// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include // The level set extraction algorithm implemented here is described // in Section 3.2 of the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/LevelSetExtraction.pdf namespace gte { // The image type T must be one of the integer types: int8_t, int16_t, // int32_t, uint8_t, uint16_t or uint32_t. Internal integer computations // are performed using int64_t. The type Real is for extraction to // floating-point vertices. template class SurfaceExtractorCubes : public SurfaceExtractor { public: // Convenience type definitions. typedef typename SurfaceExtractor::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename SurfaceExtractor::Triangle Triangle; // The input is a 3D image with lexicographically ordered voxels // (x,y,z) stored in a linear array. Voxel (x,y,z) is stored in the // array at location index = x + xBound * (y + yBound * z). The // inputs xBound, yBound and zBound must each be 2 or larger so that // there is at least one image cube to process. The inputVoxels must // be nonnull and point to contiguous storage that contains at least // xBound * yBound * zBound elements. SurfaceExtractorCubes(int xBound, int yBound, int zBound, T const* inputVoxels) : SurfaceExtractor(xBound, yBound, zBound, inputVoxels) { } // Extract level surfaces and return rational vertices. Use the // base-class Extract if you want real-valued vertices. virtual void Extract(T level, std::vector& vertices, std::vector& triangles) override { // Adjust the image so that the level set is F(x,y,z) = 0. The // precondition for 'level' is that it is not exactly a voxel // value. However, T is an integer type, so we cannot pass in // a 'level' that has a fractional value. To circumvent this, // the voxel values are doubled so that they are even integers. // The level value is doubled and 1 added to obtain an odd // integer, guaranteeing 'level' is not a voxel value. int64_t levelI64 = 2 * static_cast(level) + 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < this->mVoxels.size(); ++i) { int64_t inputI64 = 2 * static_cast(this->mInputVoxels[i]); this->mVoxels[i] = inputI64 - levelI64; } vertices.clear(); triangles.clear(); for (int z = 0; z < this->mZBound - 1; ++z) { for (int y = 0; y < this->mYBound - 1; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < this->mXBound - 1; ++x) { // Get vertices on edges of box (if any). VETable table; int type = GetVertices(x, y, z, table); if (type != 0) { // Get edges on faces of box. GetXMinEdges(x, y, z, type, table); GetXMaxEdges(x, y, z, type, table); GetYMinEdges(x, y, z, type, table); GetYMaxEdges(x, y, z, type, table); GetZMinEdges(x, y, z, type, table); GetZMaxEdges(x, y, z, type, table); // Ear-clip the wireframe mesh. table.RemoveTriangles(vertices, triangles); } } } } } protected: enum { EI_XMIN_YMIN = 0, EI_XMIN_YMAX = 1, EI_XMAX_YMIN = 2, EI_XMAX_YMAX = 3, EI_XMIN_ZMIN = 4, EI_XMIN_ZMAX = 5, EI_XMAX_ZMIN = 6, EI_XMAX_ZMAX = 7, EI_YMIN_ZMIN = 8, EI_YMIN_ZMAX = 9, EI_YMAX_ZMIN = 10, EI_YMAX_ZMAX = 11, FI_XMIN = 12, FI_XMAX = 13, FI_YMIN = 14, FI_YMAX = 15, FI_ZMIN = 16, FI_ZMAX = 17, EB_XMIN_YMIN = 1 << EI_XMIN_YMIN, EB_XMIN_YMAX = 1 << EI_XMIN_YMAX, EB_XMAX_YMIN = 1 << EI_XMAX_YMIN, EB_XMAX_YMAX = 1 << EI_XMAX_YMAX, EB_XMIN_ZMIN = 1 << EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EB_XMIN_ZMAX = 1 << EI_XMIN_ZMAX, EB_XMAX_ZMIN = 1 << EI_XMAX_ZMIN, EB_XMAX_ZMAX = 1 << EI_XMAX_ZMAX, EB_YMIN_ZMIN = 1 << EI_YMIN_ZMIN, EB_YMIN_ZMAX = 1 << EI_YMIN_ZMAX, EB_YMAX_ZMIN = 1 << EI_YMAX_ZMIN, EB_YMAX_ZMAX = 1 << EI_YMAX_ZMAX, FB_XMIN = 1 << FI_XMIN, FB_XMAX = 1 << FI_XMAX, FB_YMIN = 1 << FI_YMIN, FB_YMAX = 1 << FI_YMAX, FB_ZMIN = 1 << FI_ZMIN, FB_ZMAX = 1 << FI_ZMAX }; // Vertex-edge-triangle table to support mesh topology. class VETable { public: VETable() = default; inline bool IsValidVertex(int i) const { return mVertex[i].valid; } inline int64_t GetXN(int i) const { return mVertex[i].pos.xNumer; } inline int64_t GetXD(int