std::memcpy(eigenvalues, mEigenvalues.data(), numEigenvalues * sizeof(Real)); } else { numEigenvalues = 0; } } private: // 2D accessors to elements of mMatrix[]. inline Real const& A(int r, int c) const { return mMatrix[c + r * mSize]; } inline Real& A(int r, int c) { return mMatrix[c + r * mSize]; } // Compute the Householder vector for (X[rmin],...,x[rmax]). The // input vector is stored in mX in the index range [rmin,rmax]. The // output vector V is stored in mV in the index range [rmin,rmax]. // The scaled vector is S = (-2/Dot(V,V))*V and is stored in mScaledV // in the index range [rmin,rmax]. void House(int rmin, int rmax) { Real length = (Real)0; for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; ++r) { length += mX[r] * mX[r]; } length = std::sqrt(length); if (length != (Real)0) { Real sign = (mX[rmin] >= (Real)0 ? (Real)1 : (Real)-1); Real invDenom = (Real)1 / (mX[rmin] + sign * length); for (int r = rmin + 1; r <= rmax; ++r) { mV[r] = mX[r] * invDenom; } } mV[rmin] = (Real)1; Real dot = (Real)1; for (int r = rmin + 1; r <= rmax; ++r) { dot += mV[r] * mV[r]; } Real scale = (Real)-2 / dot; for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; ++r) { mScaledV[r] = scale * mV[r]; } } // Support for replacing matrix A by P^T*A*P, where P is a Householder // reflection computed using House(...). void RowHouse(int rmin, int rmax, int cmin, int cmax) { for (int c = cmin; c <= cmax; ++c) { mW[c] = (Real)0; for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; ++r) { mW[c] += mScaledV[r] * A(r, c); } } for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; ++r) { for (int c = cmin; c <= cmax; ++c) { A(r, c) += mV[r] * mW[c]; } } } void ColHouse(int rmin, int rmax, int cmin, int cmax) { for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; ++r) { mW[r] = (Real)0; for (int c = cmin; c <= cmax; ++c) { mW[r] += mScaledV[c] * A(r, c); } } for (int r = rmin; r <= rmax; ++r) { for (int c = cmin; c <= cmax; ++c) { A(r, c) += mW[r] * mV[c]; } } } void ReduceToUpperHessenberg() { for (int c = 0, cp1 = 1; c <= mSize - 3; ++c, ++cp1) { for (int r = cp1; r <= mSizeM1; ++r) { mX[r] = A(r, c); } House(cp1, mSizeM1); RowHouse(cp1, mSizeM1, c, mSizeM1); ColHouse(0, mSizeM1, cp1, mSizeM1); } } void FrancisQRStep(int rmin, int rmax) { // Apply the double implicit shift step. int const i0 = rmax - 1, i1 = rmax; Real a00 = A(i0, i0); Real a01 = A(i0, i1); Real a10 = A(i1, i0); Real a11 = A(i1, i1); Real tr = a00 + a11; Real det = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10; int const j0 = rmin, j1 = j0 + 1, j2 = j1 + 1; Real b00 = A(j0, j0); Real b01 = A(j0, j1); Real b10 = A(j1, j0); Real b11 = A(j1, j1); Real b21 = A(j2, j1); mX[rmin] = b00 * (b00 - tr) + b01 * b10 + det; mX[rmin + 1] = b10 * (b00 + b11 - tr); mX[rmin + 2] = b10 * b21; House(rmin, rmin + 2); RowHouse(rmin, rmin + 2, rmin, rmax); ColHouse(rmin, std::min(rmax, rmin + 3), rmin, rmin + 2); // Apply Householder reflections to restore the matrix to upper // Hessenberg form. for (int c = 0, cp1 = 1; c <= mSize - 3; ++c, ++cp1) { int kmax = std::min(cp1 + 2, mSizeM1); for (int r = cp1; r <= kmax; ++r) { mX[r] = A(r, c); } House(cp1, kmax); RowHouse(cp1, kmax, c, mSizeM1); ColHouse(0, mSizeM1, cp1, kmax); } } bool GetBlock(std::array& block) { for (int i = 0; i < mSizeM1; ++i) { Real a00 = A(i, i); Real a11 = A(i + 1, i + 1); Real a21 = A(i + 1, i); Real sum0 = a00 + a11; Real sum1 = sum0 + a21; mSubdiagonalFlag[i] = (sum1 != sum0 ? 1 : 0); } for (int i = 0; i < mSizeM1; ++i) { if (mSubdiagonalFlag[i] == 1) { block = { i, -1 }; while (i < mSizeM1 && mSubdiagonalFlag[i] == 1) { block[1] = i++; } if (block[1] != block[0]) { return true; } } } return false; } // The number N of rows and columns of the matrices to be processed. int32_t mSize, mSizeM1; // The maximum number of iterations for reducing the tridiagonal // matrix to a diagonal matrix. uint32_t mMaxIterations; // The internal copy of a matrix passed to the solver. std::vector mMatrix; // NxN elements // Temporary storage to compute Householder reflections. std::vector mX, mV, mScaledV, mW; // N elements // Flags about the zeroness of the subdiagonal entries. This is used // to detect uncoupled submatrices and apply the QR algorithm to the // corresponding subproblems. The storage is padded on both ends with // zeros to avoid additional code logic when packing the eigenvalues // for access by the caller. std::vector mFlagStorage; int* mSubdiagonalFlag; int mNumEigenvalues; std::vector mEigenvalues; }; }