i) const { return mVertex[i].pos.xDenom; } inline int64_t GetYN(int i) const { return mVertex[i].pos.yNumer; } inline int64_t GetYD(int i) const { return mVertex[i].pos.yDenom; } inline int64_t GetZN(int i) const { return mVertex[i].pos.zNumer; } inline int64_t GetZD(int i) const { return mVertex[i].pos.zDenom; } void Insert(int i, Vertex const& pos) { TVertex& vertex = mVertex[i]; vertex.pos = pos; vertex.valid = true; } void Insert(int i0, int i1) { TVertex& vertex0 = mVertex[i0]; TVertex& vertex1 = mVertex[i1]; vertex0.adj[vertex0.numAdjacents++] = i1; vertex1.adj[vertex1.numAdjacents++] = i0; } void RemoveTriangles(std::vector& vertices, std::vector& triangles) { // Ear-clip the wireframe to get the triangles. Triangle triangle; while (Remove(triangle)) { int v0 = static_cast(vertices.size()); int v1 = v0 + 1; int v2 = v1 + 1; triangles.push_back(Triangle(v0, v1, v2)); vertices.push_back(mVertex[triangle.v[0]].pos); vertices.push_back(mVertex[triangle.v[1]].pos); vertices.push_back(mVertex[triangle.v[2]].pos); } } protected: void RemoveVertex(int i) { TVertex& vertex0 = mVertex[i]; // assert: vertex0.numAdjacents == 2 int a0 = vertex0.adj[0]; int a1 = vertex0.adj[1]; TVertex& adjVertex0 = mVertex[a0]; TVertex& adjVertex1 = mVertex[a1]; int j; for (j = 0; j < adjVertex0.numAdjacents; ++j) { if (adjVertex0.adj[j] == i) { adjVertex0.adj[j] = a1; break; } } // assert: j != adjVertex0.numAdjacents for (j = 0; j < adjVertex1.numAdjacents; j++) { if (adjVertex1.adj[j] == i) { adjVertex1.adj[j] = a0; break; } } // assert: j != adjVertex1.numAdjacents vertex0.valid = false; if (adjVertex0.numAdjacents == 2) { if (adjVertex0.adj[0] == adjVertex0.adj[1]) { adjVertex0.valid = false; } } if (adjVertex1.numAdjacents == 2) { if (adjVertex1.adj[0] == adjVertex1.adj[1]) { adjVertex1.valid = false; } } } bool Remove(Triangle& triangle) { for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) { TVertex& vertex = mVertex[i]; if (vertex.valid && vertex.numAdjacents == 2) { triangle.v[0] = i; triangle.v[1] = vertex.adj[0]; triangle.v[2] = vertex.adj[1]; RemoveVertex(i); return true; } } return false; } class TVertex { public: TVertex() : numAdjacents(0), valid(false) { } Vertex pos; int numAdjacents; std::array adj; bool valid; }; std::array mVertex; }; virtual std::array GetGradient(std::array const& pos) override { std::array const zero{ (Real)0, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; int x = static_cast(pos[0]); if (x < 0 || x + 1 >= this->mXBound) { return zero; } int y = static_cast(pos[1]); if (y < 0 || y + 1 >= this->mYBound) { return zero; } int z = static_cast(pos[2]); if (z < 0 || z + 1 >= this->mZBound) { return zero; } // Get image values at corners of voxel. int i000 = x + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * z); int i100 = i000 + 1; int i010 = i000 + this->mXBound; int i110 = i010 + 1; int i001 = i000 + this->mXYBound; int i101 = i001 + 1; int i011 = i001 + this->mXBound; int i111 = i011 + 1; Real f000 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i000]); Real f100 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i100]); Real f010 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i010]); Real f110 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i110]); Real f001 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i001]); Real f101 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i101]); Real f011 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i011]); Real f111 = static_cast(this->mVoxels[i111]); Real dx = pos[0] - static_cast(x); Real dy = pos[1] - static_cast(y); Real dz = pos[2] - static_cast(z); Real oneMX = 1.0f - dx; Real oneMY = 1.0f - dy; Real oneMZ = 1.0f - dz; std::array grad; Real tmp0 = oneMY * (f100 - f000) + dy * (f110 - f010); Real tmp1 = oneMY * (f101 - f001) + dy * (f111 - f011); grad[0] = oneMZ * tmp0 + dz * tmp1; tmp0 = oneMX * (f010 - f000) + dx * (f110 - f100); tmp1 = oneMX * (f011 - f001) + dx * (f111 - f101); grad[1] = oneMZ * tmp0 + dz * tmp1; tmp0 = oneMX * (f001 - f000) + dx * (f101 - f100); tmp1 = oneMX * (f011 - f010) + dx * (f111 - f110); grad[2] = oneMY * tmp0 + dy * tmp1; return grad; } int GetVertices(int x, int y, int z, VETable& table) { int type = 0; // Get the image values at the corners of the voxel. int i000 = x + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * z); int i100 = i000 + 1; int i010 = i000 + this->mXBound; int i110 = i010 + 1; int i001 = i000 + this->mXYBound; int i101 = i001 + 1; int i011 = i001 + this->mXBound; int i111 = i011 + 1; int64_t f000 = this->mVoxels[i000]; int64_t f100 = this->mVoxels[i100]; int64_t f010 = this->mVoxels[i010]; int64_t f110 = this->mVoxels[i110]; int64_t f001 = this->mVoxels[i001]; int64_t f101 = this->mVoxels[i101]; int64_t f011 = this->mVoxels[i011]; int64_t f111 = this->mVoxels[i111]; int64_t x0 = x, x1 = x + 1, y0 = y, y1 = y + 1, z0 = z, z1 = z + 1; int64_t d; // xmin-ymin edge if (f000 * f001 < 0) { type |= EB_XMIN_YMIN; d = f001 - f000; table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, Vertex(x0, 1, y0, 1, z0 * d - f000, d)); } // xmin-ymax edge if (f010 * f011 < 0) { type |= EB_XMIN_YMAX; d = f011 - f010; table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, Vertex(x0, 1, y1, 1, z0 * d - f010, d)); } // xmax-ymin edge if (f100 * f101 < 0) { type |= EB_XMAX_YMIN; d = f101 - f100; table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, Vertex(x1, 1, y0, 1, z0 * d - f100, d)); } // xmax-ymax edge if (f110 * f111 < 0) { type |= EB_XMAX_YMAX; d = f111 - f110; table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, Vertex(x1, 1, y1, 1, z0 * d - f110, d)); } // xmin-zmin edge if (f000 * f010 < 0) { type |= EB_XMIN_ZMIN; d = f010 - f000; table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, Vertex(x0, 1, y0 * d - f000, d, z0, 1)); } // xmin-zmax edge if (f001 * f011 < 0) { type |= EB_XMIN_ZMAX; d = f011 - f001; table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, Vertex(x0, 1, y0 * d - f001, d, z1, 1)); } // xmax-zmin edge if (f100 * f110 < 0) { type |= EB_XMAX_ZMIN; d = f110 - f100; table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, Vertex(x1, 1, y0 * d - f100, d, z0, 1)); } // xmax-zmax edge if (f101 * f111 < 0) { type |= EB_XMAX_ZMAX; d = f111 - f101; table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, Vertex(x1, 1, y0 * d - f101, d, z1, 1)); } // ymin-zmin edge if (f000 * f100 < 0) { type |= EB_YMIN_ZMIN; d = f100 - f000; table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMIN, Vertex(x0 * d - f000, d, y0, 1, z0, 1)); } // ymin-zmax edge if (f001 * f101 < 0) { type |= EB_YMIN_ZMAX; d = f101 - f001; table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMAX, Vertex(x0 * d - f001, d, y0, 1, z1, 1)); } // ymax-zmin edge if (f010 * f110 < 0) { type |= EB_YMAX_ZMIN; d = f110 - f010; table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMIN, Vertex(x0 * d - f010, d, y1, 1, z0, 1)); } // ymax-zmax edge if (f011 * f111 < 0) { type |= EB_YMAX_ZMAX; d = f111 - f011; table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMAX, Vertex(x0 * d - f011, d, y1, 1, z1, 1)); } return type; } void GetXMinEdges(int x, int y, int z, int type, VETable& table) { int faceType = 0; if (type & EB_XMIN_YMIN) { faceType |= 0x01; } if (type & EB_XMIN_YMAX) { faceType |= 0x02; } if (type & EB_XMIN_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x04; } if (type & EB_XMIN_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x08; } switch (faceType) { case 0: break; case 3: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_XMIN_YMAX); break; case 5: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_XMIN_ZMIN); break; case 6: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_XMIN_ZMIN); break; case 9: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_XMIN_ZMAX); break; case 10: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_XMIN_ZMAX); break; case 12: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EI_XMIN_ZMAX); break; case 15: { // Four vertices, one per edge, need to disambiguate. int i = x + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * z); // F(x,y,z) int64_t f00 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXBound; // F(x,y+1,z) int64_t f10 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXYBound; // F(x,y+1,z+1) int64_t f11 = this->mVoxels[i]; i -= this->mXBound; // F(x,y,z+1) int64_t f01 = this->mVoxels[i]; int64_t det = f00 * f11 - f01 * f10; if (det > 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_XMIN_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_XMIN_ZMAX); } else if (det < 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_XMIN_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_XMIN_ZMIN); } else { // Plus-sign configuration, add branch point to tessellation. table.Insert(FI_XMIN, Vertex( table.GetXN(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetXD(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetYN(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetYD(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetZN(EI_XMIN_YMIN), table.GetZD(EI_XMIN_YMIN))); // Add edges sharing the branch point. table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, FI_XMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, FI_XMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, FI_XMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, FI_XMIN); } break; } default: LogError("Unexpected condition."); } } void GetXMaxEdges(int x, int y, int z, int type, VETable& table) { int faceType = 0; if (type & EB_XMAX_YMIN) { faceType |= 0x01; } if (type & EB_XMAX_YMAX) { faceType |= 0x02; } if (type & EB_XMAX_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x04; } if (type & EB_XMAX_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x08; } switch (faceType) { case 0: break; case 3: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_XMAX_YMAX); break; case 5: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_XMAX_ZMIN); break; case 6: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_XMAX_ZMIN); break; case 9: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_XMAX_ZMAX); break; case 10: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_XMAX_ZMAX); break; case 12: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, EI_XMAX_ZMAX); break; case 15: { // Four vertices, one per edge, need to disambiguate. int i = (x + 1) + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * z); // F(x,y,z) int64_t f00 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXBound; // F(x,y+1,z) int64_t f10 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXYBound; // F(x,y+1,z+1) int64_t f11 = this->mVoxels[i]; i -= this->mXBound; // F(x,y,z+1) int64_t f01 = this->mVoxels[i]; int64_t det = f00 * f11 - f01 * f10; if (det > 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_XMAX_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_XMAX_ZMAX); } else if (det < 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_XMAX_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_XMAX_ZMIN); } else { // Plus-sign configuration, add branch point to tessellation. table.Insert(FI_XMAX, Vertex( table.GetXN(EI_XMAX_ZMIN), table.GetXD(EI_XMAX_ZMIN), table.GetYN(EI_XMAX_ZMIN), table.GetYD(EI_XMAX_ZMIN), table.GetZN(EI_XMAX_YMIN), table.GetZD(EI_XMAX_YMIN))); // Add edges sharing the branch point. table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, FI_XMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, FI_XMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, FI_XMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, FI_XMAX); } break; } default: LogError("Unexpected condition."); } } void GetYMinEdges(int x, int y, int z, int type, VETable& table) { int faceType = 0; if (type & EB_XMIN_YMIN) { faceType |= 0x01; } if (type & EB_XMAX_YMIN) { faceType |= 0x02; } if (type & EB_YMIN_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x04; } if (type & EB_YMIN_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x08; } switch (faceType) { case 0: break; case 3: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_XMAX_YMIN); break; case 5: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); break; case 6: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); break; case 9: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); break; case 10: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); break; case 12: table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); break; case 15: { // Four vertices, one per edge, need to disambiguate. int i = x + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * z); // F(x,y,z) int64_t f00 = this->mVoxels[i]; ++i; // F(x+1,y,z) int64_t f10 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXYBound; // F(x+1,y,z+1) int64_t f11 = this->mVoxels[i]; --i; // F(x,y,z+1) int64_t f01 = this->mVoxels[i]; int64_t det = f00 * f11 - f01 * f10; if (det > 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); } else if (det < 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); } else { // Plus-sign configuration, add branch point to tessellation. table.Insert(FI_YMIN, Vertex( table.GetXN(EI_YMIN_ZMIN), table.GetXD(EI_YMIN_ZMIN), table.GetYN(EI_XMIN_YMIN), table.GetYD(EI_XMIN_YMIN), table.GetZN(EI_XMIN_YMIN), table.GetZD(EI_XMIN_YMIN))); // Add edges sharing the branch point. table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMIN, FI_YMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMIN, FI_YMIN); table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMIN, FI_YMIN); table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMAX, FI_YMIN); } break; } default: LogError("Unexpected condition."); } } void GetYMaxEdges(int x, int y, int z, int type, VETable& table) { int faceType = 0; if (type & EB_XMIN_YMAX) { faceType |= 0x01; } if (type & EB_XMAX_YMAX) { faceType |= 0x02; } if (type & EB_YMAX_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x04; } if (type & EB_YMAX_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x08; } switch (faceType) { case 0: break; case 3: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_XMAX_YMAX); break; case 5: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); break; case 6: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); break; case 9: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); break; case 10: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); break; case 12: table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMIN, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); break; case 15: { // Four vertices, one per edge, need to disambiguate. int i = x + this->mXBound * ((y + 1) + this->mYBound * z); // F(x,y,z) int64_t f00 = this->mVoxels[i]; ++i; // F(x+1,y,z) int64_t f10 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXYBound; // F(x+1,y,z+1) int64_t f11 = this->mVoxels[i]; --i; // F(x,y,z+1) int64_t f01 = this->mVoxels[i]; int64_t det = f00 * f11 - f01 * f10; if (det > 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); } else if (det < 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); } else { // Plus-sign configuration, add branch point to tessellation. table.Insert(FI_YMAX, Vertex( table.GetXN(EI_YMAX_ZMIN), table.GetXD(EI_YMAX_ZMIN), table.GetYN(EI_XMIN_YMAX), table.GetYD(EI_XMIN_YMAX), table.GetZN(EI_XMIN_YMAX), table.GetZD(EI_XMIN_YMAX))); // Add edges sharing the branch point. table.Insert(EI_XMIN_YMAX, FI_YMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_YMAX, FI_YMAX); table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMIN, FI_YMAX); table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMAX, FI_YMAX); } break; } default: LogError("Unexpected condition."); } } void GetZMinEdges(int x, int y, int z, int type, VETable& table) { int faceType = 0; if (type & EB_XMIN_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x01; } if (type & EB_XMAX_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x02; } if (type & EB_YMIN_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x04; } if (type & EB_YMAX_ZMIN) { faceType |= 0x08; } switch (faceType) { case 0: break; case 3: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EI_XMAX_ZMIN); break; case 5: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); break; case 6: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); break; case 9: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); break; case 10: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); break; case 12: table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMIN, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); break; case 15: { // Four vertices, one per edge, need to disambiguate. int i = x + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * z); // F(x,y,z) int64_t f00 = this->mVoxels[i]; ++i; // F(x+1,y,z) int64_t f10 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXBound; // F(x+1,y+1,z) int64_t f11 = this->mVoxels[i]; --i; // F(x,y+1,z) int64_t f01 = this->mVoxels[i]; int64_t det = f00 * f11 - f01 * f10; if (det > 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); } else if (det < 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, EI_YMAX_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, EI_YMIN_ZMIN); } else { // Plus-sign configuration, add branch point to tessellation. table.Insert(FI_ZMIN, Vertex( table.GetXN(EI_YMIN_ZMIN), table.GetXD(EI_YMIN_ZMIN), table.GetYN(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetYD(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetZN(EI_XMIN_ZMIN), table.GetZD(EI_XMIN_ZMIN))); // Add edges sharing the branch point. table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMIN, FI_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMIN, FI_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMIN, FI_ZMIN); table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMIN, FI_ZMIN); } break; } default: LogError("Unexpected condition."); } } void GetZMaxEdges(int x, int y, int z, int type, VETable& table) { int faceType = 0; if (type & EB_XMIN_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x01; } if (type & EB_XMAX_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x02; } if (type & EB_YMIN_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x04; } if (type & EB_YMAX_ZMAX) { faceType |= 0x08; } switch (faceType) { case 0: break; case 3: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, EI_XMAX_ZMAX); break; case 5: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); break; case 6: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); break; case 9: table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); break; case 10: table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); break; case 12: table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); break; case 15: { // Four vertices, one per edge, need to disambiguate. int i = x + this->mXBound * (y + this->mYBound * (z + 1)); // F(x,y,z) int64_t f00 = this->mVoxels[i]; ++i; // F(x+1,y,z) int64_t f10 = this->mVoxels[i]; i += this->mXBound; // F(x+1,y+1,z) int64_t f11 = this->mVoxels[i]; --i; // F(x,y+1,z) int64_t f01 = this->mVoxels[i]; int64_t det = f00 * f11 - f01 * f10; if (det > 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); } else if (det < 0) { // Disjoint hyperbolic segments, pair , . table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, EI_YMAX_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, EI_YMIN_ZMAX); } else { // Plus-sign configuration, add branch point to tessellation. table.Insert(FI_ZMAX, Vertex( table.GetXN(EI_YMIN_ZMAX), table.GetXD(EI_YMIN_ZMAX), table.GetYN(EI_XMIN_ZMAX), table.GetYD(EI_XMIN_ZMAX), table.GetZN(EI_XMIN_ZMAX), table.GetZD(EI_XMIN_ZMAX))); // Add edges sharing the branch point. table.Insert(EI_XMIN_ZMAX, FI_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_XMAX_ZMAX, FI_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_YMIN_ZMAX, FI_ZMAX); table.Insert(EI_YMAX_ZMAX, FI_ZMAX); } break; } default: LogError("Unexpected condition."); } } }; }